Remove unnecessary type conversions from Go source

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The unconvert program analyzes Go packages to identify unnecessary type conversions; i.e., expressions T(x) where x already has type T.


$ go get


$ unconvert -v bytes fmt
GOROOT/src/bytes/reader.go:117:14: unnecessary conversion
                abs = int64(r.i) + offset
GOROOT/src/fmt/print.go:411:21: unnecessary conversion
        p.fmt.integer(int64(v), 16, unsigned, udigits)


Using the -v flag, unconvert will also print the source line and a caret to indicate the unnecessary conversion's position therein.

Using the -apply flag, unconvert will rewrite the Go source files without the unnecessary type conversions.

Using the -all flag, unconvert will analyze the Go packages under all possible GOOS/GOARCH combinations, and only identify conversions that are unnecessary in all cases.

E.g., syscall.Timespec's Sec and Nsec fields are int64 under linux/amd64 but int32 under linux/386. An int64(ts.Sec) conversion that appears in a linux/amd64-only file will be identified as unnecessary, but it will be preserved if it occurs in a file that's compiled for both linux/amd64 and linux/386.

Matthew Dempsky
I eat plants and write Go.
Matthew Dempsky
  • Files in /usr/local/go are processed

    Files in /usr/local/go are processed

    I've reported it before here:, but I think that this is a better place to report it.

    I'm not (yet) sure why, but some linters generate a report from /usr/local/go.

    mark@Dymek:$ gometalinter -j4 --vendor --deadline=30s -t . | grep '^/'
    /usr/local/go/src/os/user/lookup.go:9:9:warning: undeclared name: current (unconvert)
    /usr/local/go/src/os/user/lookup.go:15:9:warning: undeclared name: lookup (unconvert)
    /usr/local/go/src/os/user/lookup.go:21:9:warning: undeclared name: lookupId (unconvert)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:55:24:warning: undeclared name: cgoLookupHost (unconvert)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:67:24:warning: undeclared name: cgoLookupIP (unconvert)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:78:23:warning: undeclared name: cgoLookupPort (unconvert)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:87:24:warning: undeclared name: cgoLookupCNAME (unconvert)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:154:23:warning: undeclared name: cgoLookupPTR (unconvert)
    /usr/local/go/src/crypto/x509/root.go:15:10:warning: undeclared name: initSystemRoots (unconvert)
    /usr/local/go/src/os/user/lookup.go:9:9:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: current (varcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/os/user/lookup.go:15:9:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: lookup (varcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/os/user/lookup.go:21:9:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: lookupId (varcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:55:24:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: cgoLookupHost (varcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:67:24:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: cgoLookupIP (varcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:78:23:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: cgoLookupPort (varcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:87:24:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: cgoLookupCNAME (varcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:154:23:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: cgoLookupPTR (varcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/crypto/x509/root.go:15:10:warning: unused global variable undeclared name: initSystemRoots (varcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/os/user/lookup.go:9:9:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: current (structcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/os/user/lookup.go:15:9:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: lookup (structcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/os/user/lookup.go:21:9:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: lookupId (structcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:55:24:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: cgoLookupHost (structcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:67:24:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: cgoLookupIP (structcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:78:23:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: cgoLookupPort (structcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:87:24:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: cgoLookupCNAME (structcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:154:23:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: cgoLookupPTR (structcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/crypto/x509/root.go:15:10:warning: unused struct field undeclared name: initSystemRoots (structcheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/os/user/lookup.go:9:9:warning: undeclared name: current (aligncheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/os/user/lookup.go:15:9:warning: undeclared name: lookup (aligncheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/os/user/lookup.go:21:9:warning: undeclared name: lookupId (aligncheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:55:24:warning: undeclared name: cgoLookupHost (aligncheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:67:24:warning: undeclared name: cgoLookupIP (aligncheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:78:23:warning: undeclared name: cgoLookupPort (aligncheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:87:24:warning: undeclared name: cgoLookupCNAME (aligncheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:154:23:warning: undeclared name: cgoLookupPTR (aligncheck)
    /usr/local/go/src/crypto/x509/root.go:15:10:warning: undeclared name: initSystemRoots (aligncheck)

    I'm on go version go1.6.2 darwin/amd64

    mark@Dymek:$ set | grep ^GO

    /usr/local/go is a symlink, not sure if that's significant.

    When I try to run unconvert directly, I get similar behaviour.

  • Failure with go-1.10.x, caused by a new `go list` argument `-compiled`

    Failure with go-1.10.x, caused by a new `go list` argument `-compiled`

    To reproduce:

    With a clean go-1.10.x(without any installed package. Such as in travis):

    • Install unconvert:
      go get
    • Run it: unconvert math/bits, it reports an error:
      2019/03/25 16:25:53 unsupported version of go: exit status 2: flag provided but not defined: -compiled
      usage: list [-e] [-f format] [-json] [build flags] [packages]
      Run 'go help list' for details.


    1. unconvert relies on
    2. go get in a clean env pulls the latest
    3. The latest master) is for latest go(1.12.x) and it assumes that go list is able to accept the argument -compiled.
    4. An older go(e.g. 1.10.x) does not support -compiled for go list. Thus install unconvert in a clean go-1.10.x env results in an error like above.

    As go get can not specify dependency versions, using dep to force the revision of packages to use might solve this problem.

  • Rewrite in terms of lintutil

    Rewrite in terms of lintutil is a neat package by @dominikh that provides a framework for writing linters like unconvert.

    The main benefit of rewriting unconvert in terms of lintutil is that it would allow users to implement "meta linters" that can run many lints while traversing the AST only once. Such a thing already exists in CockroachDB (

    cc @dominikh

  • C: no such file or directory

    C: no such file or directory

    $ unconvert -v
    2017/07/07 16:17:49 open /Users/xlab/Documents/dev/go/src/ no such file or directory
    go version go1.9beta2 darwin/amd64
  • unconvert doesn't support vendoring

    unconvert doesn't support vendoring

    If you try to use unconvert on code which has vendored dependencies it reports bogus errors

    For example:

    main.go:6:2:warning: could not import (cannot find package "" in any of: (unconvert)
    main.go:11:14:warning: undeclared name: errors (unconvert)

    Where main.go clearly imports errors:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
            err := fmt.Errorf("some error")
            fmt.Println(errors.Wrap(err, "my wrapped error"))

    To ensure you get this error you need vendored and it must NOT be in your GOPATH.

    Also reported to gometalinter:

  • fails on cockroachdb

    fails on cockroachdb

    Cool tool!

    I tried it on cockroachdb/cockroach@ac79461:

    $ unconvert -all -apply ./...
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ GetInfo not declared by package build
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ AnnotateTrace not declared by package tracing
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ AnnotateTrace not declared by package tracing
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ AnnotateTrace not declared by package tracing
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ GetInfo not declared by package build
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ GetInfo not declared by package build
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ undeclared name: RocksDB
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ cannot use (InMem literal) (value of type InMem) as Engine value in variable declaration: missing method ApplyBatchRepr
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ undeclared name: NewRocksDBCache
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ unknown field RocksDB in struct literal
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ invalid operation: db (variable of type InMem) has no field or method Open
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ undeclared name: goMerge
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ undeclared name: emptyKeyError
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ undeclared name: emptyKeyError
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ undeclared name: emptyKeyError
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ undeclared name: emptyKeyError
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ undeclared name: emptyKeyError
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ AnnotateTrace not declared by package tracing
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ AnnotateTrace not declared by package tracing
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ AnnotateTrace not declared by package tracing
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ GetInfo not declared by package build
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ RocksDB not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ s.engine (variable of type cannot have dynamic type *invalid type (missing method ApplyBatchRepr)
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ invalid operation: rocksdb (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetSSTables
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ GetInfo not declared by package build
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ cannot use engine.NewInMem((roachpb.Attributes literal), 50 << 20, ltc.Stopper) (value of type as value in assignment: missing method ApplyBatchRepr
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ AnnotateTrace not declared by package tracing
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ AnnotateTrace not declared by package tracing
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ AnnotateTrace not declared by package tracing
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ AnnotateTrace not declared by package tracing
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ AnnotateTrace not declared by package tracing
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ AnnotateTrace not declared by package tracing
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ AnnotateTrace not declared by package tracing
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ NewRocksDBCache not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ cannot use engine.NewInMem(spec.Attributes, sizeInBytes, stopper) (value of type as value in argument to append: missing method ApplyBatchRepr
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ NewRocksDB not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ GetInfo not declared by package build
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ GetInfo not declared by package build
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ GetInfo not declared by package build
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ GetInfo not declared by package build
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ MinimumMaxOpenFiles not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ DefaultMaxOpenFiles not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ DefaultMaxOpenFiles not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ DefaultMaxOpenFiles not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ DefaultMaxOpenFiles not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ DefaultMaxOpenFiles not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ DefaultMaxOpenFiles not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ DefaultMaxOpenFiles not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ cannot use engine.NewInMem((roachpb.Attributes literal), 100 << 20, params.Stopper) (value of type as value in argument to append: missing method ApplyBatchRepr
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ GetInfo not declared by package build
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ RocksDB not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ GetInfo not declared by package build
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ invalid operation: db (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method Iterate
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ NewRocksDBCache not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ NewRocksDB not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ DefaultMaxOpenFiles not declared by package engine
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ cannot use db (variable of type *invalid type) as value in argument to loadRangeDescriptor: missing method ApplyBatchRepr
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ cannot use db (variable of type *invalid type) as value in argument to storage.NewReplicaDataIterator: missing method Close
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ invalid operation: db (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method Iterate
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ invalid operation: db (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method Iterate
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ cannot use db (variable of type *invalid type) as value in argument to engine.MVCCIterate: missing method Close
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ invalid operation: db (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method NewSnapshot
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ cannot use db (variable of type *invalid type) as value in argument to engine.MVCCIterate: missing method Close
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ invalid operation: db (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method Compact
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ invalid operation: db (variable of type *invalid type) has no field or method GetSSTables
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ GetInfo not declared by package build
    /Users/tamird/src/go/src/ GetInfo not declared by package build
    2016/07/28 22:14:02 couldn't load packages due to errors:,, and 9 more
  • Can and should unconvert simplify this case?

    Can and should unconvert simplify this case?

    Suppose there's a declaration of a []int32 slice done in the following way:

    x := []int32{

    Is there a reason unconvert can't or shouldn't simplify it to:

    x := []int32{

    Since constants are used, the type conversion is not needed, as the constants will have their types inferred correctly from the context. Any thoughts?

  • column numbers and -apply don't always work with cgo

    column numbers and -apply don't always work with cgo

    $ go get
    $ unconvert
    panic: illegal file offset
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    panic(0x603c00, 0xc824298740)
        /home/u/go/src/runtime/panic.go:500 +0x189
    go/token.(*File).Pos(0xc824684420, 0xd54, 0x1)
        /home/u/go/src/go/token/position.go:237 +0x88
    main.print(0xc8201d7ef0, 0x43, 0xc8247ec0d0)
        /home/u/goget/src/ +0x23a
        /home/u/goget/src/ +0x38f
  • Release v1.0.0

    Release v1.0.0

    unconvert doesn't show up nicely in a go.mod (eg: v0.0.0-20190921185256-3ecd357795af)

    Since its been stable for quite a while, tag a v1.0.0 release?

  • Fix file name reporting for Go 1.11 [v2]

    Fix file name reporting for Go 1.11 [v2]

    unconvert output for cgo-preprocessed files is broken when using Go 1.11beta. A quick example:

    With Go 1.10:

    go run unconvert.go /home/kir/go/src/ unnecessary conversion

    With Go 1.11 beta2:

    go run unconvert.go copy.go:242:0: unnecessary conversion

    Note that there are two issues:

    • column is 0;
    • file names have path stripped.

    The issue with column is filed as; there is no way to fix it in unconvert.

    The second issue is currently discussed in, but it might not be fixed since the new documentation says:

    The filenames in line directives now remain untouched by the scanner; there is no cleanup or conversion of relative into absolute paths anymore, in sync with what the compiler's scanner/parser are doing. Any kind of filename transformation has to be done by a client. This makes the scanner code simpler and also more predictable.

    So, here's the alternative: if the file name is not absolute, prepend the path as we know it.

    Fixes #29

  • Is this a bug, a false positive, or a gap in my understanding?

    Is this a bug, a false positive, or a gap in my understanding?

    For watcher-default.go#L45, unconvert -v reports:

    /home/me/c/go/src/ unnecessary conversion
            me.DebounceNano = time.Duration(250 * time.Millisecond).Nanoseconds()

    I don't see any conversions anywhere near?!

    Same result with -safe, except prepended by line:

    ... huh, *ast.SelectorExpr at /home/me/c/go/src/
  • Include unconvert as a library

    Include unconvert as a library

    Is there an interest on splitting unconvert into library and cmd? This will allow other projects like golangci-lint to use this project directly instead of depending on an old fork

    I am ready to implement the changes myself. (Original discussion )

  • Missing type for functions reported without function name and other details

    Missing type for functions reported without function name and other details

    I've been using unconvert to scan couple of Go files which I have in my local. And upon running I'm getting info like,

    Missing type for function
    Missing type for function
    Missing type for function
    Missing type for function
    Missing type for function
    Missing type for function
    Missing type for function
    Missing type for function
    Missing type for function
    Missing type for function
    Missing type for function

    without any more detailed output or further information as which function or line number. I'm not sure whether this is the normal behavior or expected output.

  • Support cross-builds and cgo

    Support cross-builds and cgo

    The type of syscall.Stdin differs on Linux (int) and Windows (syscall.Handle). As such, any calling code needs to always cast syscall.Stdin to an integer to use it. But this gets flagged by unconvert on Linux.

    My current workaround is to do int(os.Stdin.Fd()) instead of syscall.Stdin. Would be nice to do without the hack.

  • Consider reporting avoidable type conversion for untyped constants (typed constants are already handled).

    Consider reporting avoidable type conversion for untyped constants (typed constants are already handled).

    Consider the following Go program:

    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
    	const foo = "foo"
    	f(string(foo) + "bar")
    func f(s string) {

    I expected unconvert to report that string(foo) is an unnecessary conversion, but it didn't.

    $ unconvert
    $ echo $?

    Is that intentional, or a missing feature?

    Tested using Go 1.8beta2 and latest version of unconvert and its depenencies:

    $ go version
    go version go1.8beta2 darwin/amd64
    $ gostatus -v .../unconvert
    $ go list -f '{{join .Deps "\n"}}' | gostatus -stdin -v
    	$ Stash exists
    $ binstale unconvert
    	up to date:

    /cc @dominikh in case this is a better fit for one of your tools.

  • false positives in protobuf generated code

    false positives in protobuf generated code

    After fixing #16, all of the remaining issues in are now in machine generate protobuf files.

    I'm thinking unconvert should just ignore files ending with ".pb.go", but I'm open to suggestions for alternative heuristics. E.g., are there any strings like "DO NOT EDIT" that are conventionally recognized by other linter tools?

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