Check DNS and optionally Consul and serve the status from a Web page


Table of contents

  1. Preamble
  2. Compiling the program
  3. Keepalived and LVS
  4. Available options
  5. Setting up systemd


This application checks the local DNS and optionally consul and serves the status through a Web page.

What problems tries to solve this application? UDP can't be easily checked. I run a check and report it through HTTP status code.

This application runs as a daemon on the same machine running the DNS and it can to be used in conjunction with your UDP load-balancer to check the status of your DNS.

You can also use it from Nagios, Sensu and issue a simple HTTP check.

Compiling the program

You can install GO and copy/paste the followings:

git checkout main
git pull
LATEST_TAG=$(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
BUILD_TIME=$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
git checkout $LATEST_TAG

go get -ldflags "-s -w -X main.appVersion=${PROG_VERSION} -X main.buildTime=${BUILD_TIME}" .

Keepalived and LVS

For instance, with Keepalived + LVS I am using a configuration as follows:

  connect_port 10053
  connect_timeout 3
  delay_before_retry 1
  http_protocol 1.1
  nb_get_retry 2
  url {
    digest 6d3bcaba1fff8c5a461669b409c1a6d2
    path /ipv4

the digest is calculated using this command (genhash belongs to keepalived package):

genhash -s -p 10053 -u /ipv4

And if you receive a 200 status code, you'll get the same digest as mine, because the digest is computed against the small HTML snippet embedded in the main.go.

You could also use the HTTP status code: man keepalived.conf and search for status_code.

Available options

You can check the options as follows:

$ dns-checker --help
DNS Checker:
  - checks DNS and optionally Consul and report the status on a Web page
  dns-checker --dns-record=DNSRECORD [--dns-port=DNSPORT] [--consul-port=CONSULPORT] [--consul-record=CONSULRECORD] [--consul] [--verbose] [--listen-port=LISTENPORT] [--listen-address=LISTENADDRESS]
  dns-checker -h | --help
  dns-checker -b | --build
  dns-checker -v | --version
  -h --help                         Show this screen
  -v --version                      Print version information and exit
  -b --build                        Print version and build information and exit
  --dns-record=DNSRECORD            DNS record to check. A local record is recommended.
  --dns-port=DNSPORT                DNS port [default: 53]
  --consul-port=CONSULPORT          Consul port [default: 8600]
  --consul-record=CONSULRECORD      Consul record to check [default: consul.service.consul]
  --consul                          Check consul DNS as well
  --listen-port=LISTENPORT          Web server port [default: 10053]
  --listen-address=LISTENADDRESS    Web server address. Check Go net/http documentation [default: any]
  --verbose                         Log also successful connections

Once it is installed you can check the status using curl (with curl -I you get the status code):

curl http://localhost:10053/ipv4

Setting up systemd

In this case I am also checking for Consul, and I check the existance of one local record called in the DNS and one record called in Consul.

It is not sensible to check for a record on a forwarded zone, because there can be a problem in the network, or in he SOA of the other domain and we don't want to bring our DNS down if something else is broken.

# Start DNS checker web service on port 10053
Description=DNS and Consul Checker written in Go

ExecStart=/usr/bin/dns-checker --consul


you can change user and group as you don't need to run it as root :-)

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