High performance, minimalist Go web framework

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Supported Go versions

As of version 4.0.0, Echo is available as a Go module. Therefore a Go version capable of understanding /vN suffixed imports is required:

  • 1.9.7+
  • 1.10.3+
  • 1.14+

Any of these versions will allow you to import Echo as github.com/labstack/echo/v4 which is the recommended way of using Echo going forward.

For older versions, please use the latest v3 tag.

Feature Overview

  • Optimized HTTP router which smartly prioritize routes
  • Build robust and scalable RESTful APIs
  • Group APIs
  • Extensible middleware framework
  • Define middleware at root, group or route level
  • Data binding for JSON, XML and form payload
  • Handy functions to send variety of HTTP responses
  • Centralized HTTP error handling
  • Template rendering with any template engine
  • Define your format for the logger
  • Highly customizable
  • Automatic TLS via Let’s Encrypt
  • HTTP/2 support


Date: 2020/11/11
Source: https://github.com/vishr/web-framework-benchmark
Lower is better!

The benchmarks above were run on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz



// go get github.com/labstack/echo/{version}
go get github.com/labstack/echo/v4


package main

import (

func main() {
  // Echo instance
  e := echo.New()

  // Middleware

  // Routes
  e.GET("/", hello)

  // Start server

// Handler
func hello(c echo.Context) error {
  return c.String(http.StatusOK, "Hello, World!")



Use issues for everything

  • For a small change, just send a PR.
  • For bigger changes open an issue for discussion before sending a PR.
  • PR should have:
    • Test case
    • Documentation
    • Example (If it makes sense)
  • You can also contribute by:
    • Reporting issues
    • Suggesting new features or enhancements
    • Improve/fix documentation




  • Echo v3

    Echo v3

    Making Echo as simple as it was in v1

    • [x] Drop fasthttp support to keep the project simple, easy to maintain, aligned with standard library and compatible with community packages. As simple as it was in v1.
    • [x] Skipper function to conditionally skip a middleware
    • [x] Update docs
    • [x] Update recipes
      • [x] Put back WebSocket
      • [x] Put back Graceful shutdown
    • [x] Release notes and migrating guide
    • [x] Use standard lib for serving files #471
    • [x] Wrap standard handler
    • [x] Wrap standard middleware
    • [x] Auto TLS via https://letsencrypt.org
    • [x] Map type as shorthand for map[string]interface{}
    • [x] Built-in graceful shutdown
    • [x] https://github.com/labstack/echo/issues/669#issuecomment-252396200
    • [x] Remove static middleware
    • [x] and more...

    @ericmdantas @o1egl @CaptainCodeman @mtojek @Anon-Penguin @gavv @01walid @ipfans @matcornic

    Open for discussion

  • Tags are breaking after v3.2.1

    Tags are breaking after v3.2.1

    Prior to version 3.2.1 inclusive, tags had the format v3.2.1, which was correct and works for Dep / Go modules (vgo). After version 3.2.1 (>=3.2.2), you use a tag format 3.2.2 that is incompatible with Go modules (vgo).

    If you try to use Go modules (vgo, go1.11 was released), than you see something like this:

    require (
    github.com/labstack/echo v0.0.0-20180412143600-6d227dfea4d2

    Main changes that was done in 3.2.2, tag name:

    • before vX.Y.Z
    • after X.Y.Z

    v was dropped 😔

  • Who's using Echo?

    Who's using Echo?

    If you are using Echo in your personal projects or at work, please consider getting it listed on README.

    • Synack
    • Software Motor
    • https://cozy.io

    PS: Just mention as a comment.

  • "binding element must be a struct" introduced with path params binding

    Issue Description

    This is simillar to #988 and introduced by https://github.com/labstack/echo/commit/858270f6f5e4fd02d9e147e8a6b0d97df023f14b in a specific situation: taking the address of your struct twice and sending it to bind.

    u := &user{}

    Because of the newly introduced params binding, when the struct's type is checked, it fails here:

    func (b *DefaultBinder) bindData(ptr interface{}, data map[string][]string, tag string) error {
    	typ := reflect.TypeOf(ptr).Elem()
    	val := reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem()
    	if typ.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
    		return errors.New("binding element must be a struct")

    Before the params binding was introduced, bindData was not called for POST/PUT/PATCH, because for these methods you directly decode the body into the given struct.

    And a mention: If you have id both as path param and json property in the request body, the value from the body will overwrite the one from the path. This could lead to confusion and bugs in projects.


    • [x] Dependencies installed
    • [x] No typos
    • [x] Searched existing issues and docs

    Expected behaviour

    If this is known and planned for next major version, than it's OK, else compatibility should not be broken.

    Actual behaviour

    See Expected behaviour

    Steps to reproduce

    Take the address of the struct sent at bind twice and make a request to a server (see Working code to debug).

    curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"John"}' localhost:8811/users/1

    Working code to debug

    package main
    import (
    type user struct {
    	ID int `json:"id" param:"id"`
    	Name string `json:"name"`
    func main() {
    	s := echo.New()
    	s.PUT("/users/:id", func(c echo.Context) error {
    		u := &user{}
    		if err := c.Bind(&u); err != nil {
    		return nil



  • HttpOnly cookie of CSRF token

    HttpOnly cookie of CSRF token

    As mentioned in Wikipedia:

    An HttpOnly cookie cannot be accessed by client-side APIs, such as JavaScript.

    I updated the echo to last version and now the csrf cookie is HttpOnly enabled. Thus it is not possible to get data using AJAX.

  • Echo v5

    Echo v5

    Let me know what you want to see in v5 ✌️

    Here are my thoughts?

    • ~~I don't like Context as an interface, we did it to expand on it using a custom context; however, casting it back in handler is tedious~~
    • Simplified middleware signature like in v1/v2? making it easier to write a middleware.
    • Bind path parameters
    • Merge https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/1328 with JWTErrorHandler (How about adding next to the handler so you can rely on next auth handler)
  • nested resources and named params problem

    nested resources and named params problem

    I have the nested resource routes, below case will be failed:

        r.Add("GET", "/users/new", func(*Context) {}, nil)
        r.Add("GET", "/users/wen", func(*Context) {}, nil)
        r.Add("GET", "/users/:id", func(*Context) {}, nil)
        r.Add("GET", "/users/:userId/photos/:photoId/comments/:id", func(*Context) {}, nil)
        h, _, _ := r.Find(MethodGET, "/users/233/photos/377/comments/610")
        if h == nil {
            t.Fatal("handle not found")


    └── /users/ has=0, h=<nil>, echo=0, edges=3
        ├── new has=0, h=0x6e8a0, echo=0, edges=0
        ├── wen has=0, h=0x6e8b0, echo=0, edges=0
        └── : has=0, h=<nil>, echo=0, edges=2
            ├── id has=0, h=0x6e8c0, echo=0, edges=0
            └── userId has=0, h=<nil>, echo=0, edges=1
                └── /photos/ has=1, h=<nil>, echo=0, edges=1
                    └── :photoId has=0, h=<nil>, echo=0, edges=1
                        └── /comments/ has=1, h=<nil>, echo=0, edges=1
                            └── :id has=0, h=0x6e8d0, echo=0, edges=0
  • Add support for a Scanner interface.

    Add support for a Scanner interface.

    This duplicates the Scanner interface implemented by the standard library's sql package, extending echo's standard Binder to support arbitrary data types, so long as they implement this interface.

    This solves #763.

  • Work around issue#1244

    Work around issue#1244

    • go.mod module name changed github.com/labstack/echo -> github.com/labstack/echo/v3
    • replace imports with .../echo/v3...

    PS: if I correctly understand #1244

    cc @vishr @alexaandru

  • Echo v2 proposal

    Echo v2 proposal


    • [x] Echo.Context as interface #146
    • [x] Request, Response and their fields as interface
      • Enables easy testing and loading context with your own functions.
    • [x] Decoupling from standard HTTP API which allows you use any HTTP engine underneath, for example, fasthttp. #290
    • [x] Drop Context#JSONIndent and Context#XMLIndent and use formatting while debug is on
    • [x] JSONBlob 4e57fa0557593aea5f1b8fdd26d64c09e81a108c
    • [x] AutoIndex as middleware
    • [x] Fix Context#Redirect
    • [x] https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/355
    • [x] Binder https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/352/files
    • [x] https://github.com/labstack/echo/issues/307
    • [x] a81670211f64a31cee96c177e799780a25fc6d5a
    • [x] https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/338
    • [x] https://github.com/labstack/echo/pull/358
    • [x] Wrapper for handler
    • [x] Wrapper for middleware
    • [x] https://github.com/labstack/echo/commit/49fb8a5c62c91767df37884219e4c6ecd9964e74
    • [x] Godoc
    • [x] Website
      • [x] https://github.com/labstack/echo/issues/369#issuecomment-205732520

    Open for discussion!

  • Introduced Go module support as v4, removed obsolete CloseNotifier()

    Introduced Go module support as v4, removed obsolete CloseNotifier()

    This reintroduces support for Go modules, as v4

    CloseNotifier() is removed as it has been obsoleted, see https://golang.org/doc/go1.11#net/http It was already NOT working (not sending signals) as of 1.11, the functionality was gone already, we merely deleted the functions that exposed it. If everyone still rely on it they should migrate to using c.Request().Context().Done() instead.

    Closes #1268, #1255

  • my validation won't work after binding request data

    my validation won't work after binding request data

    hi guys, i wanna ask why i got error reflect: reflect.Value.Set using unaddressable value when i call c.Validate() but when i tried to pass dummy data(not from payload) the validation works

    i've done trying using ampersand before passing my value but the error is still the same

    sorry about my written issue, this is my first ever post. Thx guys!

    type UserControllerImpl struct { UserService service.UserService // Validate *validator.Validate }

    func NewUserController(userService service.UserService) *UserControllerImpl { return &UserControllerImpl{ UserService: userService, // Validate: validate, } }

    func (controller *UserControllerImpl) Create(c echo.Context) error { userRequest := new(dto.UserCreateRequest)

    errBind := c.Bind(userRequest)
    if errBind != nil {
    	return c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, ch.ResponseOkNoData(fmt.Sprintf("failed: "+errBind.Error())))
    errVal := c.Validate(userRequest) 
    // errVal := controller.Validate.Struct(userRequest)
    if errVal != nil {
    	return c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, ch.ResponseOkNoData(fmt.Sprintf("failed: "+errVal.Error())))
    result, err := controller.UserService.Create(*userRequest)
    if err != nil {
    	return c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, ch.ResponseOkNoData("your email or handphone number is already registered"))
    return c.JSON(http.StatusCreated, ch.ResponseOkWithData("create data user success", result))


  • Warn users with debug enabled that middleware errors are not handled

    Warn users with debug enabled that middleware errors are not handled

    Warn users with debug enabled that middleware errors are not handled

    Users may not expect errors thrown in the middleware on the response path flow to be ignored if the response has been committed by a handler

  • fix: setCookie avoid security breach

    fix: setCookie avoid security breach

  • Proxy middleware should detect broken backends and switch to healthy backends

    Proxy middleware should detect broken backends and switch to healthy backends

    Issue Description

    Currently, if a backend is down, Echo will return an error when it attempts to connect to it.

    Expected behaviour

    It would be a great feature for Echo's Proxy middleware to automatically iterate over remaining backends until one returns a successful connection.

    Actual behaviour

    Echo will return an error when it attempts to connect to a backend that is down.



  • Is there a way to assign result from rendering template

    Is there a way to assign result from rendering template

    How I can assign result from rendering template to send this value as json, for ajax call

    my example:

    func Load(c echo.Context) error {
        params := map[string]any{
            "btn_style":  "btn-light btn-sm",
        if err := c.Render(http.StatusOK, "test.tmpl", params); err != nil {
            return err
        payload := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"payload":"%s"}`, c.Get("tmpl").(string)))
        return c.JSONBlob(http.StatusOK, (payload))

    Render function

    func (t *TemplateRenderer) Render(w io.Writer, name string, data interface{}, c echo.Context) error {
        var buf bytes.Buffer
        err := t.templates.ExecuteTemplate(&buf, name, data)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        c.Set("tmpl", buf.String())
        return t.templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, name, data)
  • Bind{Query,Path}Params panic on non pointer value

    Bind{Query,Path}Params panic on non pointer value

    Here #1446 trying to address this issue but it never came into reality for no reason! BTW it's a bug as framework should not panic instead it should handle this situation gracefully!

    UPDATE: Should i pr the changes needed to remedy the situation as it seems pretty straightforward to me?

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