🐇 Easy to use socket lib for Golang

Hare Sockets 🐇

Go codecov Mentioned in Awesome Go Go Report Card Codacy Badge Maintainability GoDoc Join the chat at https://gitter.im/hare-sockets/community Release License: MIT

Hare is a user-friendly lib for sockets in Golang. You can send and listen to TCP connections with a few lines of code.



First you need Go installed (version 1.12+ is required), then you can install Hare:

$ go get -u "github.com/leozz37/hare"

Import it in your code:

import "github.com/leozz37/hare"

(Optional) install jaguar for testing the sockets:

$ brew tap leozz37/jaguar

$ brew install jaguar

Quick start

Sample code for sending payloads:

package main

import (

func main() {
    hare.Send(3000, "Hello, World")

Sample code for listening a port:

package main

import (


func main() {
    r, _ := hare.Listen("3000")

    for {
        if r.HasNewMessages() {


The library consists on two features: listen and send to a given port. You can check the full documentation on Godoc.


Receives a port and a message, both as string and returns an error (if something goes wrong).

func Send(port, message string) error;

Usage example:

func main() {
    err := hare.Send(3000, "Hello, World")
    if err != nil {


Receives a port as string and returns a Listener struct and an error (if something goes wrong).

func Listen(port string) (*Listener, error);

Usage example:

func main() {
    r, _ := hare.Listen("3000")
    l, _ := hare.listen("3001")

    for {
        if r.HasNewMessages() {
        } else if l.HasNewMessages() {


The Listener struct returned by Listen() function has the following fields:

type Listener struct {
    SocketListener net.Listener
    HasNewMessages func() bool
    GetMessage     func() string
    Stop           func()

SocketListener is the socket connection.

listener.SocketListener, _ = net.Listen("tcp", "localhost:" + port)

HasNewMessages() function returns a bool being true with there's a new message:

func main() {
    r, _ := hare.Listen("3000")

    if r.HasNewMessages() {
        fmt.Println("There's a new message!")

GetMessage() function returns a string with the last message received on the socket:

func main() {
    r, _ := hare.Listen("3000")

    if r.HasNewMessages() {

Stop() function closes the listener connection:

func main() {
    r, _ := hare.Listen("3000")
    hare.Send("3000", "Hey beauty")


    err := Send("3000", "This should fails")
    if err != nil {


You can check the example for code usages, like send and listen samples.

Since Hare only listen and send messages, here's a complete example:

package main

import (


func listenSockets(port string) {
    r, _ := hare.Listen(port)

    for {
        if r.HasNewMessages() {

func main() {
    go listenSockets("3000")
    go listenSockets("3001")

    for {
        hare.Send("3000", "Hello port 3000")
        hare.Send("3001", "Hello port 3001")


To run the test suite, you can run with:

$ go test

If you want a more detailed report with coverage and an coverage.out file, do the following:

$ go test -v -covermode=count -coverprofile=coverage.out


A full guideline about contributing to Alacritty can be found in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.


Use the search tool before opening a new issue.

Please provide source code and commit sha if you found a bug.

Review existing issues and provide feedback or react to them.

Pull requests

Open your pull request against develop.

You should add/modify tests to cover your proposed code changes.

Tests coverage should never go down from 90%.

If your pull request contains a new feature, please document it on the README.


The main is a regular branch which always contains the latest stable codebase and must never be broken.

The develop is a regular branch which always contains the latest development codebase and eventually can be broken. But you'll need to accept the sombrero of shame if you do that.

The release is a regular branch which contains a specific release version. You must use the following name convention: release-X.Y.Z, where X, Y and Z are: major, minor and patch version numbers.

The experimental is a temporary branch which contains a new feature or ideia. You must use the following name convention: experimental-brief-description.

The feature is a temporary branch which contains a new feature under development that latter will be merged against the development branch. You must use the following name convention: feature-brief-description.

The bugfix is a temporary branch which contains necessary fix to be applied after a specific release to be merged against the development branch. You must use the following name convention: bugfix-brief-description.

The hotfix is a temporary branch which contains a critical fix to be applied immediately and merged against the main and the development branches. You must use the following name convention: hotfix-brief-description.

Feel free to apply the labels from GitHub to the branches, they are very helpful.


The project uses the semantic versioning 2.0.0 in order to control the version numbers.


The main, develop and release branches have protection rules against push.

In order to contribute you must create a new branch following the branching guideline and once your work is done, open a pull request from your branch to the develop branch.

The pull request will trigger the test suites automatically and the code must pass all the tests and also be reviewed and approved before merged in the develop branch (or even main or release in case of a *fix).

Feel free to apply the labels from GitHub to the pull requests, they are very helpful.


Hare is released under the MIT License.

Leonardo Lima
Open Sourcerer 🧙‍♂️
Leonardo Lima
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