Simple Golang CloudNative App

Simple Golang CloudNative App

This is a sample sample repo will explain how you build simple golang app locally , contanairze it and deploy into a Kubernetes cluster. You can check GitHub actions for sample PR builds and CI builds.

In the second part I propose Ideal workflow for CI/CD piplene.


Changing quote v3 import -> make quote v3 as a named import · lkravi/golang@1bcbb58 · GitHub

Changing localhost to multicast -> making localhost to multicast, to serve all incoming requests instead… · lkravi/golang@e1c47c4 · GitHub

Changing Docker file to multi-stage build ->

Test Golang app locally

go mod init
go mod tidy
go build -o golang-test

This will bring up the web-server on port 8000. You can check your browser

Build Docker Image

We are using multi-stage docker build as we don't need to include build dependencies in to running container.

docker build . -t golang-test

#Check docker container locally
docker run -p 8000:8000 golang-test

Deploying to Kubernates Cluster

You can find sample yaml files for kubernates deployment inside the /k8s directory.

kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml

#Check your service locally using port-forwading
kubectl port-forward service/golang-test-service 8000:80

Ideal CI/CD Pipeline

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01 - PR build and CI build on merge

  • Run Unit tests
  • Static code analysis
    • SonarQube
      • Inspection of code quality to perform review to detect code smells, security vulnerabilities and bugs.
    • Fortify / CheckMarks
      • Static application security testing tool for scan security vulnerabilities.
    • Lint Tools
      • Lint tool used to check for programmatic and stylistic errors.
  • Build failure notifications / JIRA ticket upgrade etc.
  • Build artefacts on merge builds. tag them as snapshot/dev and upload to artefact repository.
  • Deploy that artefact to development environment.

Pull requests merged after quality gate checks and code review approvals.

02 - Release branch builds

  • Run Unit tests
  • Static code analysis
    • Refer step #1 for more detail
  • Dynamic code analysis
    • Fortify Webinspect / App Spider
      • Dynamic application security testing tool that identifies application vulnerabilities in deployed web application and services.
  • Build artefacts on merge builds, tag them with correct version (git tags) and upload to artefact repository.
  • Artefact analysis
    • Twistlock / Trivy / Clair
      • Vulnerability scanners for container images.
    • Nexus IQ
      • Policy violations, Security Issues, License analysis
  • Deploy that artefacts to Test Environment.

When feature completed or when development branch needed to work on next release changes. we need to create a release branch. Release branch builds will create versioned artefact which can promote across Test, UAT, Production based on verification success.

03 - Continuous deployment

  • Deploy to Staging and Production on demand using push button deployments.
    • Promote artefacts to Staging/UAT and Production environments using continuous deployment mechanisms.
      • Can use specialised tools like GitOPS (Flux, ArgoCD), GoCD for continuous deployment.
      • Use Infrastructure as code scripts to maintain environment states/resources.

Deployment artefacts are configured to take environment variable based parameters/ k8s cluster based secrets and config maps to support different environment configurations.

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  • Application configurations are stored in config maps.
  • Application sensitive information stored in cluster secrets.
  • Each pods have health-check routes and deployments configured Kubernates pod health-checks.
  • Ingress proxy(nginx, traefik) is configured to handle and route external requests to correct services.
    • In this setup TLS termination happen in Load Balancer level.
    • However based on the requirement if we need to manage our own cert-manager and TLS termination inside the cluster. It can be done using a tool like jetstack cert manager.
  • RABC configured to control resources changes/ unauthorised access to cluster.
  • Rolling released based deployment ensure zero outage deployments.

Additional Notes

SonarCloud :

Docker Image : Docker Hub

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