Live on-demand transcoding in go using ffmpeg. Also with NVIDIA GPU hardware acceleration.

Go live HTTP on-demand transcoding

Transcoding is expensive and resource consuming operation on CPU and GPU. For big companies with thousands of customers it is essential, to have a dedicated 24/7 transcoding servers. But we, single sporadic users of transcoding, need to have different approach. Transcoding should be done only when its output is really needed. This tool is trying to solve this problem by offering transcoding on demand.

This tool is intended to be used with live streams only. Seeking is not supported, yet.


Specify streams as object in yaml file.


Create streams.yaml file, with your streams:



  cam: rtmp://localhost/live/cam

HTTP streaming is accessible via:

  • http://localhost:8080//

HLS is accessible via:

  • http://localhost:8080///index.m3u8
  • http://localhost:8080///play.html

CPU Profiles

Profiles (HTTP and HLS) with CPU transcoding can be found in profiles:

  • h264_360p
  • h264_540p
  • h264_720p
  • h264_1080p

Profile names must match flowing regex: ^[0-9A-Za-z_-]+$

GPU Profiles

Profiles (HTTP and HLS) with GPU transcoding can be found in profiles_nvidia:

  • h264_360p
  • h264_540p
  • h264_720p
  • h264_1080p

Profile names must match flowing regex: ^[0-9A-Za-z_-]+$



docker build -t go-transcode:latest .


docker run --rm -d \
  --name="go-transcode" \
  -p "8080:8080" \
  -v "${PWD}/streams.yaml:/app/streams.yaml" go-transcode:latest

Nvidia GPU support (docker)

You will need to have nvidia-docker installed.


First, you need to build previous container. Then, build Nvidia container.

docker build --build-arg "TRANSCODE_IMAGE=go-transcode:latest" -t go-transcode-nvidia:latest -f Dockerfile.nvidia .


docker run --rm -d \
  --gpus=all \
  --name="go-transcode-nvidia" \
  -p "8080:8080" \
  -v "${PWD}/streams.yaml:/app/streams.yaml" go-transcode-nvidia:latest

Supported inputs

Input codec will be automatically determined from given stream. Please check your graphic card's supported codec and maximum concurrent sessions here.

Codec CUVID Codec Name
h264 h264_cuvid H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
hevc hevc_cuvid H.265 / HEVC
mjpeg mjpeg_cuvid Motion JPEG
mpeg1video mpeg1_cuvid MPEG-1 video
mpeg2video mpeg2_cuvid MPEG-2 video
mpeg4 mpeg4_cuvid MPEG-4 part 2
vc1 vc1_cuvid SMPTE VC-1
vp8 vp8_cuvid On2 VP8
vp9 vp9_cuvid Google VP9
  • transcode static video files

    transcode static video files

    inspiration hls-vod-too

    • ffprobe to find duration and segment count
    • transcode/cache by segment number in file

    edit: for static streams maybe config should support directories? library: /media/video in config can serve all files/directories with /profile/library/folder/video.mkv/index.m3u8 (or other url format from #13)

  • 2nd+ streams lead to errors that can cause some players to not work.

    2nd+ streams lead to errors that can cause some players to not work.

    The first person to get the stream works, video plays back fine. any one after will get errors that cause the video to freeze or the player to refuse to play

    See the attached video

    This happens on lan and over hls proxy. I have tried changing the type of audio as well happens to both aac and mp3 Using the latest git docker build as well.

  • Some refactoring

    Some refactoring

    • [x] streams are loaded from viper config, not streams.yaml
    • [x] cmd is built by go build in repo root (main package)
    • [x] support /etc/transcode
      • [x] remove hardcoded paths
      • [x] config file is loaded from /etc/transcode or ./
      • [x] profiles/data is served from /etc/transcode or ./
      • [x] everything is relative to basedir, which is passed via CLI, or is /etc/transcode (if exists), or is ./
    • [x] config file is automatically reloaded in serve mode
    • [x] remove some unused stuff
      • [x] removed Config type
      • [x] merge some small files together for clarity
      • [x] ~~remove Server.Proxy unused~~ (moved to #4)
      • [x] ~~remove TLS support (Server.Key and Server.Cert) encourage reverse proxy~~ add warning that TLS mode should not be used for security
    • [x] ~~move CMD parsing in internal/config to cmd package~~ future
    • [x] fix Docker build
    • [x] Write some tests
      • [x] settings cascade (
      • [x] settings auto-reload
    • [x] Use settings for ffmpeg profiles folder
      • [x] Move all to profiles/default and profiles/nvidia
      • [x] Use a profiles directory setting to find the profiles
    • [x] make room in repo root
      • [x] embed data/play.html in binary from internal/api/hls/
      • [x] move data/* to tests/
      • [x] remove data dir from repo
      • [x] remove bin dir from repo
      • [x] ~~move everything docker to packaging/docker dir?~~ future
    • [x] ~~transcodeStart takes URL not stream name~~ future
    • [x] Update readme
      • [x] build and run with docker
      • [x] build and run without docker
      • [x] info about project structure
      • [x] ~~info about code flow for request process~~ future

    feedback welcome (i'm new to golang)

    also there's a lot of stuff in root dir it's littlee confusing, do you like to move source to src/ (not sure golang likes that), build/test scripts (dev/ data/ and tests) to bin/, and profiles mixed together, like this:

    • bin/
    • src/
    • profiles/
    • what about docker files? is there a standard directory to place it?
    • LICENSE go.mod go.sum ...
  • Unrecognized option 'hls_wrap' from ffmpeg

    Unrecognized option 'hls_wrap' from ffmpeg

    Hi there,

    Just made a fresh build and getting the below error when trying to do any copy or transcode stream, logging into the container and running the same command gives the below response:

    bash-5.2# /app/profiles/hls/ url=http://pathtostream
    Unrecognized option 'hls_wrap'. Error splitting the argument list: Option not found

    ffmpeg version: bash-5.2# ffmpeg ffmpeg version 5.1.2 Copyright (c) 2000-2022 the FFmpeg developers

  • VAAPI support

    VAAPI support

    Updated hls_h264 and http to support vaapi detection Updated readme on how to add dri devices to containers added helper vaapi script to detect supported encoders/decoders updated Dockerfile to use alpine edge to get access to drivers and utilities added alpine edge testing repo to get access to drivers and utilities

  • Auto-detect hardware acceleration

    Auto-detect hardware acceleration

    We can detect hardware acceleration in program. Using ffmpeg cli

    ffmpeg -init_hw_device list 2> /dev/null
    Supported hardware device types:

    then no need for profiles config just print what profiles are used on startup

    what outputs the command with nvidia proprietaire driver?

  • Error on probe

    Error on probe

    Error: 4:47PM ERR unable to load metadata error="unable probe video for keyframes: strconv.ParseFloat: parsing "": invalid syntax"

    When I do the ffprobe in terminal I get this result: ffprobe -v error -skip_frame nokey -show_entries frame=pkt_pts_time,side_data_list -show_entries format=duration -show_entries stream=duration,width,height -select_streams v -of json MYVIDEO.mkv

        "frames": [
                "side_data_list": [
                "pkt_pts_time": "0.000000"
                "pkt_pts_time": "2.002000"
                "pkt_pts_time": "3.712000"
                "pkt_pts_time": "8.592000"

    Could be the side_data_list?

  • Fix invalid segment times

    Fix invalid segment times

    I'm not familiar with this code, but I needed this change to get anything to work. Basically the limit was larger than the size of the breakpoints slice, so it ended up with a zero at the end for segmentTimes. This cause the ffmpeg call to fail because the end time is zero. If it matters, I'm testing with very short videos (~10s)

  • Add pprof debug endpoint

    Add pprof debug endpoint

    This endpoint should help with debugging in the future.

    More info here:

    Types of profiles available:

    • allocs
    • block
    • cmdline
    • goroutine
    • heap
    • mutex
    • profile
    • threadcreate
    • trace

    Profile Descriptions:

    • allocs:
      A sampling of all past memory allocations
    • block:
      Stack traces that led to blocking on synchronization primitives
    • cmdline:
      The command line invocation of the current program
    • goroutine:
      Stack traces of all current goroutines
    • heap:
      A sampling of memory allocations of live objects. You can specify the gc GET parameter to run GC before taking the heap sample.
    • mutex:
      Stack traces of holders of contended mutexes
    • profile:
      CPU profile. You can specify the duration in the seconds GET parameter. After you get the profile file, use the go tool pprof command to investigate the profile.
    • threadcreate:
      Stack traces that led to the creation of new OS threads
    • trace:
      A trace of execution of the current program. You can specify the duration in the seconds GET parameter. After you get the trace file, use the go tool trace command to investigate the trace.
  • HLS exit on error

    HLS exit on error

    Right now, when command finishes earlier (because of error) or does not start properly, it won't communincate error and we need to wait for timeout to finish. I would expect the function onStop to have error parameter, and firing when command stops.

  • Questions on simultaneous ffmpeg processes (NVENC job concurrency) and segment buffering behavior

    Questions on simultaneous ffmpeg processes (NVENC job concurrency) and segment buffering behavior

    Is it possible that an issue exists with overlapping transcoding runs, i.e. is it possible that there is a situation (race condition?) in which segmentBufferMax+1 ffmpeg instances run simultaneously?

    I'm using the VOD mode with (modified) GPU encoding via NVENC. Consumer-grade Nvidia GPUs only allow 2 or 3 (apparently they increased this to 3 some time in 2020) simultaneous NVENC jobs. I'm testing with a GTX 1050 and a GTX 1070.

    I've set segmentBufferMax to 3, otherwise I would constantly run into this issue. With that, at the beginning it runs just fine and does a couple of transcodes successfully. Eventually, it runs into the telltale 'nvenc concurrency' error:

    2022/12/08 14:32:09 [h264_nvenc @ 00000273a548f1c0] OpenEncodeSessionEx failed: out of memory (10): (no details)
    2022/12/08 14:32:09 [h264_nvenc @ 00000273a548f1c0] No capable devices found
    2022/12/08 14:32:09 Error initializing output stream 0:1 -- Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:1 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height
    2022/12/08 14:32:09 [h264_nvenc @ 00000282534df1c0] OpenEncodeSessionEx failed: out of memory (10): (no details)
    2022/12/08 14:32:09 [h264_nvenc @ 00000282534df1c0] No capable devices found
    2022/12/08 14:32:09 Error initializing output stream 0:1 -- Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:1 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height

    After that, go-transcode runs into some kind of hiccup where from now on until a restart, it only produces timeouts:

    1:32PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager

    I'm not sure why this is, but apparently it doesn't handle the ffmpeg failure all too well.

    Btw., I'm a bit confused, but from the code comments, segmentBufferMin has nothing to do with this, correct? segmentBufferMin and segmentBufferMax are two completely different configuration values that don't work together to create some kind of range.

    Click to expand full log
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p.m3u8 module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p.m3u8" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00000.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00000.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00001.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00001.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p.m3u8 module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p.m3u8" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00000.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00000.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00002.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00002.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00001.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00001.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00003.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00003.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00002.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00002.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00003.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00003.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00018.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00018.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00019.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00019.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00018.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00018.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00019.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00019.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00020.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00020.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00020.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00020.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00021.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00021.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00021.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00021.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00022.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00022.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00022.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00022.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00023.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00023.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:26PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00023.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00023.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:31PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00012.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00012.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:31PM INF transcoding segments limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=12 segments-times=[96,104] submodule=manager
    2022/12/08 14:31:55 Starting FFmpeg process with args ./ffmpeg.exe -loglevel warning -ss 96.000000 -i ../test_videos/h/video.mp4 -to 104.000000 -copyts -force_key_frames 104.000000 -sn -vf scale=-2:1080 -filter_complex amix=inputs=2 -c:v h264_nvenc -preset p1 -tune:v ull -profile:v high -rc:v cbr -b:v 5000k -c:a aac -b:a 192k -f segment -segment_time_delta 0.2 -segment_format mpegts -segment_times 104.000000 -segment_start_number 12 -segment_list_type flat -segment_list pipe:1 ../test_videos/h/transcode\vod-1080p-47964795/1080p-%05d.ts
    1:31PM INF transcode process started limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=12 submodule=manager
    1:31PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00012.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00012.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:31PM INF transcode process returned a segment index=12 limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=12 segment=1080p-00012.ts submodule=manager
    2022/12/08 14:31:59 FFmpeg process successfully finished.
    1:31PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00013.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00013.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:31PM INF transcode process finished index=13 limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=12 submodule=manager
    1:31PM INF transcoding segments limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=13 segments-times=[104,112] submodule=manager
    2022/12/08 14:31:59 Starting FFmpeg process with args ./ffmpeg.exe -loglevel warning -ss 104.000000 -i ../test_videos/h/video.mp4 -to 112.000000 -copyts -force_key_frames 112.000000 -sn -vf scale=-2:1080 -filter_complex amix=inputs=2 -c:v h264_nvenc -preset p1 -tune:v ull -profile:v high -rc:v cbr -b:v 5000k -c:a aac -b:a 192k -f segment -segment_time_delta 0.2 -segment_format mpegts -segment_times 112.000000 -segment_start_number 13 -segment_list_type flat -segment_list pipe:1 ../test_videos/h/transcode\vod-1080p-47964795/1080p-%05d.ts
    1:31PM INF transcode process started limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=13 submodule=manager
    1:31PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00013.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00013.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM INF transcode process returned a segment index=13 limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=13 segment=1080p-00013.ts submodule=manager
    2022/12/08 14:32:04 FFmpeg process successfully finished.
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00014.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00014.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM INF transcoding segments limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=14 segments-times=[112,120] submodule=manager
    1:32PM INF transcode process finished index=14 limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=13 submodule=manager
    2022/12/08 14:32:04 Starting FFmpeg process with args ./ffmpeg.exe -loglevel warning -ss 112.000000 -i ../test_videos/h/video.mp4 -to 120.000000 -copyts -force_key_frames 120.000000 -sn -vf scale=-2:1080 -filter_complex amix=inputs=2 -c:v h264_nvenc -preset p1 -tune:v ull -profile:v high -rc:v cbr -b:v 5000k -c:a aac -b:a 192k -f segment -segment_time_delta 0.2 -segment_format mpegts -segment_times 120.000000 -segment_start_number 14 -segment_list_type flat -segment_list pipe:1 ../test_videos/h/transcode\vod-1080p-47964795/1080p-%05d.ts
    1:32PM INF transcode process started limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=14 submodule=manager
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00014.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00014.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00015.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00015.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM INF transcoding segments limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=15 segments-times=[120,128] submodule=manager
    2022/12/08 14:32:04 Starting FFmpeg process with args ./ffmpeg.exe -loglevel warning -ss 120.000000 -i ../test_videos/h/video.mp4 -to 128.000000 -copyts -force_key_frames 128.000000 -sn -vf scale=-2:1080 -filter_complex amix=inputs=2 -c:v h264_nvenc -preset p1 -tune:v ull -profile:v high -rc:v cbr -b:v 5000k -c:a aac -b:a 192k -f segment -segment_time_delta 0.2 -segment_format mpegts -segment_times 128.000000 -segment_start_number 15 -segment_list_type flat -segment_list pipe:1 ../test_videos/h/transcode\vod-1080p-47964795/1080p-%05d.ts
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00015.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00015.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM INF transcoding segments limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=15 segments-times=[120,128] submodule=manager
    2022/12/08 14:32:04 Starting FFmpeg process with args ./ffmpeg.exe -loglevel warning -ss 120.000000 -i ../test_videos/h/video.mp4 -to 128.000000 -copyts -force_key_frames 128.000000 -sn -vf scale=-2:1080 -filter_complex amix=inputs=2 -c:v h264_nvenc -preset p1 -tune:v ull -profile:v high -rc:v cbr -b:v 5000k -c:a aac -b:a 192k -f segment -segment_time_delta 0.2 -segment_format mpegts -segment_times 128.000000 -segment_start_number 15 -segment_list_type flat -segment_list pipe:1 ../test_videos/h/transcode\vod-1080p-47964795/1080p-%05d.ts
    1:32PM INF transcode process started limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=15 submodule=manager
    1:32PM INF transcode process started limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=15 submodule=manager
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00016.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00016.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM INF transcoding segments limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=16 segments-times=[128,136] submodule=manager
    2022/12/08 14:32:08 Starting FFmpeg process with args ./ffmpeg.exe -loglevel warning -ss 128.000000 -i ../test_videos/h/video.mp4 -to 136.000000 -copyts -force_key_frames 136.000000 -sn -vf scale=-2:1080 -filter_complex amix=inputs=2 -c:v h264_nvenc -preset p1 -tune:v ull -profile:v high -rc:v cbr -b:v 5000k -c:a aac -b:a 192k -f segment -segment_time_delta 0.2 -segment_format mpegts -segment_times 136.000000 -segment_start_number 16 -segment_list_type flat -segment_list pipe:1 ../test_videos/h/transcode\vod-1080p-47964795/1080p-%05d.ts
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00016.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00016.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM INF transcoding segments limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=16 segments-times=[128,136] submodule=manager
    2022/12/08 14:32:08 Starting FFmpeg process with args ./ffmpeg.exe -loglevel warning -ss 128.000000 -i ../test_videos/h/video.mp4 -to 136.000000 -copyts -force_key_frames 136.000000 -sn -vf scale=-2:1080 -filter_complex amix=inputs=2 -c:v h264_nvenc -preset p1 -tune:v ull -profile:v high -rc:v cbr -b:v 5000k -c:a aac -b:a 192k -f segment -segment_time_delta 0.2 -segment_format mpegts -segment_times 136.000000 -segment_start_number 16 -segment_list_type flat -segment_list pipe:1 ../test_videos/h/transcode\vod-1080p-47964795/1080p-%05d.ts
    1:32PM INF transcode process started limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=16 submodule=manager
    1:32PM INF transcode process started limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=16 submodule=manager
    2022/12/08 14:32:09 [h264_nvenc @ 00000273a548f1c0] OpenEncodeSessionEx failed: out of memory (10): (no details)
    2022/12/08 14:32:09 [h264_nvenc @ 00000273a548f1c0] No capable devices found
    2022/12/08 14:32:09 Error initializing output stream 0:1 -- Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:1 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height
    2022/12/08 14:32:09 [h264_nvenc @ 00000282534df1c0] OpenEncodeSessionEx failed: out of memory (10): (no details)
    2022/12/08 14:32:09 [h264_nvenc @ 00000282534df1c0] No capable devices found
    2022/12/08 14:32:09 Error initializing output stream 0:1 -- Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:1 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height
    2022/12/08 14:32:09 FFmpeg process exited with error: exit status 1
    1:32PM INF transcode process finished index=16 limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=16 submodule=manager
    2022/12/08 14:32:09 FFmpeg process exited with error: exit status 1
    1:32PM INF transcode process finished index=16 limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=16 submodule=manager
    1:32PM INF transcode process returned a segment index=14 limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=14 segment=1080p-00014.ts submodule=manager
    2022/12/08 14:32:10 FFmpeg process successfully finished.
    1:32PM INF transcode process finished index=15 limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=14 submodule=manager
    1:32PM INF transcode process returned a segment index=15 limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=15 segment=1080p-00015.ts submodule=manager
    1:32PM INF transcode process returned a segment index=15 limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=15 segment=1080p-00015.ts submodule=manager
    2022/12/08 14:32:11 FFmpeg process successfully finished.
    1:32PM INF transcode process finished index=16 limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=15 submodule=manager
    2022/12/08 14:32:11 FFmpeg process successfully finished.
    1:32PM INF transcode process finished index=16 limit=1 module=hlsvod offset=15 submodule=manager
    1:32PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    1:32PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    1:32PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00016.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00016.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00016.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00016.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    1:32PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00016.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00016.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00016.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00016.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    1:32PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00016.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00016.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00016.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00016.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    1:32PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00016.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00016.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00016.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00016.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    1:32PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00016.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00016.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:32PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00016.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00016.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:33PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    1:33PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    1:33PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00016.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00016.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:33PM INF new hls vod request hlsResource=1080p-00016.ts module=hlsvod path="video.mp4/1080p-00016.ts" vodMediaPath="../test_videos/h/video.mp4"
    1:33PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    1:33PM WRN media transcode timeouted module=hlsvod submodule=manager
  • Add support for running go-transcode on Windows

    Add support for running go-transcode on Windows

    I know this probably isn't very high on your list, but I have a use case for on-demand transcoding on Windows, couldn't find any other existing project doing this as easily as this one, and it works with some minor changes, so… here we go!

    Let me know what you think and how you want to proceed with this. I see this primarily as a test balloon, to figure out whether changes like this are something you're interested in merging upstream? I could understand if this isn't something you want to deal with (and I'm probably not interested in maintaining this long-term either). I guess I'd just use my fork for my upcoming project and not open further pull requests related to Windows-support.

    Some technical notes:

    Really the only platform-dependent bits of code were the process group management. I've replaced those with Windows-specific versions, although I haven't fully tested them, because I'm not entirely sure how they're used. (I've pressed Ctrl-C on a running instance once and it seemed to terminate the running ffmpeg instances. But then again, I think they were normal individual processes, so I don't see the need for project groups yet.) Also, the build configuration for Linux and other non-Windows platforms is completely untested.

    I believe I also got stream support working, by mashing together some of the bash scripts into a Windows Batch file and replacing that one bit where it concats .sh to the profile name with .cmd. However, I'm only doing VOD and I just found out, that I apparently don't even need those bash scripts, so it isn't included here.

    Note that this is the first time I've written or built any Go, so my code is probably not very idiomatic. Suggestions (including required reading) welcome.

  • Add hardware acceleration support for static files

    Add hardware acceleration support for static files

    I'm using --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri in my compose file but it doesn't seem to make any difference in CPU usage vs leaving it out. Am I missing some other config? Thanks

  • Ffmpeg does not force key frames as expected

    Ffmpeg does not force key frames as expected

    Given we have a test video and want to force keframes at 1772,1776 timestamps:

    ffmpeg -loglevel warning \
        -ss 1768 \
        -i test.mp4 \
        -force_key_frames 1772,1776 \
        -to 1776 \
        -copyts \
      -c:v libx264 \
        -preset faster \
        -profile:v high \
        -level:v 4.0 \
        -b:v 2800k \
      -c:a aac \
        -b:a 192k \
      -f mpegts - \
    | ffprobe -loglevel error -skip_frame nokey -select_streams v:0 -show_entries frame=pkt_pts_time -of csv=print_section=0 -

    Response shows us:


    What is not what we expected. We expected to see 1772 and 1776 in the output.

  • static file access

    static file access

    Trying to test static files. the config file is pointed to /media has full access to the folder mounted

    mpv http://IPADDR:8888/vod/TV/SouthPark/Specials/South_Park_-_S00E44_-_South_Park-_Post_COVID-_The_Return_of_COVID_WEBDL-1080p.mkv/index.m3u8

    get an error 500 and the output with debug on on go-transcode

    12:46AM INF fetching metadata module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    2021/12/28 00:46:13 Unrecognized option 'show_format'.
    Error splitting the argument list: Option not found
    12:46AM WRN unable to preload metadata error="unable probe media for metadata: exit status 1" module=hlsvod
    12:46AM DBG request complete (500) module=http req={"agent":"libmpv","id":"go-transcode/NeOacMNoCW-000004","method":"GET","proto":"HTTP/1.1","remote":"","scheme":"http","uri":"http://IPADDR:8888/vod/TV/SouthPark/Specials/South_Park_-_S00E44_-_South_Park-_Post_COVID-_The_Return_of_COVID_WEBDL-1080p.mkv/index.m3u8"} res={"bytes":31,"elapsed":11.91186,"status":500,"time":"Tue, 28 Dec 2021 00:46:13 UTC"}
    12:46AM DBG request complete (405) module=http req={"agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36","id":"go-transcode/NeOacMNoCW-000005","method":"HEAD","proto":"HTTP/1.1","remote":"","scheme":"http","uri":"http://IPADDR:8888/vod/TV/SouthPark/Specials/South_Park_-_S00E44_-_South_Park-_Post_COVID-_The_Return_of_COVID_WEBDL-1080p.mkv/index.m3u8"} res={"bytes":0,"elapsed":0.013375,"status":405,"time":"Tue, 28 Dec 2021 00:46:14 UTC"}
    12:46AM INF fetching metadata module=hlsvod submodule=manager
    2021/12/28 00:46:14 Unrecognized option 'show_format'.
    Error splitting the argument list: Option not found
    12:46AM WRN unable to preload metadata error="unable probe media for metadata: exit status 1" module=hlsvod
    12:46AM DBG request complete (500) module=http req={"agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36","id":"go-transcode/NeOacMNoCW-000006","method":"GET","proto":"HTTP/1.1","remote":"","scheme":"http","uri":"http://IPADDR:8888/vod/TV/SouthPark/Specials/South_Park_-_S00E44_-_South_Park-_Post_COVID-_The_Return_of_COVID_WEBDL-1080p.mkv/index.m3u8"} res={"bytes":31,"elapsed":11.783193,"status":500,"time":"Tue, 28 Dec 2021 00:46:14 UTC"}
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