Go 1.18 generics based slice and sorts.

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import "github.com/nwillc/genfuncs"

Package genfuncs implements various functions utilizing Go's Generics to help avoid writing boilerplate code, in particular when working with slices. Many of the functions are based on Kotlin's Sequence. This package, though usable, is primarily a proof-of-concept since it is likely Go will provide similar at some point soon.

The code is under the ISC License: https://github.com/nwillc/genfuncs/blob/master/LICENSE.md


func Associate

func Associate[T, V any, K comparable](slice []T, keyValueFor KeyValueFor[T, K, V]) map[K]V

Associate returns a map containing key/values created by applying a function to elements of the slice.


package main

import (

func main() {
	byLastName := func(n string) (string, string) {
		parts := strings.Split(n, " ")
		return parts[1], n
	names := []string{"fred flintstone", "barney rubble"}
	nameMap := genfuncs.Associate(names, byLastName)
	fmt.Println(nameMap["rubble"]) // barney rubble

func AssociateWith

func AssociateWith[K comparable, V any](slice []K, valueFor ValueFor[K, V]) map[K]V

AssociateWith returns a Map where keys are elements from the given sequence and values are produced by the valueSelector function applied to each element.


package main

import (

func main() {
	oddEven := func(i int) string {
		if i%2 == 0 {
			return "EVEN"
		return "ODD"
	numbers := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
	odsEvensMap := genfuncs.AssociateWith(numbers, oddEven)
	fmt.Println(odsEvensMap[2]) // EVEN
	fmt.Println(odsEvensMap[3]) // ODD

func Distinct

func Distinct[T comparable](slice []T) []T

Distinct returns a slice containing only distinct elements from the given slice.


package main

import (

func main() {
	values := []int{1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 3}
	fmt.Println(genfuncs.Distinct(values)) // [1 2 3]

func FlatMap

func FlatMap[T, R any](slice []T, function Function[T, []R]) []R

FlatMap returns a slice of all elements from results of transform function being invoked on each element of original slice, and those resultant slices concatenated.


package main

import (

var lexicalOrder = genfuncs.OrderedComparator[string]()

var words genfuncs.Slice[string] = []string{"hello", "world"}

func main() {
	slicer := func(s string) []string { return strings.Split(s, "") }
	fmt.Println(genfuncs.FlatMap(words.SortBy(lexicalOrder), slicer)) // [h e l l o w o r l d]

func Fold

func Fold[T, R any](slice []T, initial R, biFunction BiFunction[R, T, R]) R

Fold accumulates a value starting with initial value and applying operation from left to right to current accumulated value and each element.


package main

import (

func main() {
	numbers := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
	sum := func(a int, b int) int { return a + b }
	fmt.Println(genfuncs.Fold(numbers, 0, sum)) // 15

func GroupBy

func GroupBy[T any, K comparable](slice []T, keyFor KeyFor[T, K]) map[K][]T

GroupBy groups elements of the slice by the key returned by the given keySelector function applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a slice of corresponding elements.


package main

import (

func main() {
	oddEven := func(i int) string {
		if i%2 == 0 {
			return "EVEN"
		return "ODD"
	numbers := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
	grouped := genfuncs.GroupBy(numbers, oddEven)
	fmt.Println(grouped["ODD"]) // [1 3]

func Keys

func Keys[K comparable, V any](m map[K]V) []K

Keys returns a slice of all the keys in the map.


package main

import (

var wordPositions = map[string]int{"hello": 1, "world": 2}

func main() {
	keys := genfuncs.Keys(wordPositions)
	fmt.Println(keys) // [hello, world]

func Map

func Map[T, R any](slice []T, function Function[T, R]) []R

Map returns a slice containing the results of applying the given transform function to each element in the original slice.


package main

import (

func main() {
	numbers := []int{69, 88, 65, 77, 80, 76, 69}
	toString := func(i int) string { return string(rune(i)) }
	fmt.Println(genfuncs.Map(numbers, toString)) // [E X A M P L E]

func Values

func Values[K comparable, V any](m map[K]V) []V

Values returns a slice of all the values in the map.


package main

import (

var wordPositions = map[string]int{"hello": 1, "world": 2}

func main() {
	values := genfuncs.Values(wordPositions)
	fmt.Println(values) // [1, 2]

type BiFunction

BiFunction accepts two arguments and produces a result.

type BiFunction[T, U, R any] func(T, U) R

type Comparator

Comparator compares two arguments of the same type and returns LessThan, EqualTo or GreaterThan based relative order.

type Comparator[T any] BiFunction[T, T, Ordering]

func FunctionComparator

func FunctionComparator[T, R any](transform Function[T, R], comparator Comparator[R]) Comparator[T]

FunctionComparator composites an existing Comparator[R] and Function[T,R] into a new Comparator[T].


package main

import (

func main() {
	var unixTime = func(t time.Time) int64 { return t.Unix() }
	var timeComparator = genfuncs.FunctionComparator(unixTime, genfuncs.OrderedComparator[int64]())

	now := time.Now()
	fmt.Println(timeComparator(now, now.Add(time.Second))) // -1

func OrderedComparator

func OrderedComparator[T constraints.Ordered]() Comparator[T]

OrderedComparator will create a Comparator from any type included in the constraints.Ordered constraint.


package main

import (

var lexicalOrder = genfuncs.OrderedComparator[string]()

func main() {
	fmt.Println(lexicalOrder("a", "b")) // -1
	fmt.Println(lexicalOrder("a", "a")) // 0
	fmt.Println(lexicalOrder("b", "a")) // 1

func ReverseComparator

func ReverseComparator[T any](comparator Comparator[T]) Comparator[T]

ReverseComparator reverses a Comparator to facilitate switching sort orderings.


package main

import (

var lexicalOrder = genfuncs.OrderedComparator[string]()
var reverseLexical = genfuncs.ReverseComparator(lexicalOrder)

func main() {
	fmt.Println(lexicalOrder("a", "b"))   // -1
	fmt.Println(reverseLexical("a", "b")) // 1

type Function

Function accepts one argument and produces a result.

type Function[T, R any] func(T) R

type Heap

Heap implements either a min or max ordered heap of any type.

type Heap[T any] struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewHeap

func NewHeap[T any](comparator Comparator[T]) *Heap[T]

NewHeap return a heap ordered based on the Comparator.


package main

import (

var intCmp = genfuncs.OrderedComparator[int]()

func main() {
	heap := genfuncs.NewHeap(intCmp)
	heap.PushAll(3, 1, 4, 2)
	for heap.Len() > 0 {
		fmt.Print(heap.Pop()) // 1234

func (*Heap) Len

func (h *Heap[T]) Len() int

Len returns current length of the heap.

func (*Heap) Pop

func (h *Heap[T]) Pop() T

Pop an item off the heap.

func (*Heap) Push

func (h *Heap[T]) Push(v T)

Push a value onto the heap.

func (*Heap) PushAll

func (h *Heap[T]) PushAll(values ...T)

PushAll the values onto the Heap.

type KeyFor

KeyFor is used for generating keys from types, it accepts any type and returns a comparable key for it.

type KeyFor[T any, K comparable] Function[T, K]

type KeyValueFor

KeyValueFor is used to generate a key and value from a type, it accepts any type, and returns a comparable key and any value.

type KeyValueFor[T any, K comparable, V any] func(T) (K, V)

type Ordering

Ordering is the type returned by a Comparator.

type Ordering int
var (
    LessThan    Ordering = -1
    EqualTo     Ordering = 0
    GreaterThan Ordering = 1

type Predicate

Predicate is used evaluate a value, it accepts any type and returns a bool.

type Predicate[T any] func(T) bool

func IsEqualTo

func IsEqualTo[T comparable](a T) Predicate[T]

IsEqualTo creates a Predicate that tests if its argument is equal to a given value.

func IsGreaterThan

func IsGreaterThan[T constraints.Ordered](a T) Predicate[T]

IsGreaterThan creates a Predicate that tests if its argument is greater than a given value.

func IsLessThan

func IsLessThan[T constraints.Ordered](a T) Predicate[T]

IsLessThan creates a Predicate that tests if its argument is less than a given value.

type Slice

type Slice[T any] []T

func (Slice) All

func (s Slice[T]) All(predicate Predicate[T]) bool

All returns true if all elements of slice match the predicate.

func (Slice) Any

func (s Slice[T]) Any(predicate Predicate[T]) bool

Any returns true if any element of the slice matches the predicate.

func (Slice) Contains

func (s Slice[T]) Contains(element T, comparator Comparator[T]) bool

Contains returns true if element is found in slice.

func (Slice) Filter

func (s Slice[T]) Filter(predicate Predicate[T]) Slice[T]

Filter returns a slice containing only elements matching the given predicate.

func (Slice) Find

func (s Slice[T]) Find(predicate Predicate[T]) (T, bool)

Find returns the first element matching the given predicate and true, or false when no such element was found.

func (Slice) FindLast

func (s Slice[T]) FindLast(predicate Predicate[T]) (T, bool)

FindLast returns the last element matching the given predicate and true, or false when no such element was found.

func (Slice) JoinToString

func (s Slice[T]) JoinToString(stringer Stringer[T], separator string, prefix string, postfix string) string

JoinToString creates a string from all the elements using the stringer on each, separating them using separator, and using the given prefix and postfix.

func (Slice) Sort

func (s Slice[T]) Sort(comparator Comparator[T])

Sort sorts a slice by Comparator order.

func (Slice) SortBy

func (s Slice[T]) SortBy(comparator Comparator[T]) []T

SortBy copies a slice, sorts the copy applying the Comparator and returns it.

func (Slice) Swap

func (s Slice[T]) Swap(i, j int)

Swap two values in the slice.

type Stringer

Stringer is used to create string representations, it accepts any type and returns a string.

type Stringer[T any] func(T) string

func StringerStringer

func StringerStringer[T fmt.Stringer]() Stringer[T]

StringerStringer creates a Stringer for any type that implements fmt.Stringer.


package main

import (

func main() {
	var epoch time.Time
	fmt.Println(epoch.String()) // 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
	stringer := genfuncs.StringerStringer[time.Time]()
	fmt.Println(stringer(epoch)) // 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC

type ValueFor

ValueFor given a comparable key will return a value for it.

type ValueFor[K comparable, T any] Function[K, T]

Generated by gomarkdoc

I'm a graybeard software engineer. Been coding since high school in the 1980's.  I've been doing it professionally since college.
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