🐝 A Highly Performant and easy to use goroutine pool for Go


Package gohive implements a simple and easy to use goroutine pool for Go


  • Pool can be created with a specific size as per the requirement
  • Offers efficient performance by implementing sync.Pool, which maintains pool of workers in which workers gets recycled automatically when not in use
  • Implements a Task Queue which can hold surplus tasks in waiting, if submitted more than the pool capacity
  • Implements PoolService type, which acts as an easy to use API with simple methods to interact with gohive
  • Gracefully handles panics and prevent the application from getting crashed or into deadlocks
  • Provides functions like: AvailableWorkers(), ActiveWorkers() and Close() etc.


Use go get to install and update:

$ go get -u github.com/loveleshsharma/gohive


  • Create an instance of PoolService type first
hive := gohive.NewFixedSizePool(5)
  • Invoke the Submit() function and pass the task to execute

Submit function accepts a function as an argument, which it passes to the pool if a worker is available, otherwise enqueues it in a waiting queue

  • To close the pool we can invoke the Close() function

Once the pool is closed, we cannot assign any task to it


Let's get into a full program where we can see how to use the gohive package in order to execute many goroutines simultaneously

package main

import (

func main() {

	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	hivePool := gohive.NewFixedSizePool(5)

	//wrap your executable function into another function with wg.Done()
	executableTask := func() {
		defer wg.Done()



func factorial(val int) {
	var fact = val
	var res = 1

	for i := fact; i > 0; i-- {
		res = res * i

	fmt.Printf("Factorial: %v", res)

Important : Always put defer wg.Done() as the first statement of your wrapper function. It will prevent your program from deadlocks in case of panics

Workers implements a notifying mechanism, due to which they can notify to the pool that their task is completed and they are available to execute more tasks if in waiting queue

Software Enthusiast | Server-Side Engineer | Loves to CoDe❤️
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    Can I use gohive for executing task one by one?

    Can I use gohive for executing tasks one by one like a serial queue?

    For example:

         task1  ->  task2 -> task3

    when task1 is completed, task2 will be executed, and when task2 is completed, task3 will be executed.

    Finally, If yes, how to do it using gohive, can you give some examples in the Readme?

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    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    hivePool := gohive.NewFixedSizePool(5)
    //wrap your executable function into another function with wg.Done()
    executableTask := func(i int) {
    	defer wg.Done()

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