Dijetsnetgo: a blockchains platform with high throughput, and blazing fast transactions

Node implementation for the Avalanche network - a blockchains platform with high throughput, and blazing fast transactions.


Avalanche is an incredibly lightweight protocol, so the minimum computer requirements are quite modest. Note that as network usage increases, hardware requirements may change.

  • CPU: Equivalent of 8 AWS vCPU
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • Storage: 200 GB
  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 or macOS >= 10.15 (Catalina)
  • Network: Reliable IPv4 or IPv6 network connection, with an open public port.
  • Software Dependencies:

Native Install

Clone the AvalancheGo repository:

git clone [email protected]:ava-labs/avalanchego.git
cd avalanchego

This will clone and checkout to master branch.

Building the Avalanche Executable

Build Avalanche using the build script:


The Avalanche binary, named avalanchego, is in the build directory.

Binary Repository

Install AvalancheGo using an apt repository.

Adding the APT Repository

If you have already added the APT repository, you do not need to add it again.

To add the repository on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic), run:

sudo su -
wget -O - https://downloads.djtx.network/avalanchego.gpg.key | apt-key add -
echo "deb https://downloads.djtx.network/apt bionic main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/avalanche.list

To add the repository on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal), run:

sudo su -
wget -O - https://downloads.djtx.network/avalanchego.gpg.key | apt-key add -
echo "deb https://downloads.djtx.network/apt focal main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/avalanche.list

Installing the Latest Version

After adding the APT repository, install avalanchego by running:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install avalanchego

Binary Install

Download the latest build for your operating system and architecture.

The Avalanche binary to be executed is named avalanchego.

Docker Install

Make sure docker is installed on the machine - so commands like docker run etc. are available.

Building the docker image of latest avalanchego branch can be done by running:


To check the built image, run:

docker image ls

The image should be tagged as avaplatform/avalanchego:xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is the shortened commit of the Avalanche source it was built from. To run the avalanche node, run:

docker run -ti -p 9650:9650 -p 9651:9651 avaplatform/avalanchego:xxxxxxxx /avalanchego/build/avalanchego

Running Avalanche

Connecting to Mainnet

To connect to the Avalanche Mainnet, run:


You should see some pretty ASCII art and log messages.

You can use Ctrl+C to kill the node.

Connecting to Fuji

To connect to the Fuji Testnet, run:

./build/avalanchego --network-id=fuji

Creating a Local Testnet

To create a single node testnet, run:

./build/avalanchego --network-id=local --staking-enabled=false --snow-sample-size=1 --snow-quorum-size=1

This launches an Avalanche network with one node.

Generating Code

Avalanchego uses multiple tools to generate efficient and boilerplate code.

Running protobuf codegen

To regenerate the protobuf go code, run scripts/protobuf_codegen.sh from the root of the repo.

This should only be necessary when upgrading protobuf versions or modifying .proto definition files.

To use this script, you must have protoc (v3.17.3), protoc-gen-go (v1.26.0) and protoc-gen-go-grpc (v1.1.0) installed. protoc must be on your $PATH.

To install the protoc dependencies:

go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/[email protected]
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/[email protected]

If you have not already, you may need to add $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH:

export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"

If you extract protoc to ~/software/protobuf/, the following should work:

export PATH=$PATH:~/software/protobuf/bin/:~/go/bin
go get google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go
go get google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc

For more information, refer to the GRPC Golang Quick Start Guide.

Running protobuf codegen from docker

docker build -t avalanche:protobuf_codegen -f Dockerfile.protoc .
docker run -t -i -v $(pwd):/opt/avalanche -w/opt/avalanche avalanche:protobuf_codegen bash -c "scripts/protobuf_codegen.sh"

Supported Platforms

AvalancheGo can run on different platforms, with different support tiers:

  • Tier 1: Fully supported by the maintainers, guaranteed to pass all tests including e2e and stress tests.
  • Tier 2: Passes all unit and integration tests but not necessarily e2e tests.
  • Tier 3: Builds but lightly tested (or not), considered experimental.
  • Not supported: May not build and not tested, considered unsafe. To be supported in the future.

The following table lists currently supported platforms and their corresponding AvalancheGo support tiers:

Architecture Operating system Support tier
amd64 Linux 1
arm64 Linux 2
amd64 Darwin 2
amd64 Windows 3
arm Linux Not supported
i386 Linux Not supported
arm64 Darwin Not supported

To officially support a new platform, one must satisfy the following requirements:

AvalancheGo continuous integration Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Build passes
Unit and integration tests pass
End-to-end and stress tests pass

Security Bugs

We and our community welcome responsible disclosures.

If you've discovered a security vulnerability, please report it via our bug bounty program. Valid reports will be eligible for a reward (terms and conditions apply).

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