Fast implementation of base58 encoding on golang.

Fast Implementation of Base58 encoding

GoDoc Go Report Card Used By

Fast implementation of base58 encoding in Go.

Base algorithm is adapted from


  • Trivial - encoding based on big.Int (most libraries use such an implementation)
  • Fast - optimized algorithm provided by this module
BenchmarkTrivialBase58Encoding-4          123063              9568 ns/op
BenchmarkFastBase58Encoding-4             690040              1598 ns/op

BenchmarkTrivialBase58Decoding-4          275216              4301 ns/op
BenchmarkFastBase58Decoding-4            1812105               658 ns/op

Encoding - faster by 6 times

Decoding - faster by 6 times

Usage example

package main

import (

func main() {

	encoded := "1QCaxc8hutpdZ62iKZsn1TCG3nh7uPZojq"
	num, err := base58.Decode(encoded)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Demo %v, got error %s\n", encoded, err)	
	chk := base58.Encode(num)
	if encoded == string(chk) {
		fmt.Printf ( "Successfully decoded then re-encoded %s\n", encoded )
  • Simplify decoding (no functional changes)

    Simplify decoding (no functional changes)

    Hi! It looks like the original implementation back in left a few too many sanity checks in the source. Adjusted and simplified to appease the go compiler.

    Thank you for the excellent starting base, and the extensive test suite!

    • Before
    base58$ go test -bench=. -count=1 -benchmem ./
    goos: darwin
    goarch: amd64
    BenchmarkTrivialBase58Encoding-8   	  182612	      7054 ns/op	    1911 B/op	      90 allocs/op
    BenchmarkFastBase58Encoding-8      	  928771	      1245 ns/op	     144 B/op	       2 allocs/op
    BenchmarkTrivialBase58Decoding-8   	  359553	      3370 ns/op	     513 B/op	      48 allocs/op
    BenchmarkFastBase58Decoding-8      	 1558393	       838 ns/op	     368 B/op	       3 allocs/op
    ok	58.666s
    • After ( when including )
    base58$ go test -bench=. -count=1 -benchmem ./
    goos: darwin
    goarch: amd64
    BenchmarkTrivialBase58Encoding-8   	  155588	      7466 ns/op	    1911 B/op	      90 allocs/op
    BenchmarkFastBase58Encoding-8      	  966726	      1245 ns/op	      96 B/op	       2 allocs/op
    BenchmarkTrivialBase58Decoding-8   	  350648	      3447 ns/op	     513 B/op	      48 allocs/op
    BenchmarkFastBase58Decoding-8      	 2276010	       523 ns/op	     127 B/op	       2 allocs/op
    ok	57.326s

    /cc @prusnak @Stebalien

  • Bug


    	in := "1111111111"
    	fmt.Println("in: ", in)
    	v, err := base58.Decode(in)
    	fmt.Println("decode:", v, err)
    	fmt.Println("encode again:", base58.Encode(v))

    Try this with your function names instead (by the way, I suggest you get rid of Trivial* and rename the fast versions to Encode and Decode). Output should look like this:

    in:  1111111111
    decode: [0 0 0] <nil>
    encode again: 111
  • Simplify encoding (no functional changes)

    Simplify encoding (no functional changes)

    Reduce work-buffer alocation size to the absolute minimum. Unlike my other PR this does not change the performance at all ( it stays virtually the same ). Rather the allocation is halved, specifically


  • bug fix for test

    bug fix for test

    In base58/base58_test.go line 22 make a byte array to use as random data container. But in the whole loop, data is never change and point to same slice, but in line 25 data is assigned to a new testValues. So all the testValues's field dec point to the same slice. So all the encode benchmark use a same slice in their whole loop. I think this does not match the intended purpose.

  • Why '138'

    Why '138'


    Could you please elaborate where the number '138' comes from here?

  • Move the tests and benchmarks to use the stdlib tests and benchmarks

    Move the tests and benchmarks to use the stdlib tests and benchmarks

    Move the test and benchmarks out of main.go and intomain_test.go so that the standard go tools can be used to run them. It would bring the project inline with other go projects and allow main to run code that uses base58 encoding and not just tests.

  • reduce from 3 to 2 allocations

    reduce from 3 to 2 allocations

    This patch allocates a single large intermediate buffer instead of two small ones. This doesn't make a difference in terms of benchmarks (on my machine) but lightens the load on the garbage collector a bit.

    Technically, with some unsafe code, we could get to 1. However, that's probably not worth it.

  • Performance is non-linear, thus. very bad as input gets large

    Performance is non-linear, thus. very bad as input gets large

    % dd if=/dev/random of=abcd10 bs=1 count=10000
    10000+0 records in
    10000+0 records out
    10000 bytes transferred in 0.051649 secs (193615 bytes/sec)
    % dd if=/dev/random of=abcd100 bs=1 count=100000
    100000+0 records in
    100000+0 records out
    100000 bytes transferred in 0.423879 secs (235916 bytes/sec)
    % dd if=/dev/random of=abcd1000 bs=1 count=1000000
    1000000+0 records in
    1000000+0 records out
    1000000 bytes transferred in 4.197053 secs (238262 bytes/sec)
    % time ./base58 -i abcd10 | wc -c
    ./base58 -i abcd10  0.12s user 0.01s system 93% cpu 0.132 total
    % time ./base58 -i abcd100 | wc -c
    ./base58 -i abcd100  11.44s user 0.17s system 95% cpu 12.184 total
    % time ./base58 -i abcd1000 | wc -c
    ./base58 -i abcd1000  1298.50s user 20.66s system 93% cpu 23:33.18 total[Go] MessagePack encoding for Golang

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