An open-source and enterprise-level monitoring system.



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  • Git >= 1.7.5
  • Go >= 1.6

Getting Started


Please refer to ./docker/

Build from source

before start, please make sure you prepared this:

yum install -y redis
yum install -y mysql-server

NOTE: be sure to check redis and mysql-server have successfully started.

And then

# Please make sure that you have set `$GOPATH` and `$GOROOT` correctly.
# If you have not golang in your host, please follow [] to install golang.

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone

And do not forget to init the database first (if you have not loaded the database schema before)

cd $GOPATH/src/
mysql -h -u root -p < 1_uic-db-schema.sql
mysql -h -u root -p < 2_portal-db-schema.sql
mysql -h -u root -p < 3_dashboard-db-schema.sql
mysql -h -u root -p < 4_graph-db-schema.sql
mysql -h -u root -p < 5_alarms-db-schema.sql

NOTE: if you are upgrading from v0.1 to v0.2.0(or above),then. More upgrading instruction

mysql -h -u root -p < 5_alarms-db-schema.sql


cd $GOPATH/src/

# make all modules
make all

# make specified module
make agent

# pack all modules
make pack
  • after make pack you will got open-falcon-vx.x.x.tar.gz
  • if you want to edit configure file for each module, you can edit config/xxx.json before you do make pack

Unpack and Decompose

export WorkDir="$HOME/open-falcon"
mkdir -p $WorkDir
tar -xzvf open-falcon-vx.x.x.tar.gz -C $WorkDir
cd $WorkDir

Start all modules in single host

cd $WorkDir
./open-falcon start

# check modules status
./open-falcon check

Run More Open-Falcon Commands

for example:

# ./open-falcon [start|stop|restart|check|monitor|reload] module
./open-falcon start agent

./open-falcon check
        falcon-graph         UP           53007
          falcon-hbs         UP           53014
        falcon-judge         UP           53020
     falcon-transfer         UP           53026
       falcon-nodata         UP           53032
   falcon-aggregator         UP           53038
        falcon-agent         UP           53044
      falcon-gateway         UP           53050
          falcon-api         UP           53056
        falcon-alarm         UP           53063
  • For debugging , You can check $WorkDir/$moduleName/logs/xxx.log

Install Frontend Dashboard

NOTE: if you want to use grafana as the dashboard, please check this.

Package Management

We use govendor to manage the golang packages. Please install govendor before compilation.

go get -u

Most depended packages are saved under ./vendor dir. If you want to add or update a package, just run govendor fetch xxxx@commitID or govendor fetch [email protected], then you will find the package have been placed in ./vendor correctly.

Package Release

make clean all pack

API Standard


  • Any issue or question is welcome, Please feel free to open github issues :)
  • FAQ


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].

An open-source and enterprise-level monitoring system which is designed for modern distributed systems.
  • hostgroup新增 aggregator 后跳转页面404

    hostgroup新增 aggregator 后跳转页面404


  • make api时报错

    make api时报错

    使用make all 编译到api 模块时,报以下错误

    modules/api/main.go:73: cannot use routes (type *"".Engine) as type *"".Engine in argument to controller.StartGin make: *** [api] 错误 2

    尝试使用 make clean all 进行编译报错依旧

  • 用grafana的singlestat来展示部分监控数据出现问题


    grafana配了0.2的api url, datasource

    在用grafana的singlestat面板时,数据展示有问题。 singlestat



    例如'mem.memused'这个指标,用正则查的话,就会把mem.memused.percent也查出来 query

    grafana singlestat面板报错如下: r1 r2

  • transfer的日志文件无限增长直到用完磁盘空间


    在运行了几天时间之后,transfer.log文件的大小到达了28G。该文件最后几行打印如下: 2018/03/27 20:50:39 rpc.go:35: listener.Accept occur error: accept tcp [::]:8433: accept4: too many open files 2018/03/27 20:50:39 rpc.go:35: listener.Accept occur error: accept tcp [::]:8433: accept4: too many open files 2018/03/27 20:50:39 rpc.go:35: listener.Accept occur error: accept tcp [::]:8433: accept4: too many open files 2018/03/27 20:50:39 rpc.go:35: listener.Accept occur error: accept tcp [::]:8433: accept4: too many open files 2018/03/27 20:50:39 rpc.go:35: listener.Accept occur error: accept tcp [::]:8433: accept4: too many open files 2018/03/27 20:50:39 rpc.go:35: listener.Accept occur error: accept tcp [::]:8433: accept4: too many open files 2018/03/27 20:50:39 rpc.go:35: listener.Accept occur error: accept tcp [::]:8433: accept4: too many open files 2018/03/27 20:50:39 rpc.go:35: listener.Accept occur error: accept tcp [::]:8433: accept4: too many open files 2018/03/27 20:50:39 rpc.go:35: listener.Accept occur error: accept tcp [::]:8433: accept4: too many open files 问题的原因应该是 rpc.go 监听连接循环里面的打印造成的,希望能修复。

  • 告警邮件不生效


    curl -d "[email protected]&subject=告警测试&content=告警测试" x509: certificate is valid for 域名, not 邮件服务器域名 配置文件: /root/project/src/

        "debug": true,
        "http": {
            "listen": "",
            "token": ""
        "smtp": {
            "addr": "邮件服务器域名:25",
            "username": "user",
            "password": "passwd",
            "from": "[email protected]"

    配置文件: /home/work/open-falcon/alarm/config/cfg.json image

  • judge报错后自动重启


    • 组件: judge v0.2.0

    • 日志:

    2018/08/20 22:00:15 judge.go:47: [ERROR] parse func pdiff(#2) fail: strconv.Atoi: parsing "2\xef\xbc": invalid syntax. strategy id: 4023
    2018/08/20 22:00:15 judge.go:47: [ERROR] parse func pdiff(#2) fail: strconv.Atoi: parsing "2\xef\xbc": invalid syntax. strategy id: 4023
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x20 pc=0x742c56]
    goroutine 86615156 [running]:*SafeLinkedList).HistoryData(0xc42d7c4e00, 0xa, 0x801600, 0xc487cd7701, 0xc5d9b22db0, 0xc5e7c70688)
            /data/service/open-falcon/workspace/src/ +0x426, 0x0, 0xa, 0xc4b604f12c, 0x2, 0x4055400000000000, 0xc42d7c4e00, 0x411568, 0x70, 0xc5d9b22db0, ...)
            /data/service/open-falcon/workspace/src/ +0x3f*AvgFunction).Compute(0xc5d9b22db0, 0xc42d7c4e00, 0xc4b604f12c, 0x2, 0x4055400000000000, 0x9f3240, 0xc5d9b22db0)
            <autogenerated>:12 +0x66, 0xb39, 0xc5a0d4b860, 0x12, 0xc55e705620, 0xc4b604f120, 0x8, 0xc4b604f12c, 0x2, 0x4055400000000000, ...)
            /data/service/open-falcon/workspace/src/ +0x205, 0xc4645b5ef0, 0x5b7ac970)
            /data/service/open-falcon/workspace/src/ +0x3cc, 0xc4645b5ef0, 0x5b7ac970)
            /data/service/open-falcon/workspace/src/ +0x3f*JudgeItemMap).PushFrontAndMaintain(0xc42014e7e0, 0xc471bb2580, 0x20, 0xc4645b5ef0, 0xb, 0x5b7ac970)
            /data/service/open-falcon/workspace/src/ +0xa8*Judge).Send(0xc4201425e8, 0xc52123a500, 0x99, 0x99, 0xc461dc7710, 0x0, 0x0)
            /data/service/open-falcon/workspace/src/ +0x10f, 0xc42014a058, 0x13, 0x8362bd, 0x4, 0xc5e7c70f20, 0x3, 0x3, 0xc4e96a4600, 0x100000000, ...)
            /data/service/go1.8.3/src/reflect/value.go:434 +0x91f
    reflect.Value.Call(0xc420150180, 0xc42014a058, 0x13, 0xc420559720, 0x3, 0x3, 0xa47498, 0xc420559768, 0xa47498)
            /data/service/go1.8.3/src/reflect/value.go:302 +0xa4
    net/rpc.(*service).call(0xc4201463c0, 0xc420069840, 0xc42c455398, 0xc42014c380, 0xc42b5f9f80, 0x79d540, 0xc56a104f20, 0x197, 0x7bf840, 0xc461dc7710, ...)
            /data/service/go1.8.3/src/net/rpc/server.go:387 +0x144
    created by net/rpc.(*Server).ServeCodec
            /data/service/go1.8.3/src/net/rpc/server.go:481 +0x404
    2018/08/20 22:00:17 cfg.go:90: read config file: /data/service/of_service/judge.2/config/cfg.json successfully
    2018/08/20 22:00:17 http.go:60: http listening
    2018/08/20 22:00:17 rpc.go:24: rpc listening
    2018/08/20 22:00:18 judge.go:47: [ERROR] parse func pdiff(#2) fail: strconv.Atoi: parsing "2\xef\xbc": invalid syntax. strategy id: 2397
  • 急求falcon部分常见繁琐问题处理办法!!!



    1、目前alarm删除case的方式一次性十行还是不够效率,我想在mysql数据库中的alarm_case 直接删除数据,是否安全?副作用?


  • Add arm64 support

    Add arm64 support


    I am checking on adding arm64 jobs in travis.

    I was trying to build the docker image for arm64 but it was failing with below error

    standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"

    This package uses openfalcon/makegcc-golang:1.10-alpine as base image for building docker images which are not available for arm64. I am unable to find this image and its Dockerfile to add support for arm64.

    Travis Link for arm64 :

    I want to know whether you are planning on adding arm64 support and can I get any suggestions on adding arm64 support to Dockerfile and uploading it to docker hub?

  • /api/v1/plugin 信息错误

    /api/v1/plugin 信息错误'/api/v1/plugin',headers=falcon_header,data={'hostgroup_id':40, 'dir_path':'dgb'})
    b'{"error":"Key: \'APICreatePluginInput.GrpId\' Error:Field validation for \'GrpId\' failed on the \'required\' tag\\nKey: \'APICreatePluginInput.DirPaht\' Error:Field validation for \'DirPaht\' failed on the \'required\' tag"}\n''/api/v1/plugin',headers=falcon_header,data={'GrpId':40, 'DirPaht':'dgb'})


      "hostgroup_id": 343,
      "dir_path": "testpath"
    Status: 200
      "id": 1501,
      "grp_id": 343,
      "dir": "testpath",
      "create_user": "root"
  • 编译模块graph时报错 -std=gnu99/c99

    编译模块graph时报错 -std=gnu99/c99

    MacOs 11.1 运行make graph,出现下边的结果 if [ graph = "gateway" ]; then
    go build -ldflags "-X main.BinaryName=gateway -X main.GitCommit=git rev-parse --short HEAD -X main.Version=0.3.x"
    -o bin/gateway/falcon-gateway ./modules/transfer ;
    go build -ldflags "-X main.BinaryName=graph -X main.GitCommit=git rev-parse --short HEAD -X main.Version=0.3.x"
    -o bin/graph/falcon-graph ./modules/graph ;

    rrd_create.c:161:15: error: implicit declaration of function 'strdup' is invalid in C99 [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration] rrd_create.c:161:15: note: did you mean 'strcmp'? /Applications/ note: 'strcmp' declared here rrd_create.c:161:13: warning: incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning to 'char *' from 'int' [-Wint-conversion] rrd_create.c:162:12: error: implicit declaration of function 'strtok_r' is invalid in C99 [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration] rrd_create.c:162:12: note: did you mean 'strtok'? /Applications/ note: 'strtok' declared here rrd_create.c:162:10: warning: incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning to 'char *' from 'int' [-Wint-conversion] rrd_create.c:409:11: warning: incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning to 'char *' from 'int' [-Wint-conversion] make: *** [graph] Error 2

  • graph缩容


    graph缩容是否可以这样配置transfer :将下掉的机器配置成双打 下掉前 "cluster": { "graph-00": "要下掉的机器1:6070,存在机器1:6070", "graph-01": "要下掉的机器2:6070,存在机器2:6070", "graph-03": "存在机器1:6070", "graph-04": "存在机器2:6070", } 下掉后 "cluster": { "graph-00": "存在机器1:6070", "graph-01": "存在机器2:6070", "graph-03": "存在机器1:6070", "graph-04": "存在机器2:6070", }

  • Integrate pull request preview environments

    Integrate pull request preview environments

    I would like to support Falcon by implementing Uffizzi preview environments. Disclaimer: I work on Uffizzi.

    Uffizzi is a Open Source full stack previews engine and our platform is available completely free for Falcon (and all open source projects). This will provide maintainers with preview environments of every PR in the cloud, which enables faster iterations and reduces time to merge. You can see the open source repos which are currently using Uffizzi over here

    Uffizzi is purpose-built for the task of previewing PRs and it integrates with your workflow to deploy preview environments in the background without any manual steps for maintainers or contributors.

    We can go ahead and create an Initial PoC for you right away if you think there is value in this proposal.


    • [ ] Intial PoC

    cc @waveywaves

  • 进程监控获取数据异常



    监控模版是这样设置的,name名称是 java jps命令提出出来的 覆盖/proc/$pid/cmdline 但是获取的值一直是0,而且关掉进程后, 数值还在获取 这是什么原因呢 我用了 nginx 简单的进程 也是这个问题

  • 请教大佬Centos8部署falcon-agent启动后报错。无法启动采集agent。日志报错内容如下,网上看有人遇到同样问题,说不支持centos8


    2022/02/26 17:01:37 cfg.go:142: read config file: cfg.json successfully 2022/02/26 17:01:37 http.go:88: listening :1988 panic: runtime error: index out of range

    goroutine 15 [running]:, 0x50, 0x48) /home/work/gopath/src/ +0x766, 0x0, 0x0) /home/work/gopath/src/ +0x37, 0xc0000fe1c0, 0x2, 0x2) /home/work/gopath/src/ +0x14d created by /home/work/gopath/src/ +0xbf

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