A collection of tools for Golang, focusing on concurrency and goroutines


A collection of tools for Golang, focusing on concurrency and goroutines

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The multithreading library currently supports a ThreadTracker struct that allows you to easily manage goroutines.

  • Create new goroutines.
  • Wait for all goroutines to finish.
  • Set deferred functions to be executed after goroutines finish.
  • Easily handle panics inside goroutines with a panic handler.
  • Stop the threadTracker from receiving new functions.
  • Fetch the number of currently active goroutines.


Install the package with:

go get github.com/nikhilsaraf/go-tools/multithreading

Import it with:

import "github.com/nikhilsaraf/go-tools/multithreading"

and use multithreading as the package name inside the code.


package main

import (

func main() {
  // create thread tracker instance
  threadTracker := multithreading.MakeThreadTracker()

  // start thread functions
  for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    err := threadTracker.TriggerGoroutine(func(inputs []interface{}) {
      // pass `i` as a value to the goroutine and read from `inputs`.
      // this is needed to "bind" the variable to this goroutine.
      value := inputs[0].(int)
      fmt.Printf("Goroutine #%d\n", value)
    }, []interface{}{i})

    if err != nil {

  // wait for all threads to finish

Sample Output:

Goroutine #1
Goroutine #2
Goroutine #9
Goroutine #0
Goroutine #3
Goroutine #7
Goroutine #6
Goroutine #4
Goroutine #8
Goroutine #5

Test Examples


Nikhil Saraf
Donate via Stellar: nikhilsaraf*keybase.io GDKWO57AJ2XCER3NC4NIA2CYCDGVJFBSHT73U5OIBUED3BQLAZU4JJLW
Nikhil Saraf
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