An open source embedding vector similarity search engine powered by Faiss, NMSLIB and Annoy

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Image search Chatbots Chemical structure search

Milvus is an open-source vector database built to power AI applications and embedding similarity search. Milvus makes unstructured data search more accessible, and provides a consistent user experience regardless of the deployment environment.

Milvus was released under the open-source Apache License 2.0 in October 2019. It is currently an incubation-stage project under LF AI & Data Foundation.

  • Blazing Fast

Average latency measured in milliseconds on ten million vector datasets.

Supports CPU SIMD, GPU, and FPGA accelerations, fully utilizing available hardware resources to achieve cost efficiency.

  • Easy to Use

Rich APIs designed for data science workflows.

Consistent cross-platform UX from laptop, to local cluster, to cloud.

Embed real-time search and analytics into virtually any application.

  • Stable and Resilient

Milvus’ built-in replication and failover/failback features ensure data and applications can maintain business continuity in the event of a disruption.

  • High Elasticity

Component-level scalability makes it possible to only scale where necessary.

  • Community Backed

With over 1,000 enterprise users, 5,000+ stars on GitHub, and an active open-source community, you’re not alone when you use Milvus.

IMPORTANT The master branch is for the development of Milvus v2.0. On March 9th, 2021, we released Milvus v1.0, the first stable version of Milvus with long-term support. To use Milvus v1.0, switch to branch 1.0.

Getting Started


  • Image Search: Images made searchable. Instantaneously return the most similar images from a massive database.
  • Chatbots: Interactive digital customer service that saves users time and businesses money.
  • Chemical Structure Search: Blazing fast similarity search, substructure search, or superstructure search for a specified molecule.


Contributions to Milvus are welcome from everyone. See Guidelines for Contributing for details on submitting patches and the contribution workflow. See our community repository to learn about our governance and access more community resources.


Milvus Docs

For documentation about Milvus, see Milvus Docs.


The implemented SDK and its API documentatation are listed below:

Recommended Articles


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Milvus is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. View a copy of the License file.


Milvus adopts dependencies from the following:

  • Thank FAISS for the excellent search library.
  • Thank etcd for providing some great open-source tools.
  • Thank Pulsar for its great distributed information pub/sub platform.
  • Thank RocksDB for the powerful storage engines.
The Milvus Project
The open source vector database designed for AI applications
The Milvus Project
  • Refactor QueryCoord

    Refactor QueryCoord

  • [Bug]: Crash caused by memory explosion

    [Bug]: Crash caused by memory explosion

    Is there an existing issue for this?

    • [X] I have searched the existing issues


    - Milvus version:2.0.2
    - Deployment mode(standalone or cluster):standalone
    - SDK version(e.g. pymilvus v2.0.0rc2):java 2.0.4
    - OS(Ubuntu or CentOS): ubuntu
    - CPU/Memory: 24C/32G
    - GPU: 
    - Others:

    Current Behavior

    Changing the entity of the collection, adding or deleting it during collection query will cause the memory to continue to rise abnormally and eventually crash

    Expected Behavior

    Changing entities while querying is not affected

    Steps To Reproduce

    1、create collection,768DIM,IVF_SQ8 nlist 256 IP
    2、insert 10W entities into the collection
    3、load entities from collection for query param,do the query with per entity;
    5、during the query,adding or deleteing the entities

    Milvus Log

    No response

    Anything else?

    No response

  • Support diskann index for vector field

    Support diskann index for vector field

    issue: #19092

    For Diskann index, sdk add a new index type (DISKANN) and a new search param(search_list), the range of search_list is (topk, min(topk*10, 65535))

    Python Example:

        metric_type = 'L2'
        index_type = 'DISKANN'
        index_param = {
            "metric_type": metric_type,
            "index_type": index_type,
            "params": {}
        res = collection.create_index("float_vector", index_param)
        search_params = {"metric_type": metric_type, "params": {"search_list": 7}}
        results =

    Signed-off-by: xige-16 [email protected]

  • [Bug]: [Nightly] Auto compaction sometimes runs slowly

    [Bug]: [Nightly] Auto compaction sometimes runs slowly

    Is there an existing issue for this?

    • [X] I have searched the existing issues


    - Milvus version: latest
    - Deployment mode(standalone or cluster): standalone & cluster
    - SDK version(e.g. pymilvus v2.0.0rc2): pymilvus rc9.22
    - OS(Ubuntu or CentOS): 
    - CPU/Memory: 
    - GPU: 
    - Others:

    Current Behavior

    Auto compaction (segments reached 10), compaction could not be completed in 60s

    [2021-12-09T00:38:55.908Z] >               raise BaseException(1, "Ccompact auto-merge more than 60s")
    [2021-12-09T00:38:55.908Z] E               BaseException: (1, 'Ccompact auto-merge more than 60s')

    Expected Behavior

    Auto compaction (segments reached 10), compaction could be completed in relatively short time.

    Steps To Reproduce

    Run nightly:


    Failed case: testcases/

    Failed collection name: compact_QmYxDTZS


    [2021-12-08T22:07:42.854Z] [gw2] [ 17%] FAILED testcases/ 

    Anything else?

    No response

  • After the distributed Milvus system is continuously inserted, the memory usage of the write node has been very high.

    After the distributed Milvus system is continuously inserted, the memory usage of the write node has been very high.

    Please state your issue using the following template and, most importantly, in English.

    After the distributed Milvus system is continuously inserted, the memory usage of the write node has been very high.

    Describe the bug After the distributed Milvus system is continuously inserted, the memory of the write node is maintained at more than 90%.

    Steps/Code to reproduce behavior

    1.Milvus version: 1.1.0 2.database: mysql 3.milvus cluster 20 read only nodes, cpu 32C + 56G memory 1 read write node, cpu 32C + 120G memory 4. Start the milvus service, create a new test collection, and create the SQ8 index on the test collection. Here is the param. { "colName": "test", "dimension": 128, "indexFileSize": 4096, "metricType": 1 } { "colName": "test", "nlist": 4096, "indexType": 3 }

    1. Continuously insert 200 million data at 5000qps to write node and Insert to 10 partitions evenly.

    During the execution of the above steps, the following problems will occur

    1. The memory of the write node continues to rise until it exceeds 90%, and after all the tasks are over, the memory is always maintained above 90%
    2. During the insertion request, the actual number of features inserted is inconsistent with the number of features queried through mysql, with a difference of 20% to 30%, but will eventually be the same.
    3. As the memory usage becomes higher and higher, the insertion speed will become slower and slower. It takes about 6 hours to insert 100 million features.
    4. In the process of inserting, almost all segments are queried by the client to be of IDMAP index type, indicating that the index is being built, but in fact the CPU usage has been below 10%.

    Expected behavior

    During the execution of the write operation, the memory usage of the write node should not be so high, and the CPU usage should be higher. After the write operation is performed, the memory footprint of the write node should be close to 0.

    Method of installation

    • [x] Docker/cpu
    • [ ] Docker/gpu
    • [ ] Build from source

    Environment details

    • Hardware/Software conditions (OS, CPU, GPU, Memory) Centos 32 CPU 120G Memory

    • Milvus version (master or released version)


    Configuration file Settings you made in server_config.yaml or milvus.yaml

    # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
    # is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
    # or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
    version: 0.5
    # Cluster Config       | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # enable               | If running with Mishards, set true, otherwise false.       | Boolean    | false           |
    # role                 | Milvus deployment role: rw / ro                            | Role       | rw              |
      enable: true
      role: rw
    # General Config       | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # timezone             | Use UTC-x or UTC+x to specify a time zone.                 | Timezone   | UTC+8           |
    # meta_uri             | URI for metadata storage, using SQLite (for single server  | URI        | sqlite://:@:/   |
    #                      | Milvus) or MySQL (for distributed cluster Milvus).         |            |                 |
    #                      | Format: dialect://username:password@host:port/database     |            |                 |
    #                      | Keep 'dialect://:@:/', 'dialect' can be either 'sqlite' or |            |                 |
    #                      | 'mysql', replace other texts with real values.             |            |                 |
      timezone: UTC+8
      meta_uri: mysql
    # Network Config       | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # bind.address         | IP address that Milvus server monitors.                    | IP         |         |
    # bind.port            | Port that Milvus server monitors. Port range (1024, 65535) | Integer    | 19530           |
    # http.enable          | Enable HTTP server or not.                                 | Boolean    | true            |
    # http.port            | Port that Milvus HTTP server monitors.                     | Integer    | 19121           |
    #                      | Port range (1024, 65535)                                   |            |                 |
      bind.port: 19530
      http.enable: true
      http.port: 19121
    # Storage Config       | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # path                 | Path used to save meta data, vector data and index data.   | Path       | /var/lib/milvus |
    # auto_flush_interval  | The interval, in seconds, at which Milvus automatically    | Integer    | 1 (s)           |
    #                      | flushes data to disk.                                      |            |                 |
    #                      | 0 means disable the regular flush.                         |            |                 |
      path: /var/lib/milvus
      auto_flush_interval: 1
    # WAL Config           | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # enable               | Whether to enable write-ahead logging (WAL) in Milvus.     | Boolean    | true            |
    #                      | If WAL is enabled, Milvus writes all data changes to log   |            |                 |
    #                      | files in advance before implementing data changes. WAL     |            |                 |
    #                      | ensures the atomicity and durability for Milvus operations.|            |                 |
    # recovery_error_ignore| Whether to ignore logs with errors that happens during WAL | Boolean    | false           |
    #                      | recovery. If true, when Milvus restarts for recovery and   |            |                 |
    #                      | there are errors in WAL log files, log files with errors   |            |                 |
    #                      | are ignored. If false, Milvus does not restart when there  |            |                 |
    #                      | are errors in WAL log files.                               |            |                 |
    # buffer_size          | Sum total of the read buffer and the write buffer in Bytes.| String     | 256MB           |
    #                      | buffer_size must be in range [64MB, 4096MB].               |            |                 |
    #                      | If the value you specified is out of range, Milvus         |            |                 |
    #                      | automatically uses the boundary value closest to the       |            |                 |
    #                      | specified value. It is recommended you set buffer_size to  |            |                 |
    #                      | a value greater than the inserted data size of a single    |            |                 |
    #                      | insert operation for better performance.                   |            |                 |
    # path                 | Location of WAL log files.                                 | String     |                 |
      enable: true
      recovery_error_ignore: false
      buffer_size: 1GB
      path: /var/lib/milvus/wal
    # Cache Config         | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # cache_size           | The size of CPU memory used for caching data for faster    | String     | 4GB             |
    #                      | query. The sum of 'cache_size' and 'insert_buffer_size'    |            |                 |
    #                      | must be less than system memory size.                      |            |                 |
    # insert_buffer_size   | Buffer size used for data insertion.                       | String     | 1GB             |
    #                      | The sum of 'insert_buffer_size' and 'cache_size'           |            |                 |
    #                      | must be less than system memory size.                      |            |                 |
    # preload_collection   | A comma-separated list of collection names that need to    | StringList |                 |
    #                      | be pre-loaded when Milvus server starts up.                |            |                 |
    #                      | '*' means preload all existing tables (single-quote or     |            |                 |
    #                      | double-quote required).                                    |            |                 |
      cache_size: 80GB
      insert_buffer_size: 10GB
    # GPU Config           | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # enable               | Use GPU devices or not.                                    | Boolean    | false           |
    # cache_size           | The size of GPU memory per card used for cache.            | String     | 1GB             |
    # gpu_search_threshold | A Milvus performance tuning parameter. This value will be  | Integer    | 1000            |
    #                      | compared with 'nq' to decide if the search computation will|            |                 |
    #                      | be executed on GPUs only.                                  |            |                 |
    #                      | If nq >= gpu_search_threshold, the search computation will |            |                 |
    #                      | be executed on GPUs only;                                  |            |                 |
    #                      | if nq < gpu_search_threshold, the search computation will  |            |                 |
    #                      | be executed on CPUs only.                                  |            |                 |
    #                      | The SQ8H index is special, if nq < gpu_search_threshold,   |            |                 |
    #                      | the search will be executed on both CPUs and GPUs.         |            |                 |
    # search_devices       | The list of GPU devices used for search computation.       | DeviceList | gpu0            |
    #                      | Must be in format gpux.                                    |            |                 |
    # build_index_devices  | The list of GPU devices used for index building.           | DeviceList | gpu0            |
    #                      | Must be in format gpux.                                    |            |                 |
      enable: false
      cache_size: 1GB
      gpu_search_threshold: 1000
        - gpu0
        - gpu0
    # FPGA Config           | Description                                               | Type       | Default         |
    # enable               | Use FPGA devices or not.                                   | Boolean    | false           |
    # search_devices       | The list of FPGA devices used for search computation.      | DeviceList | fpga0           |
    #                      | Must be in format fpgax.                                   |            |                 |
       enable: false
         - fpga0
    # Logs Config          | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # level                | Log level in Milvus. Must be one of debug, info, warning,  | String     | debug           |
    #                      | error, fatal                                               |            |                 |
    # trace.enable         | Whether to enable trace level logging in Milvus.           | Boolean    | true            |
    # path                 | Absolute path to the folder holding the log files.         | String     |                 |
    # max_log_file_size    | The maximum size of each log file, size range              | String     | 1024MB          |
    #                      | [512MB, 4096MB].                                           |            |                 |
    # log_rotate_num       | The maximum number of log files that Milvus keeps for each | Integer    | 0               |
    #                      | logging level, num range [0, 1024], 0 means unlimited.     |            |                 |
      level: debug
      trace.enable: true
      path: /var/lib/milvus/logs
      max_log_file_size: 1024MB
      log_rotate_num: 20
    # Metric Config        | Description                                                | Type       | Default         |
    # enable               | Enable monitoring function or not.                         | Boolean    | false           |
    # address              | Pushgateway address                                        | IP         |       +
    # port                 | Pushgateway port, port range (1024, 65535)                 | Integer    | 9091            |
      enable: false
      port: 9091

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

  • [Bug]: [chaos][standalone]Milvus hangs at creating index after standalone pod kill chaos deleted

    [Bug]: [chaos][standalone]Milvus hangs at creating index after standalone pod kill chaos deleted

    Is there an existing issue for this?

    • [X] I have searched the existing issues


    - Milvus version: `91be4b1`
    - Deployment mode(standalone or cluster): standalone
    - SDK version(e.g. pymilvus v2.0.0rc2):2.0.0rc8.dev23
    - OS(Ubuntu or CentOS): 
    - CPU/Memory: 
    - GPU: 
    - Others:

    Current Behavior

    Milvus hangs at search after standalone pod kill chaos deleted

    Expected Behavior

    All operations work well

    Steps To Reproduce

    1. cd `tests/python_client/chaos`
    2. modify param value and run script ``
    A common way to reproduce
    deploy a standalone milvus by helm 
    use `kubectl delete` to kill standalone pod multi times (about 5~10times in 1 min)
    run to check the results

    Anything else?


  • [Bug]: [benchmark][cluster]  loading 1billion vectors failed, raise error: collection 429437365324811585 has not been loaded to memory or load failed

    [Bug]: [benchmark][cluster] loading 1billion vectors failed, raise error: collection 429437365324811585 has not been loaded to memory or load failed

    Is there an existing issue for this?

    • [X] I have searched the existing issues


    - Milvus version:master-20211129-cb952d6
    - Deployment mode(standalone or cluster):cluster
    - SDK version(e.g. pymilvus v2.0.0rc2):pymilvus-2.0.0rc9.dev7
    - OS(Ubuntu or CentOS): 
    - CPU/Memory: 
    - GPU: 
    - Others:

    Current Behavior

    client pod:benchmark-tag-8k2zj-989751322

    client logs:

    [2021-11-30 05:05:01,227] [   DEBUG] - Row count: 999875199 in collection: <sift_1b_128_l2> (milvus_benchmark.client:416)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:01,228] [   DEBUG] - 999875199 (milvus_benchmark.runners.base:89)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:01,229] [    INFO] - {'total_time': 49243.11, 'rps': 20307.41, 'ni_time': 2.46} (milvus_benchmark.runners.base:151)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:01,346] [   DEBUG] - Start flush. (milvus_benchmark.runners.locust:428)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:04,305] [   DEBUG] - Milvus flush run in 2.96s (milvus_benchmark.client:52)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:04,305] [   DEBUG] - Fulsh done, during time: 2.96 (milvus_benchmark.runners.locust:431)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:04,311] [   DEBUG] - Row count: 999925199 in collection: <sift_1b_128_l2> (milvus_benchmark.client:416)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:04,311] [   DEBUG] - 999925199 (milvus_benchmark.runners.locust:432)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:04,312] [   DEBUG] - Start build index for last file (milvus_benchmark.runners.locust:434)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:04,313] [    INFO] - Building index start, collection_name: sift_1b_128_l2, index_type: IVF_SQ8, metric_type: L2 (milvus_benchmark.client:273)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:04,313] [    INFO] - {'nlist': 1024} (milvus_benchmark.client:275)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:04,314] [   DEBUG] - collection: sift_1b_128_l2 Index params: {'index_type': 'IVF_SQ8', 'metric_type': 'L2', 'params': {'nlist': 1024}} (milvus_benchmark.client:281)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:52,106] [   DEBUG] - Building index done, collection_name: sift_1b_128_l2, response: Status(code=0, message='') (milvus_benchmark.client:283)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:52,107] [   DEBUG] - Milvus create_index run in 47.79s (milvus_benchmark.client:52)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:52,107] [   DEBUG] - {'flush_time': 2.96, 'build_time': 47.79} (milvus_benchmark.runners.locust:438)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:52,112] [   DEBUG] - Row count: 999925199 in collection: <sift_1b_128_l2> (milvus_benchmark.client:416)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:52,112] [    INFO] - 999925199 (milvus_benchmark.runners.locust:439)
    [2021-11-30 05:05:52,113] [    INFO] - Start load collection (milvus_benchmark.runners.locust:440)
    [2021-11-30 07:13:25,695] [   ERROR] - Error: <BaseException: (code=1, message=err: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = collection 429437365324811585 has not been loaded to memory or load failed
    , /usr/local/go/src/runtime/extern.go:216 runtime.Callers
    /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374 runtime.goexit
    )> (pymilvus.client.grpc_handler:69)
    [2021-11-30 07:13:25,734] [   ERROR] - Error: <BaseException: (code=1, message=err: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = collection 429437365324811585 has not been loaded to memory or load failed
    , /usr/local/go/src/runtime/extern.go:216 runtime.Callers
    /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374 runtime.goexit
    )> (pymilvus.client.grpc_handler:69)
    [2021-11-30 07:13:25,735] [   ERROR] - <BaseException: (code=1, message=err: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = collection 429437365324811585 has not been loaded to memory or load failed
    , /usr/local/go/src/runtime/extern.go:216 runtime.Callers
    /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374 runtime.goexit
    )> (milvus_benchmark.main:117)
    [2021-11-30 07:13:25,742] [   ERROR] - Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 86, in run_suite
      File "/src/milvus_benchmark/runners/", line 442, in prepare
      File "/src/milvus_benchmark/", line 48, in wrapper
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/src/milvus_benchmark/", line 478, in load_collection
        return self._milvus.load_collection(collection_name, timeout=timeout)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymilvus/client/", line 58, in handler
        raise e
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymilvus/client/", line 42, in handler
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymilvus/client/", line 322, in load_collection
        return handler.load_collection("", collection_name=collection_name, timeout=timeout, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymilvus/client/", line 75, in handler
        raise e
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymilvus/client/", line 67, in handler
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymilvus/client/", line 823, in load_collection
        self.wait_for_loading_collection(collection_name, timeout)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymilvus/client/", line 75, in handler
        raise e
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymilvus/client/", line 67, in handler
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymilvus/client/", line 841, in wait_for_loading_collection
        return self._wait_for_loading_collection_v2(collection_name, timeout)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymilvus/client/", line 868, in _wait_for_loading_collection_v2
        raise BaseException(response.status.error_code, response.status.reason)
    pymilvus.client.exceptions.BaseException: <BaseException: (code=1, message=err: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = collection 429437365324811585 has not been loaded to memory or load failed
    , /usr/local/go/src/runtime/extern.go:216 runtime.Callers
    /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1374 runtime.goexit
    [2021-11-30 07:13:25,748] [   DEBUG] - {'_version': '0.1', '_type': 'metric', 'run_id': 1638173528, 'mode': 'local', 'server': <milvus_benchmark.metrics.models.server.Server object at 0x7f000ea82358>, 'hardware': <milvus_benchmark.metrics.models.hardware.Hardware object at 0x7f000ea82208>, 'env': <milvus_benchmark.metrics.models.env.Env object at 0x7f000ea82128>, 'status': 'RUN_FAILED', 'err_message': '', 'collection': {'dimension': 128, 'metric_type': 'l2', 'dataset_name': 'sift_1b_128_l2', 'collection_size': 1000000000, 'other_fields': None, 'ni_per': 50000, 'shards_num': None}, 'index': {'index_type': 'ivf_sq8', 'index_param': {'nlist': 1024}}, 'search': None, 'run_params': {'task': {'types': [{'type': 'query', 'weight': 20, 'params': {'top_k': 10, 'nq': 10, 'search_param': {'nprobe': 16}}}, {'type': 'load', 'weight': 1}, {'type': 'get', 'weight': 2, 'params': {'ids_length': 10}}], 'connection_num': 1, 'clients_num': 20, 'spawn_rate': 2, 'during_time': 864000}, 'connection_type': 'single'}, 'metrics': {'type': 'locust_random_performance', 'value': {}}, 'datetime': '2021-11-29 08:12:08.166657', 'type': 'metric'} (milvus_benchmark.metric.api:29)

    Expected Behavior

    No response

    Steps To Reproduce

    No response

    Anything else?

    argo task: benchmark-tag-8k2zj

    test yaml: client-configmap: client-random-locust-search-84h-1b server-configmap: server-cluster-8c64m-datanode2-indexnode4-querynode6-nocompaction


    NAME                                                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE     IP             NODE                      NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-etcd-0                                 1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node014.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-etcd-1                                 1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node014.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-etcd-2                                 1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node014.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-datacoord-599c7f4cc8-ghg4z      1/1     Running     0          23h    qa-node006.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-datanode-d865f756f-9x4bq        1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node009.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-datanode-d865f756f-lnlnv        1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node009.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-indexcoord-8547476c8f-wvfrp     1/1     Running     0          23h     qa-node007.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-indexnode-6b5d94dc7d-8d8cs      1/1     Running     0          23h    qa-node003.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-indexnode-6b5d94dc7d-cxt5m      1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node008.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-indexnode-6b5d94dc7d-f6s6k      1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node012.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-indexnode-6b5d94dc7d-lh785      1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node010.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-proxy-79bdcb98bd-fww7f          1/1     Running     0          23h     qa-node007.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-querycoord-6fdc5c6566-9z29v     1/1     Running     0          23h    qa-node006.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-querynode-98996b9b8-4mbhq       1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node015.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-querynode-98996b9b8-brhtn       1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node015.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-querynode-98996b9b8-cmzmm       1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node011.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-querynode-98996b9b8-fxprl       1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node012.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-querynode-98996b9b8-l8lm8       1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node008.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-querynode-98996b9b8-lqq78       1/1     Running     0          23h    qa-node001.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-milvus-rootcoord-7f4d679bc4-8klcn      1/1     Running     0          23h     qa-node007.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-minio-0                                1/1     Running     0          23h     qa-node007.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-minio-1                                1/1     Running     0          23h    qa-node002.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-minio-2                                1/1     Running     0          23h     qa-node004.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-minio-3                                1/1     Running     0          23h     qa-node004.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-pulsar-autorecovery-58f6b6bbd6-hlpgd   1/1     Running     0          23h    qa-node006.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-pulsar-bastion-55b7db56-cd664          1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node012.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-pulsar-bookkeeper-0                    1/1     Running     0          23h     qa-node007.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-pulsar-bookkeeper-1                    1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node010.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-pulsar-broker-5f7c58cc86-9zwx9         1/1     Running     0          23h   qa-node011.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-pulsar-proxy-7cb5577568-w6v9p          2/2     Running     0          23h    qa-node005.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-pulsar-zookeeper-0                     1/1     Running     0          23h     qa-node007.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-pulsar-zookeeper-1                     1/1     Running     0          23h     qa-node004.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-pulsar-zookeeper-2                     1/1     Running     0          23h     qa-node004.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
    benchmark-tag-8k2zj-1-pulsar-zookeeper-metadata-dq9xb        0/1     Completed   0          23h    qa-node001.zilliz.local   <none>           <none>
  • Milvus search not working after restarting docker

    Milvus search not working after restarting docker

    Is there an existing issue for this?

    • [X] I have searched the existing issues

    Current Behavior

    Running the reverse image search demo, the images are added to the collection and can be searched.

    When docker is restarted, the collection exists, I manually check through milvus_cli. But, the collection cannot be searched.

    It hangs at the milvus_client.search_vectors method call: def do_search(table_name, img_path, model, milvus_client, mysql_cli): try: if not table_name: table_name = DEFAULT_TABLE feat = model.resnet50_extract_feat(img_path) vectors = milvus_client.search_vectors(table_name, [feat], TOP_K) vids = [str( for x in vectors[0]] paths = mysql_cli.search_by_milvus_ids(vids, table_name) distances = [x.distance for x in vectors[0]] return paths, distances except Exception as e: LOGGER.error(" Error with search : {}".format(e)) sys.exit(1)

    when loading the collection via milvus_cli the load progress always remains at 0.

    As per the docker compose file, the volumes are mounted and contain data generated by milvus.

    Expected Behavior

    Vector search should function after restarting docker

    Steps To Reproduce

    No response


    - Milvus version: Milvusdb/milvus v2.0.0-rc6-20210910-020f109
    minio/minio RELEASE.2020-12-03T00-03-10Z
    - Deployment mode(standalone or cluster): standalone
    - SDK version(e.g. pymilvus v2.0.0rc2): pymilvus==2.0.0rc6, milvus-cli==0.1.6
    - OS(Ubuntu or CentOS): Windows 10 20H2 19042.1237
    - CPU/Memory: 32GB
    - GPU: Nvidia MX250
    - Others:

    Anything else?

    No response

  • Use singleton Params

    Use singleton Params

    Signed-off-by: Enwei Jiao [email protected] issue : #18300

    What changed in this PR

    1. define global variable Params in paramtable/runtime.go
    2. make all of the components use the global Params instead of the private one
    3. use only 1 NodeID in 1 process even in standalone mode, the NodeID will be saved in the global Params
  • [Cherry-Pick] BulkInsert now completes when segments are flushed, without checking indexes

    [Cherry-Pick] BulkInsert now completes when segments are flushed, without checking indexes

    A combination of cherry picking: (1), and (2)

    /kind improvement

  • [Enhancement]: GetIndexState fails when IndexName is not set

    [Enhancement]: GetIndexState fails when IndexName is not set

    Is there an existing issue for this?

    • [X] I have searched the existing issues

    What would you like to be added?

    milvus-standalone | [2023/01/09 11:07:35.471 +00:00] [DEBUG] [proxy/impl.go:2376] ["GetIndexState received"] [traceID=31bc39db25db440b] [role=proxy] [db=] [collection=resnet50_vehicle_bigtruck_5] [field=] ["index name"=]

    milvus-standalone | [2023/01/09 11:07:35.471 +00:00] [DEBUG] [proxy/impl.go:2407] ["GetIndexState enqueued"] [traceID=31bc39db25db440b] [role=proxy] [MsgID=438635713120174085] [BeginTs=438635713120174085] [EndTs=438635713120174085] [db=] [collection=resnet50_vehicle_bigtruck_5] [field=] ["index name"=]

    milvus-standalone | [2023/01/09 11:07:35.472 +00:00] [INFO] [indexcoord/index_coord.go:490] ["IndexCoord get index state"] [collectionID=437684186007170009] [indexName=_default_idx]

    milvus-standalone | [2023/01/09 11:07:35.472 +00:00] [ERROR] [indexcoord/index_coord.go:506] ["IndexCoord get index state fail"] [collectionID=437684186007170009] [indexName=_default_idx] ["fail reason"="there is no index on collection: 437684186007170009 with the index name: _default_idx"] [stack="*IndexCoord).GetIndexState\n\t/go/src/\*Server).GetIndexState\n\t/go/src/\\n\t/go/src/\\n\t/go/src/\\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/chain.go:25\\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/tracing/opentracing/server_interceptors.go:38\\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/chain.go:25\\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/chain.go:34\\n\t/go/src/\*Server).processUnaryRPC\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/server.go:1283\*Server).handleStream\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/server.go:1620\*Server).serveStreams.func1.2\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/server.go:922"] milvus-standalone | [2023/01/09 11:07:35.472 +00:00] [DEBUG] [proxy/impl.go:2443] ["GetIndexState done"] [traceID=31bc39db25db440b] [role=proxy] [MsgID=438635713120174085] [BeginTs=438635713120174085] [EndTs=438635713120174085] [db=] [collection=resnet50_vehicle_bigtruck_5] [field=] ["index name"=_default_idx]

    Why is this needed?

    No response

    Anything else?

    No response

  • [Bug]: datanode panic after refresh `common.chanNamePrefix.cluster` to true

    [Bug]: datanode panic after refresh `common.chanNamePrefix.cluster` to true

    Is there an existing issue for this?

    • [X] I have searched the existing issues


    - Milvus version: master-20230109-9fd9d9cc
    - Deployment mode(standalone or cluster): cluster
    - MQ type(rocksmq, pulsar or kafka):  pulsar
    - SDK version(e.g. pymilvus v2.0.0rc2):
    - OS(Ubuntu or CentOS): 
    - CPU/Memory: 
    - GPU: 
    - Others:

    Current Behavior

    1. etcd refresh config
    ./etcdctl --endpoints put config-operator/config/common/chanNamePrefix/cluster true
    1. etcd get config keys, and ``
    ./etcdctl --endpoints get --prefix config-operator/config/
    1. Run case: flush collection and datanode panic
        def test_query(self):
            target: test query
            method: query with term expr
            expected: verify query result
            # create collection, insert default_nb, load collection
            collection_w, vectors = self.init_collection_general(prefix, insert_data=True)[0:2]
            int_values = vectors[0][ct.default_int64_field_name].values.tolist()
            pos = 5
            term_expr = f'{ct.default_int64_field_name} in {int_values[:pos]}'
            res = vectors[0].iloc[0:pos, :1].to_dict('records')
            collection_w.query(term_expr, check_task=CheckTasks.check_query_results, check_items={exp_res: res})
            replicas = collection_w.get_replicas()
    1. datanode panic log:
    config-operator-milvus-datacoord-557955486b-v4l8f              1/1     Running     0               9h
    config-operator-milvus-datanode-76cc748cc7-f5gbr               0/1     Error       6 (29m ago)     9h
    config-operator-milvus-indexcoord-655d8cb95b-g5zfb             1/1     Running     0               9h
    config-operator-milvus-indexnode-6f87d98599-f8tn5              1/1     Running     0               9h
    config-operator-milvus-proxy-9b4858975-wkm7h                   1/1     Running     0               9h
    config-operator-milvus-querycoord-746bd5f4b4-9g7vd             1/1     Running     0               9h
    config-operator-milvus-querynode-6c9d5b88f5-9zdq7              1/1     Running     0               9h
    config-operator-milvus-rootcoord-6788475874-nnj2m              1/1     Running     0               9h



    1. del keys
    ./etcdctl --endpoints del config-operator/config/common/chanNamePrefix/cluster
    ./etcdctl --endpoints get config-operator/config/common/chanNamePrefix/cluster

    after del config, datanode turns running. but the collection inserted data is missing and num_entities=0, query return empty data

    Expected Behavior

    No response

    Steps To Reproduce

    No response

    Milvus Log

    No response

    Anything else?

    No response

  • [Bug]: Manually delete the session key, but the component does not exit

    [Bug]: Manually delete the session key, but the component does not exit

    Is there an existing issue for this?

    • [X] I have searched the existing issues


    - Milvus version: master
    - Deployment mode(standalone or cluster): cluster
    - MQ type(rocksmq, pulsar or kafka):    
    - SDK version(e.g. pymilvus v2.0.0rc2):
    - OS(Ubuntu or CentOS): 
    - CPU/Memory: 
    - GPU: 
    - Others:

    Current Behavior

    Manually delete the session key of IndexCoord, DataCoord or node, but the component does not exit.

    Expected Behavior

    Manually delete the session key, and the component exits after one minute at the latest.

    Steps To Reproduce

    No response

    Milvus Log

    No response

    Anything else?

    No response

  • [Bug]: 给int64类型的标量手动创建索引一直卡在那里

    [Bug]: 给int64类型的标量手动创建索引一直卡在那里

    Is there an existing issue for this?

    • [X] I have searched the existing issues


    - Milvus version:  2.2.0
    - Deployment mode(standalone or cluster):  cluster
    - MQ type(rocksmq, pulsar or kafka):    pulsar
    - SDK version(e.g. pymilvus v2.0.0rc2):  V2.2.0
    - OS(Ubuntu or CentOS):  Ubuntu
    - CPU/Memory: 
    - GPU: 
    - Others:

    Current Behavior


    Expected Behavior


    Steps To Reproduce


    Milvus Log

    No response

    Anything else?


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