Gomphotherium (/ˌɡɒmfəˈθɪəriəm/; "welded beast"), a command line Mastodon client.


Gomphotherium (/ˌɡɒmfəˈθɪəriəm/; "welded beast"), a command line Mastodon client.


Gomphotherium is a Mastodon client for the command line, offering a CLI as well as a TUI with a usage similar to rainbowstream. It is intended to be used at 80 characters width maximum, but ideally inside tmux as a sidebar-style program.



Download a binary from the releases page.

Or build it yourself (requires Go 1.16+):


User Manual


To authenticate with your Mastodon instance, run the following command and follow the instructions:

gomphotherium authenticate https://YOUR-MASTODON-SERVER-URL-HERE.com


Launch the TUI with the following command:

gomphotherium tui

Note: If you haven't exported the required environment variables that were shown to you during the [Authentication][#authentication], please do so first or use the CLI flags (gomphotherium -h) instead.


The TUI can be operated in two modes: Normal and Command.

In Normal mode no interaction is possible apart from scrolling and refreshing the timeline and quitting Gomphotherium. The shortcuts can be looked up on the cheatsheet

In Command mode, the command input becomes available and scrolling the timeline is not possible anymore. Commands can then be issued to interact with the Mastodon instance.



This is a list of supported keyboard shortcuts. The information in box brackets tells to which mode the shortcut applies.

: [normal]
Enter Command mode

Esc [command]
Leave Command mode

ArrowUp / k, ArrowDn / j [normal]
Scroll timeline in either direction by one line

PgUp/b & PgDn/f [normal]
Scroll timeline in either direction by one page

u & d [normal]
Scroll timeline in either direction by half a page

g, G [normal]
Scroll timeline to the very top/bottom

Ctrl + R [any]
Refresh timeline

Ctrl + Q [any]
Quit Gomphotherium


hashtag tag [local]
Switch between timelines

whois user
Switch to user profile and timeline

t content ...
toot content ...
Publish a new public toot

tp content ...
tootprivate content ...
Publish a new private toot

tu content ...
tootunlisted content ...
Publish a new unlisted toot

td content ...
tootdirect content ...
Publish a new direct toot

re toot-id content ...
reply toot-id content ...
Reply to a toot publicly

rep toot-id content ...
replyprivate toot-id content ...
Reply to a toot privately

reu toot-id content ...
replyunlisted toot-id content ...
Reply to a toot unlisted

red toot-id content ...
replydirect toot-id content ...
Reply to a toot directly

rt toot-id
retoot toot-id
boost toot-id
Boost a toot

ut toot-id
unretoot toot-id
unboost toot-id
Undo boosting a toot

fav toot-id
Fav a toot

unfav toot-id
Undo fav-ing a toot

open toot-id
Open toot in system browser

share toot-id
Copy toot URL to the clipboard

Show help page

Quit Gomphotherium

Info: \

  • content ... describes the text content of a toot, including inline shortcodes
  • toot-id describes the toot ID (number) visible on the right side of each toot in the timeline
Inline Shortcodes

Inline shortcodes allow to add additional info to toots. They can be added anywhere in the toot content as they get filtered from the toot before publishing.

Mark toot as sensitive; one-time shortcode

~#[text ...]
Add content warning (spoiler) text to toot; one-time shortcode

Add media by file path to toot; can be specified multiple times

Usage Examples

Switch to the home timeline

hashtag theStudio local
Switch to the hashtag timeline and search for the hashtag #theStudio on only the local instance

hashtag lol
Switch to the hashtag timeline and search for the hashtag #lol globally

whois [email protected]
Switch to the profile of [email protected] and list his toots

t Hello World!
Publish a new public toot that says Hello World!

tp Mondays are fine. It’s your life that sucks. ~#[Controversial joke]
Publish a new private toot that says Mondays are fine. It’s your life that sucks. with a content warning that says Controversial joke

tu Check out my mustache! ~:[/home/user/Photos/awesome_mustache.jpg] ~!!
Publish a new unlisted toot with a photo attached to it, that is flagged sensitive

re 11 I think so, @brain, but aren't we out of shaving cream?
Publicly reply to toot with ID 11 with I think so, @brain, but aren't we out of shaving cream?

rt 11
Retoot/boost toot with ID 11

Show this help



The CLI interface allows for exectuion of commands right from the terminal prompt. Not all commands are supported.

Usage Examples

gomphotherium cmd home
Render the home timeline

gomphotherium cmd t Hello World!
Publish a new public toot that says Hello World!

  • progress/success indicator

    progress/success indicator

    Add simple progress indictor as a prefix for the profile label. Shows progress/success/failure of an executed command.
    I've been seeing some sporadic failures in posting toots and this is a precursor to the actual fix as I haven't been able to catch it happening yet in the debugger. Eventually I'd like to add a status view that contains a record of previous commands and their reason for failure if available.

  • Support user images

    Support user images

    Support cached images + user images as well as a more configurable indentation model that should hopefully make any future changes with respect to indentation a bit easier to manage. I would like to make the vertical line introduced for separating toot #s/images link up to the outside frame via and but that modification to tview may require a whole new container implementation. That's an exercise for later 😅

  • fix-markdown-rendering


    Added hardline breaks to a fork of go-termd that eliminates the errors shown when rendering help content. I've logged a ticket with go-termd and will revert back to mainline branch when my patch is accepted.

  • gomphotherium does not use $BROWSER envvar

    gomphotherium does not use $BROWSER envvar

    First: love your app! Awesome vim like keybindings and the picture rendering is so awesome! 👍

    However i am using it in a wsl instance, and instead of opening toots with my windows chrome.exe which i set in my .profile via export $BROWSER, it opens a linux firefox in a forwarded x session. Is there any way to customize the used browser, or could you default to $BROWSER?

    PS: d / u or f / b as shortcuts for scrolling pages would also be reeeeally nice!

  • timeline strange output

    timeline strange output

    When I run gomphotherium timeline from my bash shell, I get a lot of output and it ends like the following:

    ]▄[:#d6d8d7][#cccecd:]▄[:#d6d8d7][#cccecd:]▄[:#d6d8d7][#cccecd:]▄[:#d6d8d7][#cccecd:]▄[:#d6d8d7][#cccecd:]▄[:#d6d8d7][#cccecd:]▄[:#d6d8d7][#cccecd:]▄[:#d6d8d7][#cccecd:]▄[:#d6d8d7][#cccecd:]▄[:#d6d8d7][#cccecd:]▄[:#d6d8d7][#cccecd:]▄[:#d6d 8d7][#cccecd:]▄[:#d6d8d7][#cccecd:]▄[:#d6d8d7][#cccecd:]▄[:#d6d8d7][#cccecd:]▄[-:-:-]

    [purple]↫ 0[-] [green]↻ 2[-] [yellow]★ 0[-] [grey]on Apr 7 at 11:10[-]

    Running gomphotherium tui, I'm presented with a blank interface, but I assume that will be solved, once the issue above is solved.

    I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 with awesome wm, st and bash. Which setting should I tweak and/or how can I get this awesome mastodon client running? Thanks in advance.

  • ux improvements + crash fix

    ux improvements + crash fix

    • consistent seeds for justification so that reloads of the same content produce the same strings
    • prevent entering of : when it would be the first character in command mode
    • prevent automatic refresh from scrolling to end of content (unless its the first load)
    • run periodic refresh through progress code and enforce only one progress operation at a time. This has ux implications but also fixes an intermittent crash where the refresh happens during the act of drawing the content of a manual command. Toots are swapped out during iteration and boom.
  • Command history view

    Command history view

    Adds :history function that shows a table of the last 100 commands and their results. Cell contents are expandable into a modal on enter with an option to copy to the clipboard (useful for re-sending failed messages)

  • fix crash when status object is missing (#1)

    fix crash when status object is missing (#1)

    There were cases (at minimum) when notifications did not have statuses. Rather than address in all the various sources of statuses I went with one final check after they had been assembled.

  • introduce user pics

    introduce user pics

    Before I go too far down this rabbit hole and have the PR cleaned up I wanted to run this past you because it's a pretty significant departure from your original vision. I'm proposing UI changes as follows:

    with user images disabled

    snip for privacy

    with user images enabled

    snip for privacy

    I wasn't originally intending move the toot ID to the right but I spent far too long trying to fix the alignment issues brought on by runewidth not reliably measuring the width of certain emojis. The problem is sidestepped by just putting it somewhere else and not worrying about right alignment.

    At any rate, if you're ok with this change I'll get it cleaned up and performant.

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