Concurrency-safe Go caching library with expiration capabilities and access counters


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Concurrency-safe golang caching library with expiration capabilities.


Make sure you have a working Go environment (Go 1.2 or higher is required). See the install instructions.

To install cache2go, simply run:

go get

To compile it from source:

cd $GOPATH/src/
go get -u -v
go build && go test -v


package main

import (

// Keys & values in cache2go can be of arbitrary types, e.g. a struct.
type myStruct struct {
	text     string
	moreData []byte

func main() {
	// Accessing a new cache table for the first time will create it.
	cache := cache2go.Cache("myCache")

	// We will put a new item in the cache. It will expire after
	// not being accessed via Value(key) for more than 5 seconds.
	val := myStruct{"This is a test!", []byte{}}
	cache.Add("someKey", 5*time.Second, &val)

	// Let's retrieve the item from the cache.
	res, err := cache.Value("someKey")
	if err == nil {
		fmt.Println("Found value in cache:", res.Data().(*myStruct).text)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Error retrieving value from cache:", err)

	// Wait for the item to expire in cache.
	time.Sleep(6 * time.Second)
	res, err = cache.Value("someKey")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Item is not cached (anymore).")

	// Add another item that never expires.
	cache.Add("someKey", 0, &val)

	// cache2go supports a few handy callbacks and loading mechanisms.
	cache.SetAboutToDeleteItemCallback(func(e *cache2go.CacheItem) {
		fmt.Println("Deleting:", e.Key(), e.Data().(*myStruct).text, e.CreatedOn())

	// Remove the item from the cache.

	// And wipe the entire cache table.

To run this example, go to examples/mycachedapp/ and run:

go run mycachedapp.go

You can find a few more examples here. Also see our test-cases in cache_test.go for further working examples.

Christian Muehlhaeuser
Geek, Gopher, Software Developer, Maker, Opensource Advocate, Tech Enthusiast, Photographer, Board and Card Gamer
Christian Muehlhaeuser
  • Question about SetAddedItemCallback

    Question about SetAddedItemCallback

    hello 请看如下函数,是不是应该将这这段注释掉 func (table *CacheTable) SetAddedItemCallback(f func(*CacheItem)) {

    //if len(table.addedItem) > 0 {
    //	table.RemoveAddedItemCallbacks()
    defer table.Unlock()
    table.addedItem = append(table.addedItem, f)


  • fix missing dots

    fix missing dots

    Package Testing of go 1.11 is more strict about arguments checking to print-like functions. We will get the error bellow if we left args without dots.

    go test -v
    ./cachetable.go:330: missing ... in args forwarded to print-like function
    FAIL [build failed]

    OS version: manjaro 18.0.0-rc go 1.11.1

  • [BUG] Fatal ERROR when concurrent map write and read

    [BUG] Fatal ERROR when concurrent map write and read

    go version

    go version go1.9 darwin/amd64


    fatal error: concurrent map iteration and map write
    goroutine 177777 [running]:
    runtime.throw(0xbeb3a9, 0x26)
    	/go1.9/src/runtime/panic.go:605 +0x95 fp=0xc422b05610 sp=0xc422b055f0 pc=0x42e9f5
    	/go1.9/src/runtime/hashmap.go:778 +0x6f1 fp=0xc422b056a8 sp=0xc422b05610 pc=0x40d0a1*CacheTable).expirationCheck(0xc42007e060)
    	/src/ +0x247 fp=0xc422b057d8 sp=0xc422b056a8 pc=0x578d97
    	/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2337 +0x1 fp=0xc422b057e0 sp=0xc422b057d8 pc=0x45f7b1
    created by*CacheTable).expirationCheck.func1
    	/src/ +0x3e
  • go1.8 can't iterate over map while writing to it

    go1.8 can't iterate over map while writing to it

    I upgrade golang to 1.8 and encounter this panic while using cache2go:

    goroutine 363453 [running]: runtime.throw(0x94121a, 0x26) /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:596 +0x95 fp=0xc420513de0 sp=0xc420513dc0 runtime.mapiternext(0xc420513f68) /usr/local/go/src/runtime/hashmap.go:737 +0x7ee fp=0xc420513e90 sp=0xc420513de0*CacheTable).expirationCheck(0xc4201d2540) /Users/geomantic/Documents/develop/gopath/src/ +0x336 fp=0xc4205 13fd8 sp=0xc420513e90 runtime.goexit() /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:2197 +0x1 fp=0xc420513fe0 sp=0xc420513fd8 created by*CacheTable).expirationCheck.func1 /Users/geomantic/Documents/develop/gopath/src/ +0x3e

  • why not move table.Lock() into table.addInternal()?

    why not move table.Lock() into table.addInternal()?

    func (table *CacheTable) Add(key interface{}, lifeSpan time.Duration, data interface{}) *CacheItem {
    	item := NewCacheItem(key, lifeSpan, data)
    	// Add item to cache.
    	return item

    In general,Lock() and UnLock() is pair in function,why not move table.Lock() into table.addInternal()?Is there anything other to consider?

  • [Feature Request] Change item lifeSpan

    [Feature Request] Change item lifeSpan

    I'd like to be able to change an item's life span after adding it.
    In my case I want to have it so:

    1. An user interacts with my application
    2. I look for them in the cache, if they're not present I get them from a database.
    3. Make sure they stay in memory while I need them (which can take an arbitrary amount of time)
    4. ... (my program)
    5. After I'm done, set it so they expire in 60 seconds unless the user interacts (which would take us back to the first step).

    Right now this can be done by:

    1. Looking for them in the cache. And if they're not present I get them BUT save it outside the cache.
    2. ... (my program)
    3. After I'm done, If they were in the cache and still are, remove them.
    4. Add them to the cache with a life span of 60 seconds.

    This adds a lot of complexity which would be solved by being able to change the items life span (first to 0 and then to 60).

    Issue implementing it

    I tried implementing it by adding a method to CacheItem (you can see it here), but came across an issue if you:

    1. Create an item with a life span
    2. Set it to 0
    3. Wait until the next expirationCheck (here it stops running because there's no items with lifespan != 0)
    4. Set it to any value different than 0
    5. Now it will never expire because the expirationCheck stopped running

    This issue is the reason the test currently doesn't pass. If I run table.expirationCheck() after resetting the life span it works as expected, but currently there's no way to do it from the method.

  • Panic occurs when you use the new create struct to access the key

    Panic occurs when you use the new create struct to access the key

    Hello, I am a Golang novice. When I was learning your code, I found that I used new() to create the struct. When I access the data, panic prompt Err :nil.Is this a bug?

  • Why creating a Cache requires Double check whether the table exists or not.

    Why creating a Cache requires Double check whether the table exists or not.

    // Cache returns the existing cache table with given name or creates a new one
    // if the table does not exist yet.
    func Cache(table string) *CacheTable {
    	t, ok := cache[table]
    	if !ok {
    		t, ok = cache[table]
    		// Double check whether the table exists or not.
    		if !ok {
    			t = &CacheTable{
    				name:  table,
    				items: make(map[interface{}]*CacheItem),
    			cache[table] = t
    	return t
  • table.addedItem does not need to be a array

    table.addedItem does not need to be a array

    if table.addedItem is set, we will remove it before we reset it. so table.addedItem will be always just one item, it didn't need to be a array. table.aboutToDeleteItem is the same.

    `func (table *CacheTable) SetAddedItemCallback(f func(*CacheItem)) {

    // 如果已存在回调函数,则置空
    if len(table.addedItem) > 0 {
    defer table.Unlock()
    table.addedItem = append(table.addedItem, f)


  • How about start a channel to exec callback

    How about start a channel to exec callback

    Thanks for your open source.

    if the CacheTabls's items becomes very long and the 'expirationCheck' is runing with lots of callback function waiting to execute, it will lock the table for so many time. so I think it' better to make a channle to exec the callback function.

  • question about go use

    question about go use

    In file cache.go

    if !ok { t = &CacheTable{ name: table, items: make(map[interface{}]*CacheItem), }

      cache[table] = t


    return t

    the assigment function of cache item is

      t = &CacheTable{ ... }

    The "t = &CacheTable" seems to be stored at stack , and can not be reentrant after function returns. How could I understand this ? Thanks.

  • PR to get cached value without updating it's keep alive

    PR to get cached value without updating it's keep alive


    we have a use case where we need to get cached value without touching it's keepAlive value. We need our cached item to expire at whatever time it was about to expire even if we pulled it's value this one time.

    So I added a ValueOnly() function that works the same as CacheTable.Value(), but skips updating of keepAlive. In fact, I moved most of the code of the Value() function to new valueInternal() function and both (Value() and ValueOnly()) use it. It's like addInternal() or deleteInternal() that you also use.

    Test case TestCacheExpire has been extended to cover the new function and all tests pass.

    Please tell what would need to be changed also, to maybe get this additional function merged.

    PR is here:

  • Adds ValueOnly() function that returns cached value but doesn't update it's keepAlive.

    Adds ValueOnly() function that returns cached value but doesn't update it's keepAlive.

    CacheTable.ValueOnly() works identically to CacheTable.Value() function, but doesn't update it's CacheItem.keepAlive value.

    Can be used to retrieve cached value without touching it or changing any of it's properties.

  • Feature: get the value but not update the expiration time (#57)

    Feature: get the value but not update the expiration time (#57)

    Hi @muesli , As suggested in the Issue by you, here is my PR incl. test cases for review.I'm so sorry I only recently noticed your reply on #57 .

  • Feature for the possibility of deletion based on create time.

    Feature for the possibility of deletion based on create time.

    Hi @muesli, As suggested in the Issue #57 by you, here is my PR incl. test cases for review.

    After taking a closer look at the code and now understanding very well how the internal cleanup process works I came to the following solution. By the way, I have to mention that my approach is very similar to #45. I saw it by chance after I had finished my solution. =) It shows that some had the same idea and probably the need for it.

    I am very curious about your feedback

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