[WIP] gg is a portable tool to redirect the traffic of a given program to your modern proxy without installing any other programs.


gg (go-graft), was inspired by graftcp. go-graft is a pure golang implementation with more useful features.


  1. Use system DNS as the fallback.
  2. Restore the IP of connect that family is AF_LINKLAYER and others.
  3. User-friendly settings.
猫主子 | keep humble and hungry | 我计网挂科
  • arm64 error

    arm64 error

    9% [Working]panic: interface conversion: *shadowsocksr.SSTCPConn is not net.PacketConn: missing method ReadFrom
    goroutine 287 [running]:
    github.com/mzz2017/gg/proxy.(*Proxy).GetOrBuildUDPConn(0x40001b7500, {0x8bea40, 0x400028cff0}, {0x7a4bce, 0xa}, {0x400011e500, 0x2a, 0x40})
    	github.com/mzz2017/gg/proxy/udp.go:181 +0x4fc
    github.com/mzz2017/gg/proxy.(*Proxy).handleUDP(0x40001b7500, {0x8bea40?, 0x400028cff0}, {0x400011e500, 0x2a, 0x40})
    	github.com/mzz2017/gg/proxy/udp.go:79 +0x2b4
    	github.com/mzz2017/gg/proxy/proxy.go:148 +0x48
    created by github.com/mzz2017/gg/proxy.(*Proxy).ListenUDP
    	github.com/mzz2017/gg/proxy/proxy.go:147 +0x288
  • 可以在docker的centos中使用吗?


    我尝试在linux的docker中使用,docker容器的系统是centos,当我使用您的go.sh,用命令./go.sh,出现如下错误 curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired More details here: https://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html

    curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.

  • Failed to Redirect UDP Connection

    Failed to Redirect UDP Connection

    UDP conns can't be redirected to my socks5 node, listened by trojan-go v0.10.6. gg says the server doesn't support it.

    I tried a transproxy and confirmed that there is no problem with the UDP support of my trojan-go node.

    As for gg, It runs in this way:

    ❯ gg -vv curl ip.sb
    TRAC[0000] Version: 0.2.3                               
    TRAC[0000] OS/Arch: linux/amd64                         
    TRAC[0000] Using config file: /home/user1/.ggconfig.toml 
    TRAC[0000] Config:
    INFO[0000] Your proxy server does not support UDP, so we will not redirect UDP traffic. 
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 4                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] network: unknown: family: 1, type: 526337    
    TRAC[0000] new socket (): pid: 9521, fd 3               
    TRAC[0000] syscall.SYS_CONNECT, syscall.SYS_SENDTO: pid: 9521, fd: 3 
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] network: unknown: family: 1, type: 526337    
    TRAC[0000] new socket (): pid: 9521, fd 3               
    TRAC[0000] syscall.SYS_CONNECT, syscall.SYS_SENDTO: pid: 9521, fd: 3 
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] new socket (udp): pid: 9521, fd 3            
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0000] network: unknown: family: 1, type: 526337    
    TRAC[0000] new socket (): pid: 9522, fd 7               
    TRAC[0000] syscall.SYS_CONNECT, syscall.SYS_SENDTO: pid: 9522, fd: 7 
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] network: unknown: family: 1, type: 526337    
    TRAC[0000] new socket (): pid: 9522, fd 7               
    TRAC[0000] syscall.SYS_CONNECT, syscall.SYS_SENDTO: pid: 9522, fd: 7 
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] network: unknown: family: 1, type: 526337    
    TRAC[0000] new socket (): pid: 9522, fd 7               
    TRAC[0000] syscall.SYS_CONNECT, syscall.SYS_SENDTO: pid: 9522, fd: 7 
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0000] new socket (udp): pid: 9522, fd 7            
    TRAC[0000] syscall.SYS_CONNECT, syscall.SYS_SENDTO: pid: 9522, fd: 7 
    TRAC[0000] syscall.SYS_CONNECT                          
    TRAC[0000] handleINet4 (udp): origin:, after: 
    TRAC[0000] received udp:, tgt: 
    TRAC[0000] hijackDNS: lookup: ip.sb. to      
    TRAC[0000] received udp:, tgt: 
    TRAC[0000] hijackDNS: lookup: ip.sb. to      
    TRAC[0005] syscall.SYS_CONNECT, syscall.SYS_SENDTO: pid: 9522, fd: 7 
    TRAC[0005] syscall.SYS_SENDTO                           
    TRAC[0005] received udp:, tgt: 
    TRAC[0005] hijackDNS: lookup: ip.sb. to      
    TRAC[0010] syscall.SYS_CONNECT, syscall.SYS_SENDTO: pid: 9522, fd: 7 
    TRAC[0010] syscall.SYS_SENDTO                           
    TRAC[0010] received udp:, tgt: 
    TRAC[0010] hijackDNS: lookup: ip.sb. to      
    TRAC[0015] close: pid: 9522, fd 7                       
    TRAC[0015] syscall.SYS_CONNECT, syscall.SYS_SENDTO: pid: 9522, fd: 6 
    TRAC[0015] socketInfo of socket cannot found: pid: 9522, fd: 6 
    TRAC[0015] child 9522 exited                            
    TRAC[0015] close: pid: 9521, fd 6                       
    TRAC[0015] close: pid: 9521, fd 5                       
    curl: (6) Could not resolve host: ip.sb
    TRAC[0015] close: pid: 9521, fd 3                       
    TRAC[0015] close: pid: 9521, fd 4                       
    TRAC[0015] child 9521 exited 

    Is there anything wrong? How to fix this? Thanks a lot.

  • 请问已经支持使用https节点了吗? 我直接使用https报错

    请问已经支持使用https节点了吗? 我直接使用https报错

    root@debian11:~# gg --node https://http用户:http密码@测试网址.com:10844 -vv scp -i ~/SCPkey -rp -P 60040 /root root@测试网址.com:/root/123123_test2233 TRAC[0000] Version: v0.2.3
    TRAC[0000] OS/Arch: linux/amd64
    TRAC[0000] Using config file: /root/.ggconfig.toml
    TRAC[0000] Config: test_node_before_use=true node=https://http用户:http密码@测试网址.com:10844 subscription.link= subscription.select=first subscription.cache_last_node=true cache.subscription.last_node= no_udp= FATA[0000] GetDialer:unable to connect to the proxy node: connectivity test failed: Get "https://fonts.gstatic.com/generate_204": tls: either ServerName or InsecureSkipVerify must be specified in the tls.Config root@debian11:~# ^C root@debian11:~#

    经过测试,直接使用http正常,用https节点的话如上报错. https节点是xray开的,http+tls 1.3 image 试着换成最小tls版本1.1也还是不行.

  • git fatal: early EOF

    git fatal: early EOF

    gg git clone [email protected]:xxxxxxxx.git Cloning into 'xxxxxxxx'... remote: Enumerating objects: 1465, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (589/589), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (269/269), done. ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to port 40931: message authentication code incorrect fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly fatal: early EOF fatal: index-pack failed

  • 'gg config -w subscription=' would fail to add subscription in zsh on arch linux host

    'gg config -w subscription=' would fail to add subscription in zsh on arch linux host

    I'm using zsh in my terminal.

    $ gg --version
    gg version 0.2.1

    gg is fine, but when I add my subscription as document says:

    $ gg config -w subscription='My link'

    would result this error

    zsh: no matches found: 'My link'

    However, this problem seems fine with bash, I can add My link to gg in bash without any problem. I'm not sure if this error is repeatable 'cause for now I'm just having one arch laptop. Could you kindly check it? Thanks a lot.

  • 使用局域网内其它机器提供的socks5代理时报错


    gg config -w node=socks://MTkyLjE2OC41LjIxOjEwODA4 配置后,用 gg curl ipv4.appspot.com 测试,报错 FATA[0000] GetDialer:invalid parameters


  • fix: skip fakeIP for ICMP

    fix: skip fakeIP for ICMP

    1. Fix ICMP forwarding problem
    2. Add mapper of fake IP to real IP
    3. Save real IP every time a request is sent, and restore real IP every time it is not TCP and UDP
  • [BUG] It may encounter DNS pollution when using local DNS services

    [BUG] It may encounter DNS pollution when using local DNS services

    当用户使用本地 DNS 服务 如 systemd-resolved 时,他们会遇到 DNS 污染。 When someone uses local DNS services like systemd-resolved, they may encounter DNS pollution.

    在详细的日志中可以看到 skip loopback: 的输出。 In verbose mode, it outputs: skip loopback:

  • go 1.19 下编译产物无法运行

    go 1.19 下编译产物无法运行

    运行 archlinuxcn 上打包的 gg 提示如下内容且无法运行:

    panic: Something in this program imports go4.org/unsafe/assume-no-moving-gc to declare that it assumes a non-moving garbage collector, but your version of go4.org/unsafe/assume-no-moving-gc hasn't been updated to assert that it's safe against the go1.19 runtime. If you want to risk it, run with environment variable ASSUME_NO_MOVING_GC_UNSAFE_RISK_IT_WITH=go1.19 set. Notably, if go1.19 adds a moving garbage collector, this program is unsafe to use.
    goroutine 1 [running]:
            go4.org/unsafe/[email protected]/untested.go:25 +0x1f4

    按提示添加 ASSUME_NO_MOVING_GC_UNSAFE_RISK_IT_WITH=go1.19 到环境变量仍可正常使用。

    手动构建 main 分支报错相同,发行版为 Manjaro Linux 的 unstable 频道。

  • gg docker pull

    gg docker pull

    gg config -w node=socks://
    gg config
    sudo -E gg -vv docker pull gcr.io/google-containers/busybox:latest
    # 报错日志如下
    Error response from daemon: Get "https://gcr.io/v2/": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
    TRAC[0016] PtraceGetRegs: no such process               
    TRAC[0016] child 229620 exited                          
    TRAC[0016] child 229619 exited                          
    TRAC[0016] child 229618 exited                          
    TRAC[0016] child 229617 exited                          
    TRAC[0016] child 229616 exited                          
    TRAC[0016] child 229615 exited                          
    TRAC[0016] child 229612 exited
  • 可否自定义配置节点测速地址?



    感觉下面几个测速地址比较好用,想自定义配置一下 image

    clash订阅我多次测速查看了所有节点都是-1ms (v2订阅的节点测速是正常的), 但是在window多次测速中, 只有2个是挂掉的。在gg终端也是实际可用的,只是测速异常 image

  • WSL Ubuntu

    WSL Ubuntu

    FATA[0000] tracer.Wait:no such process

    NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)" ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS" VERSION_ID="20.04" HOME_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/" SUPPORT_URL="https://help.ubuntu.com/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy" VERSION_CODENAME=focal UBUNTU_CODENAME=focal

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