LazyXds enables Istio only push needed xDS to sidecars to reduce resource consumption and speed up xDS configuration propagation.


LazyXds enables Istio only push needed xDS to sidecars to reduce resource consumption and speed up xDS configuration propagation.

Problems to solve

SotW xDS


SotW xDS


# build lazyxds binary on linux
make build.lazyxds

# build lazyxds binary on darwin
make build-mac.lazyxds

Build Image

# build lazyxds docker image with the default latest tag
make docker-build.lazyxds

# build lazyxds docker image with xxx tag
make docker-build.lazyxds tag=xxx

# build lazyxds e2e docker image
make docker-build-e2e.lazyxds



  • A running Kubernetes cluster, and istio(version >= 1.10.0) installed
  • Kubectl installed, and the ~/.kube/conf points to the cluster in the first step

Install Lazyxds Egress and Controller

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

The above commands install the lazyxds egress and controller into the istio-system namespace.

How to enable LazyXDS

You can choose to enable lazyXDS on some particular services or enable it namespace wide. To enable lazyXDS on a service or a namespace, you just need to add an annotation lazy-xds: "true" to the target service or namespace.

Enable on a Service

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-service
    lazy-xds: "true"

or use kubectl:

kubectl annotate service my-service lazy-xds=true --overwrite

Enable on a Namespace

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: my-namespace
    lazy-xds: "true"

or use kubectl:

kubectl annotate namespace my-namespace lazy-xds=true --overwrite

Bookinfo Demo

  1. Install istio(version >= 1.10.0), and enable access log for debug purpose.

    istioctl install -y --set meshConfig.accessLogFile=/dev/stdout
  2. Install lazyXds by following the instructions in Install Lazyxds egress and controller.

  3. Install bookinfo application:

    kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
    kubectl apply -f
    kubectl apply -f

    Determine the ingress IP, and we use 80 as the ingress port by default.

    export INGRESS_HOST=$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')

    Save product page pod name to env for later use.

    export PRODUCT_PAGE_POD=$(kubectl get pod -l app=productpage -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")

    Check the eds of product page pod, we can see product page gets all eds of bookinfo, though it does not need all of them:

    istioctl pc endpoints $PRODUCT_PAGE_POD | grep '9080'                 HEALTHY     OK                outbound|9080||reviews.default.svc.cluster.local                 HEALTHY     OK                outbound|9080||reviews.default.svc.cluster.local                 HEALTHY     OK                outbound|9080||reviews.default.svc.cluster.local                 HEALTHY     OK                outbound|9080||productpage.default.svc.cluster.local                  HEALTHY     OK                outbound|9080||details.default.svc.cluster.local                  HEALTHY     OK                outbound|9080||ratings.default.svc.cluster.local
  4. Enable lazyXds for the productpage service:

    kubectl annotate service productpage lazy-xds=true --overwrite

    Check the eds of product page:

    istioctl pc endpoints $PRODUCT_PAGE_POD | grep '9080'
    // no eds show

    Once enabling lazyXds, product page pod won't get any endpoints of bookinfo.

  5. Access bookinfo the first time:

    curl -I "http://${INGRESS_HOST}/productpage"

    check the access log of product page pod:

    kubectl logs -c istio-proxy -f $PRODUCT_PAGE_POD

    access to egress

    We can see the first request form product page to details and reviews has been redirected to istio-egressgateway-lazyxds

    Check the eds of product page again:                 HEALTHY     OK                outbound|9080||reviews.default.svc.cluster.local                 HEALTHY     OK                outbound|9080||reviews.default.svc.cluster.local                 HEALTHY     OK                outbound|9080||reviews.default.svc.cluster.local                  HEALTHY     OK                outbound|9080||details.default.svc.cluster.local

    Only reviews and details endpoints are in the eds, which are the exact endpoints product page needs.

  6. Access bookinfo again:

    curl -I "http://${INGRESS_HOST}/productpage"

    Check the access log of product page pod:

    kubectl logs -c istio-proxy -f $PRODUCT_PAGE_POD

    access to egress

    Now the traffic goes directly to the target services since the sidecar proxy already has all the endpoints it needs.


kubectl delete -f
kubectl delete -f


We have set up two bookinfo applications in an istio mesh with lazyxds installed, the product page in lazy-on namespace has lazyXds enabled, and the other one hasn't. Then we use istio load testing to increasingly create a large number of services, each load test namespace contains 19 services, each service contains 5 pods. The following is the test result for your reference:


Memory compare:


EDS and CDS compare:


Aeraki Mesh
Manage any layer-7 protocols in a Service Mesh.
Aeraki Mesh
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  • istio-egressgateway authentication failure

    istio-egressgateway authentication failure

    Problem description

    I deployed Lazy xDS to my k8s cluster using the following commands:

    kubectl apply -f
    kubectl apply -f

    while after the deployment, istio-egressgateway-lazyxds is not running 5A95C7DC-2A3E-4A7C-991A-D57E3AA0D9D8

    Then I checked the log


    it seams the certificate is not correct. I'm wondering if I missed any configuration?


    • istio: v1.13.3, installed with default profile
    • k8s: v1.23
  • `istio-token` seems need to be mounted for istio-egressgateway-lazyxds

    `istio-token` seems need to be mounted for istio-egressgateway-lazyxds

    env: k8s 1.21.12 istio 1.13.3

    Hello, I encountered a problem where istio-egressgateway-lazyxds cannot connect to istiod, showing the following logs:

    2022-06-08T07:16:19.699306Z	info	xdsproxy	connected to upstream XDS server: istiod.istio-system.svc:15012
    2022-06-08T07:16:19.699947Z	warn	xdsproxy	upstream [15] terminated with unexpected error rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = authentication failure
    2022-06-08T07:16:19.700104Z	error	xdsproxy	upstream [15] send error for type url EOF
    2022-06-08T07:16:19.700304Z	warning	envoy config	StreamAggregatedResources gRPC config stream closed: 16, authentication failure

    And I checked istiod logs and found it was complaining about missing authentication header:

    2022-06-08T07:17:58.831364Z	error	ads	Failed to authenticate client from Authenticator ClientCertAuthenticator: no verified chain is found; Authenticator KubeJWTAuthenticator: target JWT extraction error: no HTTP authorization header exists

    After mounting istio-token like what istio-ingressgateway did (also need to change JWT_POLICY from first-party-jwt to third-party-jwt), problem was gone.

    It seems istio-token mounts is missing in the lazyxds-egress.

            - name: istio-token
                  - serviceAccountToken:
                      audience: istio-ca
                      expirationSeconds: 43200
                      path: istio-token
                defaultMode: 420
                - name: istio-token
                  readOnly: true
                  mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
  • Lazyxds Not Work

    Lazyxds Not Work

    Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. After Deploying Lazyxds,Adding The Service Of productpage Annotation (lazy-xds: "true"),The EDS Of productpage Should Not have Other Service's EDS. Thanks. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1 、Deploy The Lazyxds: 2345_image_file_copy_7 2、Pods Running 2345_image_file_copy_6 3.Annotation Productpage Service : 2345_image_file_copy_5 bookinfo namespace: 2345_image_file_copy_4 Productpage Pod‘s EDS: 2345_image_file_copy_3 EDS Has Other EDS Info. Logs lazyxds: lazyxds.log egressgateway-lazyxds: egressgateway.log ENV: 1、k8s Version 2345_image_file_copy_2 2、Istio Version 2345_image_file_copy_1

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