go-carpet - show test coverage in terminal for Go source files

go-carpet - show test coverage for Go source files

GoDoc Build Status Coverage Status Report Card Homebrew formula exists

To view the test coverage in the terminal, just run go-carpet.

It works outside of the GOPATH directory. And it works recursively for multiple packages.

With -256colors option, shades of green indicate the level of coverage.

By default skip vendor directories (Godeps,vendor), otherwise use -include-vendor option.


usage: go-carpet [options] [paths]
    	use more colors on 256-color terminal (indicate the level of coverage)
  -args string
    	pass additional arguments for go test
  -file string
    	comma-separated list of files to test (default: all)
  -func string
    	comma-separated functions list (default: all functions)
    	include vendor directories for show coverage (Godeps, vendor)
    	only show summary for each file
    	get version

For view coverage in less, use -R option:

go-carpet | less -R


From source:

go get -u github.com/msoap/go-carpet
sudo ln -s $(go env GOPATH)/bin/go-carpet /usr/local/bin/go-carpet

Download binaries from: releases (OS X/Linux/Windows)

Install from homebrew (OS X):

brew tap msoap/tools
brew install go-carpet
# update:
brew upgrade go-carpet


screen shot 2016-03-06

See also

Sergey Mudrik
𐄁𐄁𐄁𐄁 𐄁 𐄁𑁋𐄁𐄁 𐄁𑁋𐄁𐄁 𑁋𑁋𑁋
Sergey Mudrik
  • Option to exclude directory

    Option to exclude directory

    Instead of specifying all the directories to include, it would be nice to have the option to just specify the directories to exclude. For example, if I have vendored code in Godeps/, I could just specify to exclude the Godeps folder but run on everything else.

  • Strange Highlighting?

    Strange Highlighting?

    This may be my environments or "something" but the highlighting seems to be in odd places occasionally. Some output I'm looking at now has a line with the text return typedValue and half the line is not highlighted and half is, as in

    return typedValue
    (imagine the bold is green).

  • Coverage stats

    Coverage stats

    Just some random idea: maybe you can add coverage stats to each file and at the end show average coverage for all files or by package etc. (weighted, taking into account number of lines in each file). Something like you can see on gocover: https://gocover.io/github.com/msoap/go-carpet


  • Go Modules Support

    Go Modules Support

    Sorry for the repeat. :) Turns out the quick fix I did to work with Go Modules style code directories wasn't quite exact. It seems to work fine in the root of the go.mod enabled repo, but not in subdirs/packages. My first guess is that the code will need to look for go.mod in the current and parent directories to determine the source file paths. I don't quite have time to mess with it right now; hence this issue in case someone does have time before me.

  • Not working with many Go paths

    Not working with many Go paths


    I tried to use your tool, but looks like it not working with many Go paths. I believe problem is https://github.com/msoap/go-carpet/blob/master/go-carpet.go#L127

    When I have;

    export GOROOT=$HOME/.go
    export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
    export GOPATH=$HOME/golibs/os:$HOME/golibs/forks:$HOME/golibs/my
    export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/golibs/my/bin:$HOME/golibs/forks/bin:$HOME/golibs/os/bin

    I get errors when running:

    dobek@Lapek2:~/go/os/sr/gi/Ge/go.rice <master:βœ”>
    20:26:22 Ξ» go-carpet .                                                                                                                            [40d21h44m]
    2016/03/04 20:26:24 open /home/dobek/golibs/os:/home/dobek/golibs/forks:/home/dobek/golibs/my/src/github.com/GeertJohan/go.rice/appended.go: no such file or directory
    2016/03/04 20:26:25 open /home/dobek/golibs/os:/home/dobek/golibs/forks:/home/dobek/golibs/my/src/github.com/GeertJohan/go.rice/rice/append.go: no such file or directory


  • Early support for Go Modules

    Early support for Go Modules

    This isn't the greatest code by any stretch, but it seems to get the job done. Hopefully as Go Modules become more prevalent, they will release official APIs for us (or maybe they already have and I just don't know where to look).

    Fixes #12

  • Add file summary mode

    Add file summary mode

    The go tools will show a package-level summary (with -covermode=count), and go-carpet shows file summaries plus line coverage. At times, I'd like to just see a file-level summary of coverage.

    I have a proof-of-concept patch that I can submit as a PR, but I wanted to open an issue for discussion before doing so. My patch outputs:

    $ go-carpet -ls
    github.com/msoap/go-carpet/ast.go - 100.0%
    github.com/msoap/go-carpet/go-carpet.go - 65.8%
    github.com/msoap/go-carpet/terminal_posix.go - 100.0%
    github.com/msoap/go-carpet/utils.go - 100.0%
    Coverage: 70.9% of statements
  • Install failing on OSX

    Install failing on OSX


    Thanks for releasing this tool, I found it very useful. I had no problem using it on linux, but on Mac OS X (10.11.3 ) I get this error while installing

    go get -u github.com/msoap/go-carpet
    go install runtime/internal/sys: mkdir /usr/local/go/pkg/linux_amd64: permission denied

    Any idea how to get around this?

  • uncovered option to display only less than 100% coverage

    uncovered option to display only less than 100% coverage

    I would like to thank you in advance for providing us such a helpful and cool tool!!

    I understand that 100% coverage is a myth though, I would like to have an option that only shows the uncovered ones, if possible.

     usage: go-carpet [options] [paths]
         	use more colors on 256-color terminal (indicate the level of coverage)
       -args string
         	pass additional arguments for go test
       -file string
         	comma-separated list of files to test (default: all)
       -func string
         	comma-separated functions list (default: all functions)
         	include vendor directories for show coverage (Godeps, vendor)
    +  -mincov int
    +     	only show files that coverage were less than this value (default: 100)
         	only show summary for each file
         	get version

    My current workaround is to create a shell script as below. But it would be nice to have it by default.

    # getNameFilesUncovered echoes file names in comma-separated list which didn't
    # cover 100%. This will be used for β€œgo-carpet` -file option.
    function getNameFilesUncovered() {
        list=$(go tool cover -func="$name_file_coverage" | grep -v '100.0%\|init\|total' | awk '{print $1}')
        echo "$list" | while IFS= read -r line; do
            basename "${line}" | sed -e 's/\.[^\.]*$/\.go/'
        done | uniq | tr '\n' ','
    # Run test and create cover profile
    go test -timeout 30s -cover -v -coverprofile "$name_file_coverage" ./...
    # Run go-carpet by specifing files into test
    go-carpet -file "$(getNameFilesUncovered)"
  • Go Modules Support?

    Go Modules Support?

    It's quite possible I'm doing something wrong, but go-carpet doesn't seem to work with new Go code in the Go Modules (outside of GOPATH) style.

    go version             # go version go1.11.2 linux/amd64
    mkdir tp
    cd tp
    go mod init tp
    echo -e 'package main\nfunc main(){}\n' > main.go
    echo -e 'package main\nimport "testing"\nfunc TestMain(t *testing.T){}\n' > main_test.go
    go test                # works fine
    go-carpet              # 2019/02/20 20:27:23 file 'tp/main.go' not found in GOPATH
  • Omit files

    Omit files

    Please add option to exclude files from the report -- primarily to omit auto-generated sources.

    Edit. Even better ignore files following the go convention:

    var (
    	genHdr = []byte("// Code generated ")
    	genFtr = []byte(" DO NOT EDIT.")
    // isGenerated reports whether the source file is generated code
    // according the rules from https://golang.org/s/generatedcode.
    // This is inherited from the original go lint.
    func isGenerated(src []byte) bool {
    	sc := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(src))
    	for sc.Scan() {
    		b := sc.Bytes()
    		if bytes.HasPrefix(b, genHdr) && bytes.HasSuffix(b, genFtr) && len(b) >= len(genHdr)+len(genFtr) {
    			return true
    	return false
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