Package set is a small wrapper around the official reflect package that facilitates loose type conversion and assignment into native Go types.

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Package set is a small wrapper around the official reflect package that facilitates loose type conversion and assignment into native Go types.

Read the godoc for more detailed explanations and examples but here are some enticing snippets.

Scalars and Type-Coercion

    // type coercion
    b, i := true, 42
    set.V(&b).To("False")    // Sets b to false
    set.V(&i).To("3.14")     // Sets i to 3

    // type coercion
    a := int(0)
    b := uint(42)
    set.V(&a).To(b)             // This coerces b into a if possible.
    set.V(&a).To("-57")         // Also works.
    set.V(&a).To("Hello")       // Returns an error.    

Pointer Allocation Plus Type-Coercion

    // pointer allocation and type coercion
    var bppp ***bool
    fmt.Println(***bppp) // Prints true

Scalars-to-Slices and Slices-to-Scalars

    // assign scalars to slices
    var b []bool
    set.V(&b).To("True") // b is []bool{ true }

    // or slices to scalars (last element wins)
    var b bool
    set.V(&b).To([]bool{ false, false, true } ) // b is true, coercion not needed.
    set.V(&b).To([]interface{}{ float32(1), uint(0) }) // b is false, coercion needed.

Slices to Slices Including Type-Coercion

    // slices to slices with or without type coercion; new slice is always created!
    var t []bool
    var s []interface{}
    s = []interface{}{ "true", 0, float64(1) }
    set.V(&t).To(s) // b is []bool{ true, false, true }

    var t []bool
    var s []bool
    s = []bool{ true, false, true }
    set.V(&t).To(s) // b is []bool{ true, false, true } and t != s

Filling Structs by Field Name

m := map[string]interface{}{
    "Name": "Bob",
    "Age":  42,
    "Address": map[interface{}]string{
        "Street1": "97531 Some Street",
        "Street2": "",
        "City":    "Big City",
        "State":   "ST",
        "Zip":     "12345",
myGetter := set.MapGetter(m)

type Address struct {
    Street1 string 
    Street2 string 
    City    string 
    State   string 
    Zip     string 
type Person struct {
    Name    string  
    Age     uint    
    Address Address 
var t Person

Filling Structs by Struct Tag

m := map[string]interface{}{
    "name": "Bob",
    "age":  42,
    "address": map[interface{}]string{
        "street1": "97531 Some Street",
        "street2": "",
        "city":    "Big City",
        "state":   "ST",
        "zip":     "12345",
myGetter := set.MapGetter(m)

type Address struct {
    Street1 string `key:"street1"`
    Street2 string `key:"street2"`
    City    string `key:"city"`
    State   string `key:"state"`
    Zip     string `key:"zip"`
type Person struct {
    Name    string  `key:"name"`
    Age     uint    `key:"age"`
    Address Address `key:"address"`
var t Person
set.V(&t).FillByTag("key", myGetter)

Allocating Struct Pointers and Pointer Fields

type Address struct {
    Street1 string `key:"street1"`
    Street2 string `key:"street2"`
    City    string `key:"city"`
    State   string `key:"state"`
    Zip     string `key:"zip"`
type Person struct {
    Name    string   `key:"name"`
    Age     uint     `key:"age"`
    Address *Address `key:"address"`
m := map[string]interface{}{
    "name": "Bob",
    "age":  42,
    "address": map[interface{}]string{
        "street1": "97531 Some Street",
        "street2": "",
        "city":    "Big City",
        "state":   "ST",
        "zip":     "12345",
getter := set.MapGetter(m)

var t *Person
set.V(&t).FillByTag("key", getter)
fmt.Println(t.Name)                 // Bob
fmt.Println(t.Address.Street1)      // 97531 Some Street

Field Pointers Always Allocated

type Address struct {
    Street1 string `key:"street1"`
    Street2 string `key:"street2"`
    City    string `key:"city"`
    State   string `key:"state"`
    Zip     string `key:"zip"`
type Person struct {
    Name    string   `key:"name"`
    Age     uint     `key:"age"`
    Address *Address `key:"address"`
m := map[string]interface{}{
    "name": "Bob",
    "age":  42,
    // address is missing!
getter := set.MapGetter(m)
var t *Person
set.V(&t).FillByTag("key", getter)
fmt.Printf("%p\n", t.Address) // Prints a memory address; the field was allocated.

Pointer-to-Slices-of-Struct-Pointers -- OH MY!

Also noteworthy in this example is the same fuzzy logic for assigning scalar-to-slice or slice-to-scalar also works for struct-to-[]struct and []struct-to-struct.

func TestValue_fillNestedStructPointerToSlicesAsPointers(t *testing.T) {
    chk := assert.New(t)
    var err error
    type Address struct {
        Street1 string `key:"street1"`
        Street2 string `key:"street2"`
        City    string `key:"city"`
        State   string `key:"state"`
        Zip     string `key:"zip"`
    type Person struct {
        Name    string   `key:"name"`
        Age     uint     `key:"age"`
        Address *Address `key:"address"`
    type Company struct {
        Name         string     `key:"name"`
        // Within the Getter "employees" is a []map so it is intuitive that Company.Employees becomes
        // a slice with as many entries as Getter( "employees" ).
        Employees    *[]*Person `key:"employees"`
        // The "employees" key is reused here but now it is going into a single struct pointer; the
        // last set of data in Getter( "employees" ) wins, aka Sally.
        LastEmployee *Person    `key:"employees"`
        // Note the "slice" key in the getter is not a []map itself; but a single *Person is
        // created and inserted into Company.Slice.
        Slice        *[]*Person `key:"slice"`
    // Also noteworthy is that Company.Employees and Company.Slice are pointers to slices and
    // they are instantiated automatically by this package.  The syntax to use them becomes unwieldly
    // so I don't know why you'd want to do this but hey -- it works and that's neat.
    m := map[string]interface{}{
        "name": "Some Company",
        "slice": map[string]interface{}{
            "name": "Slice",
            "age":  2,
            "address": map[interface{}]string{
                "street1": "Slice Street",
                "street2": "",
                "city":    "Slice City",
                "state":   "SL",
                "zip":     "99999",
        "employees": []map[string]interface{}{
                "name": "Bob",
                "age":  42,
                "address": map[interface{}]string{
                    "street1": "97531 Some Street",
                    "street2": "",
                    "city":    "Big City",
                    "state":   "ST",
                    "zip":     "12345",
                "name": "Sally",
                "age":  48,
                "address": map[interface{}]string{
                    "street1": "555 Small Lane",
                    "street2": "",
                    "city":    "Other City",
                    "state":   "OO",
                    "zip":     "54321",
    getter := set.MapGetter(m)

    var t *Company
    err = set.V(&t).FillByTag("key", getter)
    chk.Equal("Some Company", t.Name)
    chk.Equal(2, len(*t.Employees))
    chk.Equal("Bob", (*t.Employees)[0].Name)
    chk.Equal(uint(42), (*t.Employees)[0].Age)
    chk.Equal("97531 Some Street", (*t.Employees)[0].Address.Street1)
    chk.Equal("", (*t.Employees)[0].Address.Street2)
    chk.Equal("Big City", (*t.Employees)[0].Address.City)
    chk.Equal("ST", (*t.Employees)[0].Address.State)
    chk.Equal("12345", (*t.Employees)[0].Address.Zip)
    chk.Equal("Sally", (*t.Employees)[1].Name)
    chk.Equal(uint(48), (*t.Employees)[1].Age)
    chk.Equal("555 Small Lane", (*t.Employees)[1].Address.Street1)
    chk.Equal("", (*t.Employees)[1].Address.Street2)
    chk.Equal("Other City", (*t.Employees)[1].Address.City)
    chk.Equal("OO", (*t.Employees)[1].Address.State)
    chk.Equal("54321", (*t.Employees)[1].Address.Zip)
    chk.Equal("Sally", t.LastEmployee.Name)
    chk.Equal(uint(48), t.LastEmployee.Age)
    chk.Equal("555 Small Lane", t.LastEmployee.Address.Street1)
    chk.Equal("", t.LastEmployee.Address.Street2)
    chk.Equal("Other City", t.LastEmployee.Address.City)
    chk.Equal("OO", t.LastEmployee.Address.State)
    chk.Equal("54321", t.LastEmployee.Address.Zip)
    chk.Equal(1, len(*t.Slice))
    chk.Equal("Slice", (*t.Slice)[0].Name)
    chk.Equal("Slice Street", (*t.Slice)[0].Address.Street1)
    chk.Equal("", (*t.Slice)[0].Address.Street2)
    chk.Equal("Slice City", (*t.Slice)[0].Address.City)
    chk.Equal("SL", (*t.Slice)[0].Address.State)
    chk.Equal("99999", (*t.Slice)[0].Address.Zip)
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