Go language bindings for the COIN-OR Linear Programming library


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The clp package provides a Go interface to the COIN-OR Linear Programming (CLP) library, part of the COIN-OR (COmputational INfrastructure for Operations Research) suite.

Linear programming (LP) is a method for maximizing or minimizing a linear expression subject to a set of constraints expressed as inequalities. As an example that's simple enough to solve by hand, what roll of three six-sided dice has the largest total value if no two dice are allowed have the same value and the difference in value between the first and second largest dice must be smaller than the difference in value between the second and third largest dice? From an LP standpoint, the objective function we need to maximize to answer that question is a + b + c, where each variable represents the value on one die. The first constraint is that each die be six sided:

  • 1 ≤ a ≤ 6
  • 1 ≤ b ≤ 6
  • 1 ≤ c ≤ 6

The second constraint is that the three dice all have different values. We specify this by imposing a total order, a > b > c, which we express as

  • 1 ≤ a - b ≤ ∞
  • 1 ≤ b - c ≤ ∞

The third constraint is that the difference in value between the first and second largest dice (ab) is smaller than the difference in value between the second and third largest dice (bc). To put this in a suitable format for LP, we rewrite ab < bc as

  • -∞ ≤ a - 2b + c ≤ -1

These constraints translate directly to Go using the clp package's API:

package main

import (

func main() {
        // Set up the optimization problem.
        pinf := math.Inf(1)
        ninf := math.Inf(-1)
        simp := clp.NewSimplex()
                //         A    B    C
                []float64{1.0, 1.0, 1.0},
                        // LB UB
                        {1, 6}, // 1 ≤ a ≤ 6
                        {1, 6}, // 1 ≤ b ≤ 6
                        {1, 6}, // 1 ≤ c ≤ 6
                        // LB  A    B    C    UB
                        {1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0, pinf},  // 1 ≤ a - b ≤ ∞
                        {1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, pinf},  // 1 ≤ b - c ≤ ∞
                        {ninf, 1.0, -2.0, 1.0, -1.0}, // -∞ ≤ a - 2b + c ≤ -1

        // Solve the optimization problem.
        simp.Primal(clp.NoValuesPass, clp.NoStartFinishOptions)
        soln := simp.PrimalColumnSolution()

        // Output the solution.
        fmt.Printf("Die 1 = %.0f\n", soln[0])
        fmt.Printf("Die 2 = %.0f\n", soln[1])
        fmt.Printf("Die 3 = %.0f\n", soln[2])

The output is the expected

Die 1 = 6
Die 2 = 5
Die 3 = 3


clp has been tested only on Linux. The package requires a CLP installation to build. To check if CLP is installed, ensure that the following command produces a list of libraries, typically along the lines of -lClp -lCoinUtils …, and, more importantly, issues no error messages:

pkg-config --libs clp

Once CLP installation is confirmed, you're ready to install the clp package. As clp has opted into the Go module system, installation is in fact unnecessary if your program or package has done likewise. Otherwise, install the clp package with go get:

go get github.com/lanl/clp


Pre-built documentation for the clp API is available online at http://godoc.org/github.com/lanl/clp, courtesy of GoDoc.


clp is provided under a BSD-ish license with a "modifications must be indicated" clause. See the LICENSE file for the full text.

This package is part of the LANL Go Suite, LA-CC-11-056.


Scott Pakin, [email protected]

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • clp-interface.cxx:1:10: fatal error: 'coin/ClpSimplex.hpp' file not found

    clp-interface.cxx:1:10: fatal error: 'coin/ClpSimplex.hpp' file not found

    Hello, I downloaded the latest distribution of clp using coinbrew and the following script:

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coin-or/coinbrew/master/coinbrew
    chmod u+x coinbrew
    ./coinbrew fetch Clp@master
    ./coinbrew build Clp

    I have tried to download on both mac and linux. I have run into the following issue with the import in clp-interface.cxx in both systems:

    clp-interface.cxx:1:31: fatal error: coin/ClpSimplex.hpp: No such file or directory
     #include <coin/ClpSimplex.hpp>

    Here is what I have tried in both systems.


    The README says the library has only been tested in linux. To try to find the location of the clp library:

    pkg-config --libs clp
    -L/home/luissmith/dist/lib -lClp

    If I try to find the ClpSimplex.hpp file on the machine, these are the results:

    find ~/ -type f -name ClpSimplex.hpp

    Is the issue related to the path in one of the newer distributions of CLP? I am realizing the path here is .../coin-or/ClpSimplex.hpp, whereas in the clp-interface.cxx it is looking for coin/ClpSimplex.hpp?

    I also needed to export the package path:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/luissmith/dist/lib/"
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/home/luissmith/dist/lib/pkgconfig/"

    If i type the command clp in command line, the response is:

    Coin LP version devel, build Jul 26 2020
    Clp takes input from arguments ( - switches to stdin)
    Enter ? for list of commands or help


    To try to find the location of the clp library:

    pkg-config --libs clp
    -L/usr/local/Cellar/clp/1.17.3/lib -L/usr/local/Cellar/coinutils/2.11.3/lib -lClpSolver -lClp -lCoinUtils -lbz2 -lz -framework Accelerate -lm

    If I try to find the ClpSimplex.hpp file on the machine, these are the results:

    find ~/ -type f -name ClpSimplex.hpp

    Is the issue related to the path in one of the newer distributions of CLP? I am realizing the path here is .../coin-or/ClpSimplex.hpp, whereas in the clp-interface.cxx file it is looking for coin/ClpSimplex.hpp?

    If i type the command clp in command line, the response is:

    Coin LP version 1.17.3, build Jul 19 2020
    Clp takes input from arguments ( - switches to stdin)
    Enter ? for list of commands or help


    I would really appreciate any tips you have on debugging what might be going wrong. And please let me know if you need any more information from me. Thanks.

  • added two new, faster methods to create and load Simplex models

    added two new, faster methods to create and load Simplex models

    The main goals for these changes were to remove all possible usages of the c-malloc where possible to reduce lock contention inside malloc. We run thousands of these models per second across many cores and that contention was ruining our performance as every single model build had to contend on a single malloc lock, which while thread safe, is not quick.

    There are now added methods on the Simplex object and the PackedMatrix object (BufferColumn() and accompanying consolodation methods) and a new LoadProblemEfficient method on Simplex. These new methods are dangerous in that they pass Go memory into C land, which allows for the possibility for C to corrupt the memory of the running Go program. This is a trade-off between performance and safety and for our particular use case, it's one we're happy with and that gives good results.

    The buffered version of the PackedMatrix performs well over 50% faster with far fewer memory allocations in a straight line test for a reasonably sized problem (width & height > 100)

  • godoc not displaying package documentation due to unrecognized LICENSE

    godoc not displaying package documentation due to unrecognized LICENSE

    Hi team! Thank you for this package, looks like just what I was looking for.

    The godoc site for the package says:

    Documentation not displayed due to license restrictions. See our license policy.

    Looks like this is because the license has non-standard wording, and godoc now has a policy to only display docs for allowed licenses. Usually I would love to submit a pull request to fix, but licensing is up to the releasing authors/org. Do you think it would be possible to perhaps switch to one of the standard BSD N-clause licenses (perhaps with the government contract attribution in the README)?

  • methods to get and set iteration and time limits

    methods to get and set iteration and time limits

    adds wrappers for set/get max iterations and max seconds. along with tests. the wrappers work on any clpmodel while the tests run on just the simplex object.

  • fix and test DualRowSolution

    fix and test DualRowSolution

    correct both primal and dual row solution slice lengths to be "number of rows" instead of columns. and add a simple test for dual row solution as a sensitivity.

  • add SetDimensions

    add SetDimensions

    Add PackedMatrix.SetDimensions with error checking.

    Simplex.LoadProblem was not bounds-checking the constraint and objective function slices. In cases where these slices were too long this ran off the end of unsafe.Pointer arrays. Without SetDimensions there was no way to add empty rows at the bottom of a packedmatrix to get these sizes/lengths in line.

  • add basic test for simplex primal tolerances

    add basic test for simplex primal tolerances

    I don't really have a better test in terms of behaviour we were fixing as the models are quite verbose and distilling them down to a test case is not easy. This test verifies the round trip into the C++ lib and that it's at least setting the correct value.

  • symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

    symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

    hi, i am trying to run "go get github.com...." to install clp on my M1 macbook. however, it returns the following info:


    ld: warning: ignoring file /opt/homebrew/Cellar/clp/1.17.6/lib/libClpSolver.dylib, building for macOS-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for macOS-arm64 ld: warning: ignoring file /opt/homebrew/Cellar/coinutils/2.11.3/lib/libCoinUtils.dylib, building for macOS-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for macOS-arm64 ld: warning: ignoring file /opt/homebrew/Cellar/clp/1.17.6/lib/libClp.dylib, building for macOS-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for macOS-arm64 Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "ClpSimplex::dualRanging(int, int const*, double*, int*, double*, int*, double*, double*)", referenced from: _dual_ranging in _x005.o "ClpSimplex::loadProblem(CoinPackedMatrix const&, double const*, double const*, double const*, double const*, double const*, double const*)", referenced from: _simplex_load_problem in _x005.o "ClpSimplex::primalRanging(int, int const*, double*, int*, double*, int*)", referenced from: _primal_ranging in _x005.o "ClpSimplex::reducedGradient(int)", referenced from: _simplex_red_grad in _x005.o "ClpSimplex::dual(int, int)", referenced from: _simplex_dual in _x005.o "ClpSimplex::primal(int, int)", referenced from: _simplex_primal in _x005.o "ClpSimplex::barrier(bool)", referenced from: _simplex_barrier in _x005.o "ClpSimplex::ClpSimplex(bool)", referenced from: _new_simplex_model in _x005.o "ClpSimplex::~ClpSimplex()", referenced from: _free_simplex_model in _x005.o "CoinPackedMatrix::deleteCols(int, int const*)", referenced from: _pm_delete_cols in _x005.o "CoinPackedMatrix::setDimensions(int, int)", referenced from: _set_dimensions in _x005.o "CoinPackedMatrix::reserve(int, int, bool)", referenced from: _reserve in _x005.o "CoinPackedMatrix::appendCol(int, int const*, double const*)", referenced from: _pm_append_col in _x005.o "CoinPackedMatrix::CoinPackedMatrix()", referenced from: _new_packed_matrix in _x005.o "CoinMessageHandler::setLogLevel(int)", referenced from: _new_simplex_model in _x005.o "ClpModel::setMaximumSeconds(double)", referenced from: _set_max_seconds in _x005.o "ClpModel::setPrimalTolerance(double)", referenced from: _simplex_primal_set_tolerance in _x005.o "ClpModel::setMaximumIterations(int)", referenced from: _set_max_iterations in _x005.o "ClpModel::setOptimizationDirection(double)", referenced from: _simplex_set_opt_dir in _x005.o "ClpModel::scaling(int)", referenced from: _simplex_scaling in _x005.o "ClpModel::writeMps(char const*, int, int, double) const", referenced from: _write_mps in _x005.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation).

    what should I do now? thanks in advance.

  • exit status 3221225781

    exit status 3221225781

    I get the following error when I run the example code in Windows 10:

    $ go run main.go 
    # pkg-config --cflags  -- clp
    pkg-config: exit status 3221225781

    Go version: go1.16.3 windows/amd64

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