Trims, sanitizes & scrubs data based on struct tags (go, golang)

Conform- keep user input in check (go, golang)

Trim, sanitize, and modify struct string fields in place, based on tags.

Update Jan 12, 2016 -- Now also works with embedded structs

Turns this...

type Person struct {
	FirstName string `conform:"name"`
	LastName  string `conform:"ucfirst,trim"`
	Email     string `conform:"email"`
	CamelCase string `conform:"camel"`
	UserName  string `conform:"snake"`
	Slug      string `conform:"slug"`
	Blurb     string `conform:"title"`
	Left      string `conform:"ltrim"`
	Right     string `conform:"rtrim"`

p1 := Person{
	" LEE ",
	"     Benson",
	"   [email protected]  ",
	"I love new york city",
	"lee benson",
	"this is a little bit about me...",
	"    Left trim   ",
	"    Right trim  ",

Into this...

p2 := p1 // <-- copy the Person struct into a new one, to see the difference
conform.Strings(&p2) // <-- this does the work

	p1 (left) vs. p2 (right)

	FirstName: ' LEE ' -> 'Lee'
	LastName: '     Benson' -> 'Benson'
	Email: '   [email protected]  ' -> '[email protected]'
	CamelCase: 'I love new york city' -> 'ILoveNewYorkCity'
	UserName: 'lee benson' -> 'lee_benson'
	Slug: 'LeeBensonWasHere' -> 'lee-benson-was-here'
	Blurb: 'this is a little bit about me...' -> 'This Is A Little Bit About Me...'
	Left: '    Left trim   ' -> 'Left trim   '
	Right: '    Right trim  ' -> '    Right trim'


Conform helps you fix and format user strings quickly, without writing functions.

If you do form processing with Gorilla Schema or similar, you probably shuttle user data into structs using tags. Adding a conform tag to your string field gives you "first pass" clean up against user input.

Use it for names, e-mail addresses, URL slugs, or any other form field where formatting matters.

Conform doesn't attempt any kind of validation on your fields. Check out govalidator for a slew of common validation funcs, or validator which is an uber-flexible Swiss Army knife for validating pretty much any kind of data you can imagine. Both have struct tag syntax and can be used with conform.

How to use

Grab the package from the command line with:

go get

And import in the usual way in your Go app:

import ""

Add a conform tag to your structs, for all of the string fields that you want Conform to transform. Add the name of the transform (known as the "tag") in double quotes, and separate multiple tags with commas. Example: conform:"trim,lowercase"

To format in place, pass your struct pointer to conform.Strings.

Note: your struct will be edited in place. This will OVERWRITE any data that is already stored in your string fields.

Here's an example that formats e-mail addresses:

package main

import (

type UserForm struct {
	Email string `conform:"email"`

func main() {
	input := UserForm{
		Email: "   [email protected]  ",
	conform.Strings(&input) // <-- pass in a pointer to your struct
	fmt.Println(input.Email) // prints "[email protected]"

Using with Gorilla Schema

Just add a conform tag along with your Gorilla schema tags:

// ...

import (


// the struct that will be filled from the post request...
type newUserForm struct {
	FirstName string    `schema:"firstName" conform:"name"`
	Email     string    `schema:"emailAddress" conform:"email"`
	Password  string    `schema:"password"`    // <-- no tag? no change
	Dob       time.Time `schema:"dateOfBirth"` // <-- non-strings ignored by conform

// ProcessNewUser attempts to register a new user
func ProcessNewUser(r *http.Request) error {
	form := new(newUserForm)
	schema.NewDecoder().Decode(form, r.PostForm) // <-- Gorilla Schema
	conform.Strings(form)                       // <-- Conform.  Pass in the same pointer that Schema used
	// ...

// HTTP handlers, etc...


See the public API / exported methods on Godoc.


You can use multiple tags in the format of conform:"tag1,tag2"


Trims leading and trailing spaces. Example: " string " -> "string"


Trims leading spaces only. Example: " string " -> "string "


Trims trailing spaces only. Example: " string " -> " string"


Converts string to lowercase. Example: "STRING" -> "string"


Converts string to uppercase. Example: "string" -> "STRING"


Converts string to Title Case, e.g. "this is a sentence" -> "This Is A Sentence"


Converts to camel case via stringUp, Example provided by library: this is it => thisIsIt, this\_is\_it => thisIsIt, this-is-it => thisIsIt


Converts to snake_case. Example: "CamelCase" -> "camel_case", "regular string" -> "regular_string" Special thanks to snaker for inspiration (credited in license)


Turns strings into slugs. Example: "CamelCase" -> "camel-case", "blog title here" -> "blog-title-here"


Uppercases first character. Example: "all lower" -> "All lower"


Trims, strips numbers and special characters (except dashes and spaces separating names), converts multiple spaces and dashes to single characters, title cases multiple names. Example: "3493€848Jo-s$%£@Ann " -> "Jo-Ann", " ~~ The Dude ~~" -> "The Dude", "**susan**" -> "Susan", " hugh fearnley-whittingstall" -> "Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall"


Trims and lowercases the string. Example: "[email protected] " -> "[email protected]"


Removes all non-numeric characters. Example: "the price is €30,38" -> "3038"

Note: The struct field will remain a string. No type conversion takes place.


Removes all numbers. Example "39472349D34a34v69e8932747" -> "Dave"


Removes non-alpha unicode characters. Example: "!@£$%^&'()Hello 1234567890 World+[];\" -> "HelloWorld"


Removes alpha unicode characters. Example: "Everything's here but the letters!" -> "' !"



Lee Benson
Full-stack developer. JS/Go/C#/Rust. @timberio,
Lee Benson
  • Added support for map os string type.

    Added support for map os string type.

    Added conform of maps of string types in the same manner as slices of string types are handled. Respective unit tests were added to cover the new code.

  • [Proposal & PR] add `redact` tag for sensitive string scenario

    [Proposal & PR] add `redact` tag for sensitive string scenario

    I was exploring the solution can help to redact sensitive data from a struct. I realize to use conform as a generic solution probably the best. This addition is simply to transform field to REDACTED if it has the tag. Check the example in _test.go file :)

  • name conform tag strips rest of name with apostrophes

    name conform tag strips rest of name with apostrophes

    Hi There,

    I've noticed that when conforming names with apostrophes, not only will the apostrophe be stripped, but the rest of the name.

    Expected: D'Addario

    Got: D

  • Why not initialization?

    Why not initialization?

    @gislik in wrote:

    Since no object is instantiated the code is not type-safe, i.e. two thread may try to add sanitizers at the same time resulting in a corrupt state.

    Can we instantiate an object?

    Can we use it like:

    func main() {
      sanitizer := conform.New()

    Why not?

    We're using dependency injection everywhere...

  • support for string array

    support for string array


    Look likes conform won t apply on array of strings, unless i did wrong.

    type NewInput struct {
        Tags        []string `form:"tags[]" validate:"dive,min=1" conform:"trim"`
    func (e EndPoints) HandleForm(c *gin.Context) {
      var input NewInput
      fmt.Printf("%q\n", input)
      fmt.Printf("%q\n", input.Tags)
    curl -D - -d "tags[]=1&tags[]=  " http://localhost:8080/form


    {["1" "  "]}
    ["1" "  "]

    Anyways to make that happen ?

  • Slice of int64 errors

    Slice of int64 errors

    It seems like non-string slices are trying to be conformed. I am on version 1.2.2

    type Test struct {
    	Title      string                `json:"test" conform:"trim"`
    	Statuses []int64 `json:"statuses"`

    I am getting: reflect.Value.Convert: value of type string cannot be converted to int64

  • Custom sanitizers

    Custom sanitizers

    I made the minimum amount of changes needed to implement custom sanitizers.

    Since no object is instantiated the code is not type-safe, i.e. two thread may try to add sanitizers at the same time resulting in a corrupt state.

  • Fixing a bug where conform panics if a field isn't a struct

    Fixing a bug where conform panics if a field isn't a struct

    Conform was choking on a field in a struct which has a type of []byte.

    The problem was in the recursive Strings method in which reflection is used to figure out the number of fields in a struct. In this edge case the []byte was passed in a recursive walk of the struct which resulted in a panic when calling ift.NumFields().

    This is documented here:

    NumField returns the number of fields in the struct v. It panics if v's Kind is not Struct.

    My solution is to return early in case the reflected variable is not a struct.

    Thank you for your work!

  • Make the email sanitization compliant with rfc

    Make the email sanitization compliant with rfc

    The local part must preserve case, the domain part is lowercased. When supplied with a string containing multiple @s, treat the last @ as the local part/domain part separator.

  • Email transform is wrong

    Email transform is wrong

    The conformatiy for email is wrong as just does an lower(). Because the email addresses [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected] are three different email address according to the RFC and as implemented by many email servers. While case in the domain part does not matter, case in the name part does matter. Also spaces and all weired stuff is allowed if it is escaped or quoted.

  • Conform tag email doesn't work according to the README

    Conform tag email doesn't work according to the README

  • Fixes #38

    Fixes #38

    Add a length check when reading "conform" tags, if length == 0 (<=0) then just ignore the field. This minor change should be enough to fix the problem. Also this is consistent with the original design concept

    Password  string    `schema:"password"`    // <-- no tag? no change
  • embedded struct pointer panic

    embedded struct pointer panic

    I always get a panic when my struct has the similar structure as below, here's a minimal example

    package main
    import (
    type Child struct {
    	ChildName string `conform:"trim"`
    	Numbers   []uint64
    type Parent struct {
    	Child *Child
    func main() {
    	child := Child{
    		ChildName: "   child   ",
    		Numbers:   []uint64{1, 2, 3},
    	parent := Parent{
    		Child: &child,
    	if err := conform.Strings(&parent); err != nil {
    	} else {


    panic: reflect.Value.Convert: value of type string cannot be converted to type uint64

    possible fix


    if elType.ConvertibleTo(reflect.TypeOf(str)) || elType.ConvertibleTo(reflect.TypeOf(&str)) {

    change to

    if elType == reflect.TypeOf(str) || elType == reflect.TypeOf(&str) {


    2022/12/06 22:11:56 {child [1 2 3]}

    I might try to make a pr to fix it later, any help or explanation is appreciated, thanks in advance!

  • panic when input struct have a member type of []int

    panic when input struct have a member type of []int

    hi, i got a problem when pass a struct which have an slice of int member, here is the test code below: `package main

    import ( "" )

    type UserForm struct { Age []int }

    func main() { input := UserForm{ Age: []int{1}, } conform.Strings(&input) // panic } ` and below is panic info: image

  • Problem with substructs and slice of substruct

    Problem with substructs and slice of substruct

    Hello guys,

    Im trying to implement your code but I have some issues with it.

    In the case I have substruct or slice of substruct, the lib is not working.

    type Request struct {
        SeveralSubRequests []*struct {
    	Foo  string `json:"foo" conform:"trim"`
    	Bar  string `json:"bar" conform:"trim"`
        } `json:"several_sub_requests"`
    type Request struct {
        SubRequest *struct {
            Foo  string `json:"foo" conform:"trim"`
            Bar  string `json:"bar" conform:"trim"`
        } `json:"sub_request"`
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