WebAssembly interop between Go and JS values.


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Package vert provides WebAssembly interop between Go and JS values.


GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go get github.com/norunners/vert


Hello World!

Below is a trivial string value interop.

package main

import "github.com/norunners/vert"

func main() {
	v := vert.ValueOf("Hello World!")
	// Use v as a JS value.

	s := ""
	// Use s as a Go value.

Structs & Objects

Go structs and JS objects interop seamlessly.

package main

import "github.com/norunners/vert"

type Data struct {
	Message string

func main() {
	v := vert.ValueOf(Data{
		Message: "Hello World!",
	// e.g. {"Message": "Hello World!"}

	d := &Data{}

Tagged Struct Fields

Tagged struct fields allow defined JS field names.

package main

import "github.com/norunners/vert"

type Data struct {
	Message string `js:"msg"`

func main() {
	v := vert.ValueOf(Data{
		Message: "Hello World!",
	// The defined JS tag names the field.
	// e.g. {"msg": "Hello World!"}

	d := &Data{}

Error Handling

AssignTo returns an error value.

package main

import "github.com/norunners/vert"

type Data struct {
	Message string

func main() {
	v := vert.ValueOf("Hello World!")

	d := &Data{}
	if err := v.AssignTo(d); err != nil {
		// Handle error.


Package syscall/js, of the Go standard library, has limited interop support between Go and JS values.

  1. The function js.ValueOf will not accept struct types. The result panics with ValueOf: invalid value.
  2. The type js.Value. does not support an Interface or assignment method for non-basic Go values. However, the methods Bool, Int, Float and String support basic Go values.

Package vert leverages and extends syscall/js to accommodate these shortcomings.


Gopher hacker and WebAssembly fan.
  • Fix go 1.19 js wrapper issue

    Fix go 1.19 js wrapper issue

    This PR replaces one aspect of the #17 PR.

    with Go 1.18, the js.Wrapper is no more available, so I removed it. See https://tip.golang.org/doc/go1.18

    This will fix #16

  • Compile errors with go1.14

    Compile errors with go1.14

    Was playing around the lib to probably cover some conversion cases, but unfortunately program using it doesn't compile:

    go: finding module for package github.com/norunners/vert
    go: found github.com/norunners/vert in github.com/norunners/vert v0.0.0-20190616030331-d9c8c2aacdf1
    # github.com/norunners/vert
    ..\..\..\..\pkg\mod\github.com\norunners\[email protected]\assign.go:39:8: invalid operation: jv == js.Null() (struct containing [0]func() cannot be compared)
    ..\..\..\..\pkg\mod\github.com\norunners\[email protected]\assign.go:39:27: invalid operation: jv == js.Undefined() (struct containing [0]func() cannot be compared)
  • remove js.Wrapper and add time.Time convenience function

    remove js.Wrapper and add time.Time convenience function


    this is a great lib. While tinkering around, I found two issues, I would like to share/improve. This PR covers two aspects.

    • with Go 1.18, the js.Wrapper is no more available, so i removed it. See https://tip.golang.org/doc/go1.18
    • for type time.Time, a "new Date" object in JS is created.

    Any feedback is welcome.

  • Build failures under Go 1.18 due to js.Wrapper removal

    Build failures under Go 1.18 due to js.Wrapper removal

    js.Wrapper was removed in Go 1.18. Thus, this library fails to build under Go 1.18 due to e.g., https://github.com/norunners/vert/blob/main/value.go#L30.

    See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/50310 for some additional background; the proposal to reinstate it was declined.

  • upgrade actions/setup-go@v3 and actions/checkout@v3, because Github warnings

    upgrade actions/setup-go@v3 and actions/checkout@v3, because Github warnings

    This PR replaces one aspect of the #17 PR.

    This PR fixes warnings in the Github Action, as described: https://github.com/norunners/vert/pull/17#issuecomment-1320887148

  • Add support for array types

    Add support for array types

    This PR adds support for array types in AssignTo and ValueOf. Prior to this PR:

    • Passing an array into ValueOf would result in panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.IsNil on array Value.
    • Passing an array into AssignTo would result in invalid assignment from JS type: object to Go kind: array.
  • add convenience method for time.Time conversion

    add convenience method for time.Time conversion

    This PR replaces one aspect of the #17 PR.

    When converting time.Time objects, a "new Date" object in JS is created. This is very convenient.

    For testing only, this PR will introduce the https://github.com/corbym/gocrest library. The library enables writing more readable code (clean code) by applying the hamcrest matcher style

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