concurrency utilities


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  • concurrent.Map: backport sync.Map for go below 1.9
  • concurrent.Executor: goroutine with explicit ownership and cancellable


because sync.Map is only available in go 1.9, we can use concurrent.Map to make code portable

m := concurrent.NewMap()
m.Store("hello", "world")
elem, found := m.Load("hello")
// elem will be "world"
// found will be true


executor := concurrent.NewUnboundedExecutor()
executor.Go(func(ctx context.Context) {
    everyMillisecond := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond)
    for {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            fmt.Println("goroutine exited")
        case <-everyMillisecond.C:
            // do something
fmt.Println("executor stopped")

attach goroutine to executor instance, so that we can

  • cancel it by stop the executor with Stop/StopAndWait/StopAndWaitForever
  • handle panic by callback: the default behavior will no longer crash your application
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Modern Go Programming
  • codecov in .travis.yml - security issue

    codecov in .travis.yml - security issue

    Good day, recently outputted a security issue. Details can be found at

    The following file and code are impacted. Please follow the recommended actions within the link above to secure your env and code integrity. file: .travis.yml Code: after_success:

    bash <(curl -s

  • heads up: security incident -

    heads up: security incident -

    Hi there.

    This might be an unusual "issue" beeing reported.

    There has been a security incident in with the bash-uploader script (see [1] for details) which potentially exposed secrets to 3rd parties.

    It seems you are using the referenced bash uploader in your .travis.yml file. I wanted to draw your attention to this incident in case you missed it.

    It would be great if you could verify that no code has been altered and check the impact of this security incident on your repository.

    Regards, Robert


  • Get rid of `context.TODO()`

    Get rid of `context.TODO()`

    Our code analysis is flagging the use of context.TODO() in NewUnboundedExecutor.

    What is the intent here? To pass a context to the constructor or if not, should context.TODO() be replaced by context.Background()?

  • Add a copyright / notice file

    Add a copyright / notice file

    This project doesn't appear to include any copyright information or a NOTICE file. Can you add one or update the Apache License with this information? This is desired to comply with the open source license conditions.

  • All tests are failing, if using gollvm

    All tests are failing, if using gollvm


    Here is my setup

    $ go get -v -x -u cd /home/oceanfish81/go/src/ git config remote.origin.url (download) cd /home/oceanfish81/go/src/ git pull --ff-only cd /home/oceanfish81/go/src/ git submodule update --init --recursive cd /home/oceanfish81/go/src/ git show-ref cd /home/oceanfish81/go/src/ git submodule update --init --recursive WORK=/tmp/go-build480857928 mkdir -p $WORK/b001/ cd $WORK /usr/local/bin/llvm-goc -fgo-importcfg=/dev/null -c -x c - -o /dev/null || true cd /home/oceanfish81/go/src/ /usr/local/bin/llvm-goc -c -O2 -g -m64 -fdebug-prefix-map=$WORK=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches -o $WORK/b001/go.o -I $WORK/b001/importcfgroot ./executor.go ./go_above_19.go ./log.go ./unbounded_executor.go echo ' .section .go.buildid,"e"' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x76,0x77,0x37,0x43,0x53,0x34,0x5a,0x72' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x5a,0x42,0x6f,0x4b,0x31,0x2d,0x30,0x6f' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x69,0x53,0x2d,0x7a,0x2f,0x76,0x77,0x37' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x43,0x53,0x34,0x5a,0x72,0x5a,0x42,0x6f' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x4b,0x31,0x2d,0x30,0x6f,0x69,0x53,0x2d' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x7a' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .section .note.GNU-stack,"", progbits' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .section .note.GNU-split-stack,"", progbits' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo '' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s /usr/local/bin/llvm-goc -xassembler-with-cpp -I $WORK/b001/ -c -o $WORK/b001/_buildid.o -D GOOS_linux -D GOARCH_amd64 -D GOPKGPATH=github.x2ecom..z2fmodern..z2dgo..z2fconcurrent -m64 $WORK/b001/_buildid.s ar rcD $WORK/b001/pkg.a $WORK/b001/go.o $WORK/b001/_buildid.o /usr/local/tools/buildid -w $WORK/b001/pkg.a # internal cp $WORK/b001/pkg.a /home/oceanfish81/.cache/go-build/35/35fa2bf6472674cdf2e146f2fab7911cd73474608b6a07d5790605cd8c9d8a3b-d # internal mkdir -p /home/oceanfish81/go/pkg/gccgo_linux_amd64/ mv $WORK/b001/pkg.a /home/oceanfish81/go/pkg/gccgo_linux_amd64/ rm -r $WORK/b001/

    Checking if there wouldn't be any errors:

    $ go install -i -v -x Checking an enforced build process: $ go build -i -v -x WORK=/tmp/go-build024139235 Navigating into my source folder: $ cd ~/go/src/

    And then I got two tests failing:

    $ go test map_test.go -x -v && go test unbounded_executor_test.go -v -x WORK=/tmp/go-build608777315 mkdir -p $WORK/b001/ mkdir -p $WORK/b009/ mkdir -p $WORK/b008/ cat >$WORK/b008/vet.cfg << 'EOF' # internal { "ID": "command-line-arguments_test", "Compiler": "gccgo", "Dir": "/home/oceanfish81/go/src/", "ImportPath": "command-line-arguments_test", "GoFiles": [ "/home/oceanfish81/go/src/" > ], "NonGoFiles": [], "ImportMap": { "": "", "testing": "testing" }, "PackageFile": { "": "/home/oceanfish81/go/pkg/gccgo_linux_amd64/" }, "Standard": { "testing": true }, "PackageVetx": { "": "/home/oceanfish81/.cache/go-build/e3/e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855-d" }, "VetxOnly": false, "VetxOutput": "$WORK/b008/vet.out", "SucceedOnTypecheckFailure": false } EOF cd /home/oceanfish81/go/src/ TERM='dumb' GCCGO='/usr/local/bin/llvm-goc' /usr/local/tools/vet -atomic -bool -buildtags -errorsas -ifaceassert -nilfunc -printf -stringintconv $WORK/b008/vet.cfg === RUN TestMap_Load --- PASS: TestMap_Load (0.00s) PASS ok command-line-arguments (cached) rm -r $WORK/b001/ WORK=/tmp/go-build599881499 mkdir -p $WORK/b001/ mkdir -p $WORK/b011/ mkdir -p $WORK/b008/ cd $WORK /usr/local/bin/llvm-goc -fgo-importcfg=/dev/null -c -x c - -o /dev/null || true mkdir -p $WORK/b008/importcfgroot/ ln -s /home/oceanfish81/go/pkg/gccgo_linux_amd64/ $WORK/b008/importcfgroot/ cd /home/oceanfish81/go/src/ /usr/local/bin/llvm-goc -c -O2 -g -m64 -fdebug-prefix-map=$WORK=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches -fgo-pkgpath=command-line-arguments_test -fgo-relative-import-path=_/home/oceanfish81/go/src/ -o $WORK/b008/go.o -I $WORK/b008/importcfgroot ./unbounded_executor_test.go echo ' .section .go.buildid,"e"' >> $WORK/b008/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x64,0x49,0x4c,0x30,0x61,0x6e,0x54,0x46' >> $WORK/b008/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x37,0x70,0x4b,0x68,0x47,0x70,0x50,0x32' >> $WORK/b008/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x76,0x79,0x79,0x30,0x2f,0x64,0x49,0x4c' >> $WORK/b008/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x30,0x61,0x6e,0x54,0x46,0x37,0x70,0x4b' >> $WORK/b008/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x68,0x47,0x70,0x50,0x32,0x76,0x79,0x79' >> $WORK/b008/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x30' >> $WORK/b008/_buildid.s echo ' .section .note.GNU-stack,"", progbits' >> $WORK/b008/_buildid.s echo ' .section .note.GNU-split-stack,"", progbits' >> $WORK/b008/_buildid.s echo '' >> $WORK/b008/_buildid.s /usr/local/bin/llvm-goc -xassembler-with-cpp -I $WORK/b008/ -c -o $WORK/b008/_buildid.o -D GOOS_linux -D GOARCH_amd64 -D GOPKGPATH=command..z2dline..z2darguments_test -m64 $WORK/b008/_buildid.s ar rcD $WORK/b008/pkg.a $WORK/b008/go.o $WORK/b008/_buildid.o /usr/local/tools/buildid -w $WORK/b008/pkg.a # internal cp $WORK/b008/pkg.a /home/oceanfish81/.cache/go-build/1f/1fd3390c5dd92a008d2092c605ef674dc8ab4e8cfe0b010f939d168507b69f1d-d # internal cat >$WORK/b008/vet.cfg << 'EOF' # internal { "ID": "command-line-arguments_test", "Compiler": "gccgo", "Dir": "/home/oceanfish81/go/src/", "ImportPath": "command-line-arguments_test", "GoFiles": [ "/home/oceanfish81/go/src/" > ], "NonGoFiles": [], "ImportMap": { "context": "context", "fmt": "fmt", "": "", "time": "time" }, "PackageFile": { "": "/home/oceanfish81/go/pkg/gccgo_linux_amd64/" }, "Standard": { "context": true, "fmt": true, "time": true }, "PackageVetx": { "": "/home/oceanfish81/.cache/go-build/e3/e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855-d" }, "VetxOnly": false, "VetxOutput": "$WORK/b008/vet.out", "SucceedOnTypecheckFailure": false } EOF TERM='dumb' GCCGO='/usr/local/bin/llvm-goc' /usr/local/tools/vet -atomic -bool -buildtags -errorsas -ifaceassert -nilfunc -printf -stringintconv $WORK/b008/vet.cfg mkdir -p $WORK/b001/importcfgroot ln -s $WORK/b008/pkg.a $WORK/b001/importcfgroot/libcommand-line-arguments_test.a cd $WORK/b001/ /usr/local/bin/llvm-goc -c -O2 -g -m64 -fdebug-prefix-map=$WORK=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches -o ./go.o -I ./importcfgroot ./_testmain.go echo ' .section .go.buildid,"e"' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x68,0x5f,0x4a,0x52,0x77,0x48,0x41,0x50' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x72,0x4a,0x42,0x65,0x56,0x37,0x32,0x51' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x70,0x6c,0x43,0x79,0x2f,0x68,0x5f,0x4a' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x52,0x77,0x48,0x41,0x50,0x72,0x4a,0x42' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x65,0x56,0x37,0x32,0x51,0x70,0x6c,0x43' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .byte 0x79' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .section .note.GNU-stack,"", progbits' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo ' .section .note.GNU-split-stack,"", progbits' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s echo '' >> $WORK/b001/_buildid.s /usr/local/bin/llvm-goc -xassembler-with-cpp -I ./ -c -o ./_buildid.o -D GOOS_linux -D GOARCH_amd64 -m64 ./_buildid.s ar rcD ./pkg.a ./go.o ./_buildid.o /usr/local/tools/buildid -w $WORK/b001/pkg.a # internal cp $WORK/b001/pkg.a /home/oceanfish81/.cache/go-build/07/072aa11d607b29519a08949c3fb6e70f5c63af6047da44221df21a9212ad5822-d # internal cat >$WORK/b001/ << 'EOF' # internal packagefile command-line-arguments.test=$WORK/b001/pkg.a packagefile command-line-arguments_test=$WORK/b008/pkg.a packagefile EOF cd . /usr/local/bin/llvm-goc -o $WORK/b001/concurrent.test "-Wl,-(" -m64 -Wl,--whole-archive $WORK/b001/pkg.a $WORK/b008/pkg.a /home/oceanfish81/go/pkg/gccgo_linux_amd64/ -Wl,--no-whole-archive "-Wl,-)" -Wl,--build-id=0x66657a6d737562503939456e6e6161584575326b2f685f4a5277484150724a426556373251706c43792f34505f7041394f4e59306b7071657952414141662f66657a6d737562503939456e6e6161584575326b $WORK/b001/concurrent.test -test.testlogfile=$WORK/b001/testlog.txt -test.timeout=10m0s -test.v=true === RUN ExampleUnboundedExecutor_Go --- PASS: ExampleUnboundedExecutor_Go (1.00s) === RUN ExampleUnboundedExecutor_StopAndWaitForever --- PASS: ExampleUnboundedExecutor_StopAndWaitForever (1.10s) === RUN ExampleUnboundedExecutor_Go_panic --- FAIL: ExampleUnboundedExecutor_Go_panic (1.00s) got: concurrent_test.willPanic want: FAIL FAIL command-line-arguments 3.541s rm -r $WORK/b001/ FAIL


Go-concurrency-patterns - Sample concurrency patterns with Goroutines

About This sample project provides some concurrency pattern examples in Go using

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