🔮 Graph Layout Algorithms in Go

Graph Layout Algorithms in Go

This module provides algorithms for graph visualization in native Go. As of 2021-11-20, virtually all graph visualization algorithms are bindings to Graphviz dot code which is in C. This module attempts to provide implementation of latest and best graph visualization algorithms from scratch in Go. However, given this is very complex task this is work in progress.


  • gonum Isomap
  • gonum Eades
  • Kozo Sugiyama layers strategy
  • Brandes-Köpf horizontal layers assignment [80% done]
  • Graphviz dot layers algorithm [80% done]
  • Gravity force
  • Spring force
  • Kozo Sugiyama Magnetic Force
  • Metro Style edges
  • Ports for edges
  • Spline edges
  • Collision avoidance (dot) edge path algorithm


Yes please. These algorithms are hard. If you can, help to finish implementing any of above!


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    Thank you so much for doing this amazing work. The links alone saved me a ton of time and i am sucker for layouts in all forms and shapes :-)

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