The Direct Route GO SDK provides a thin wrapper around the Direct Route API for sending private transactions

Direct Route Go SDK

The Direct Route GO SDK provides a thin wrapper around the Direct Route API for sending private transactions. It includes the following core components:

  • client - implementations of Direct Route client, such as for querying bundle price, sending bundles.
  • example - provide examples about how to using Direct Route in many different scenarios.

What is Direct Route

Direct Route achieves following goals:

  1. Transaction privacy. Transactions submitted through Direct Route can never be detected by others before they have been included in a block.
  2. First-price sealed-bid auction. It allows users to privately communicate their bid and granular transaction order preference.
  3. No paying for failed transactions. Losing bids are never included in a block, thus never exposed to the public and no need to pay any transaction fees.
  4. Bundle transactions. Multiple transactions are submitted as a bundle, the bundle transactions are all successfully validated on chain in the same block or never included on chain at all.
  5. Efficiency. Bundle is performed without causing unnecessary network or chain congestion.



Go version above 1.16

Use go mod(recommend)

Add dependency into your go.mod file. Example:

require ( latest

Init Client

var directRouteEndPoint = ""
client, _ := client.Dial(directRouteEndPoint)

Quick Start with APIs

  1. Query suggested bundle price
price, _ := client.BundlePrice(context.Background())
  1. Send bundle
	data1, _ := bep20ABI.Pack("transfer", account2.Addr, big.NewInt(1))
	data2, _ := bep20ABI.Pack("transfer", account2.Addr, big.NewInt(1))

	tx1, hash1, _ := utils.SignTransaction(account1, common.HexToAddress("0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56"), valueToTransfer, data1, n1, gasLimit, price, chainId)
	tx2, hash2, _ := utils.SignTransaction(account1, common.HexToAddress("0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56"), valueToTransfer, data2, n1+1, gasLimit, price, chainId)
	maxTime := uint64(time.Now().Unix() + 80)
	minTime := uint64(time.Now().Unix() + 20)

	bundle := &client.SendBundleArgs{
		Txs:               []string{hexutil.Encode(tx1), hexutil.Encode(tx2)},
		MaxBlockNumber:    "",
		MinTimestamp:      &minTime,
		MaxTimestamp:      &maxTime,
		RevertingTxHashes: []common.Hash{hash2},
	bundleHash, err := directClient.SendBundle(context.Background(), bundle)

After the bundle is successfully submitted, you may need wait at lest 3-60 seconds before the transaction been verified on chain.

So please use MaxBlockNumber and MaxTimestamp a relative lager one, better 60 seconds later, otherwise Direct Route may get no chance to include the bundle.

Note that only one tx sender is allowed with one bundle.

  1. Query bundle
bundle, _ := directClient.GetBundleByHash(context.Background(), bundleHash)

SDK Example

We provide three demos in example.go:

  1. getBundlePriceDemo. The bundle price is volatile according to the network congestion, the demo shows you how to get proper bundle price.
  2. sendBNBByBundleDemo. In this case, we use two different accounts to send BNB to each other, the two transaction should be all successful or all failed.
  3. sendBUSDByBundleDemo. In this case, we use two accounts to send BUSD to each other, the second transaction is allowed to be failed, and the bundle should be verified on chain during [now+20 second, now+80 second]. This case shows you how to interact with smart contract through direct-route, and how to control the timing to be verified.

If you want to try with above examples, what you need to do is just to replace the private keys of account1 and account2 in example.go

  • add new fields in bundle response

    add new fields in bundle response

    add two new fields in bundle response:

    • Status: status of bundle, 1: bundle sent, 2: bundle included in block, 3: bundle failed
    • ErrMsg: the error msg when bundle failed
  • [R4R] update api && example

    [R4R] update api && example

    The DR update new feature of price calculations :

    1. Support for new price calculations.
    2. Add example of sending bundle with deposit coinbase.

    The readme and example changed accordingly.

  • go get err

    go get err module found (v1.0.0), but does not contain package

  • [R4R] add new fields in bundle query response

    [R4R] add new fields in bundle query response

    add two new fields in bundle response:

    • Status: status of bundle, 1: bundle sent, 2: bundle included in block, 3: bundle failed
    • ErrMsg: the error msg when bundle failed
  • !!BUG!!


    You said 3 demo will send BNB and token each other. But I noticed that it will send only from one account to another account. It is impossible to send each other. image

  • how many validator joined?

    how many validator joined?

    hi, it's very similar to flashbots in ethereum, I have several questions in my mind:

    1. how many validator joined the network?
    2. in the example it's just simple bnb/token transfer and no bribe paid, but in real case , it is need arbitrage keeper to pay bribe for get the opportunity right?
    3. does BSC validator allowed to do this?
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