A web based mission control framework.

Open MCT license

Open MCT (Open Mission Control Technologies) is a next-generation mission control framework for visualization of data on desktop and mobile devices. It is developed at NASA's Ames Research Center, and is being used by NASA for data analysis of spacecraft missions, as well as planning and operation of experimental rover systems. As a generalizable and open source framework, Open MCT could be used as the basis for building applications for planning, operation, and analysis of any systems producing telemetry data.

Please visit our Official Site and Getting Started Guide

See Open MCT in Action

Try Open MCT now with our live demo. Demo

Building and Running Open MCT Locally

Building and running Open MCT in your local dev environment is very easy. Be sure you have Git and Node.js installed, then follow the directions below. Need additional information? Check out the Getting Started page on our website. (These instructions assume you are installing as a non-root user; developers have reported issues running these steps with root privileges.)

  1. Clone the source code

git clone https://github.com/nasa/openmct.git

  1. Install development dependencies

npm install

  1. Run a local development server

npm start

Open MCT is now running, and can be accessed by pointing a web browser at http://localhost:8080/

Open MCT v1.0.0

This represents a major overhaul of Open MCT with significant changes under the hood. We aim to maintain backward compatibility but if you do find compatibility issues, please let us know by filing an issue in this repository. If you are having major issues with v1.0.0 please check-out the v0.14.0 tag until we can resolve them for you.

If you are migrating an application built with Open MCT as a dependency to v1.0.0 from an earlier version, please refer to our migration guide.


Documentation is available on the Open MCT website.


The clearest examples for developing Open MCT plugins are in the tutorials provided in our documentation.

We want Open MCT to be as easy to use, install, run, and develop for as possible, and your feedback will help us get there! Feedback can be provided via GitHub issues, or by emailing us at [email protected].

Building Applications With Open MCT

Open MCT is built using npm and webpack.

See our documentation for a guide on building Applications with Open MCT.


Open MCT can be extended via plugins that make calls to the Open MCT API. A plugin is a group of software components (including source code and resources such as images and HTML templates) that is intended to be added or removed as a single unit.

As well as providing an extension mechanism, most of the core Open MCT codebase is also written as plugins.

For information on writing plugins, please see our API documentation.


Tests are written for Jasmine 3 and run by Karma. To run:

npm test

The test suite is configured to load any scripts ending with Spec.js found in the src hierarchy. Full configuration details are found in karma.conf.js. By convention, unit test scripts should be located alongside the units that they test; for example, src/foo/Bar.js would be tested by src/foo/BarSpec.js. (For legacy reasons, some existing tests may be located in separate test folders near the units they test, but the naming convention is otherwise the same.)

Test Reporting

When npm test is run, test results will be written as HTML to dist/reports/tests/. Code coverage information is written to dist/reports/coverage.


Certain terms are used throughout Open MCT with consistent meanings or conventions. Any deviations from the below are issues and should be addressed (either by updating this glossary or changing code to reflect correct usage.) Other developer documentation, particularly in-line documentation, may presume an understanding of these terms.

  • plugin: A plugin is a removable, reusable grouping of software elements. The application is composed of plugins.
  • composition: In the context of a domain object, this refers to the set of other domain objects that compose or are contained by that object. A domain object's composition is the set of domain objects that should appear immediately beneath it in a tree hierarchy. A domain object's composition is described in its model as an array of id's; its composition capability provides a means to retrieve the actual domain object instances associated with these identifiers asynchronously.
  • description: When used as an object property, this refers to the human-readable description of a thing; usually a single sentence or short paragraph. (Most often used in the context of extensions, domain object models, or other similar application-specific objects.)
  • domain object: A meaningful object to the user; a distinct thing in the work support by Open MCT. Anything that appears in the left-hand tree is a domain object.
  • identifier: A tuple consisting of a namespace and a key, which together uniquely identifies a domain object.
  • model: The persistent state associated with a domain object. A domain object's model is a JavaScript object which can be converted to JSON without losing information (that is, it contains no methods.)
  • name: When used as an object property, this refers to the human-readable name for a thing. (Most often used in the context of extensions, domain object models, or other similar application-specific objects.)
  • navigation: Refers to the current state of the application with respect to the user's expressed interest in a specific domain object; e.g. when a user clicks on a domain object in the tree, they are navigating to it, and it is thereafter considered the navigated object (until the user makes another such choice.)
  • namespace: A name used to identify a persistence store. A running open MCT application could potentially use multiple persistence stores, with the
Read about NASA's Open Data initiative here: https://www.nasa.gov/open/ & Members Find Instructions here: http://nasa.github.io/
  • [Time Conductor] Reimplemented time conductor with new API and UI

    [Time Conductor] Reimplemented time conductor with new API and UI

    This is an initial PR to start feedback. There are still a number of outstanding issues, but given the time constraints I'd like to start the code review ASAP.

    Description of changes

    1. Introduces the time conductor public API into master for the first time
    2. Defines new UI for the realtime/historical time conductor
    3. Uses D3 for rendering the ticks. Introduces a new MctAxis directive to support this.
    4. Introduces time systems, supported for now through a new legacy API extension point "TimeSystem", and supporting classes (eg. TickSource). Implements a default UTCTimeSystem, and a default LocalClock.
    5. Central to the implementation is the TimeConductorController. Created some supporting classes around TimeConductorController such as TimeConductorMode. Possibly overkill here. Tried different variations with fewer class definitions, but this kept the code the cleanest even if it does result in a relatively large number of classes.

    Note that after a discussion with @charlesh88 it was decided that it is better from a user perspective to select mode first, which will filter the available time systems. Time systems are filtered for real-time and LAD modes based on whether they define any appropriate tick sources.

    Also note that although present in the UI, the zoom controller is non functional. It will be implemented if time permits, otherwise will be hidden via CSS.

    Would suggest starting from the TimeConductorController and working outward from there.

    To do:

    • [x] 1. Add support for formats to the D3 ticks. Currently uses the default D3 formatting, which imposes 12 hour time, and won't work for sols.
    • [x] 2. Bring across telemetry decorator from old time conductor
    • [x] 3. Need styles for snow for the time conductor v2 https://github.com/nasa/openmct/pull/1089#issuecomment-236656967
    • [x] 4. UTC time system should be a separate bundle from the conductor-v2, so that it can be disabled in other deployments https://github.com/nasa/openmct/pull/1089#issuecomment-236658245
    • [x] 5. When switching to time systems that have a different format, the date time inputs do not update to use the correct format https://github.com/nasa/openmct/pull/1089#issuecomment-236674799
    • [x] 6. Disable the zoom slider https://github.com/nasa/openmct/pull/1089#issuecomment-236732799 @charlesh88
    • [x] 7. Selecting a mode doesn't filter time systems https://github.com/nasa/openmct/pull/1089#issuecomment-236732799
    • [x] 8. ~~Time systems without defaults totally break the time conductor~~ (deferred to #1091) https://github.com/nasa/openmct/pull/1089#issuecomment-236732878
    • [x] 9. Tick generation fails when time system values are not dates
    • [x] 10. ~~Ticks overlap when scale formatting is not available~~ (deferred to #1091) https://github.com/nasa/openmct/pull/1089#issuecomment-236732799
    • [x] 11. Time conductor should be visible in edit mode and retain state on navigation https://github.com/nasa/openmct/pull/1089#issuecomment-237057156 and https://github.com/nasa/openmct/pull/1089#issuecomment-237057366.
    • [x] 12. Specify delta format (needed for SCLK support)
    • [x] 13. Unlisten to tick source on Time System change
    • [x] 14. When a timesystem supports both LAD and Realtime, selecting realtime attaches a listener to the LAD clock instead of the realtime clock.
    • [x] 15. Need to be able to set defaults per mode. a short hack would be to add mode: "fixed" or mode: "follow" to the Default and then pick the defaults that apply to the current mode.
    • [x] 16. After navigating, unable to select time system .
    • [x] 17. Changing mode sets time system to default even if previous time system was a valid choice.
    • [x] 18. Better documentation (missing typedefs etc.)
    • [x] 19. Lint and build errors
    • [x] 20. Tests
    • [x] 21. Squash commits
  • [Edit Mode] Visual indication of object being edited

    [Edit Mode] Visual indication of object being edited

    From https://github.com/nasa/openmctweb/issues/161#issuecomment-155162928 no 2.

    While in edit mode, flag the currently selected item (as well as all linked instances of the object currently being edited) in the tree with a "pending update" visual status. This requires some UI design.


    As simple as a CSS class, styling could be updated and iterated on. "dirty object" isn't a user concern, but "currently being edited" is; we shouldn't spend too much time on this for v1. @larkin

    I'd broaden this to include any objects that have unsaved changes from Edit mode, including their links (not just the selected object.) This happens often in a timeline, but can happen in a Layout too (you can Edit Properties on a panel in a layout) @VWoeltjen

  • URL-based Status Indicator Plugin

    URL-based Status Indicator Plugin

    After talking with a few customers it would be great to have a simple plugin for registering URL-based status indicators, i.e. those that poll a URL and show "connected/disconnected" or similar based on the availability of the URL.

    Basic functionality might be

    var googleIndicator = new openmct.plugins.IndicatorPlugin({ 
        url: 'https://google.com', 
        icon: 'database',
        label: 'Google',
        interval: 15000

    And then you'd get an indicator icon that would go red/green based on whether or not it is connected to the server.

  • [BUILD] Adds URLIndicator

    [BUILD] Adds URLIndicator

    Adds URLIndicator to the build, testable adding

    openmct.install(new openmct.plugins.URLIndicatorPlugin({
    url: 'http://localhost:8080/',
    icon: 'check',
    interval: 15000,
    label: 'Localhost'

    to the openmct file.

  • Export a plot as a PDF, JPG or PNG

    Export a plot as a PDF, JPG or PNG

    Assigned to @simistern

    Multiple user requests; related to https://github.jpl.nasa.gov/MissionControl/vista/issues/203

    Allow a view to export itself as a PDF, JPG or PNG. Mainly intended for use with plot views, but my be applicable to other view types.

    • Should be able to be invoked from the object's view as a context action.
    • JPG and PNG would be a fixed resolution TBD, but probably something decently hi-res like 1920 x 1440.
    • PDF export should set the aspect ratio of the view to 4:3 and export using vector drawing and characters.
    • It may be better to allow invocation of the browser's Print function, especially for PDF output, as that allows the browser to do a lot of the heavy lifting and results in the usage of more vector elements that are resolution independent.

    If someone is interested in helping with this, we need to discuss details before any work is started. Thanks!

  • [Plots] #638 New plot display options

    [Plots] #638 New plot display options

    Early PR for visibility and comments.

    Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes ★

    1. Have defined a new attribute of Types called "regions". Regions are sections of the browse and edit screens for an object that, while fixed in location, have content that is completely customizable on a per-type basis. Regions are represented in code by a new Region class. Within Regions are RegionParts. A Region can have any number of RegionParts defined. The layout of both Regions and RegionParts are defined by representations. Whether a region part is visible within a region can depend on object state, and is determined by a policy of category region.
    2. Defined a new TypeRegionDecorator that defines standard regions for objects to avoid having to add region sections to all type definitions. Only have to explicitly define regions if a type has special requirements, such as the new plot display options.
    3. Defined a new EditableRegionPolicy which provides a convenience method for determining whether a region part should be visible in edit/browse mode based on a modes attribute in RegionPart definition.
    4. Modified the browse and edit screens to define an Inspector region. Currently this is the only region defined, however I will also defined 'object view' and 'elements' regions. Within the object inspector is the standard properties and location sections.
    5. Added a very basic mct-form definition to the plot options region part. mct-form needs some modification to support plot options - see below

    Next Steps


    • Define a new type for plots. Currently the plot options region part is defined for panels because there is no plot object type
    • Integrate with @larkin's plot changes. In particular, how to communicate changes in plot view options to the plot itself. My thinking is that because plot view options will be persisted as configuration on the options, the plot can just listen to mutation events on the object and reload the config. We need to coordinate on this though.
    • The RegionController is a little clunky at the moment. At the very least it needs a more performant approach to filtering region parts.
    • Define regions for object view and elements
    • Incorporate regions into NEM refactoring as it allows for separation of markup for browse and edit mode versions of a screen.

    Modifications needed in mct-form

    • Support re-ordering of labels and controls (currently labels are always to the left of controls, this is incompatible with the screen mockups)
    • Support the addition of a glyph / icon in between control and label. @charlesh88 - where are these images going to come from?
    • Style changes necessary to make forms look nice in the inspector sidebar. @charlesh88 Are you working on markup / style changes for this at the moment? If not I could use some help with this.
    • Currently overflow is messy in the sidebar with the elements section and doesn't work. @charlesh88 might need some help with this also.
  • Fix Example imagery 5158

    Fix Example imagery 5158


    Describe your changes:

    All Submissions:

    • [x] Have you followed the guidelines in our Contributing document?
    • [x] Have you checked to ensure there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
    • [ ] Is this change backwards compatible? For example, developers won't need to change how they are calling the API or how they've extended core plugins such as Tables or Plots.

    Author Checklist

    • [x] Changes address original issue?
    • [ ] Unit tests included and/or updated with changes?
    • [x] Command line build passes?
    • [x] Has this been smoke tested?
    • [x] Testing instructions included in associated issue OR is this a dependency/testcase change?

    Reviewer Checklist

    • [ ] Changes appear to address issue?
    • [x] Changes appear not to be breaking changes?
    • [x] Appropriate unit tests included?
    • [x] Code style and in-line documentation are appropriate?
    • [x] Commit messages meet standards?
    • [ ] Has associated issue been labelled unverified? (only applicable if this PR closes the issue)
    • [ ] Has associated issue been labelled bug? (only applicable if this PR is for a bug fix)
  • Replace app.js with webpack-dev-server

    Replace app.js with webpack-dev-server

    Closes #5031 and #4922 and #5476

    Describe your changes:

    • Uses webpack-dev-server instead of our custom app.js express application.
    • Cleans up our use of NODE_ENV variables
    • Updates our testing configurations to avoid using HMR when collecting code coverage
    • Removes the need for cross_env
    • Removes our Memory size override for Node when running the unit tests as node 14 has increased the default to our previously specified size

    All Submissions:

    • [x] Have you followed the guidelines in our Contributing document?
    • [x] Have you checked to ensure there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
    • [x] Is this change backwards compatible? For example, developers won't need to change how they are calling the API or how they've extended core plugins such as Tables or Plots.

    Author Checklist

    • [x] Changes address original issue?
    • [ ] Tests included and/or updated with changes?
    • [x] Command line build passes?
    • [x] Has this been smoke tested?
    • [x] Testing instructions included in associated issue OR is this a dependency/testcase change?

    Reviewer Checklist

    • [x] Changes appear to address issue?
    • [x] Changes appear not to be breaking changes?
    • [x] Appropriate unit tests included?
    • [x] Code style and in-line documentation are appropriate?
    • [x] Commit messages meet standards?
    • [ ] Has associated issue been labelled unverified? (only applicable if this PR closes the issue)
    • [ ] Has associated issue been labelled bug? (only applicable if this PR is for a bug fix)
  • Indicators api

    Indicators api

    In-progress PR for the Indicators API. For a simple indicator (90% of cases) it works like so:

    //var myIndicator = openmct.indicators.create(1000); // With optional priority 
    var myIndicator = openmct.indicators.create();
    myIndicator.text("Hello World!");

    In this scenario, Open MCT mostly manages how the indicator looks (though css classes can be applied with the appropriate function calls), and is completely responsible for updating the UI when the setter functions are called. The behavior of the indicator is left to external code under the control of the developer, with the setter functions used to update its onscreen appearance. See the updated Follow Indicator and URL Status Indicator for examples of its use.

    For a completely custom indicator you can pass a function into the call to openmct.indicators.create(function). The only requirement for the function you provide is that it must return a DOM node for insertion alongside the other indicators. In this mode, no indicator object is returned, and the caller is entirely responsible for the look, behavior, and ongoing updating of the indicator. eg.

    //openmct.indicators.create(1000, function () { // With optional priority
    openmct.indicators.create(function () {
        var domNode = document.createElement('div');
        domNode.innerText = new Date().toString();
        setInterval(function () {
            domNode.innerText = new Date().toString();
        }, 1000);
        return domNode;

    Looking for comments on the approach taken here.

    To do

    • [x] Allow definition of priorities for indicators
    • [x] Wrap nodes returned by custom display functions. (Currently indicators MUST have certain classes attached otherwise they won't display properly).
    • [x] API Documentation
    • [x] Code cleanup
    • [x] Tidy up commits
    • [ ] ~~Convert default indicator to Vue component? (Currently using vanilla JS).~~ Deferring for now. Not really sure it makes sense to do this anyway, it would end up being more code than the current implementation I suspect.
    • [x] Unit tests
    • [x] JSHint / JSCS
  • [CLOCK] Allow clock to set timezone with autocomplete dropdown option.

    [CLOCK] Allow clock to set timezone with autocomplete dropdown option.

    Addresses #1273

    • Added autocomplete control. To use it just need to pass options as either an array of strings or an object with name and value.
    • User will be able to set timezone via autocomplete control. Default timezone is UTC.

    Author Checklist

    1. Changes address original issue? Y
    2. Unit tests included and/or updated with changes? Y
    3. Command line build passes? Y
    4. Changes have been smoke-tested? Y
  • [locator widget] unclear what is happening when folders are not valid selections

    [locator widget] unclear what is happening when folders are not valid selections

    When a user is using the locator widget (e.g. move, copy, link, etc), and they select a location that is invalid, the locator refreshes with no contents selected.

    With scratchpad enabled, you can reproduce like so:

    1. Create a folder inside of the "scratchpad" folder.
    2. Create an object inside of the "my items" folder.
    3. right click on the object you created in "my items" and select "move".
    4. in the locator widget, expand the scratchpad folder.
    5. Select the folder you created in the "scratchpad" folder as the destination.

    Behavior: the locator tree collapses, the folder you attempted to select is no longer visible. There is no message indicating why it doesn't work.

    Here's a short gif showing current behavior: clicking-is-weird

    Throwing this in le guin for triage, we can move it to a later sprint after looking at it.

    @charlesh88 think we'd need some design about how to show users that their selection is invalid. Or should we grey out invalid choices? Need some messaging to users about why this can't be done.

  • UI updates to Y axis

    UI updates to Y axis

    Closes #5792

    Describe your changes:

    Known Issues: Adding/Removing series to different Y axis buckets requires navigating away and back to the overlay plot.


    • Move the Y axis name to the bottom of the y-axis area
    • Move the gear icon below the name of the y-axis
    • Add a visibility toggle to the y-axis
    • Add color swatches to indicate which series are part of the y axis (no hover interaction is done for MVP)

    All Submissions:

    • [x] Have you followed the guidelines in our Contributing document?
    • [x] Have you checked to ensure there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
    • [x] Is this change backwards compatible? For example, developers won't need to change how they are calling the API or how they've extended core plugins such as Tables or Plots.

    Author Checklist

    • [x] Changes address original issue?
    • [ ] Tests included and/or updated with changes?
    • [x] Command line build passes?
    • [x] Has this been smoke tested?
    • [x] Testing instructions included in associated issue OR is this a dependency/testcase change?

    Reviewer Checklist

    • [ ] Changes appear to address issue?
    • [ ] Reviewer has tested changes by following the provided instructions?
    • [ ] Changes appear not to be breaking changes?
    • [ ] Appropriate automated tests included?
    • [ ] Code style and in-line documentation are appropriate?
    • [ ] Has associated issue been labelled unverified? (only applicable if this PR closes the issue)
    • [ ] Has associated issue been labelled bug? (only applicable if this PR is for a bug fix)
  • Gauges misuse the forms API

    Gauges misuse the forms API


    The Forms API was designed to allow developers to extend the built-in form capabilities of Open MCT with custom controls that can be integrated within standard Open MCT object properties forms.

    Gauges misuse the custom form component API to shoehorn an entire custom form into the object properties dialog. This presents many problems including re-implementing form handling that Open MCT already does, and prevents reuse custom form components

    Expected vs Current Behavior

    Gauges should use the forms API to register any custom form components, but rely on the built-in Open MCT form framework for handling form rendering and validation. If there are shortcomings in the built-in framework, then it should be improved to handle these specific cases so that future plugin developers can benefit from it.

    Impact Check List

    • [ ] Data loss or misrepresented data?
    • [ ] Regression? Did this used to work or has it always been broken?
    • [ ] Is there a workaround available?
    • [ ] Does this impact a critical component?
    • [X] Is this just a visual bug with no functional impact?
    • [ ] Does this block the execution of e2e tests?
    • [ ] Does this have an impact on Performance?
  • Allow sharing of plot view with x-axis differing from time system

    Allow sharing of plot view with x-axis differing from time system

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Open MCT allows toggling the x-axis so that the data for that range is plotted against the selected x-axis domain as opposed to the domain (time system) specified in the time conductor.

    It would be useful to share this view with others by sharing the url.

    Describe the solution you'd like After toggling the x-axis, share the current url so that navigating to that url will show the plot in the toggled x-axis state.

    1. set params on toggle (would have to specify which plot to toggle)
    2. read in params (in plot view?)
    3. plot view (need to request data, then plot the correct view)

    Additional context If data is plotted in Earth Received Time, it may be useful to view the data plotted in Spacecraft Event Time. And then, it would be useful to share this exact view with colleagues.

    Workaround Navigate to view. Toggle x-axis manually.

  • feat(MultiYAxis): allow drag/drop of series directly into YAxis buckets

    feat(MultiYAxis): allow drag/drop of series directly into YAxis buckets

    Closes #6096

    Describe your changes:

    Enable dragging of series elements directly into YAxis buckets within the PlotElementsPool

    All Submissions:

    • [x] Have you followed the guidelines in our Contributing document?
    • [x] Have you checked to ensure there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
    • [x] Is this change backwards compatible? For example, developers won't need to change how they are calling the API or how they've extended core plugins such as Tables or Plots.

    Author Checklist

    • [x] Changes address original issue?
    • [ ] Tests included and/or updated with changes?
    • [x] Command line build passes?
    • [x] Has this been smoke tested?
    • [ ] Testing instructions included in associated issue OR is this a dependency/testcase change?

    Reviewer Checklist

    • [ ] Changes appear to address issue?
    • [ ] Reviewer has tested changes by following the provided instructions?
    • [ ] Changes appear not to be breaking changes?
    • [ ] Appropriate automated tests included?
    • [ ] Code style and in-line documentation are appropriate?
    • [ ] Has associated issue been labelled unverified? (only applicable if this PR closes the issue)
    • [ ] Has associated issue been labelled bug? (only applicable if this PR is for a bug fix)
  • Operator Status Indicator v1.1 improvements

    Operator Status Indicator v1.1 improvements


    This design extends the design of the Admin's Indicator panel to include a table of responses, so that a layout or telemetry view doesn't need to be used to see detailed per-position responses. This view will not be limited to any Time Conductor settings. This design also introduces the idea of a "Clear Poll Question" button, which clears any active poll questions as well as status responses in regard to that question.


    • [ ] Status Response Table @scottbell looking into this Each response includes the following information: We need to define in what way the table will be sorted. Currently, we are leaning towards sorting alphabetically by Operator Positions' name. Position of the Operator Current status Age of response (Time since the status was last updated). OP Status popup is resizable.
    • [ ] Clear Poll Question Button @michaelrogers looking into this Clear button that clears any active poll questions and status responses in regard to that question. If cleared, the table of status responses will become empty. This ability to clear a poll question and disable any statuses would be useful because otherwise, a poll question will always be active, even if OPS are not.
    • [ ] [Table] Implement loading spinner animation on row until fully loaded while waiting for data from YAMCS when first starting up


    • Sorting not needed for 1.1 version of the table, but possibly for v2.0 based on user feedback.
  • Dragging a series from the tree directly to the 2nd y axis throws errors

    Dragging a series from the tree directly to the 2nd y axis throws errors


    Dragging a series into a multiple-y-axis supporting overlay plot's 2nd y axis group does not work.

    Expected vs Current Behavior

    Expected: The series should be added to the top of the 2nd y axis bucket Actual: Error is observed as follows:

    [Vue warn]: Error in v-on handler: "TypeError: this.elementsCache[keyString] is undefined"
    found in
    ---> <ElementItemGroup> at src/ui/inspector/ElementItemGroup.vue
           <PlotElementsPool> at src/ui/inspector/PlotElementsPool.vue
             <Pane> at src/ui/layout/pane.vue
               <Multipane> at src/ui/layout/multipane.vue
                 <Inspector> at src/ui/inspector/Inspector.vue
                   <Pane> at src/ui/layout/pane.vue
                     <Multipane> at src/ui/layout/multipane.vue
                       <Layout> at src/ui/layout/Layout.vue
                         <Root> [vue.js:634](webpack://openmct/node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js?7193)
    TypeError: this.elementsCache[keyString] is undefined
        updateCacheAndMutate PlotElementsPool.vue:269
        moveTo PlotElementsPool.vue:257
        group PlotElementsPool.vue:35
        VueJS 4
        emitDrop ElementItemGroup.vue:91
        VueJS 39
        applySearch PlotElementsPool.vue:230
        applySearch PlotElementsPool.vue:229
        addElement PlotElementsPool.vue:217
        emit CompositionCollection.js:342
        #emit CompositionCollection.js:338
        add CompositionCollection.js:227
        load CompositionCollection.js:243
        load CompositionCollection.js:243
        showSelection PlotElementsPool.vue:152
        mounted PlotElementsPool.vue:118
        VueJS 19
        mounted BrowseBar.vue:248
        emit index.js:137
        edit Editor.js:44
        edit BrowseBar.vue:290
        click BrowseBar.vue:133

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Create a Sine Wave Generators and a State Generator
    2. Create an overlay plot that supports multiple y axes
    3. Drag one sine wave generator to the plot and save it
    4. Edit the Overlay plot so that the elements pool is visible
    5. Drag the State Generator directly on top of the 2nd y axis bucket/group
    6. Observe the error above.


    • Open MCT Version: Feature branch - multiple y axes
    • Deployment Type: Local
    • OS: All
    • Browser: All

    Impact Check List

    • [ ] Data loss or misrepresented data?
    • [ ] Regression? Did this used to work or has it always been broken?
    • [x] Is there a workaround available?
    • [x] Does this impact a critical component?
    • [ ] Is this just a visual bug with no functional impact?
    • [ ] Does this block the execution of e2e tests?
    • [ ] Does this have an impact on Performance?

    Additional Information

Golanger Web Framework is a lightweight framework for writing web applications in Go.

/* Copyright 2013 Golanger.com. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except

Nov 14, 2022
The jin is a simplified version of the gin web framework that can help you quickly understand the core principles of a web framework.

jin About The jin is a simplified version of the gin web framework that can help you quickly understand the core principles of a web framework. If thi

Jul 14, 2022
A simple blog framework built with GO. Uses HTML files and a JSON dict to give you more control over your content.

Go-Blog A simple template based blog framework. Instructions Built for GO version: 1 See the Documentation or Getting Started pages in the wiki. Notes

Sep 10, 2022
⚡ Rux is an simple and fast web framework. support middleware, compatible http.Handler interface. 简单且快速的 Go web 框架,支持中间件,兼容 http.Handler 接口

Rux Simple and fast web framework for build golang HTTP applications. NOTICE: v1.3.x is not fully compatible with v1.2.x version Fast route match, sup

Dec 8, 2022
Roche is a Code Generator and Web Framework, makes web development super concise with Go, CleanArch
Roche is a Code Generator and Web Framework, makes web development super concise with Go, CleanArch

It is still under development, so please do not use it. We plan to release v.1.0.0 in the summer. roche is a web framework optimized for microservice

Sep 19, 2022
A powerful go web framework for highly scalable and resource efficient web application

webfr A powerful go web framework for highly scalable and resource efficient web application Installation: go get -u github.com/krishpranav/webfr Exa

Nov 28, 2021
A powerful go web framework for highly scalable and resource efficient web application

A powerful go web framework for highly scalable and resource efficient web application

Oct 3, 2022
A web app built using Go Buffalo web framework

Welcome to Buffalo Thank you for choosing Buffalo for your web development needs. Database Setup It looks like you chose to set up your application us

Feb 7, 2022
Goa is a web framework based on middleware, like koa.js.

Goa Goa is under construction, if you are familiar with koa or go and interested in this project, please join us. What is goa? goa = go + koa Just lik

Sep 27, 2022
Lightweight web framework based on net/http.

Goweb Light weight web framework based on net/http. Includes routing middleware logging easy CORS (experimental) Goweb aims to rely only on the standa

Dec 21, 2022
Swagger + Gin = SwaGin, a web framework based on Gin and Swagger
Swagger + Gin = SwaGin, a web framework based on Gin and Swagger

Swagger + Gin = SwaGin Introduction SwaGin is a web framework based on Gin and Swagger, which wraps Gin and provides built-in swagger api docs and req

Dec 30, 2022
Swagger + Gin = SwaGin, a web framework based on Gin and Swagger
Swagger + Gin = SwaGin, a web framework based on Gin and Swagger

Swagger + Gin = SwaGin Introduction SwaGin is a web framework based on Gin and Swagger, which wraps Gin and provides built-in swagger api docs and req

Dec 30, 2022
based on go lang build WEB development framework for go lang beginners .

based on go lang build WEB development framework for go lang beginners .

Oct 31, 2021
Go-igni: monolith-based web-framework in Go Inspired by classical PHP Frameworks like CodeIgnier & Laravel

go-igni Web Framework in Go About This is research project about developing monolith-based web-framework in Go Inspired by classical PHP Frameworks li

Feb 25, 2022
re:Web enables classic web applications to run on AWS Lambda.
re:Web enables classic web applications to run on AWS Lambda.

re:Web re:Web enables classic web applications to run on AWS Lambda. re:Web interfaces with the Lambda Runtime API. It translates API Gateway requests

Jan 1, 2023
Chainrand contract + web frontend + web backend

Chainrand-web This repo contains the implementation of Chainrand. https://chainrand.io Smart Contract Contains functionality to tie a Chainlink VRF to

Dec 8, 2021
Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang).
Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang).

Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.

Jan 3, 2023
An ideally refined web framework for Go.

Air An ideally refined web framework for Go. High-performance? Fastest? Almost all web frameworks are using these words to tell people that they are t

Dec 15, 2022