Demonstration of sharing secret data between an OAuth/OIDC client and an Identity Providers web client.

OAuth / OIDC Cubbyhole

Share secret data between client applications.

This is mostly a demonstration of some of the work I've been evaluating at Storj. It shows how we can securely pass data from the client side of an OpenID Connect Identity Provider to a client application without the identity provider being exposed to the content in the cubbyhole (such as a passphrase or encryption key).

The gist

  • A client, registered with the OpenID Connect Identity Provider, passes along an AES encryption key as part of the URL fragment (/oauth/authorize?client_id=&scope=&state=&redirect_url=#key).
  • The Identity Provider caches the fragment in local storage before redirecting the user to login.
  • After logging in, the user is presented with a consent screen where they can enter a plaintext value for their cubbyhole.
  • Using the key from the fragment, the browser can encrypt the cubbyhole value before sending it to the server.
  • After being authorized access, the application calls to obtain the users information.
    • In addition to the standard user information in OIDC, the call can return the encrypted cubbyhole value.

A few items to note:

  • The identity provider SHOULD be implemented using a single page app (like React or Vue)
    • Otherwise, the server may trigger a redirect and wipe the encryption key from the fragment
  • The OAuth workflow starts on the consent page. The encryption key and app info (client_id, etc) needs to be cached on that page before redirecting.
    • This is often done on the server as part of the user session.

Running the code

  1. Run the server

    npm install -g @vue/cli
    go generate ./...
    go run ./cmd/server/main.go
  2. Run the client

    go run ./cmd/client/main.go
  3. Open http://localhost:8080/login in your browser.

  4. Login with test and test

  5. There aren't any requirements for the consent page, enter whatever data you like.

Principal Software Engineer (Golang, NodeJS) | homesteader | she/her
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