Simple HTTP router for Go


Simple HTTP router for Go


Run this command with correctly configured Go toolchain.

go get


package main


func main() {
  mux := ngamux.NewNgamux()
  mux.Get("/", func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    ngamux.JSON(rw, map[string]string{
      "message": "welcome!",
  http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)


  • Multiple handler (middleware for each route)
  • Route group
  • Route params (in URL parameters)
  • [PROPOSAL] Refactor Group Code

    [PROPOSAL] Refactor Group Code

    Usage Example

    package main
    import (
    func handler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
      fmt.Fprintln(rw, r.URL.Path)
      return nil
    func mw(next ngamux.HandlerFunc) ngamux.HandlerFunc {
      return func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
        now := time.Now()
        defer func() {
          log.Println(r.URL.Path, time.Since(now))
        return next(rw, r)
    func main() {
      mux := ngamux.NewNgamux()
      mux.GroupPrefix("/api", func(api *ngamux.Ngamux) {
        api.Get("/foo", mw(handler))
        api.Get("/bar", mw(handler))
      http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)
  • is it ready to be version 1, now?

    is it ready to be version 1, now?

    I need to communicate with all public users, testers, and contributors about version tagging of this HTTP router. is it ready to be version 1, now?

    let me mention all contributors: @born2ngopi @ClavinJune @milhamsuryapratama

  • [PROPOSAL] Wrap http.ResponseWriter and *http.Request in Context

    [PROPOSAL] Wrap http.ResponseWriter and *http.Request in Context

    Some reasons we need to wrap http.ResponseWriter and *http.Request is:

    • cleaner route handler
    • manage request and response in one place
    • like most http router (Fiber, Echo)

    Then we need create one place that contains http.ResponseWriter and *http.Request inside that can manage both easily. It could be like this.

    func IndexHandler(c *ngamux.Ctx) error {

    If we see deeper, the Ctx type will be like this.

    type Ctx struct {
      rw http.ResponseWriter
      r *http.Request
    // request
    func (c Ctx) GetParam(key string) string
    func (c Ctx) GetJSON(store interface{}) error
    // response
    func (c Ctx) String(key string) error
    func (c Ctx) JSON(data interface{}) error
    // other method implementation here
  • Little revamp for ngamux to moving into interface base style code

    Little revamp for ngamux to moving into interface base style code

    Hi I've made some changes, to moving ngamux to use interface for clearance purpose rather than directly returns struct of definition of ngamux, for detail please check the commit messages.

  • [BUG] Handle Error Produced by Handler

    [BUG] Handle Error Produced by Handler

    Describe the bug Handler has error as return value. It can be nil if no errors. Otherwise, error object if an error happen.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Create route and bind with handler
    mux.Get("/", func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
      return errors.New("something bad")
    1. The error is not handled.

    Expected behavior Should send HTTP response with error message and status.

  • [FEATURE] implementing global middleware

    [FEATURE] implementing global middleware

    for implement global middleware, we can use method for assign middleware to route/handler


    mux.Use(func(next ngamux.HandlerFunc) ngamux.HandlerFunc {
    	return func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
    		fmt.Println("hello from middleware")
    		return next(rw, r)
  • [BUG] fixing panic when route not found

    [BUG] fixing panic when route not found

    Describe The Bug

    foundRoute handler is replaced with nil whenever a route is not found

    To Reproduce

    1. Run example/basic/basic.go
    2. Access unregistered endpoint (e.g: https://localhost:8080/foobar)
    3. Golang panics

    Expected Behavior

    r.config.NotFoundHandler is called

    Additional Context the foundroute is always replaced

  • [FEATURE] add panic handler to avoid panic on serving HTTP requests

    [FEATURE] add panic handler to avoid panic on serving HTTP requests


    In Order to avoid panicking when serving HTTP Requests, I implement the basic panicHandler, read the example/panic/main.go for full usage example

  • add middleware and change logic copy routesMap

    add middleware and change logic copy routesMap

    add recovery and cors in middleware with example how to use

    change logic copy routesMap, why we must change previous logic. because the previous logic only copy first map. and not copy second map. for performance


    Concurrency Level:      1
    Time taken for tests:   56.737 seconds
    Complete requests:      100000
    Failed requests:        0
    Total transferred:      13500000 bytes
    HTML transferred:       2700000 bytes
    Requests per second:    1762.52 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request:       0.567 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request:       0.567 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate:          232.36 [Kbytes/sec] received


    Concurrency Level:      1
    Time taken for tests:   32.535 seconds
    Complete requests:      100000
    Failed requests:        0
    Total transferred:      13600000 bytes
    HTML transferred:       2800000 bytes
    Requests per second:    3073.65 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request:       0.325 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request:       0.325 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate:          408.22 [Kbytes/sec] received
  • improve more performa in matching route

    improve more performa in matching route

    I've done performance testing using apache banchmark with the following results

    cpu : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz

    before :

    Document Path:          /users/123/slug-name
    Document Length:        0 bytes
    Concurrency Level:      1
    Time taken for tests:   18.295 seconds
    Complete requests:      100000
    Failed requests:        0
    Total transferred:      7500000 bytes
    HTML transferred:       0 bytes
    Requests per second:    5466.11 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request:       0.183 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request:       0.183 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate:          400.35 [Kbytes/sec] received


    Document Path:          /users/123/slug-name
    Document Length:        0 bytes
    Concurrency Level:      1
    Time taken for tests:   16.679 seconds
    Complete requests:      100000
    Failed requests:        0
    Total transferred:      7500000 bytes
    HTML transferred:       0 bytes
    Requests per second:    5995.52 [#/sec] (mean)
    Time per request:       0.167 [ms] (mean)
    Time per request:       0.167 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
    Transfer rate:          439.13 [Kbytes/sec] received

    kan lumayan XD

  • [PROPOSAL] Return Header Only on Head Request

    [PROPOSAL] Return Header Only on Head Request

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Some conditions, we need to get response header only. It can do by send request using HEAD method. But, I can't do it using this library.

    Describe the solution you'd like Check HEAD request method for all request. Remove the body and send header only.


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