Golang ultimate ANSI-colors that supports Printf/Sprintf methods


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Ultimate ANSI colors for Golang. The package supports Printf/Sprintf etc.

aurora logo



Version 1.x

Using gopkg.in.

go get -u gopkg.in/logrusorgru/aurora.v1

Version 2.x

go get -u github.com/logrusorgru/aurora

Go modules support, version v3+


go get -u github.com/logrusorgru/aurora/v3

The v3 was introduced to support go.mod and leave previous import paths as is. Currently, there is no changes between them (excluding the importpath's /v3 tail).


go test -cover github.com/logrusorgru/aurora/v3

Replace the import path with your, if it's different.



package main

import (

	. "github.com/logrusorgru/aurora"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello,", Magenta("Aurora"))

simple png


package main

import (

	. "github.com/logrusorgru/aurora"

func main() {
	fmt.Printf("Got it %d times\n", Green(1240))
	fmt.Printf("PI is %+1.2e\n", Cyan(3.14))

printf png


package main

import (

	. "github.com/logrusorgru/aurora"

func main() {
	fmt.Println(Sprintf(Magenta("Got it %d times"), Green(1240)))

sprintf png

Enable/Disable colors

package main

import (


// colorizer
var au aurora.Aurora

var colors = flag.Bool("colors", false, "enable or disable colors")

func init() {
	au = aurora.NewAurora(*colors)

func main() {
	// use colorizer

Without flags: disable png

With -colors flag: enable png


The following samples are equal

x := BgMagenta(Bold(Red("x")))
x := Red("x").Bold().BgMagenta()

The second is more readable


There is Colorize function that allows to choose some colors and format from a side

func getColors() Color {
	// some stuff that returns appropriate colors and format

// [...]

func main() {
	fmt.Println(Colorize("Greeting", getColors()))

Less complicated example

x := Colorize("Greeting", GreenFg|GrayBg|BoldFm)

Unlike other color functions and methods (such as Red/BgBlue etc) a Colorize clears previous colors

x := Red("x").Colorize(BgGreen) // will be with green background only


fmt.Println("  ",
	Gray(1-1, " 00-23 ").BgGray(24-1),
	Gray(4-1, " 03-19 ").BgGray(20-1),
	Gray(8-1, " 07-15 ").BgGray(16-1),
	Gray(12-1, " 11-11 ").BgGray(12-1),
	Gray(16-1, " 15-07 ").BgGray(8-1),
	Gray(20-1, " 19-03 ").BgGray(4-1),
	Gray(24-1, " 23-00 ").BgGray(1-1),

grayscale png

8-bit colors

Methods Index and BgIndex implements 8-bit colors.

Index/BgIndex Meaning Foreground Background
0- 7 standard colors 30- 37 40- 47
8- 15 bright colors 90- 97 100-107
16-231 216 colors 38;5;n 48;5;n
232-255 24 grayscale 38;5;n 48;5;n


package main

import (

func main() {
	for i := uint8(16); i <= 231; i++ {
		fmt.Println(i, aurora.Index(i, "pew-pew"), aurora.BgIndex(i, "pew-pew"))

Supported colors & formats

  • formats
    • bold (1)
    • faint (2)
    • doubly-underline (21)
    • fraktur (20)
    • italic (3)
    • underline (4)
    • slow blink (5)
    • rapid blink (6)
    • reverse video (7)
    • conceal (8)
    • crossed out (9)
    • framed (51)
    • encircled (52)
    • overlined (53)
  • background and foreground colors, including bright
    • black
    • red
    • green
    • yellow (brown)
    • blue
    • magenta
    • cyan
    • white
    • 24 grayscale colors
    • 216 8-bit colors

All colors

linux png
white png

Standard and bright colors

linux black standard png linux white standard png

Formats are likely supported

formats supported gif

Formats are likely unsupported

formats rarely supported png


There is no way to represent %T and %p with colors using a standard approach

package main

import (

	. "github.com/logrusorgru/aurora"

func main() {
	r := Red("red")
	var i int
	fmt.Printf("%T %p\n", r, Green(&i))

Output will be without colors

aurora.value %!p(aurora.value={0xc42000a310 768 0})

The obvious workaround is Red(fmt.Sprintf("%T", some))


The Aurora provides ANSI colors only, so there is no support for Windows. That said, there are workarounds available. Check out these comments to learn more:


The Aurora has no internal TTY detectors by design. Take a look this comment if you want turn on colors for a terminal only, and turn them off for a file.


Copyright © 2016-2020 The Aurora Authors. This work is free. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Unlicense. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Konstantin Ivanov
Golang and WTFPL gospeller. Network programming.
Konstantin Ivanov
  • Support for Windows cmd?

    Support for Windows cmd?

    I tried to use it in my project. The code is like:

    log.Println(Cyan("Broken Pantsu"), Bold(VERSION))

    but when I run it on my Windows cmd shell it prints:

    00:39:45.419785 main.go:85: ←[36mBroken Pantsu←[0m ←[1mtest-build←[0m

    GOARCH=amd64 GOOS=windows

  • Custom module requires manual setup

    Custom module requires manual setup

    If I import the module as usual

    import (
    func init(){

    in other words I do not have to do:

    func init(){

    But if I want to turn off colors and use a custom package to do so:

    package aw
    import (
    var hasColors = os.Getenv("cm_no_colors") != "nope"
    var x = aurora.NewAurora(hasColors)
    var Red = x.Red         // manual
    var Faint = x.Faint      // manual
    var Bold = x.Bold       // manual .. etc

    only using the local assigment of the method names can I get the same behavior. Now I can do:

    import (
    func init(){

    so what I am trying to say is - is there some easier way to export all the methods instead of having to manually do it?

  • Adds support for Hyperlinks

    Adds support for Hyperlinks

    Adds support for Hyperlinks in many modern terminal emulators, as described in this gist.

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
      fmt.Println("Now with ", aurora.Link("links", "https://github.com/logrusorgru/aurora"))
  • Add support for Light colors and Bright modifier

    Add support for Light colors and Bright modifier

    This adds support for more ansi colors, the light ones. However, it made things a little strange so I have done some adjustments. The previous Gray was really Dark White, so now with addition of light colors we also have Light Black which is a darker gray than dark white. So I have changed them for so the dark white is now Light Gray and dark black is gray. So basically, this means that for existing applications using Gray, it just got darker. Also, there is no LightBrown, since Brown really was dark yellow. So the Light Brown is just called Yellow.

  • "%T" returns 'aurora.value'


    cool package!

    This command:

    fmt.Println(Sprintf(Green("We can see that the type of x is: %T"), Brown(x)))


    We can see that the type of x is: aurora.value

    I saw the workaround at in the readme for %T and %p, but the solution to print the type of x is still eluding me.

  • add go.mod file

    add go.mod file

    This PR adds a go.mod file declaring the module as github.com/logrusorgru/aurora/v2 to match the latest v2.x.x tags.

    The intent is for this package to not appear marked as "incompatible" in projects that have a dependency on it, for example:

    	github.com/logrusorgru/aurora v2.0.3+incompatible

    Let me know what you think about this change.

  • offer global disable?

    offer global disable?

    Can we support disable global color? In some platforms (like Windows) not support ANSI color, and I have to disable the color feature.

    Currently, I can use aurora.NewAurora() to new a global variable. But it would be painful since the code no longer simplify.

    # Global variable
    # Package
  • disable colors with an env var

    disable colors with an env var

    I saw this section on how to disable colors:


    is there a way to disable colors with an env variable?

  • Question: Example for getting custom colors

    Question: Example for getting custom colors

    Hey, thank you for this awesome package.

    I am looking for examples of how to use custom colors that are not predefined in aurora, (orange, turquoise, etc...), could you please provide some example?.


  • explanation of how code works :)

    explanation of how code works :)

    So I can import this library like so:

    import "github.com/logrusorgru/aurora"

    and then use it like:


    but I don't see Bold exported, I only see:

    func (a aurora) Bold(arg interface{}) Value {

    maybe I don't know enough about Go but how does that work?

  • Tiny update in the documentation for Windows users

    Tiny update in the documentation for Windows users

    On Windows 10 the new ANSI Terminal Control is turned OFF by default, so users will not see any colors in the output if they run console Go program by just double clicking it.

    But this setting could be easily turned on by simple change in registry:

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console] "VirtualTerminalLevel"=dword:00000001

    More details about this issue in the answer from Glenn Slayden here - Windows console with ANSI colors handling

    So maybe mentioning about this nuance somewhere in the project README.md will save some time for Windows users.

  • Non consuming escapes

    Non consuming escapes

    For manipulating prompts, it is necessary to mark characters as non-greedy (not consuming a space in the column calculation of the tty).

    Here is an example how this is done for bash and zsh. Maybe this is in scope for the ultimate color library?


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