Go (golang) wrapper for GDAL, the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library


The gdal.go package provides a go wrapper for GDAL, the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. More information about GDAL can be found at http://www.gdal.org


1) go get github.com/lukeroth/gdal
2) Set the GDAL library and include directories to the appropriate locations.
3) go build


This software has been tested most recently on Ubuntu 18.10, GDAL version 2.3.2.


Status (3/08/2019)

The majority of GDAL functionality exposed by the C API is available, as well as much of the OGR API.
Most functionality is not covered by tests or benchmarks.
  • install bindings on debian 9 and fedora 32

    install bindings on debian 9 and fedora 32

    Trying to build example results in this error (go 1.7)

    root@02fa1aeeeb6f:/5/src/github.com/lukeroth/gdal/examples/test_tiff# go build
    # github.com/lukeroth/gdal
    could not determine kind of name for C.OGR_G_Distance3D
    root@02fa1aeeeb6f:/5/src/github.com/lukeroth/gdal/examples/test_tiff# gdal-config --version    
    root@02fa1aeeeb6f:/5/src/github.com/lukeroth/gdal/examples/test_tiff# echo $GOPATH

    Fedora 32 (go v1.14) gives more errors:

    > go build
    # github.com/lukeroth/gdal
    ../../osr.go:1256:13: could not determine kind of name for C.OPTGetParameterInfo
    ../../osr.go:1220:7: could not determine kind of name for C.OPTGetParameterList
    ../../osr.go:1198:7: could not determine kind of name for C.OPTGetProjectionMethods
    ../../osr.go:115:9: could not determine kind of name for C.OSRFixup
    ../../osr.go:110:9: could not determine kind of name for C.OSRFixupOrdering
    ../../osr.go:120:9: could not determine kind of name for C.OSRStripCTParms
    >  gdalinfo --version
    GDAL 3.0.4, released 2020/01/28

    What I do wrong? How I can fix it?

  • ComputeProximity returns

    ComputeProximity returns "Failure Error"


    I'm getting "Failure Error" with no text, which according to the source code for GDAL 1.11.0 means there's something wrong with my buffers. I can't figure out what's wrong.

    I'm trying to make a simpler test case, if I can, I'll attach it to this issue.

  • removed methods that are no longer supported in 3.x versions of GDAL

    removed methods that are no longer supported in 3.x versions of GDAL

    Removed references to methods no longer supported in GDAL 3.x. Recommend pinning the version of this library to the version of the underling gdal library.

  • Feature request: clip vector layers using OGR

    Feature request: clip vector layers using OGR

    Hello everyone,

    I'm planning to clip a vector layer using a raster extent using this library. However, I noticed in this line that it is currently unimplemented.

    This is my original command when using ogr2ogr

    $ ogr2ogr out.shp in.shp  -clipsrc <extent>

    I would like to ask:

    1. When will the OGR Clip feature be implemented?
    2. Is it possible to achieve the task above with the current feature set?

    Thank you very much @lukeroth and I appreciate your effort for this library!

  • There is a bug with data type conversion during install

    There is a bug with data type conversion during install

    ../work/src/github.com/lukeroth/gdal/ogr.go:1252: cannot use C.GIntBig(fid) (type C.GIntBig) as type C.long in argument to _Cfunc_OGR_F_SetFID
    ../work/src/github.com/lukeroth/gdal/ogr.go:1343: cannot use C.GIntBig(index) (type C.GIntBig) as type C.long in argument to _Cfunc_OGR_L_SetNextByIndex
    ../work/src/github.com/lukeroth/gdal/ogr.go:1348: cannot use C.GIntBig(index) (type C.GIntBig) as type C.long in argument to _Cfunc_OGR_L_GetFeature
    ../work/src/github.com/lukeroth/gdal/ogr.go:1364: cannot use C.GIntBig(index) (type C.GIntBig) as type C.long in argument to _Cfunc_OGR_L_DeleteFeature
  • GIntBig => long

    GIntBig => long

    Installing on OS X. gdal installed with brew

    gdal git:(master) brew info gdal
    gdal: stable 1.11.3 (bottled), HEAD
    GDAL: Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
    /usr/local/Cellar/gdal/1.11.2_3 (230 files, 32.0M) *
      Poured from bottle
    From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/blob/master/Library/Formula/gdal.rb
    ==> Dependencies
    Required: libpng ✘, jpeg ✔, giflib ✔, libtiff ✘, libgeotiff ✔, proj ✘, geos ✘, sqlite ✘, freexl ✔, libspatialite ✘
    Optional: postgresql ✘, mysql ✘
    ==> Options
        Build with Armadillo accelerated TPS transforms.
        Use additional Homebrew libraries to provide more drivers.
        Build with java support
        Build with Google's libkml driver (requires libkml --HEAD or >= 1.3)
        Build with Access MDB driver (requires Java 1.6+ JDK/JRE, from Apple or Oracle).
        Build with mysql support
        Build with OpenCL acceleration.
        Build with postgresql support
        Build with python3 support
        Build the swig java bindings
        Allow configure to drag in any library it can find. Invoke this at your own risk.
        Build without python2 support
        Install HEAD version


    go get github.com/lukeroth/gdal
    # github.com/lukeroth/gdal
    ../../../lukeroth/gdal/ogr.go:1252: cannot use C.GIntBig(fid) (type C.GIntBig) as type C.long in argument to _Cfunc_OGR_F_SetFID
    ../../../lukeroth/gdal/ogr.go:1343: cannot use C.GIntBig(index) (type C.GIntBig) as type C.long in argument to _Cfunc_OGR_L_SetNextByIndex
    ../../../lukeroth/gdal/ogr.go:1348: cannot use C.GIntBig(index) (type C.GIntBig) as type C.long in argument to _Cfunc_OGR_L_GetFeature
    ../../../lukeroth/gdal/ogr.go:1364: cannot use C.GIntBig(index) (type C.GIntBig) as type C.long in argument to _Cfunc_OGR_L_DeleteFeature
  • Can't determine if OGR return value is null/nil

    Can't determine if OGR return value is null/nil

    In ogr.go, I don't see an exported way to determine if a Feature, Geometry, etc. contains a nil cval. In some functions (e.g. func (layer Layer) NextFeature() Feature) the only way to check for an error or last result is by checking for a nil/null value.

    I'm happy to create a pull request if this is just an omission.

    Apologies if this is just user error.


  • BUILD on Mac M1, Return ERROR: ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64

    BUILD on Mac M1, Return ERROR: ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64

    OS version = macOS Big Sur 11.6 CPU = Apple M1

    $go get github.com/lukeroth/gdal # github.com/lukeroth/gdal Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_CPLGetConfigOption", referenced from: __cgo_20816c41b399_Cfunc_CPLGetConfigOption in _x003.o (maybe you meant: __cgo_20816c41b399_Cfunc_CPLGetConfigOption) "_CPLSetConfigOption", referenced from: __cgo_20816c41b399_Cfunc_CPLSetConfigOption in _x003.o (maybe you meant: __cgo_20816c41b399_Cfunc_CPLSetConfigOption) "_GDALAddBand", referenced from: __cgo_20816c41b399_Cfunc_GDALAddBand in _x003.o (maybe you meant: __cgo_20816c41b399_Cfunc_GDALAddBand) "_GDALAllRegister", referenced from: __cgo_20816c41b399_Cfunc_GDALAllRegister in _x003.o (maybe you meant: __cgo_20816c41b399_Cfunc_GDALAllRegister) .................. "_VSIFOpenL", referenced from: __cgo_20816c41b399_Cfunc_VSIFOpenL in _x003.o (maybe you meant: __cgo_20816c41b399_Cfunc_VSIFOpenL) "_VSIFReadL", referenced from: __cgo_20816c41b399_Cfunc_VSIFReadL in _x003.o (maybe you meant: __cgo_20816c41b399_Cfunc_VSIFReadL) "_VSIReadDirRecursive", referenced from: __cgo_20816c41b399_Cfunc_VSIReadDirRecursive in _x003.o (maybe you meant: __cgo_20816c41b399_Cfunc_VSIReadDirRecursive) ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

  • License Clarification and PRs

    License Clarification and PRs

    First off, thanks for this repo! Works great right out of the box! Couple of things:

    1. Can you clarify the license a little? It grants permission to redistribute and extend with attribution but any thoughts on using a more standard MIT or Apache and then adding that clause? Just want to make sure I understand the intent.

    2. There are some good PR's outstanding (specifically the VSI one) to which I've extended on my own branch but wondering if there is active dev going on here or should I fork the repo and continue dev there.

    3. Any thoughts about approaching OSGeo about integrating this into the GDAL baseline? SWIG seems hopelessly broken for golang atm....

  • go_vet tools/extract.go: invalid syntax

    go_vet tools/extract.go: invalid syntax


    I'm indexing go packages at http://libs.club/golang and during the code quality report phase (using this) the following error appeared:

    (go_vet) strconv.ParseInt: parsing "lukeroth/gdal/tools/extract.go": invalid syntax

    This file looks mostly useless so there's no consequence whatsoever but I thought I'd let you know.

    PS: Your package is not up on the aforementioned website because I've not published the category related to geocoding yet :sweat_smile:

  • Undefined reference to gzopen64

    Undefined reference to gzopen64

    I'm getting the following error when running go build

    # github.com/lukeroth/gdal
    //usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxml2.so.2: undefined reference to `gzopen64@ZLIB_1.2.3.3'
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

    I'm on ubuntu 14.04:

    gdal packages I have installed

    gdal            1.10.1-1            
    gdal-bin        1.10.0-1~precise2   
    libgdal-dev     1.10.0-1~precise2   
    libgdal1        1.9.0-3.1~pgdg12.4+1
    libgdal1-1.7.0  1.7.3-6ubuntu3      
    libgdal1-dev    1.10.0-1~precise2   
    libgdal1h       1.10.0-1~precise2   

    libxml2 packages I have installed

    libxml2:amd64      2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4           
    libxml2:i386       2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4           
    libxml2-dev:amd64  2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4           
    libxml2-utils      2.8.0+dfsg1-5ubuntu2.2~precise1 
  • Call    PrimeMeridian& AngularUnits & AngularUnits...    *** Error in `/tmp/go-build1686810055/b001/exe/main': free(): invalid pointer: 0x00000000012d41f8 ***

    Call PrimeMeridian& AngularUnits & AngularUnits... *** Error in `/tmp/go-build1686810055/b001/exe/main': free(): invalid pointer: 0x00000000012d41f8 ***

    goroutine 1 [syscall]: runtime.cgocall(0x4ab8f0, 0xc000046db8) /usr/local/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:157 +0x5c fp=0xc000046d90 sp=0xc000046d58 pc=0x415cfc github.com/lukeroth/gdal._Cfunc_free(0x12d41f8) _cgo_gotypes.go:7683 +0x45 fp=0xc000046db8 sp=0xc000046d90 pc=0x4a9785 github.com/lukeroth/gdal.SpatialReference.PrimeMeridian.func2.1() /home/goproject/pkg/mod/github.com/tingold/[email protected]/osr.go:319 +0x3b fp=0xc000046df0 sp=0xc000046db8 pc=0x4aa0bb

  • Examples available for reading from RasterBand?

    Examples available for reading from RasterBand?

    Hi, not an issue, but having trouble getting any guidance elsewhere on the web (probably due to the small and esoteric group who need this functionality), so apologies for that. I'm trying to read from a band consisting of float64/DOUBLE values… the Python example here is analogous to what I'm trying to accomplish. The closest equivalent, I'm guessing, to their library's ReadAsArray method is the RasterBand.ReadBlock(…) function, which I cannot get to work without causing a panic. I know the documentation is sparse (and understand why) but is there a gist or other example somewhere that might get me over that gap? Many thanks.

  • Cannot build on Go 1.17 amd64 Linux -

    Cannot build on Go 1.17 amd64 Linux - "could not determine kind of name for C.OAMS..."

    I'm attempting to build a Go program using this gdal lib on an Amazon EC2 Ubunutu 18.04 instance. I've installed Go directly via downloading Go 1.17.8 from the Go downloads page, and have installed GDAL via sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev. Note, my program builds and runs fine on Mac. I believe I am using the latest go package, my go.mod has:

    	github.com/lukeroth/gdal v0.0.0-20211109203239-b571df3ee436

    Here's what I get when I do go build:

    # github.com/lukeroth/gdal
    ../../../go/pkg/mod/github.com/lukeroth/[email protected]/osr.go:18:49: could not determine kind of name for C.OAMS_AUTHORITY_COMPLIANT
    ../../../go/pkg/mod/github.com/lukeroth/[email protected]/osr.go:19:49: could not determine kind of name for C.OAMS_CUSTOM
    ../../../go/pkg/mod/github.com/lukeroth/[email protected]/osr.go:17:49: could not determine kind of name for C.OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER
    ../../../go/pkg/mod/github.com/lukeroth/[email protected]/osr.go:39:39: could not determine kind of name for C.OSRAxisMappingStrategy
    ../../../go/pkg/mod/github.com/lukeroth/[email protected]/osr.go:39:2: could not determine kind of name for C.OSRSetAxisMappingStrategy

    Any guidance on what I may be missing or not doing right would be appreciated. And/or let me know what other info to provide to help. Thanks.

  • OGR Examples of usage

    OGR Examples of usage

    Good day, I am quite new to GIS as a developer, I came across this library as I am somewhat familiar with the Gdal CLI (using ogr2ogr).

    I would like to make use of this library but I find it a bit difficult to find some examples of implementation use cases. I currently would like use some of the OGR functions (based of the CLI tool) to make my geometries valid.

    I don't know if it would be better on using a database for this operation but one concern I have is that I will be doing this operation for multiple files at the same time, so it might contest my db

  • Unclear on how to use MajorObject methods (e.g. SetDescription)

    Unclear on how to use MajorObject methods (e.g. SetDescription)

    Hi, hopefully just a quick question. I'm trying to set the description of a raster layer. In Python you can just call SetDescription on the raster band. But in GDAL/this library, I see SetDescription is a method on MajorObject. I'm not clear how I'd convert the RasterBand or what my path is to setting the description for the band. Can you clue me in?

  • Should be use C.CPLFree to release some pointer malloced by GDAL it self.

    Should be use C.CPLFree to release some pointer malloced by GDAL it self.

    I got an exception when debug with function ToWKT, // Fetch geometry as WKT func (geom Geometry) ToWKT() (string, error) { var p *C.char err := C.OGR_G_ExportToWkt(geom.cval, &p).Err() wkt := C.GoString(p) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(p)) // <--- Exception at this line return wkt, err } image I think this pointer should be release by use CPLFree. And I try to change C.free to C.CPLFree, it works.

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