Golang logging library

Golang logging library

godoc build

Package logging implements a logging infrastructure for Go. Its output format is customizable and supports different logging backends like syslog, file and memory. Multiple backends can be utilized with different log levels per backend and logger.

NOTE: backwards compatibility promise have been dropped for master. Please vendor this package or use gopkg.in/op/go-logging.v1 for previous version. See changelog for details.


Let's have a look at an example which demonstrates most of the features found in this library.

Example Output

package main

import (


var log = logging.MustGetLogger("example")

// Example format string. Everything except the message has a custom color
// which is dependent on the log level. Many fields have a custom output
// formatting too, eg. the time returns the hour down to the milli second.
var format = logging.MustStringFormatter(
	`%{color}%{time:15:04:05.000} %{shortfunc} ▶ %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message}`,

// Password is just an example type implementing the Redactor interface. Any
// time this is logged, the Redacted() function will be called.
type Password string

func (p Password) Redacted() interface{} {
	return logging.Redact(string(p))

func main() {
	// For demo purposes, create two backend for os.Stderr.
	backend1 := logging.NewLogBackend(os.Stderr, "", 0)
	backend2 := logging.NewLogBackend(os.Stderr, "", 0)

	// For messages written to backend2 we want to add some additional
	// information to the output, including the used log level and the name of
	// the function.
	backend2Formatter := logging.NewBackendFormatter(backend2, format)

	// Only errors and more severe messages should be sent to backend1
	backend1Leveled := logging.AddModuleLevel(backend1)
	backend1Leveled.SetLevel(logging.ERROR, "")

	// Set the backends to be used.
	logging.SetBackend(backend1Leveled, backend2Formatter)

	log.Debugf("debug %s", Password("secret"))


Using go get

$ go get github.com/op/go-logging

After this command go-logging is ready to use. Its source will be in:


You can use go get -u to update the package.


For docs, see http://godoc.org/github.com/op/go-logging or run:

$ godoc github.com/op/go-logging

Additional resources

  • wslog -- exposes log messages through a WebSocket.
Örjan Fors
:hearts: :sparkles: 29k, ex-Spotify. he/him. no human is illegal!
Örjan Fors
  • Formatting versions

    Formatting versions

    @op not really sure what the right interface is -- you know best. But it strikes me that since the logging functions take formatting, maybe they should follow stdlib practice of having both Name(string) and Namef(string, ...interface{}) variants.

    Random reason to lean towards the extra f: lint errors like this:

  • Add Errorf, Warningf, Noticef, Infof, Debugf functions.

    Add Errorf, Warningf, Noticef, Infof, Debugf functions.

    Added Errorf, Warningf, Noticef, Infof, Debugf to follow the tradition of functions taking formatters named with an f suffix. go vet is enforcing these for a good reason.

    Please add these to the mainline codebase!

  • Use out of the box

    Use out of the box

    Is there a way to use this 100% out of the box with default settings attached:

    i.e. var log = logging.MustGetLogger("example") log.Info("CustomeR: %+v", customer)

    and BANG it just works?

  • Add per-level formatter

    Add per-level formatter

    Currently Formatter is usable only in backend logger. In some cases (e.g. for debug messages) is preferable to apply a different Formatter without touch the backend. So, in this case, it would be useful to apply the Formatter in level functions (e.g. log.Debug("message", formatter) )

  • Color property has no effect on log output

    Color property has no effect on log output

    NewLogBackend.Color property has no effect when custom format with colors are supplied to SetFormatter. So having one backend to write to a file and colors in console in other is a no go. :(

        log_format := "%{color}[%{level:.4s}] %{time:15:04:05.000000} %{id:03x} %{shortfile} [%{longpkg}] %{longfunc} -> %{color:reset}%{message}"

    If I am reading this correctly Record.Formatted and stringFormatter Format have no information about color from backend. If they would, it would be trivial to add really cool functionality like per backend formats and log details.

  • don't include memory backend on appengine

    don't include memory backend on appengine

    The google appengine doesn't allow import of the unsafe package and therefor the memory backend should be excluded from that target platform.

    This should fix the following error when trying to deploy code to the appengine that imports go-logging:

    go-app-builder: Failed parsing input: parser: bad import "unsafe" in github.com/op/go-logging/memory.go
  • Implement backend for the golang default logger

    Implement backend for the golang default logger

    I needed the ability to reopen the log file used by the logging subsystem without losing any logs.

    It seems that the default golang logger allows us via the SetOutput exposed function. However, the exposed Logger structure does not have this as a method and there is no way I can see to change the output for an existing Logger. Thus, NewLogBackend is not able to switch the output for the purposes of reopening the log file.

    This PR implements NewDefaultLogBackend, which rather than creating a Logger structure, simply defers to the default golang logger, and allows the SetOutput exposed function to be used to reopen the log file. I've simplified that process by providing a Reopen and a Close method.

    I welcome your thoughts on usefulness of this, improvements, test requirements etc, and will also in due time propose to Golang to have their stdlib extended so that SetOutput is also a method on a logger. Though that won't be before 1.5/1.6 for sure and at least the method in this PR is compatible much further back.


  • Add

    Add "logging" alias to the example, to make it work.

    Without it, i am getting : ./example.go:5: undefined: logging ./example.go:10: undefined: logging ./example.go:19: undefined: logging ./example.go:24: undefined: logging ./example.go:25: undefined: logging ./example.go:30: undefined: logging ./example.go:33: undefined: logging ./example.go:34: undefined: logging ./example.go:37: undefined: logging

  • revert Error() api change

    revert Error() api change

    In commit 0758a840 Error changed from Error(format string, args ...interface{}) to Error(args ...interface{})

    So now all of Error calls in my projects print the literal formats. I am seeing stuff like:

    err := fmt.Errorf("Error Message")
    log.Error("Thing failed: %s", err)

    now prints the format literally like:

    Thing failed: %sError Message

    I would say that the Error api should be no different than the other log level statements Critical, Warning, Notice, Info, Debug.

    So I kindly ask you to revert the Error api change made in 0758a840.

    Thanks! -Cory

  • NewLogBackend signature is different on *nix and Windows

    NewLogBackend signature is different on *nix and Windows

    It causes errors when compiling on Win (but not on Linux\Mac).

    Win: NewLogBackend(out *os.File, prefix string, flag int) *nix: NewLogBackend(out io.Writer, prefix string, flag int)

    https://github.com/op/go-logging/blob/master/log_windows.go#L54 https://github.com/op/go-logging/blob/master/log_nix.go#L40

    In particular here's how we use go-logging: https://github.com/luci/luci-go/blob/master/common/logging/gologger/config.go#L30

    It used to work fine, but after https://github.com/op/go-logging/commit/03393de130e556c06d1e90f3693cdbf279230595 it compiles on Linux\Mac, but not on Windows (causing some confusion).

    IMHO, public API should look identical on all platforms. Requiring os.File everywhere may be a breaking change. What do you think about using io.Writer in NewLogBackend on Win too, but try to cast it to os.File (and enabling colors only if cast succeeds)?

  • Error & Critical level logging issue

    Error & Critical level logging issue

    Messages used in error and critical level logging are displayed separately before log message as logged in formatted manner

    Sample output:

    16:50:01.581 main . DEBU 001 debug ****** 16:50:01.583 main . INFO 002 info 16:50:01.584 main . NOTI 003 notice 16:50:01.584 main . WARN 004 test this is error level logging message 16:50:01.585 main . ERRO 005 this is error level logging message this is critical level message 16:50:01.587 main . CRIT 006 this is critical level message

    code example:

    package main

    import ( "os"



    var log = logging.MustGetLogger("example")

    // Example format string. Everything except the message has a custom color // which is dependent on the log level. Many fields have a custom output // formatting too, eg. the time returns the hour down to the milli second. var format = logging.MustStringFormatter( "%{color}%{time:15:04:05.000} %{shortfunc} . %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message}", )

    // Password is just an example type implementing the Redactor interface. Any // time this is logged, the Redacted() function will be called. type Password string

    func (p Password) Redacted() interface{} { return logging.Redact(string(p)) } func main() { //test := "there are log of error i"

    // For demo purposes, create two backend for os.Stderr.
    backend1 := logging.NewLogBackend(os.Stderr, "", 0)
    backend2 := logging.NewLogBackend(os.Stderr, "", 0)
    // For messages written to backend2 we want to add some additional
    // information to the output, including the used log level and the name of
    // the function.
    backend2Formatter := logging.NewBackendFormatter(backend2, format)
    // Only errors and more severe messages should be sent to backend1
    backend1Leveled := logging.AddModuleLevel(backend1)
    backend1Leveled.SetLevel(logging.ERROR, "")
    // Set the backends to be used.
    logging.SetBackend(backend1Leveled, backend2Formatter)
    log.Debug("debug %s", Password("secret"))
    log.Error("this is error level logging message")

    // log.Error("err") log.Critical("this is critical level message") }

  • How do I set up multiple log files?

    How do I set up multiple log files?

    I found a problem when i use go-logging.As follow:

    In my code, I tried to initialize different loggers with Go-logging, logging into different files, and failed.In the end, the log records only the files corresponding to the last initialized logger. why?Does not support?

  • Question: Can you set maximum logging level

    Question: Can you set maximum logging level


    I am trying to accomplish a logging on different channel depending on the level of the log.

    • If logging level is <= Warning, then log to stdout
    • if logging level is >= Error, then log to stderr

    Is there a way to get this work ?

    For now I got

    	backend := logging.NewLogBackend(os.Stdout, "", 0)
    	leveledConsoleBackend = logging.AddModuleLevel(backend)
            // ...
    	errorBackend := logging.NewLogBackend(os.Stderr, "", 0)
    	leveledConsoleErrorBackend = logging.AddModuleLevel(errorBackend)
    	leveledConsoleErrorBackend.SetLevel(logging.ERROR, "")
    	logging.SetBackend(leveledConsoleErrorBackend, leveledConsoleBackend)

    But with this, I see error logs output both in Stdoud and Stderr

    Thank you for your help!

  • backend, logger: lock before reassigning `defaultBackend`

    backend, logger: lock before reassigning `defaultBackend`

    If not locked, this results in race:

    1. SetBackend(), backend.go:26 - reassigning the global variable (write)
    func SetBackend(backends ...Backend) LeveledBackend {
    	var backend Backend
      // ...
    	defaultBackend = AddModuleLevel(backend)
      // DATA RACE END
    	return defaultBackend
    1. IsEnabledFor(), logger.go:141 - accessing a default variable (read)
    func (l *Logger) IsEnabledFor(level Level) bool {
    	return defaultBackend.IsEnabledFor(level, l.Module) // DATA RACE HERE
  • Add a standard logger

    Add a standard logger

    How do you feel about having a predefined 'standard' Logger similar to the Go log package? Having a standard logger is easier so that users don't have to create a Logger manually. The logger will have sensible defaults, configuration helpers, and be accessible through log helper functions.

  • Fix the private backend test

    Fix the private backend test

    Hello, I have noticed the homie "с" insted of a "c" letter. And it seems that the test is incorrect.

    So I fixed "c" letter and changed the condition.

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