Golang client for Ethereum and Flashbots JSON-RPC API calls.

Flashbots RPC client

Fork of ethrpc with additional Flashbots RPC methods:

  • FlashbotsGetUserStats
  • FlashbotsCallBundle
  • FlashbotsSendBundle
  • FlashbotsSimulateBlock: simulate a full block


rpc := flashbotsrpc.New("https://relay.flashbots.net")

// Creating a new private key here for testing; you probably would want to use an existing one
privateKey, _ := crypto.GenerateKey() 

// Query relay for user stats
result, err := rpc.FlashbotsGetUserStats(privateKey, 13281018)
if err != nil {

// Print result
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", result)

You can find more examples in /examples/.

Chris Hager
Hacker, Maker, Engineer
Chris Hager
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           	topts, err := bind.NewKeyedTransactorWithChainID(wallet.PrivateKey, big.NewInt(cfg.ChainId))
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