OpenAPI specs for your Go server, generated at server runtime. No CLI, no code generation, and no HTTP


"oas" is short for "OpenAPI Spec". Go package for generating OpenAPI docs at runtime.


  • No code generation.
  • No CLI.
  • No magic comments.
  • No slowness.
  • No dependencies.
  • Nothing added to your HTTP stack.


  • Struct definitions for OpenAPI 3.1.
  • Uses reflection to make OAS schemas from your types.
    • No more maintaining separate definitions by hand.
    • The source of truth is your Go types. Not some external YAML.
    • Examines actual encoding behavior of your types, at runtime, to determine formats and nullability.
    • Supports references and cyclic types.
  • Uses Go structs to describe what can't be reflected (routes, descriptions, etc).
    • Structured, statically-typed format.
    • Not an ad-hoc data format in breakage-prone comments.
    • Not some external YAML.
  • The docs are Go structures. You can do anything with them:
    • Inspect and modify in Go.
    • Encode as JSON or YAML.
    • Write to disk at build time.
    • Serve to clients at runtime.
    • Visualize using an external tool.
  • Tiny and dependency-free.

See limitations below.

API docs:


  • No external CLI.
    • Automatically downloaded like other libraries.
    • Automatically versioned via go.mod.
    • No manual CLI installation.
    • No manual CLI versioning.
  • No Go code generation.
    • No make generate when pulling or switching branches.
    • No waiting 1 minute for that stupidly slow generator.
    • No manual remapping from crappy generated types to the types you actually want to use.
    • No crappy 3rd party "middleware" in your HTTP stack.
  • No forced generation of OAS files. It's entirely optional.
    • No manual reruns of a generate command.
    • No bloating your commits and Git diffs with generated JSON/YAML.
    • Can generate and serve OAS purely at runtime.
  • No figuring out how to deal with built artifacts.
    • If you want built artifacts, it's an option. Your Go app is a CLI tool. Add a command to write its OAS to disk as JSON, and run that at build time.


This example focuses on the OAS docs, registering docs for routes, with schemas from Go types. Routing and server setup is elided.

import (

  o ""

var doc = o.Doc{
  Openapi: o.Ver,
  Info:    &o.Info{Title: `API documentation for my server`},

type PageInput struct {
  Limit  uint64 `json:"limit"`
  Offset uint64 `json:"offset"`

type PersonPage struct {
  Vals []Person `json:"vals"`

type PageHead struct {
  Keys []string `json:"keys"`
  More bool     `json:"more"`

type Person struct {
  Id   string `json:"id"`
  Name string `json:"name"`

var _ = doc.Route(`/api/persons`, http.MethodGet, o.Op{
  ReqBody: doc.JsonBodyOpt(PageInput{}),
  Resps:   doc.RespsOkJson(PersonPage{}),
  Desc:    `Serves a single page from a person feed, paginated.`,

func servePersonFeed(rew http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
  // Mock implementation for example's sake.

var _ = doc.Route(`/openapi.json`, http.MethodGet, o.Op{
  Resps: doc.RespsOkJson(nil),
  Desc: `
Serves the OpenAPI documentation for this server in JSON format.
The docs' docs are elided from the docs to avoid bloat.

func serveDocs(rew http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {

func try(err error) {
  if err != nil {


The following features are currently missing, but may be added on demand:

  • Describing generic/parametrized types.
    • Current plan: wait for Go generics, which are expected in 1.18 on Feb 2022.
  • Router integration.
    • Integration with is planned.

This package doesn't provide a UI. You're expected to feed the resulting JSON into one of many externally-available tools for Swagger UI / OpenAPI UI. Many tools can consume specs from a URL, such as your server's endpoint for serving the spec.



I'm receptive to suggestions. If this library almost satisfies you but needs changes, open an issue or chat me up. Contacts:

Nelo Mitranim
Lead software developer. Open source enthusiast.
Nelo Mitranim
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