Lightweight, zero-dependency, and extendable configuration management library for Go

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Lightweight, zero-dependency, and extendable configuration management.

uConfig is extremely light and extendable configuration management library with zero dependencies. Every aspect of configuration is provided through a plugin, which means you can have any combination of flags, environment variables, defaults, secret providers, Kubernetes Downward API, and what you want, and only what you want, through plugins.

uConfig takes the config schema as a struct decorated with tags, nesting is supported.

Supports all basic types, time.Duration, and any other type through encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface. See the flat view package for details.

Example Configuration:

package database
// Config holds the database configurations.
type Config struct {
  Address  string `default:"localhost"`
  Port     string `default:"28015"`
  Database string `default:"my-project"`
package redis
// Config describes the requirement for redis client.
type Config struct {
  Address  string        `default:"redis-master"`
  Port     string        `default:"6379"`
  Password string        `secret:""`
  DB       int           `default:"0"`
  Expire   time.Duration `default:"5s"`
package main

import (



// Config is our application config.
type Config struct {

  // yes you can have slices.
  Hosts    []string `default:"localhost,localhost.local" usage:"the ip or domains to bind to"`

  Redis    redis.Config
  Database database.Config


func main() {

  conf := &Config{}

  confFiles := uconfig.Files{
    {"config.json", json.Unmarshal}
    // you can add more files if you like,
    // they will be applied in the given order.

  c, err := uconfig.Classic(&conf, confFiles)
  if err != nil {

  // use conf as you please.
  fmt.Printf("start with hosts set to: %#v\n", conf.Hosts)


Run this program with a bad flag or value would print out the usage like so:

flag provided but not defined: -x

Supported Fields:
FIELD                FLAG                  ENV                  DEFAULT                      USAGE
-----                -----                 -----                -------                      -----
Hosts                -hosts                HOSTS                localhost,localhost.local    the ip or domains to bind to
Redis.Address        -redis-address        REDIS_ADDRESS        redis-master
Redis.Port           -redis-port           REDIS_PORT           6379
Redis.Password       -redis-password       REDIS_PASSWORD
Redis.DB             -redis-db             REDIS_DB             0
Redis.Expire         -redis-expire         REDIS_EXPIRE         5s
Database.Address     -database-address     DATABASE_ADDRESS     localhost
Database.Port        -database-port        DATABASE_PORT        28015
Database.Database    -database-database    DATABASE_DATABASE    my-project

Custom names:

Sometimes you might want to use a different env var, or flag name for backwards compatibility or other reasons, you have two options.

  1. uconfig tag

You can change the name of a field as seen by unconfig. This option supports the usual nesting prefixing. See the port example below.

  1. Plugin specific tags

Most plugins support controlling the field name as seen by that specific plugin.

This option does not support nesting prefixes. See the Database field in the example below.

package database

// Config holds the database configurations.
type Database struct {
  Address  string `default:"localhost"`
  Port     string `default:"28015" uconfig:"Service.Port"`
  Database string `default:"my-project" env:"DB_NAME" flag:"main-db-name"`
package main

// Config is our application config.
type Config struct {

  // yes you can have slices.
  Hosts    []string `default:"localhost,localhost.local"`

  Redis    redis.Config
  Database database.Config

Which should give you the following settings:

Supported Fields:
FIELD                    FLAG                      ENV                      DEFAULT                      USAGE
-----                    -----                     -----                    -------                      -----
Hosts                    -hosts                    HOSTS                    localhost,localhost.local    the ip or domains to bind to
Redis.Port               -redis-port               REDIS_PORT               6379
Redis.Password           -redis-password           REDIS_PASSWORD
Redis.DB                 -redis-db                 REDIS_DB                 0
Redis.Expire             -redis-expire             REDIS_EXPIRE             5s
Database.Address         -database-address         DATABASE_ADDRESS         localhost
Database.Service.Port    -database-service-port    DATABASE_SERVICE_PORT    28015
Database.Database        -main-db-db               DB_NAME                  my-project
exit status 1

For file based plugins, you will need to use the appropriate tags as used by your encoder of choice. For example:

package users

// Config holds the database configurations.
type Config struct {
  Host string `json:"bind_addr"`

Secrets Plugin


The secret provider allows you to grab the value of a config from anywhere you want. You simply need to implement the func(name string) (value string) function and pass it to the secrets plugin.

Unlike most other plugins, secret requires explicit secret:"" tag, this is because only specific config values like passwords and api keys come from a secret provider, compared to the rest of the config which can be set in various ways.

import (

// Creds is an example of a config struct that uses secret values.
type Creds struct {
  // by default, secret plugin will generate a name that is identical
  // to env plugin, SCREAM_SNAKE_CASE, so in this case it will be
  // APIKEY however, following the standard uConfig nesting rules
  // in Config struct below, it becomes CREDS_APIKEY.
  APIKey   string `secret:""`
  // or you can provide your own name, which will not be impacted
  // by nesting or the field name.
  APIToken string `secret:"API_TOKEN"`

type Config struct {
  Redis   Redis
  Creds   Creds

func main() {

  conf := &Config{}

  files := uconfig.Files{
    {"config.json", json.Unmarshal}

   // secret.New accepts a function that maps a secret name to it's value.
   secretPlugin := secret.New(func(name string) (string, error) {
      // you're free to grab the secret based on the name from wherever
      // you please, aws secrets-manager, hashicorp vault, or wherever.
      value, ok := secretSource.Get(name)

      if !ok {
        return "", ErrSecretNotFound

      return value, nil

  // then you can use the secretPlugin with uConfig like any other plugin.
  // Lucky, uconfig.Classic allows passing more plugins, which means
  // you can simply do the following for flags, envs, files, and secrets!
  _, err := uconfig.Classic(&value, files, secretPlugin)
  if err != nil {



For tests, you may consider the Must function to set the defaults, like so

package something

import (


func TestSomething(t *testing.T) error {

  conf := &YourConfigStruct{}

  // It will panic on error
  uconfig.Must(conf, defaults.New())

  // Use your conf as you please.

See the Classic source for how to compose plugins. For more details, see the godoc.

Extending uConfig:

uConfig provides a plugin mechanism for adding new sources of configuration. There are two kind of plugins, Walkers and Visitors.

To implement your own, see the examples.


Visitors get a flat view of the configuration struct, which is a flat view of the structs regardless of nesting level, for more details see the flat package documentation.

Plugins that load the configurations from flat structures (e.g flags, environment variables, default tags) are good candidates for this type of plugin. See env plugin for an example.


Walkers are used for configuration plugins that take the whole config struct and unmarshal the underlying content into the config struct. Plugins that load the configuration from files are good candidates for this.

See file plugin for an example.

dead heroes can't tame the wicked.
  • breaking: replace Field.Get() with Field.IsZeroValue()

    breaking: replace Field.Get() with Field.IsZeroValue()

    Hello, I was writing a required plugin and noticed Field.Get() always returned nil which prevented me from seeing if the underlying value was ever set.

    This PR addresses the issue I ran into.

    The required plugin is viewable here. LMK if there's interest in a PR.

  • README: Add YAML config file to example; add info on file loaders

    README: Add YAML config file to example; add info on file loaders

    As YAML is a widely-used format for config files, it's great to see that uconfig can support it simply by feeding in an existing YAML (un)marshaller. It's not immediately obvious that this is possible, though; adding it to the README examples (and tests, because why not?) should help make it more obvious that it's supported out of the box.

  • Can we not expose the FIELD column in the help document?

    Can we not expose the FIELD column in the help document?

    Can we not expose the FIELD column in the help document? Although the below looks good I don't think its a good idea to reveal how the conf is mapped to an internal data structure. I don't see any configuration library doing that however will leave it to the maintainer

    Supported Fields:
    FIELD                FLAG                  ENV                  DEFAULT                      USAGE
    -----                -----                 -----                -------                      -----
    Hosts                -hosts                HOSTS                localhost,localhost.local    the ip or domains to bind to
    Redis.Address        -redis-address        REDIS_ADDRESS        redis-master                 
    Redis.Port           -redis-port           REDIS_PORT           6379                         
    Redis.Password       -redis-password       REDIS_PASSWORD                                    
    Redis.DB             -redis-db             REDIS_DB             0                            
    Redis.Expire         -redis-expire         REDIS_EXPIRE         5s                           
    Database.Address     -database-address     DATABASE_ADDRESS     localhost                    
    Database.Port        -database-port        DATABASE_PORT        28015                        
    Database.Database    -database-database    DATABASE_DATABASE    my-project    
  • Adds support for []string

    Adds support for []string

    It's a common scenario to receive slice configs. But there is currently no easy support for that.

    This commit only solves the problem for string slices, although its relatively easy to extend to other types.

    Fixes #4

  • How to use the tag `default:

    How to use the tag `default:""` for [ ]string?

    type Config struct {
      Ports    []string `default:""`

    I need to set up a list of strings as default value for "Ports". How can I do this?


  • Semver tags/releases (for Glide support)

    Semver tags/releases (for Glide support)

    I know this is quite a new project, but could you please add tags/releases (using semantic versioning) so that uconfig can be used via Glide without having to pin to specific commits?

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