A Simple Bank Web Service implemented in Go, HTTP & GRPC, PostgreSQL, Docker, Kubernetes, GitHub Actions CI



Based on this Backend Master Class by TECH SCHOOL: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy_6D98if3ULEtXtNSY_2qN21VCKgoQAE

Requirements Installation

docker pull postgres:alpine

docker run --name postgres -p 5433:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=root -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -d postgres:alpine

docker exec -it postgres psql -U root


docker logs postgres

go install -tags 'postgres' github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/v4/cmd/migrate@latest

migrate create -ext sql -dir db/migration -seq init_schema

docker exec -it postgres /bin/sh

createdb --username=root --owner=root simple_bank

psql simple_bank


dropdb simple_bank


docker exec -it postgres createdb --username=root --owner=root simple_bank

docker exec -it postgres psql -U root simple_bank

docker stop postgres

docker rm postgres

make postgres

make createdb

migrate -path db/migration -database "postgresql://root:secret@localhost:5433/simple_bank?sslmode=disable" -verbose up

go install github.com/kyleconroy/sqlc/cmd/sqlc@latest

docker pull kjconroy/sqlc

docker run --rm -v ${pwd}:/src -w /src kjconroy/sqlc generate

go get github.com/lib/pq

go get github.com/stretchr/testify

Run it

# check out the Makefile
Tien La
The world is on fire
Tien La
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