Simple utility to set the WSL2 subnet to a specific range

WSL subnet utility

This is a small Go utility to set the WSL2 host and subnet. It achieves this by:

  • deleting the existing WSL network
  • creating a new one with the specified subnet (defaulting to

Windows automatically creates the WSL network when a WSL2 environment is started, so we need to pre-empt this by creating our own network with our settings before that happens.

Important notes

  • this needs to be done before starting any WSL2 (or Docker on WSL2) environments
  • if you need to do this afterwards, restart WSL2 environments by shutting them down with wsl --shutdown; they should work correctly after they're re-launched.
  • you may need to disable Docker auto-start: this needs to run first
  • the utility needs to be run in an elevated mode (administrator) in order to alter the network configuration
    • you'll get an Access denied error if you are not elevated
    • run in an elevated console
    • or schedule as a task (noted below)

Basic command line help can be obtained with wsl-subnet --help

Installing this as a task is possible via the Task Scheduler:

  • Use At system startup as the trigger
  • Run under the SYSTEM account


cd src
go build .

This will yield a single, static executable: wsl-subnet.exe

References and acknowledgements

We're making use the Windows Host Compute Network interfaces to do this:

Fortunately, Microsoft has supplied the hcsshim Go library to interact with these interfaces at a higher level. This library is used by various projects, including (at some stage), Docker itself.

This is a simple utility inspired partly by the various Powershell scripts out there to control WSL booting and subnet assignment, including:

Check those out if you need something more complex.

Michael Barber
Principal Engineer (C#) at Paddy Power in Dublin
Michael Barber
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