Generate code for any language, with any language.

gocog - generate code for any language, with any language

gocog v1.0 build 20130206

Binaries for popular OSes are available on the Downloads page of the wiki

If you don't want to work on the sourcecode, you can just download a binary for gocog and use it for your own project. They require no installation and have no prerequisites. Copy and go.

Design of gocog is heavily based on Many thanks to Ned Batchelder for a really great design.

  gocog [OPTIONS] [INFILE | @FILELIST] ...

  Runs gocog over each infile. 
  Strings prepended with @ are assumed to be files continaing newline delimited lists of gocog command lines.
  Command line options are passed to each command line in the file list, but options on the file list line
  will override command line options. You may have filelists specified inside filelist files.

Help Options:
  -h, --help         Show this help message

Application Options:
  -z, --eof          The end marker can be assumed at eof.
  -v, --verbose      enables verbose output
  -q, --quiet        turns off all output
  -S, --serial       Write to the specified cog files serially
  -c, --cmd          The command used to run the generator code (go)
  -a, --args         Comma separated arguments to cmd, %s for the code file
                     ([run, %s])
  -e, --ext          Extension to append to the generator filename (.go)
  -M, --startmark    String that starts gocog statements ([[[)
  -E, --endmark      String that ends gocog statements (]]])
  -x, --excise       Excise all the generated output without running the
  -V, --version      Display the version of gocog

How it works

gocog is a command line executable that processes in-line code in a file and outputs the results into the same file.

Code is embedded in comments in the given files, delimited thusly:

  <generator code that will be run to generate output>

Anything written to standard out from the generator code will be injected between gocog]]] and [[[end]]]

The generator code embedded in the file is written out to a temporary file on disk by gocog named filename_cog.ext (where filename is the original filename, and ext is the appropriate extension for the generator language. This file is then run using the specified command line tool. Standard output generated by the generator code is piped to a new file named filename_cog, along with the original text. If generation is successful for all gocog blocks in a file, this output file is then used to replace the original file.

If at any time there is an error while running gocog over a file, the original file is not replaced. Errors from the generator code will be piped to gocog's stderr.

By default, each file is processed in parallel, to speed the processing of large numbers of files.

The gocog marker tags can be preceded by any text (such as comment tags to prevent your compiler/interpreter from barfing on them).

Any non-whitespace text that precedes the gocog start mark will be treated as a single line comment tag and will be removed in the generator code that is written out - for example:

# [[[gocog
# do something here
#     and some indent
# gocog]]]
# [[[end]]]

output code (this is what will be written to a file and run by your favorite language):

do something here
    and some indent

You can rerun gocog over the same file multiple times. Previously generated text will be discarded and replaced by the newly generated text.

You can have multiple blocks of gocog generator code inside the same file.

Any filename prepended with the '@' symbol in the command line will be opened and read, with each line assumed to be a gocog command line. In this way you can run different command lines over different files, even using different languages to generate code in each file. Check out files.txt for an example. This is the file that gocog uses to generate code for itself.

You can include other @files inside an @file, and those will also be opened and read the same way.


Check out the Examples page of the wiki for real world projects using gocog, including a description of how gocog uses gocog.

Now for a toy example: Using generator code written in Go to write out properties for a C# class

using System;

namespace foo 
  public class Foo
    /* [[[gocog
    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
      for _, s := range []string{ "Bar", "Baz", "Bat", "Stuff" } {
        fmt.Printf("\t\tpublic String %s { get; set; }\n", s)
    gocog]]]  */
    // [[[end]]]


using System;

namespace foo 
  public class Foo
    /* [[[gocog
    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
      for _, s := range []string{ "Bar", "Baz", "Bat", "Stuff" } {
        fmt.Printf("\t\tpublic String %s { get; set; }\n", s)
    gocog]]]  */
    public String Bar { get; set; }
    public String Baz { get; set; }
    public String Bat { get; set; }
    public String Stuff { get; set; }
    // [[[end]]]

Things to note: The generator code and gocog markers are all hidden from the original file's compiler by comments, so the file is always valid.

The generator code stays in the file even after running through gocog. This keeps the generator code and the target close together so there's no need to worry about one getting lost. It also makes it a lot more clear where and how the output will be used in the original file.

Building gocog

  • just run go build or go install like a normal go package.
  • To pick up any updates to the usage text in the documentation, and to add today's date to the version number, run go install and then gocog @files.txt from the root code directory.
  • The binaries posted on the wiki are generated using Dave Cheney's go cross compile scripts which I won't go into how to use here.

Build Status

Nate Finch
Author of gorram, lumberjack, pie, gnorm, mage, and others.
Nate Finch
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