Advanced ANSI style & color support for your terminal applications

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termenv lets you safely use advanced styling options on the terminal. It gathers information about the terminal environment in terms of its ANSI & color support and offers you convenient methods to colorize and style your output, without you having to deal with all kinds of weird ANSI escape sequences and color conversions.

Example output


  • RGB/TrueColor support
  • Detects the supported color range of your terminal
  • Automatically converts colors to the best matching, available colors
  • Terminal theme (light/dark) detection
  • Chainable syntax
  • Nested styles


go get

Query Terminal Support

termenv can query the terminal it is running in, so you can safely use advanced features, like RGB colors. ColorProfile returns the color profile supported by the terminal:

profile := termenv.ColorProfile()

This returns one of the supported color profiles:

  • termenv.Ascii - no ANSI support detected, ASCII only
  • termenv.ANSI - 16 color ANSI support
  • termenv.ANSI256 - Extended 256 color ANSI support
  • termenv.TrueColor - RGB/TrueColor support

You can also query the terminal for its color scheme, so you know whether your app is running in a light- or dark-themed environment:

// Returns terminal's foreground color
color := termenv.ForegroundColor()

// Returns terminal's background color
color := termenv.BackgroundColor()

// Returns whether terminal uses a dark-ish background
darkTheme := termenv.HasDarkBackground()


termenv supports multiple color profiles: ANSI (16 colors), ANSI Extended (256 colors), and TrueColor (24-bit RGB). Colors will automatically be degraded to the best matching available color in the desired profile:

TrueColor => ANSI 256 Colors => ANSI 16 Colors => Ascii

s := termenv.String("Hello World")

// Retrieve color profile supported by terminal
p := termenv.ColorProfile()

// Supports hex values
// Will automatically degrade colors on terminals not supporting RGB
// but also supports ANSI colors (0-255)
// ...or the color.Color interface
s.Foreground(p.FromColor(color.RGBA{255, 128, 0, 255}))

// Combine fore- & background colors

// Supports the fmt.Stringer interface


You can use a chainable syntax to compose your own styles:

s := termenv.String("foobar")

// Text styles

// Reverse swaps current fore- & background colors

// Blinking text

// Combine multiple options

Template Helpers

// load template helpers
f := termenv.TemplateFuncs(termenv.ColorProfile())
tpl := template.New("tpl").Funcs(f)

// apply bold style in a template
bold := `{{ Bold "Hello World" }}`

// examples for colorized templates
col := `{{ Color "#ff0000" "#0000ff" "Red on Blue" }}`
fg := `{{ Foreground "#ff0000" "Red Foreground" }}`
bg := `{{ Background "#0000ff" "Blue Background" }}`

// wrap styles
wrap := `{{ Bold (Underline "Hello World") }}`

// parse and render
tpl, err = tpl.Parse(bold)

var buf bytes.Buffer
tpl.Execute(&buf, nil)

Other available helper functions are: Faint, Italic, CrossOut, Underline, Overline, Reverse, and Blink.


// Reset the terminal to its default style, removing any active styles

// Switch to the altscreen. The former view can be restored with ExitAltScreen()

// Exit the altscreen and return to the former terminal view

// Clear the visible portion of the terminal

// Move the cursor to a given position
termenv.MoveCursor(row, column)

// Hide the cursor

// Show the cursor

// Save the cursor position

// Restore a saved cursor position

// Move the cursor up a given number of lines

// Move the cursor down a given number of lines

// Move the cursor up a given number of lines

// Move the cursor backwards a given number of cells

// Move the cursor down a given number of lines and place it at the beginning
// of the line

// Move the cursor up a given number of lines and place it at the beginning of
// the line

// Clear the current line

// Clear a given number of lines

// Set the scrolling region of the terminal
termenv.ChangeScrollingRegion(top, bottom)

// Insert the given number of lines at the top of the scrollable region, pushing
// lines below down

// Delete the given number of lines, pulling any lines in the scrollable region
// below up


// Enable X10 mouse mode, only button press events are sent

// Disable X10 mouse mode

// Enable Mouse Tracking mode

// Disable Mouse Tracking mode

// Enable Hilite Mouse Tracking mode

// Disable Hilite Mouse Tracking mode

// Enable Cell Motion Mouse Tracking mode

// Disable Cell Motion Mouse Tracking mode

// Enable All Motion Mouse mode

// Disable All Motion Mouse mode

Color Chart

ANSI color chart

You can find the source code used to create this chart in termenv's examples.

Related Projects

  • reflow - ANSI-aware text operations
  • Glow - a markdown renderer for the command-line, which uses termenv



Christian Muehlhaeuser
Geek, Gopher, Software Developer, Maker, Opensource Advocate, Tech Enthusiast, Photographer, Board and Card Gamer
Christian Muehlhaeuser
  • Use to work around syscall differences

    Use to work around syscall differences

    This should fix #15. @tredoe could you verify?

    This also removes the assumption that the platform uses 64-bit words, which was previously encoded in the assumption that syscall.FdSet.Bits consisted of int64s.

  • error in centos

    error in centos

    OS Version: CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core)

    Error encountered: [root@builder airlock-menu]# go get

    /root/go_proj/src/src/ readfds.Set undefined (type unix.FdSet has no field or method Set) /root/go_proj/src/src/ readfds.IsSet undefined (type unix.FdSet has no field or method IsSet)

  • No color with version > 0.9.0

    No color with version > 0.9.0

    After upgrade to 0.12.0, I found my cli is running with no color. After seeking problems, I found termenv' version is the root casue.

    Show the code:

    git clone [email protected]:alswl/bubble-table.git
    g rev-parse HEAD
    cat go.mod | grep termenv
   v0.9.0 // indirect
    go mod tidy; go run examples/features/main.go

    After upgrade:

    gsed -i 's/termenv v0.9.0/termenv v0.10.0/g' go.mod
    go mod tidy; go run examples/features/main.go

    And the latest 0.12.0 still not works for me.

    My system versions:

    ➜  bubble-table git:(main) ✗ neofetch
                        'c.          ?
                     ,xNMM.          -------------------------------
                   .OMMMMo           OS: macOS 12.6 21G115 arm64
                   OMMM0,            Host: MacBookPro18,1
         .;loddo:' loolloddol;.      Kernel: 21.6.0
       cKMMMMMMMMMMNWMMMMMMMMMM0:    Uptime: 3 days, 1 hour, 41 mins
     .KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWd.    Packages: 502 (brew)
    ;MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM:       Resolution: 1728x1117, 2560x1440
    .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX.      WM: Quartz Compositor
         ;KMMMMMMMWXXWMMMMMMMk.      Memory: 5563MiB / 32768MiB
           .cooc,.    .,coo:.
  • Bold ansi codes not removed in unsupported terminals

    Bold ansi codes not removed in unsupported terminals

    ↑ Output of this playground link:

    Test with color and bold
    Test with only color

    But they should be removed, right?

  • Better Windows 10 support

    Better Windows 10 support

    I haven't tried your library on win10, so maybe you have some magic I don't know about, but I'm guessing this library works well in Windows Terminal, but not so much in or powershell (where ANSI is disabled by default). But if I'm wrong and there's magic that makes this all work out, I'm very interested in what it is! :)

    Over in gchalk, I first of all ported node.js's "supports-color" library which detects if the current Windows version supports 256 color or 16.7m color ANSI, and second I used this trick to enable ANSI color on non-Windows-Terminal terminals if it isn't enabled already. If you're interested in a PR that steals these, or which just uses supportscolor, I'm happy to supply one.

  • Unable to query back/foreground color with gnome-terminal/tilix (libvte)

    Unable to query back/foreground color with gnome-terminal/tilix (libvte)


    thanks for this awesome library! I've discovered that with the current code, I'm unable to query the foreground/background color in terminals using libvte, which includes gnome-terminal and tilix on Debian stable (libvte 0.54.2). It works with urxvt though.

    I've looked into the issue, building the examples/hello-world and running it with strace reveals what's happening (using tilix with a light background color, #fafafa):

    $ cd examples/hello-world
    $ go build
    $ strace -e read,write -s 999 ./hello-world
    write(1, "\33]11;?\7", 7)               = 7
    read(1, "\33", 1)                       = 1
    read(1, "]", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "1", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "1", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, ";", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "r", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "g", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "b", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, ":", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "f", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "a", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "f", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "a", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "/", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "f", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "a", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "f", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "a", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "/", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "f", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "a", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "f", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "a", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "\33", 1)                       = 1
    read(1, "\\", 1)                        = 1
    write(1, "\n\t\33[1mHas dark background?\33[0m true\n", 36
    	Has dark background? true
    ) = 36
    +++ exited with 0 +++

    We can see here that termenv sends the query to the terminal using a BEL character as the terminator ("\33]11;?\7"). Then tilix/libvte responds with the color, terminated by ESC \, which is rejected by termenv.

    On urxvt, the response is terminated by BEL (with dark background #111111 this time):

    $ strace -e read,write -s 999 ./hello-world
    write(1, "\33]11;?\7", 7)               = 7
    read(1, "\33", 1)                       = 1
    read(1, "]", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "1", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "1", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, ";", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "r", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "g", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "b", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, ":", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "1", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "1", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "0", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "0", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "/", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "1", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "1", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "0", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "0", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "/", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "1", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "1", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "0", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "0", 1)                         = 1
    read(1, "\7", 1)                        = 1

    It looks like a bug in libvte 0.54.4. I've also tested this on Fedora 32 using libvte 0.60.3, there it is fixed. I was also able to find a warning in the source code:

    if ( == 7 /* BEL */)
        warn("OSC terminated by BEL may be ignored; use ST (ESC \\) instead.");

    According to the standard I was able to find, OSC may be terminated by either BEL or ESC \ (named ST):

    Operating System Commands

    OSC Ps ; Pt BEL OSC Ps ; Pt ST

    I suspect that there are many more terminal emulators which just support ESC \ as terminator. It feels to me they all just copied code from xterm at some point...

    I can imagine solving this issue in two ways:

    • Using ESC \ instead of BEL when querying the colors, checking that the response is also terminated by ESC \.
    • Using BELfor querying the colors, but accepting BEL as well as ESC \ as the response terminator.

    If either solution would be acceptable, I'm willing to submit a PR. Please let me know! :)

  • Fails to build on OpenBSD

    Fails to build on OpenBSD


    Tried to install the github cli which depends on termenv:

    $ make
    ../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/termenv_unix.go:30:12: undefined: termStatusReport
    ../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/termenv_unix.go:52:12: undefined: termStatusReport
  • Add friendlier Windows set/restore console API

    Add friendlier Windows set/restore console API

    The existing EnableWindowsANSIConsole/RestoreWindowsConsole functions have a number of limitations:

    • They are only defined when termenv is built on Windows, and so require the user to use build tags, i.e. multiple source files, to control whether or not they are called and are not shown on by default.
    • They are hardcoded to set the console mode of stdout, and so fail if stdout is not a terminal, e.g. when redirecting the output to a file or when run in a Go test.

    This commit adds a EnableVirtualTerminalProcessing function with a different API (to avoid breaking backwards compatibility) that is safe to call on all platforms, takes an io.Writer as an argument (for output flexibility). See the comments in the function for more details.

    Replaces #88. Refs #86 (and this PR will probably need updating).

  • Reliably query terminal on high latency connections

    Reliably query terminal on high latency connections

    Queries to the terminal are sent and the response is read with a timeout of 100ms. If the latency between the program (running on a remote server) and the terminal (running on a user's workstation) is larger than 100ms, this fails and the program may be finished when the response can finally be read.

    This commit replaces the timeout-based approach. Two queries are sent to the terminal: first, the query we're interested in, but which may not be supported by the terminal. If it isn't, the terminal will silently ignore the request and not respond at all.

    Next, a cursor position query is sent. This should be supported by all terminals.

    Then a response is read without a timeout. Either the terminal responds with the cursor position, then we know it does not support the OSC query and we can abort. If an OSC response is read, we have our result and we just need to read the cursor position response and discard it.

    This approach will work regardless of latency. Since we know that the terminal will respond (at least to the cursor position request), there's no need for a timeout, so we can even remove the call to select().

    The approach can be tested on Linux by adding e.g. 200ms of artificial latency via tc and running a program on a remote host:

    tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 200ms 10ms

    The latency can be cleared as follows:

    tc qdisc del root dev eth0

    I've tested this on Linux only so far, but I'm confident it will work on macOS, too.

    This resolves

  • Support copying text (OSC52) & hyperlinks (OSC8)

    Support copying text (OSC52) & hyperlinks (OSC8)

    • Add OSC52 to support copying text
    • Add OSC8 to support hyperlinks

    OSC52 needs to read $TERM to determine the terminal. This implements two interfaces, File and Environ, and uses them when creating a new Output.

  • Added GetCursorPosition()

    Added GetCursorPosition()

    Added GetCursorPosition which returns row, column or error for the current position of the cursor on the terminal. This is especially useful when users print unpredictable amount of output to terminal and want to clear lines but don't know how many lines have been printed.

    The function uses the sequence "\033[6n" to get cursor's position and then parses the output. The method to get the output from terminal is a bit unorthodox but it had to be because interacting with terminal and reading its output is not straightforward.

    This implementation was heavily inspired by this conversation but open to any suggestions or improvements so that getting cursor's position gets added to termenv.

  • build(deps): bump from 0.0.16 to 0.0.17

    build(deps): bump from 0.0.16 to 0.0.17

    Bumps from 0.0.16 to 0.0.17.


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
  • fix: compiling js/wasm/plan9/aix failed missing method ColorProfile

    fix: compiling js/wasm/plan9/aix failed missing method ColorProfile

    fixed compiling wasm

    trying to compile the hello-world to wasm failed:

    termenv/examples/hello-world>   GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o m main.go
    ../../termenv.go:41:16: output.ColorProfile undefined (type *Output has no field or method ColorProfile)
    ../../termenv.go:97:9: o.ColorProfile undefined (type *Output has no field or method ColorProfile)

    also: ./main.go:10:33: undefined: termenv.EnableVirtualTerminalProcessing

    after this PR: it compiles...

  • Allow effectively overriding `isTTY` for mocking console output

    Allow effectively overriding `isTTY` for mocking console output

    In order to test CLIs it would be great if could effectively be overridden, such we could force treating Output.tty as a TTY or not. This is useful to provide a buffer such that any writes to an Output could include ANSI sequences, depending on which profile we might force. This way, if a CLI wants to test color output or maybe even varies the output based on whether it's a TTY (say, output TSV if not, or using a text/tablewriter if it is a TTY) it can force it.


    func Test(t *testing.T) {
     buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
      output = termenv.NewOutput(buffer, WithTTY(true), WithProfile(termenv.TrueColor))
      s := output.String("Hello, world!")
      want := "\x1b[1mHello, world!\x1b[m"
      if got := buffer.String(); got != want  {
        t.Fatal("want %q; got %q", want, got)
  • feat(mouse): add extended mouse sequences

    feat(mouse): add extended mouse sequences

    Add SGR and SGR-Pixels mouse support. Other modes are discouraged to use. UTF-8 only works for UTF-8 locales and there is no way to distinguish between previous mouse modes (< 1005). URxvt on the other hand only works in URxvt. Although some terminals support this protocol, they all support the newer SGR protocol.

    SGR & SGR-Pixels modes must be enabled with basic terminal modes like cell motion (1002) and all motion (1003).

    Reference: Reference: Reference: Reference: Reference:

  • Support/explain how to disable initial TTY read for automated testing

    Support/explain how to disable initial TTY read for automated testing

    In the context of I found that our unit tests using Expect were getting confused by the initial termenv read.

    We need to disable that somehow.

    @muesli taught me privately about the special env var CI but this needs to be documented/extended into a fully fledged feature.

Draw images in your ANSI terminal with true color
Draw images in your ANSI terminal with true color

___ _____ ____ / _ \/ _/ |/_/ /____ ______ _ Made with love by Eliuk Blau / ___// /_> </ __/ -_) __/ ' \

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