A tool for generating self-contained, type-safe test doubles in go

counterfeiter CircleCI Build status

When writing unit-tests for an object, it is often useful to have fake implementations of the object's collaborators. In go, such fake implementations cannot be generated automatically at runtime, and writing them by hand can be quite arduous.

counterfeiter allows you to simply generate test doubles for a given interface.

Supported Versions Of go

counterfeiter follows the support policy of go itself:

Each major Go release is supported until there are two newer major releases. For example, Go 1.5 was supported until the Go 1.7 release, and Go 1.6 was supported until the Go 1.8 release. We fix critical problems, including critical security problems, in supported releases as needed by issuing minor revisions (for example, Go 1.6.1, Go 1.6.2, and so on).

If you are having problems with counterfeiter and are not using a supported version of go, please update to use a supported version of go before opening an issue.

Using counterfeiter

⚠️ Please use go modules when working with counterfeiter.

Typically, counterfeiter is used in go generate directives. It can be frustrating when you change your interface declaration and suddenly all of your generated code is suddenly out-of-date. The best practice here is to use the go generate command to make it easier to keep your test doubles up to date.

Step 1 - Create tools.go

You can take a dependency on tools by creating a tools.go file, as described in How can I track tool dependencies for a module?. This ensures that everyone working with your module is using the same version of each tool you use.

$ cat tools/tools.go
// +build tools

package tools

import (
	_ "github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter/v6"

// This file imports packages that are used when running go generate, or used
// during the development process but not otherwise depended on by built code.

Step 2a - Add go:generate Directives

You can add directives right next to your interface definitions (or not), in any .go file in your module.

$ cat myinterface.go
package foo

//go:generate go run github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter/v6 . MySpecialInterface

type MySpecialInterface interface {
	DoThings(string, uint64) (int, error)
$ go generate ./...
Writing `FakeMySpecialInterface` to `foofakes/fake_my_special_interface.go`... Done

Step 2b - Add counterfeiter:generate Directives

If you plan to have many directives in a single package, consider using this option. You can add directives right next to your interface definitions (or not), in any .go file in your module.

$ cat myinterface.go
package foo

// You only need **one** of these per package!
//go:generate go run github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter/v6 -generate

// You will add lots of directives like these in the same package...
//counterfeiter:generate . MySpecialInterface
type MySpecialInterface interface {
	DoThings(string, uint64) (int, error)

// Like this...
//counterfeiter:generate . MyOtherInterface
type MyOtherInterface interface {
	DoOtherThings(string, uint64) (int, error)
$ go generate ./...
Writing `FakeMySpecialInterface` to `foofakes/fake_my_special_interface.go`... Done
Writing `FakeMyOtherInterface` to `foofakes/fake_my_other_interface.go`... Done

Step 3 - Run go generate

You can run go generate in the directory with your directive, or in the root of your module (to ensure you generate for all packages in your module):

$ go generate ./...

Invoking counterfeiter from the shell

You can use the following command to invoke counterfeiter from within a go module:

$ go run github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter/v6

		[-generate] [-o <output-path>] [-p] [--fake-name <fake-name>]
		[<source-path>] <interface> [-]

Installing counterfeiter to $GOPATH/bin

This is unnecessary if you're using the approach described above, but does allow you to invoke counterfeiter in your shell outside of a module:

$ GO111MODULE=off go get -u github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter
$ counterfeiter

		[-generate] [-o <output-path>] [-p] [--fake-name <fake-name>]
		[<source-path>] <interface> [-]

Generating Test Doubles

Given a path to a package and an interface name, you can generate a test double.

$ cat path/to/foo/file.go
package foo

type MySpecialInterface interface {
		DoThings(string, uint64) (int, error)
$ go run github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter/v6 path/to/foo MySpecialInterface
Wrote `FakeMySpecialInterface` to `path/to/foo/foofakes/fake_my_special_interface.go`

Using Test Doubles In Your Tests

Instantiate fakes`:

import "my-repo/path/to/foo/foofakes"

var fake = &foofakes.FakeMySpecialInterface{}

Fakes record the arguments they were called with:

fake.DoThings("stuff", 5)


str, num := fake.DoThingsArgsForCall(0)

You can stub their return values:

fake.DoThingsReturns(3, errors.New("the-error"))

num, err := fake.DoThings("stuff", 5)

For more examples of using the counterfeiter API, look at some of the provided examples.

Generating Test Doubles For Third Party Interfaces

For third party interfaces, you can specify the interface using the alternative syntax <package>.<interface>, for example:

$ go run github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter/v6 github.com/go-redis/redis.Pipeliner

Running The Tests For counterfeiter

If you want to run the tests for counterfeiter (perhaps, because you want to contribute a PR), all you have to do is run scripts/ci.sh.


So you want to contribute to counterfeiter! That's great, here's exactly what you should do:

  • open a new github issue, describing your problem, or use case
  • help us understand how you want to fix or extend counterfeiter
  • write one or more unit tests for the behavior you want
  • write the simplest code you can for the feature you're working on
  • try to find any opportunities to refactor
  • avoid writing code that isn't covered by unit tests

counterfeiter has a few high level goals for contributors to keep in mind

  • keep unit-level test coverage as high as possible
  • keep main.go as simple as possible
  • avoid making the command line options any more complicated
  • avoid making the internals of counterfeiter any more complicated

If you have any questions about how to contribute, rest assured that @tjarratt and other maintainers will work with you to ensure we make counterfeiter better, together. This project has largely been maintained by the community, and we greatly appreciate any PR (whether big or small).


counterfeiter is MIT-licensed.

  • Generate counterfeiter fakes for stdlib interfaces

    Generate counterfeiter fakes for stdlib interfaces

    Often times we want to use interfaces that exist in the stdlib

    Since counterfeiter requires you to point it at the source file which has the interface definition, this is pretty much impossible to do programatically, especially in go:generate comments

    This would be a huge win.

  • Race condition when changing stubs across goroutines

    Race condition when changing stubs across goroutines

    package race_test
    import (
        . "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
    var _ = Describe("data race", func() {
        It("has a race condition", func() {
            myHandler := new(yourcodefakes.FakeHandler)
            go func() {
                for {
            myHandler.SomeMethodStub = func() string {
                return "some string"

    Is there a preferred way to change the stub without causing a race condition? We experimented with exposing the mutex for SomeMethod by manually modifying the generated counterfeiter fakes, and locking when reassigning SomeMethodStub, eg:

            myHandler.SomeMethodStub = func() string {
                return "some string"

    This fixes the race condition but obviously this requires editing the fake (non-ideal).

    If we hid the re-assignment of the stub into a method, we could Lock/Unlock it in that function instead.

    // This file was generated by counterfeiter
    package yourcodefakes
    import (
    type FakeHandler struct {
        someMethodStub        func() string
        someMethodMutex       sync.RWMutex
        someMethodArgsForCall []struct{}
        someMethodReturns     struct {
            result1 string
        invocations      map[string][][]interface{}
        invocationsMutex sync.RWMutex
    func (fake *FakeHandler) SomeMethod() string {
        fake.someMethodArgsForCall = append(fake.someMethodArgsForCall, struct{}{})
        fake.recordInvocation("SomeMethod", []interface{}{})
        if fake.someMethodStub != nil {
            return fake.someMethodStub()
        } else {
            return fake.someMethodReturns.result1
    func (fake *FakeHandler) SomeMethodCalls(stub func() string) {
          defer fake.someMethodMutex.Unlock()
          fake.someMethodStub = stub
  • counterfeiter does not check vendor directory when generating using import path

    counterfeiter does not check vendor directory when generating using import path

    When you have a vendored library in your project and you use a fully qualified import path to generate a fake, counterfeiter won't search for it in the vendored directory.


    mkdir -p vendor/foo/bar/baz/
    echo "package baz\ntype Baz interface {\nBaz() string\n}\n" > vendor/foo/bar/baz/baz.go
    counterfeiter foo/bar/baz.Baz
    Package 'foo/bar/baz' not found on GOPATH
  • counterfeiter does not work via go generate if outside PATH

    counterfeiter does not work via go generate if outside PATH

    We do not have counterfeiter under our PATH env var. Instead, the location is determined by a GOTOOLSPATH env var. Until recently, the following go:generate directive worked fine:

    //go:generate ${GOTOOLSPATH}/bin/counterfeiter ...

    However, with v6.2.3, this line no longer works. It seems counterfeiter is a complete no-op and doesn't return any errors. If I add it to PATH explicitly, then the following works as expected.

    //go:generate counterfeiter ...
  • Proposal: Fakes should be generated into a

    Proposal: Fakes should be generated into a "___fakes" package

    I've been using counterfeiter a lot lately. One thing I notice is that once I generate fakes for two or more packages I'm likely to want to use fakes from multiple packages in a single test. This often means I have to alias my imports...

    import (
      dbFakes   "github.com/tjarratt/foo/database/fakes"
      httpFakes "github.com/tjarratt/foo/http/fakes"

    This kind of sucks because existing tooling doesn't have a great answer to aliased packages (I'm looking at you, vim, emacs, Intelli-J and Sublime), and you constantly have to remember if you can use the fakes package name as is, or if you need to alias it.

    What if (hear me out here), we followed the standard library model, and put our fakes into a "__fakes" package? For example, "net/http" has a "net/http/httptest" package that exposes some convenient test helpers. I believe that pivotal-golang/lager does this as well. This pattern seems to be emergent, and convenient since the _fakes package name is much less likely to collide, but still captures the same spirit of the standard library.

    For existing code using the fakes package, we could write a "go fix" script that automatically rewrites your code and puts the source files in the (new) correct package. That should be a relatively painless way of dealing with the breakage for current users. (Tip of the hat to @robdimsdale for suggesting this).

    I would like to issue a PR to counterfeiter that changes fakes to xyzfakes where xyz is the name of the package being faked.

    Thoughts? Concerns? This is a breaking change, so I wanted to put this out here and solicit feedback first.

  • Allow caller to set a custom output package for fakes

    Allow caller to set a custom output package for fakes

    The counterfeiter CLI allows you to specify -o and --fake-name flags. But it should also allow you to define the package name and path that is generated, for example:

    $ counterfeiter github.com/my/package Something -p github.com/my/package/tests/fakes
    Wrote `FakeSomething` to `github.com/my/package/tests/fakes/fake_something.go`

    An additional complexity here is that I would like to be able to export the fakes to the same package as the interface definition. Reason: currently it is not possible to use counterfeiter-generated fakes in the package defining the interface (e.g. in unit tests) because this results in a cyclic dependency; allowing fakes to reside in the same package fixes this issue.

    $ counterfeiter github.com/my/package Something -p github.com/my/package
    Wrote `FakeSomething` to `github.com/my/package/fake_something.go`
  • separate go:generate logic from counterfeiter:generate logic

    separate go:generate logic from counterfeiter:generate logic

    Fixes #166.

    @joefitzgerald According to the usage message from counterfeiter, the -generate flag is supposed to cause it to evaluate all and only the //counterfeiter:generate directives in the current package.

    -generate Identify all //counterfeiter:generate directives in .go file in the current working directory and generate fakes for them. You can pass arguments as usual.

      NOTE: This is not the same as //go:generate directives
      (used with the 'go generate' command), but it can be combined with
      go generate by adding the following to a .go file:
      # runs counterfeiter in generate mode
      //go:generate go run github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter/v6 -generate

    Consequently, the existing behavior of trying to also include //go:generate counterfeiter directives in the same bulk request is counter to the documented behavior. Additionally, running counterfeiter without the -generate flag should not trigger any such bulk request logic (the legacy behavior).

    As such, I have untangled the legacy logic from the -generate logic, which simplifies things greatly. In short:

    1. If the -generate flag was passed, collect all //countefeiter:generate directives, and execute them.
    2. Else, only generate what was specifically requested via the command line arguments.
  • Include a dash -v flag on the counterfeiter command

    Include a dash -v flag on the counterfeiter command

    I was trying to figure out if I had the latest version of counterfeiter and was imaging that I could run something along the lines of

    counterfeiter -v

    Maybe I get a git sha back of the latest commit? A friendly version number would be nice but maybe I am asking too much?

  • use import- instead of source-path

    use import- instead of source-path


    I think using the import path would be handier than the filesystem path to locate the interface.

    It can be looked up converted to a fs path fairly easy by using the go/build package.

    // findRelImport tries to find the import string in the $GOPATH
    // and constructs a filepath relative to the current wroking directory
    func findRelImport(imp string) string {
        p, err := build.Default.Import(imp, "", build.FindOnly)
        cwd, err := os.Getwd()
        p.Dir, err = filepath.Rel(cwd, p.Dir)
        return p.Dir

    Having this made moving and renaming packages much more comfortable with other tools but I guess we should have both options for compatibility and flexibility.

    I can whip up a preliminary PR if you agree.

  • Import cycle when using the fake in the same package as the interface

    Import cycle when using the fake in the same package as the interface

    This causes an import cycle:

    package counterfeit
    //go:generate counterfeiter . Fooer
    type Fooer interface {
    	Foo() bool
    func Bar(f Fooer) string {
    	if f.Foo() {
    		return "foo"
    	} else {
    		return "bar"
    package counterfeit
    import (
    func TestBar(t *testing.T) {
    	fake := &counterfeitfakes.FakeFooer{}

    This is caused by the interface check at the bottom of fake_fooer.go:

    var _ counterfeit.Fooer = new(FakeFooer)

    One solution is to change the test file's package to counterfeit_tests, but that doesn't work if I want to test unexported functions.

    #8 is similar, but that one is solvable by renaming the import. This isn't.

    Is this check really necessary though? If you try to use the fake in a test, and it no longer satisfies the interface, it'll fail to compile anyway (well, except if you're doing something tricky with interface{}). Could you maybe add an option to disable this check?

  • Create spies for type aliased functions

    Create spies for type aliased functions

    Given a type aliased function such as

    type RequestFactory func(api.Filter, map[string]interface{}) (*http.Request, error)

    a valid counterfeit/spy can be generated that looks like

    package fakes
    import (
    type FakeRequestFactory struct {
        Stub        func(api.Filter, map[string]interface{}) (*http.Request, error)
        mutex       sync.RWMutex
        argsForCall []struct {
            arg1 api.Filter
            arg2 map[string]interface{}
        returns     struct {
            result1 *http.Request
            result2 error
    func (fake *FakeRequestFactory) Spy(arg1 api.Filter, arg2 map[string]interface{}) (*http.Request, error) {
        fake.argsForCall = append(fake.argsForCall, struct {
            arg1 api.Filter
            arg2 map[string]interface{}
        }{arg1, arg2})
        if fake.Stub != nil {
            return fake.Stub(arg1, arg2)
        } else {
            return fake.returns.result1, fake.returns.result2
    func (fake *FakeRequestFactory) CallCount() int {
        defer fake.mutex.RUnlock()
        return len(fake.argsForCall)
    func (fake *FakeRequestFactory) ArgsForCall(i int) (api.Filter, map[string]interface{}) {
        defer fake.mutex.RUnlock()
        return fake.argsForCall[i].arg1, fake.argsForCall[i].arg2
    func (fake *FakeRequestFactory) Returns(result1 *http.Request, result2 error) {
        fake.Stub = nil
        fake.returns = struct {
            result1 *http.Request
            result2 error
        }{result1, result2}
    var _ commands.RequestFactory = new(FakeRequestFactory).Spy

    This spy can be used in a very similar way as other spies:

    var fakeRequestFactory *fakes.FakeRequestFactory
    BeforeEach(func() {
      fakeRequestFactory = new(fakes.FakeRequestFactory)
    It("does stuff", func() {
      fakeRequestFactory.Returns(new(http.Request), errors.New("BOOM"))
      results := someFuncWhichUsesIt(fakeRequestFactory.Spy)
  • Homebrew: Does not complete test on Go 1.20rc1

    Homebrew: Does not complete test on Go 1.20rc1

    ==> Testing counterfeiter
    ==> /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/counterfeiter/6.5.0_1/bin/counterfeiter -p os 2>&1
    Writing `Os` to `osshim/os.go`... 
    /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/go/libexec/src/os/file.go:246:27: StringData not declared by package unsafe
    ==> Testing counterfeiter (again)
    ==> /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/counterfeiter/6.5.0_1/bin/counterfeiter -p os 2>&1
    Writing `Os` to `osshim/os.go`... 
    /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/go/libexec/src/os/file.go:246:27: StringData not declared by package unsafe
    Error: counterfeiter: failed

    Refs https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/117643

  • [CVE-2020-11022] Update of counterfeiter/v6 needed

    [CVE-2020-11022] Update of counterfeiter/v6 needed


    We just found the WhiteSource violation golang.org/x/tools-v0.1.12 in @github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter/v6 dependency: https://www.mend.io/vulnerability-database/CVE-2020-11022

    Can you please the safe github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter/v6 version?

    Thank you, Yael

  • cannot write tests in package being tested due to import cycle

    cannot write tests in package being tested due to import cycle

    counterfeiter fakes include a line at the bottom which assigns a pointer to the fake to a variable declared as type of interface being mocked. This is a great way to ensure that the counterfeit actually implements the specified interface so that the compiler will generate an error when the interface changes, but it means that you cannot implement a test that depends on the counterfeit implementation within the package itself, because it forces a dependency on that package into packagefakes package.

    This means that every time we run go generate, we must also run a script which strips that line out of each generated file. There should be a command line option to skip adding that line to the counterfeit, or which specifies the file to add it to. If I want to detect that the interface is no longer satisfied, I can add such an assignment myself, rather than having the code generator break all test code that adheres to the common pattern of putting tests in the same package as the code being tested (in order to gain access to non-exported fields and methods, which can greatly simplify testing). But it would be even better to have the generator add the line to a specified file so that we can generate those checks in the package being tested rather than in the packagefakes package where it causes an import cycle.

  • Go 1.18 generics

    Go 1.18 generics

    First of all, love your library. I was wondering if you plan on supporting the go 1.18 generics in the near future.

    I'm happy to help if you give me some pointers on guidance on how you would approach this

  • generate mode accepts -o, -fake-name-template & -q

    generate mode accepts -o, -fake-name-template & -q

    This PR implements the feature discussed in #191. I did my best to add the feature without making invasive changes, but I did have to restructure how flags are parsed. I'm definitely open to feedback on how I can improve the commit or the feature itself. Here are some specific questions I have:

    • Is -fake-name-template a good name for the flag?
    • Is text/template the right approach here, or would a simple regex, or a prefix + suffix flag be better?
    • If text/template works here, is TargetName alright as the field available in the template, or would another name be better. Perhaps just Name?

    /cc @joefitzgerald @maxbrunsfeld

  • Support for DoThingsCallsOnCall(callCount, stub ...) similar to DoThingsReturnsOnCall(callCount)

    Support for DoThingsCallsOnCall(callCount, stub ...) similar to DoThingsReturnsOnCall(callCount)

    Suppose, MyInterface returns different values in different use cases. This can be handled by DoThingsReturnsOnCall(callCount), where we can initialise the fake interface by specifying what the return value should be on each call 0,1,2.. But how can we handle the case, when there is no return value, and the arguments are itself altered as a side effect by the function?

    DoThingsCalls(stub) can be used to fake by passing stub to perform that specific side effect. But, what if similar to above, the function has different side effects on different calls? There should be something on similar lines: DoThingsCallsOnCall(callCount, stub) , where we can specify different stubs while initialising, so that different side effects can be performed on each callCount 0,1,2..

    If the above is supported via any other functionality available today, please do let know.

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