Creates Prometheus Metrics for PolicyReports and ClusterPolicyReports.

Policy Reporter

CI Go Report Card Coverage Status


Kyverno ships with two types of validation. You can either enforce a rule or audit it. If you don't want to block developers or if you want to try out a new rule, you can use the audit functionality. The audit configuration creates PolicyReports which you can access with kubectl. Because I can't find a simple solution to get a general overview of this PolicyReports and PolicyReportResults, I created this tool to send information about PolicyReports to different targets like Grafana Loki, Elasticsearch or Slack.

Policy Reporter provides also a Prometheus Metrics API as well as an standalone mode along with the Policy Reporter UI.

This project is in an early stage. Please let me know if anything did not work as expected or if you want to send your audits to unsupported targets.


You can find detailed Information and Screens about Features and Configurations in the Documentation.

Getting Started

Installation with Helm v3

Installation via Helm Repository

Add the Helm repository

helm repo add policy-reporter
helm repo update

Basic Installation

The basic installation provides optional Prometheus Metrics and/or optional REST APIs, for more details have a look at the Documentation.

helm install policy-reporter policy-reporter/policy-reporter -n policy-reporter --set metrics.enabled=true --set rest.enabled=true --create-namespace

Installation without Helm or Kustomize

To install Policy Reporter without Helm or Kustomize have a look at manifests.

Policy Reporter UI

You can use the Policy Reporter as standalone Application along with the optional UI SubChart.

Installation with Policy Reporter UI and Kyverno Plugin enabled

helm install policy-reporter policy-reporter/policy-reporter --set kyvernoPlugin.enabled=true --set ui.enabled=true --set ui.plugins.kyverno=true -n policy-reporter --create-namespace
kubectl port-forward service/policy-reporter-ui 8082:8080 -n policy-reporter

Open http://localhost:8082/ in your browser.

Check the Documentation for Screens and additional Information


Policy Reporter supports the following Targets to send new (Cluster)PolicyReport Results too:


The Helm Chart includes optional SubChart for Prometheus Operator Integration. The provided Dashboards working without Loki and are only based on the Prometheus Metrics.

Have a look into the Documentation for details.

Grafana Dashboard Import

If you are not using the MonitoringStack you can import the dashboards from Grafana


  • [Metrics / Grafana Dashboards Helm] Allow Further Templating for Multi-Cluster / Multi-Teams Setups

    [Metrics / Grafana Dashboards Helm] Allow Further Templating for Multi-Cluster / Multi-Teams Setups

    First of all thanks a lot for the amazing project! We are currently in the evaluation / PoC phase, however, we think we might have found a right fit for us!

    A few enhancements I would like to propose on the templating of the Grafana dashboards:

    • I believe that in multi-cluster setups (e.g. in our case with Thanos) the Grafana dashboards could use a cluster label => probably the metrics subchart should allow this with a variable or something
    • Probably also to allow multi-teams setups, could be a good idea to allow further filtering using labels (added to the metrics from labels of the PolicyReport and ClusterPolicyReport CRDs (e.g. the ability to filter using an owner or an app metric label that get transmitted from the labels on the CRDs)
    • ~~I also think the UID of the Prometheus Datasource should be given as a parameter. Or else configure all dashboards to be like the ClusterPolicyReport Details; having the datasource as a variable. Again the usecase here is that we are using a different UID for the Prometheus datasource (not prometheus rather thanos in our case)~~
    • As a plus, would be really good if one could control which dashboard (among the available 3 dashboards) should be created. Probably an additional boolean flag for each dashboard would be really good.


    We would need to disable the dashboards and construct them manually again for our needs; which is really suboptimal.

  • Policy reporter Grafana dashboards stopped working

    Policy reporter Grafana dashboards stopped working


    So I have latest policy-reporter Helm chart (2.10.0) and I have the monitoring enabled.

      enabled: true
          release: kube-prometheus-stack
        kyverno: true
        # required: namespace of your Grafana installation
        namespace: monitoring-system
          # Enable the deployment of grafana dashboards
          enabled: true
          # Label to find dashboards using the k8s sidecar
          label: grafana_dashboard
          # Annotation to enable folder storage using the k8s sidecar
          annotation: grafana_folder
          # Grafana folder in which to store the dashboards
          name: Big Brother

    What is interesting that these 3 Dashboards worked on Monday and I did no changes on the policy-reporter itself. But what I did is a couple of kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart upgrades. I didn't see anything dangerous there, but my suspicion is that something changed that the policy-reporter is expecting.

    On Monday I did upgrade from 36.2.1 -> 36.6.1 and 36.6.1 -> 36.6.2 (nothing special in values file) On Wednesday 36.6.2 -> 37.0.0 (here they changed metricRelabelings and cAdvisorMetricRelabelings) On Thursday 37.0.0 -> 37.2.0 (nothing special in values file)

    Not sure when the dashboards stopped working, but they worked on Monday and yesterday after the upgrade I got this:



    Or maybe I am on the wrong track here?


  • No PolicyReport CRDs found

    No PolicyReport CRDs found

    I am running 1.8.9 and see the following log entries when starting my policy-reporter pod. Is the ERROR legit?

    2021/09/07 16:00:39 [INFO] UI configured
    2021/09/07 16:00:52 [ERROR] No PolicyReport CRDs found
    2021/09/07 16:01:09 [INFO] Resource Found:, Resource=clusterpolicyreports
    2021/09/07 16:01:09 [INFO] Resource Found:, Resource=policyreports

    The following CRDs exist on the system since this cluster is running Kyverno 1.4.2                    2021-09-02T15:13:05Z        2021-09-02T15:13:05Z                   2021-09-02T15:13:05Z                           2021-09-02T15:13:05Z               2021-09-02T15:13:05Z
  • central policy exporter dashboard for multi cluster

    central policy exporter dashboard for multi cluster

    I deployed a set of kyverno with policies, policy exporter and policy exporter UI on cluster A, able to see the policy reports from UI


    Configured one more setup of kyverno with policies, policy exporter on cluster B, but this time without policy expoter UI. In helm chart values.yaml of policy exporter, for UI url field, i gave fqdn of cluster A policy UI url.

    After installing of the setup, i see the reports are pushed. I able to see report error from policy exporter log, but unable to see from dashbaord by filtering cluster or namespace etc.. How can we do this multi cluster UI setup

  • Kyverno's default `restrict-automount-sa-token` policy denies the installation of policy-reporter

    Kyverno's default `restrict-automount-sa-token` policy denies the installation of policy-reporter

    Shouldn't we set automountServiceAccountToken: "false" in deployment manifest? Any ideas why we set it to true instead?

    $ helm install policy-reporter policy-reporter/policy-reporter --set kyvernoPlugin.enabled=true --set ui.enabled=true --set ui.plugins.kyverno=true  -n policy-reporter --create-namespace
    Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: admission webhook "validate.kyverno.svc-fail" denied the request:
    resource Deployment/policy-reporter/policy-reporter-kyverno-plugin was blocked due to the following policies
      autogen-validate-automountServiceAccountToken: 'validation error: Auto-mounting
        of Service Account tokens is not allowed. Rule autogen-validate-automountServiceAccountToken
        failed at path /spec/template/spec/automountServiceAccountToken/'


      background: true
      - match:
          - resources:
              - Pod
        name: validate-automountServiceAccountToken
          message: Auto-mounting of Service Account tokens is not allowed.
              automountServiceAccountToken: "false"
      validationFailureAction: enforce

    cc @developer-guy

  • Unencrypted credentials in helm values

    Unencrypted credentials in helm values


    I am currently trying to configure email reporting. Unfortunately I could only find a way to specify the mailserver credentials in the values.yaml file. The file is going to be pushed to my gitops repository. Since the credentials are unencrypted in the values.yaml file, they are exposed to everyone who is able to access my git repository.

    I would rather like to create a secret containing the mailserver credentials beforehand and just reference it in the values.yaml file.

    Could you implement a way to reference a secret in the values.yaml file?


  • customFields with elastic does not seem to work

    customFields with elastic does not seem to work

    Hi. I can't enable customFields for elasticsearch.

    I used policy-reporter-2.13.2 Below is a part of values for elasticsearch and for slack, and messages sent to them. Elastic message does not contain a custom field, but Slack message does.

    I double-checked that same config values are in k8s, and version of deployed pod is

      certificate: '/var/tmp/cacert.crt'
        - cluster: 'cluster1'
      host: "***"
      index: "sec-kyverno"
      username: "***"
      password: "***"
      rotation: "daily"
      minimumPriority: "warning"
      skipExistingOnStartup: true
      webhook: "***"
        - cluster: 'cluster1'
      minimumPriority: "warning"
      skipExistingOnStartup: true
      "_index": "sec-kyverno-2022.10.25",
      "_type": "event",
      "_id": "4fW1DoQBY5GgZkUiFVgc",
      "_version": 1,
      "_score": null,
      "_source": {
        "Message": "Running as root is not allowed. The fields spec.securityContext.runAsUser, spec.containers[*].securityContext.runAsUser, spec.initContainers[*].securityContext.runAsUser, and spec.ephemeralContainers[*].securityContext.runAsUser must be  set to a number greater than zero ",
        "Policy": "require-no-container-root",
        "Rule": "no-run-as-root-user",
        "Status": "fail",
        "Severity": "high",
        "Category": "Pod Security Standards (Restricted)",
        "Source": "Kyverno Event",
        "Timestamp": "2022-10-25T10:36:57Z",
        "Properties": {
          "eventName": "require-no-container-root.172144711e9ed465",
          "time": "2022-10-25T10:36:57Z"
        "Resource": {
          "APIVersion": "",
          "Kind": "Pod",
          "Name": "test3-1337",
          "Namespace": "1337",
          "UID": ""
        "Priority": "error",
        "Scored": false
      "fields": {
        "Timestamp": [
      "sort": [


  • Restart needed to remove old records for Pod (and maybe other) resources

    Restart needed to remove old records for Pod (and maybe other) resources


    great product in combination with Kyverno!

    Just noticed the issue of Policy Reporter showing old Pod names failing after changes that make those resources pass the validation.

    Restarting Policy Reporter is a solution (now).

    Not sure, but it seems some occasional garbage collecting/removal of old records for resources that do not exist anymore in the cluster might be a solution?

    Thank you, Alen

  • http proxy error causing policy-reporter-ui slowness

    http proxy error causing policy-reporter-ui slowness

    Our policy reporter UI regularly responds very slowly and sometimes an error message appears : Unable to retrieve all Data from the Server

    In the logs :

    2022/06/02 16:20:38 http: proxy error: context canceled
    2022/06/02 16:20:44 http: proxy error: context canceled
    2022/06/02 16:20:44 http: proxy error: context canceled
    2022/06/02 16:20:44 http: proxy error: context canceled

    When we update a kyverno policy, the information takes a long time to appear in the UI whereas the report CRD has already been updated.

    Any idea about a configuration we can tune to improve this please ?

    Additinnal notes :

    • Version : chart v2.8.0
    • We use policy reporter for kyverno reports only
  • Installation Docs for Non-Helm Users

    Installation Docs for Non-Helm Users

    I happen to be one of the folks who don't use Helm, Kustomize, etc.; so trying to get this stood up has been mostly reverse engineering the Helm chart. There are some places that aren't quite clear to me how to adapt, so even a globbed yaml manifest of the associated resources to install via kubectl [apply|create] -f <some path to maniest>.yaml would be very welcomed.

    Kyverno's own Quick Start page has this, for example: kubectl create -f

  • Multi-tenancy UI/reporter

    Multi-tenancy UI/reporter

    awesome project. Just wondering about options how multiple teams in cluster can have different access level to UI and get separate notification back-ends. Are there any road-map in this direction ?

  • [Core] Runtime Configuration of Targets

    [Core] Runtime Configuration of Targets

    Currently each change of a target requires a redeployment of Policy Reporter, to improve this behavior my idea would be to support runtime configuration of targets via ConfigMaps/Secrets with special labels.

    Like the prom-operator uses config maps to define and configure dashboards, Policy Reporter should use ConfigMaps/Secrets to add/remove/update new targets at runtime without redeployments.

  • [Core] New Filter: LabelSelector

    [Core] New Filter: LabelSelector

    Currently it's possible to route resources to targets / channels based on namespace, source, policy and priorities.

    For most cases this works fine but there are situations where a more fine grained / flexibel approach is needed. To achieve this I would like to add an labelSelector filter to route a result based on the labels of the related resource.


    • Read permissions for the associated resources. (Resource labels are not part of the PolicyReport and must be fetched separately).
  • [UI] Policy Reporter UI V2

    [UI] Policy Reporter UI V2

    Rewrite Policy Reporter UI based on modern frontend stack

    • Upgrade from VueJS 2 to VueJS 3
    • Upgrade from NuxtJS 2 to NuxtJS 3
    • Upgrade from Vuetify 2 to Vuetify 3
    • Switch from Webpack to Vite

    Improved structure for PolicyReportResults


    • Resolve splitting between PolicyReport and ClusterPolicyReport pages

      • Create Pages based on sources [Kyverno, Falco, Kube Bench, etc...]
      • Splitt between Categories (?)
    • New subpages for a single resource with all available information from different sources

    • Timeline charts for Logs page

  • [UI] Policy Reporter UI Authentication Support via OpenID Connect

    [UI] Policy Reporter UI Authentication Support via OpenID Connect

    Configure an optional OpenID Connect Provider to enable Authentication for Policy Reporter UI

    • Policy Reporter UI will only provide the API and configuration
    • Possible Libraries
  • [FR] move helm chart repo to kyverno

    [FR] move helm chart repo to kyverno


    I raised issue at kyverno/kyverno ( But think once again, it is only policy-reporter problem.

    how about use kyverno/policy-reporter for helm chart repo like other component?


  • Export policy violations to AWS Security Hub

    Export policy violations to AWS Security Hub


    I am exploring ways to export policy violations to AWS Security Hub. Is this something you've considered as part of this project? Are you aware of any other approach to achieve that?


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