JSON with comments for Go!


JSON with comments for Go!

JSONC is a superset of JSON which supports comments. JSON formatted files are readable to humans but the lack of comments decreases readability. With JSONC, you can use block (/* */) and single line (//) comments to describe the functionality. Microsoft VS Code also uses this format in their configuration files like settings.json, keybindings.json, launch.json, etc.


What this package offers

JSONC for Go offers ability to convert and unmarshal JSONC to pure JSON. It also provides functionality to read JSONC file from disk and return JSONC and corresponding JSON encoding to operate on. However, it only provides a one way conversion. That is, you can not generate JSONC from JSON. Read documentation for detailed examples.


go get it

Run go get command to install the package.

$ go get muzzammil.xyz/jsonc

Import jsonc

Import muzzammil.xyz/jsonc to your source file.

package main

import (


Test it

Now test it!

func main() {
  j := []byte(`{"foo": /*comment*/ "bar"}`)
  jc := jsonc.ToJSON(j) // Calling jsonc.ToJSON() to convert JSONC to JSON
  if jsonc.Valid(jc) {
  } else {
    fmt.Println("Invalid JSONC")
$ go run app.go


Contributions are welcome but kindly follow the Code of Conduct and guidelines. Please don't make Pull Requests for typographical errors, grammatical mistakes, "sane way" of doing it, etc. Open an issue for it. Thanks!

Muhammad Muzzammil
I code stuff.
Muhammad Muzzammil
  • fail to parse json file which contains character   \

    fail to parse json file which contains character \"

    // written by mastiff automatically, please don't edit this file
      "pluginId": "osquery",
      "enable": true,
      "type": "pluginConfig",
      "hash": "6c3a3f6a22161912facd77a75d0e6346",
      "config": {
        "rules": [
            "content": "{\n  \"query\": \"SELECT p.pid, p.name, p.cmdline, p.path FROM processes p JOIN process_open_files pf USING(pid) WHERE pf.path = '/dev/tty' AND p.cmdline LIKE '%sh -i';\",\n  \"interval\": 600,\n  \"descirption\": \"通过 fifo 管道实现反弹 shell(间接重定向)\"\n}",
            "ruleId": "reverse_shell_with_fifo_pipe_tty"
            "content": "{\n  \"query\": \"SELECT pid, name, cmdline, path as pipepath FROM (SELECT p.pid, p.name, p.cmdline, pf.path FROM process_open_files pf JOIN processes p USING(pid) WHERE p.name IN ('bash', 'sh')) bf JOIN file USING(path) WHERE type = 'fifo';\",\n  \"interval\": 600,\n  \"descirption\": \"通过 fifo 管道实现反弹 shell(直接重定向)\"\n}",
            "ruleId": "reverse_shell_with_fifo_pipe"
            "content": "{\n    \"query\":\"SELECT p.pid, p.name, p.cmdline, p.path FROM processes p JOIN process_open_sockets s ON p.pid = s.pid WHERE p.pid = (SELECT parent FROM processes WHERE name = 'sh') AND s.state = 'ESTABLISHED' AND p.cmdline LIKE 'python -c exec(%';\",\n    \"interval\":600,\n    \"descirption\":\"通过 socket 实现反弹 shell(Python)\"\n}",
            "ruleId": "reverse_shell_with_socket_python"
  • fail to parse json content

    fail to parse json content

    func TestJsonParse(t *testing.T) {
    	s := "{                                  " +
    		"/**                                 " +
    		"* environment: dev/test/online      " +
    		"*/                                  " +
    		"\"env\": \"dev\"                    " +
    		"}                                   "
    //	fmt.Println(s)
    	pure := string(jsonc.ToJSON([]byte(s)))

    output is


    the correct result should be

  • Fix issue when single line comment is ended by block comment suffix

    Fix issue when single line comment is ended by block comment suffix

    While using the library I encountered an issue, where single line comment can be ended with */. Example:

      // I commented a glob pattern like this "**/*"
      "test" : "Hello"

    The error I got was invalid character '*' looking for beginning of value.

    I added a simple check to not try and end the comment with */ if the comment is single line.

  • Add support for hash style comments

    Add support for hash style comments

    C-style comments (// and /* */ are the most popular way to add the annotations to JSON files. Another popular style is shell comments (single-line started with hash #). This style is used in shell scripting languages (bash, zsh, etc.), Python and, Perl.

    I noticed that the users use both comment styles, but none Go library supports all of them simultaneously.

    This MR adds the possibility to handle the shell comments in your excellent library.

  • Commented escape characters end up in the json

    Commented escape characters end up in the json

    Commented escape characters are leaking into the output JSON, resulting in invalid JSON. For example, if you pass this input JSONC into ToJSON:

      "test1": "string with \" escape char"
      //"test2": "string with \" escape char"

    The output is:

    {"test1":"string with \" escape char"\"}

    Note the erroneous \" towards the end, which makes this invalid JSON.

  • Update: Better benchmark results for speed and allocations

    Update: Better benchmark results for speed and allocations

    1. Update: Better benchmark results for speed and allocations. Replaced append operation with index assignment, reducing allocations. Also used single sate to manage operations.
  • should not remove the comments in texts with quotes

    should not remove the comments in texts with quotes

    ToJSON([]byte(`"url": "https://github.com"}`))




  • Mode for replacing comments with spaces and leaving original whitespace in

    Mode for replacing comments with spaces and leaving original whitespace in

    While working with this library I noticed an issue when loading user-created JSON. The offsets of the errors in JSON is completely broken in case of syntax errors.

    Example (from my memory)

    Input JSON:

      //this is a comment
      "field": "value",

    In this case, the translation will remove comment and all unneeded whitespace and will result in something like this (not actual output)


    When unmarshalling it, it will throw an error about trailing comma (actually about expecting a property, but it's caused by trailing comma) with offset of around 16. When applying this offset to the original JSON, the offset is completely wrong and the user cannot easily find it.

    To fix it I left all whitespace in + replaced all comments with spaces in my fork of this library. https://github.com/stirante/jsonc/commit/c4ec34866fdd58b94c38db497febe30286f99e51

    I understand that not many people might want this behavior which is why I propose to add it as a separate setting/mode.

  • Ignore quotes inside comments

    Ignore quotes inside comments

    Added a small fix, that will ignore quotes inside comments. Previously, this JSON would break:

      // This one quote "
      "makes": "everything else broken"

    Additionally added to tests my previous fix, that was ending single line comments with **/ and current issue with quotes.

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