A linter that handles struct tags.


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A linter that handles struct tags.

Supported string casing:

Source Camel Case Go Camel Case
GooID gooId gooID
HTTPStatusCode httpStatusCode httpStatusCode
FooBAR fooBar fooBar
URL url url
ID id id
hostIP hostIp hostIP
JSON json json
JSONName jsonName jsonName
NameJSON nameJson nameJSON
UneTête uneTête uneTête
Source Pascal Case Go Pascal Case
GooID GooId GooID
HTTPStatusCode HttpStatusCode HTTPStatusCode
FooBAR FooBar FooBar
hostIP HostIp HostIP
JSONName JsonName JSONName
NameJSON NameJson NameJSON
UneTête UneTête UneTête
Source Snake Case Go Snake Case
GooID goo_id goo_ID
HTTPStatusCode http_status_code HTTP_status_code
FooBAR foo_bar foo_bar
ID id ID
hostIP host_ip host_IP
JSONName json_name JSON_name
NameJSON name_json name_JSON
UneTête une_tête une_tête
Source Kebab Case Go KebabCase
GooID goo-id goo-ID
HTTPStatusCode http-status-code HTTP-status-code
FooBAR foo-bar foo-bar
ID id ID
hostIP host-ip host-IP
JSONName json-name JSON-name
NameJSON name-json name-JSON
UneTête une-tête une-tête


// json and camel case
type Foo struct {
    ID     string `json:"ID"` // must be "id"
    UserID string `json:"UserID"`// must be "userId"
    Name   string `json:"name"`
    Value  string `json:"val,omitempty"`// must be "value"
Ludovic Fernandez
Maintainer of Traefik, lego, prm, and a lot things
Ludovic Fernandez
  • tagliatelle now warns on inline struct fields

    tagliatelle now warns on inline struct fields

    Since 7b219253661560e60d284e3cddfb912dc49862fc, structs with json:",inline" fields now prompt a warning from tagliatelle that a name should be given in the expected camelCase.

    I think this is incorrect behavior as there is no field name for an inline struct.

  • tagliatelle: issue with invalid struct

    tagliatelle: issue with invalid struct

    Tagliatelle is unable to detect issue with invalid tags

    // MessedUpTags is to validate structtag validation is done
    // without it, the tool could let think everything is ok, while it's not.
    type MessedUpTags struct {
    	// an invalid tag listed in the rule is supported.
    	Bad string `json:"bad` // want "struct field tag `json:\"bad` not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: bad syntax for struct tag value"
    	// an invalid tag not in the rule is supported.
    	Whatever string `foo:whatever` // want "struct field tag `foo:whatever` not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: bad syntax for struct tag value"
    	// a invalid tag supported by the rule, is not hidden by another broken tag
    	Mixed string `json:"mixed" foo:mixed` // want "struct field tag `json:\"mixed\" foo:mixed` not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: bad syntax for struct tag value"
  • Ignore struct fields with `inline` tag flag

    Ignore struct fields with `inline` tag flag

    Fixes #8.

    Updated the test file to include a json:",inline" field. Without the fix, that file fails with:

    === RUN   TestAnalyzer
        analysistest.go:446: a/sample.go:10:14: unexpected diagnostic: json(camel): got 'Quux' want 'quux'
  • consider default name when validating

    consider default name when validating

    Hey! Thanks for this, amazing project!

    I have a small issue which I think other people will have as well, for instance, consider this struct:

    type Foo struct {
      Foo string `yaml:",omitempty"`
      Bar string `yaml:"notBar"`

    If I validate it using snake case, both fields should fail, as the first will be, by default Foo and the second one is in camel case.

    Would be nice if either the default name is considered or if we could disallow not naming the field.


  • validate and report the struct tag is invalid

    validate and report the struct tag is invalid

    using structtag.Analyzer is the one in charge of doing that.

    This is a fix for #11

    It's a draft version, as I'm awaiting a reply to my bug report on golang.org/x/tools


  • Exclude Certain Types

    Exclude Certain Types

    We need a way to exclude certain types so we don't have to continuously disable this linter on that line. I would love regex support or something similar. For example, working with mongo, the default ID field is _id.

  • Detect non-functional `omitempty`

    Detect non-functional `omitempty`

    omitempty has no effect on fields whose type is a struct. Neither the language nor go vet bother to warn about useless omitempty, leading to surprises. Perhaps tagliatelle should support this check?

  • Different struct casing for subpackages

    Different struct casing for subpackages

    I have a project that integrates with different APIs. Different vendors have different casing e.g. one uses camel case another snake case. Right now I need to disable this linter because of this. Would be nice if I could define it per subpackage/subfolder.

  • Add support for custom initialisms

    Add support for custom initialisms

    In my codebase, I use initialisms that are domain-specific and not included in Go's common initialisms.

    The underlying strcase package supports customization, so I think it should be fairly simple to implement in tagliatelle: https://github.com/ettle/strcase#customization

    If implemented, it would be great to also raise a PR to support the new configuration in golangci-lint.

    Example of the problem:

    json(goCamel): got 'docURLs' want 'docUrLs'
  • Auto fix tags.

    Auto fix tags.

    Hey there can you provide auto fixing via a cli flag or golangci-lint's built in fix API? So that I can solve all the issues just by a single command.

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