Translate your Go program into multiple languages.

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go-i18n is a Go package and a command that helps you translate Go programs into multiple languages.

Package i18n GoDoc

The i18n package provides support for looking up messages according to a set of locale preferences.

import ""

Create a Bundle to use for the lifetime of your application.

bundle := i18n.NewBundle(language.English)

Load translations into your bundle during initialization.

bundle.RegisterUnmarshalFunc("toml", toml.Unmarshal)

Create a Localizer to use for a set of language preferences.

func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    lang := r.FormValue("lang")
    accept := r.Header.Get("Accept-Language")
    localizer := i18n.NewLocalizer(bundle, lang, accept)

Use the Localizer to lookup messages.

    DefaultMessage: &i18n.Message{
        ID: "PersonCats",
        One: "{{.Name}} has {{.Count}} cat.",
        Other: "{{.Name}} has {{.Count}} cats.",
    TemplateData: map[string]interface{}{
        "Name": "Nick",
        "Count": 2,
    PluralCount: 2,
}) // Nick has 2 cats.

Command goi18n GoDoc

The goi18n command manages message files used by the i18n package.

go get -u
goi18n -help

Extracting messages

Use goi18n extract to extract all i18n.Message struct literals in Go source files to a message file for translation.

# active.en.toml
description = "The number of cats a person has"
one = "{{.Name}} has {{.Count}} cat."
other = "{{.Name}} has {{.Count}} cats."

Translating a new language

  1. Create an empty message file for the language that you want to add (e.g.

  2. Run goi18n merge active.en.toml to populate with the messages to be translated.

    hash = "sha1-5b49bfdad81fedaeefb224b0ffc2acc58b09cff5"
    other = "Hello {{.Name}}"
  3. After has been translated, rename it to

    hash = "sha1-5b49bfdad81fedaeefb224b0ffc2acc58b09cff5"
    other = "Hola {{.Name}}"
  4. Load into your bundle.

    bundle.RegisterUnmarshalFunc("toml", toml.Unmarshal)

Translating new messages

If you have added new messages to your program:

  1. Run goi18n extract to update active.en.toml with the new messages.
  2. Run goi18n merge active.*.toml to generate updated translate.*.toml files.
  3. Translate all the messages in the translate.*.toml files.
  4. Run goi18n merge active.*.toml translate.*.toml to merge the translated messages into the active message files.

For more information and examples:


go-i18n is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Release v2.0.0

    Release v2.0.0

    I have started to prototype what v2 of this library might look like.

    The overall goals of v2 are to

    1. Address all issues that are currently open on the project
    2. Apply some Go best practices to the codebase (e.g. remove global state, explicit error returns)
    3. Revisit API design and make breaking changes which are necessary to accomplish (1) and (2).

    My development plan is to work on this in a branch until I am happy with the results. Then, I will merge this into master under a subfolder called v2-beta and tag a 1.x.0 release. Projects can then begin to try out the new API and provide feedback. APIs under v2-beta subfolder will be subject to change pending community feedback. Once I am happy with the results, I will make a final 1.x.0 release that contains the v2 api under the v2 subfolder. ~~Immediately following that, I will delete the v1 package files, move v2-beta to the root of the repository, and tag 2.0.0.~~

    I do not have an estimate for when this work will be complete as I am working on it in spare time here and there.

    If you have general feedback about this process it can be shared here. If there are other things you would want to see in a world where breaking API changes are possible, please create a new issue and I will consider it.

  • How do you handle l10n ?

    How do you handle l10n ?

    How do you handle the format for dates, numbers, etc.. ?

    How about stealing this: ?

    For example, the angular folks leverage it through their filter.. same with number and currency filters..

  • Allow use custom language codes

    Allow use custom language codes

    Fix #72 Fix

    go-i18n doesn't return an error now, if user provides non-registered language code.

    /cc @bep @nicksnyder

  • bundle: runtime-reflect structs to map[string]interface{}

    bundle: runtime-reflect structs to map[string]interface{}

    Fixes #24.

    @nicksnyder The structs package is quite lightweight. It is also licensed under MIT. I can attempt to extract the Struct.structFields() and Struct.Map() methods if you would prefer.

  • Odd behaviour with DefaultMessage

    Odd behaviour with DefaultMessage

    Working on and trying to find a workaround for #124 I found some odd behaviour with DefaultMessage

    translated, err := localizer.Localize(&i18n.LocalizeConfig{
    				//DefaultMessage: defaultMessage,
    				MessageID:    translationID,
    				TemplateData: templateData,

    I have a test case which returns translated as expected and no error with the code above. If I uncomment the DefaultMessage, I always get the default message in return.

  • The command

    The command "goi18n constants" is missing

    Hello! I use "" and I want to use the command "goi18n constants", but for some reason it is unavailable in the 2nd version of this package.

    I tried to use the first version of the package to generate constants, but it seems that it is incompatible with the format of the 2nd version:

    goi18n constants es.toml
    failed to load translation file es.toml because unable to parse translation #0 because invalid plural category description
    map[id:PersonCats translation:map[description:The number of cats a person has one:{{.Name}} has {{.Count}} cat. other:{{.Name}} has {{.Count}} cats.]]
    # es.toml
    description = "The number of cats a person has"
    one = "{{.Name}} has {{.Count}} cat."
    other = "{{.Name}} has {{.Count}} cats."

    Can you explain why this command is not available in the second version of the package and do you have plans to return it?

  • [Feature] Command goi18n generate dynamic struct R.go

    [Feature] Command goi18n generate dynamic struct R.go

    Working with Android/Java the IDE generates a dynamic class with all strings ids, this method avoid a lot of bugs. In a big project is easy to reference an invalid id or to have a lot of unused ids.

    What do you think the command goi18n generates R.go ? Example:


        "id": "settings_title",
        "translation": "Settings"
    $ goi18n -genconst en-US.all.json -outdir ./

    this command generates R.go

    package R
    const SettingsTitle string = "settings_title"

    In code the new way will be:


    This is only a suggestion, let me know what do you think. I can help with this change thanks

  • Question: {{T

    Question: {{T "messageID" .Param1 .Param2}} in v2

    Hi, just found this package today, played around with v2 a little bit, and it works great. Great package.

    My goal is to use translations from html/template files only, like this:

    {{T "messageID" .Param1 .Param2}}

    I see that there isn't a Tfunc() in v2 as opposed to v1 so I wrote a wrapper:

    lang := r.FormValue("lang")
    accept := r.Header.Get("Accept-Language")
    localizer := i18n.NewLocalizer(bundle, lang, accept)
    T := func(messageID string, args ...interface{}) string {
    	lc := i18n.LocalizeConfig{MessageID: messageID}
    	if len(args) > 1 {
    		lc.PluralCount = args[0]
    		td := make(map[string]interface{})
    		td["PluralCount"] = lc.PluralCount
    		for i := 1; i < len(args); i++ {
    			td["P"+strconv.Itoa(i)] = args[i]
    		lc.TemplateData = td
    	return localizer.MustLocalize(&lc)
    	"T": T,

    This makes it possbile to have a translation like this:

    description = "The number of unread emails a person has"
    one = "{{.P1}} has {{.PluralCount}} unread email."
    other = "{{.P1}} has {{.PluralCount}} unread emails."

    So the first argument is always translated to PluralCount and the rest is numbered, like P1, P2 and so on, and then I can use it like this:

    {{T "PersonUnreadEmails" .NumberOfUnreadEmail .PersonName}}

    This works perfectly but is this also how you would do it? Is there a better way?

  • Preferences don't cascade on translation

    Preferences don't cascade on translation

    Hey, @nicksnyder! Ran into an issue today you might find interesting. Here's my situation.

    I have three files, all for English: en.all.json, en-US.all.json, and en-GB.all.json. The first holds all English translations that are common between all variations of English we support. The second and third files hold translations specific to their respective locales.

    A user requests something from us, and sends us the locale en-US. We make a TranslationFunc with preferences en-US, en. Now here's where we run into a problem: if I ask for a translation that is not in en-US.all.json, it returns the translationID instead of looking inside en.all.json for a relevant translation.

    This is due to the way bundle.TfuncAndLanguage handles language preferences. When I ask for en-US and the language has any translations, it limits the search to this map, ignoring the remaining language preferences.

    I'd like to support the preference fallback at the translation level, instead of the language level. In pseudocode, this is:

    translation_id = "my_string"
    preferences = %[en-US en]
    # Upon request for a translation, iterate through each & return
    # if any of the preferences contain the translation.
    preferences.each do |pref|
      if translations[pref] && translations[pref][translation_id]
        # A translation was found.
        return translations[pref][translation_id]
    # If no langs have matching translations, return the translation ID.
    return translation_id

    What do you think?

  • example ?

    example ?


    I am looking for a way to build translation into a web-based project. I came across this and it really looks impressive. However, I have no idea where to start; I am puzzled how the whole framework is to be integrated in a project. It would be great if there was a minimum sample project somewhere, showing how this is done ?

  • Export SupportedLanguage

    Export SupportedLanguage

    I'd like to know which language go-i18n decided to use among the candidates caller provided to Tfunc, for example save the language into database for pushing localized content afterwards.

  • Hook to commonly catch errors

    Hook to commonly catch errors

    hey. First of all, Thanks for maintaining this library which helped me localize go serviceseaily.

    I'm using this lib in couple of instances. I want to track all the missing translation (MessageNotFound) error for future reporting and fixes. I searched through the docs and cannot find a onError kinda hook something similar to react-intl's onError hook. Is there any recommendations on this? I would be happy to build one :) Thanks

  • Cound you export this function or when translation has error get the original value

    Cound you export this function or when translation has error get the original value


    repeat issue:


      foo: "foo {{ bar }} "

    when I want to translate, it will be get error tips: function "bar" not defined. I wish the key is exists, I'll get the string value foo {{ bar }} for translate result,and the err tip. if the key is not exists, I'll get the err and empty result.

  • `goi18n extract` doesn't seem to work for source file that use generics

    `goi18n extract` doesn't seem to work for source file that use generics

    When trying to use goi18n extract on my project that uses generics I'm getting the following error:

    10:17: expected '(', found '[' (and 3 more errors)

    I'm guessing that is due to the generics type parameters that start with a [ when a regular function would directly have a ( before listing the regular parameters.

    I'm guessing this issue comes from /v2/goi18n/extract_command.go:122 parser.ParseFile(fset, "", buf, parser.AllErrors)

    Would increasing the version of golang used in this project from go1.12 to go1.18 fix this issue? I'm guessing then the package go/parser would be able to parse generics correctly.

  • How to generate translations for the toml files

    How to generate translations for the toml files

    Hi, I was looking at the examples. One thing I am missing is - How to exactly translate all the messages in the translate.*.toml files? For po files there are some tools like poedit. Similary do they exist for json or toml files?

  • build a

    build a "example" label

    currently label

    Many people ask a question that is for getting an example, so I think to build a label for it.

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