A CLI tool that generates OpenTelemetry Collector binaries based on a manifest.

OpenTelemetry Collector builder

This program generates a custom OpenTelemetry Collector binary based on a given configuration.


$ go get github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-builder
$ cat > ~/.otelcol-builder.yaml <<EOF
  - gomod: "github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/exporter/alibabacloudlogserviceexporter v0.20.0"
$ opentelemetry-collector-builder --output-path=/tmp/dist
$ cat > /tmp/otelcol.yaml <<EOF
        endpoint: localhost:4317



      - otlp
      - batch
      - logging
$ /tmp/dist/otelcol-custom --config=/tmp/otelcol.yaml


Download the binary for your respective platform under the "Releases" page.


A configuration file isn't strictly required, but the final artifact won't be different than a regular OpenTelemetry Collector. You probably want to specify at least one module (extension, exporter, receiver, processor) to add to your distribution. You can specify them via a configuration file. When no --config flag is provided with the location for the configuration file, ${HOME}/.otelcol-builder.yaml will be used, if available.

$ opentelemetry-collector-builder --config config.yaml

Use opentelemetry-collector-builder --help to learn about which flags are available.


The configuration file is composed of two main parts: dist and module types. All dist options can be specified via command line flags:

$ opentelemetry-collector-builder --name="my-otelcol"

The module types are specified at the top-level, and might be: extensions, exporters, receivers and processors. They all accept a list of components, and each component is required to have at least the gomod entry. When not specified, the import value is inferred from the gomod. When not specified, the name is inferred from the import.

The import might specify a more specific path than what is specified in the gomod. For instance, your Go module might be gitlab.com/myorg/myrepo and the import might be gitlab.com/myorg/myrepo/myexporter.

The name will typically be omitted, except when multiple components have the same name. In such case, set a unique name for each module.

Optionally, a list of go mod replace entries can be provided, in case custom overrides are needed. This is typically necessary when a processor or some of its transitive dependencies have dependency problems.

    module: github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-builder # the module name for the new distribution, following Go mod conventions. Optional, but recommended.
    name: otelcol-custom # the binary name. Optional.
    description: "Custom OpenTelemetry Collector distribution" # a long name for the application. Optional.
    include_core: true # whether the core components should be included in the distribution. Optional.
    otelcol_version: "0.20.0" # the OpenTelemetry Collector version to use as base for the distribution. Optional.
    output_path: /tmp/otelcol-distributionNNN # the path to write the output (sources and binary). Optional.
    version: "1.0.0" # the version for your custom OpenTelemetry Collector. Optional.
    go: "/usr/bin/go" # which Go binary to use to compile the generated sources. Optional.
  - gomod: "github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/exporter/alibabacloudlogserviceexporter v0.20.0" # the Go module for the component. Required.
    import: "github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/exporter/alibabacloudlogserviceexporter" # the import path for the component. Optional.
    name: "alibabacloudlogserviceexporter" # package name to use in the generated sources. Optional.
    path: "./alibabacloudlogserviceexporter" # in case a local version should be used for the module, the path relative to the current dir, or a full path can be specified. Optional.
  # a list of "replaces" directives that will be part of the resulting go.mod
  - github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/internal/common => github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/internal/common v0.20.0
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OpenTelemetry makes robust, portable telemetry a built-in feature of cloud-native software.
OpenTelemetry - CNCF
  • Unable to build binary due to missing go.sum

    Unable to build binary due to missing go.sum

    I am using 0.7.0 installed via go get and Go 1.16.

    My config file is:

      - gomod: "github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/exporter/newrelicexporter v0.21.0"

    Upon executing the builder using opentelemetry-collector-builder --output-path=/tmp/dist --config=.otelcol-builder.yaml, I get the following error:

    2021-03-05T15:50:35.630+1100    INFO    cmd/root.go:82  OpenTelemetry Collector distribution builder    {"version": "dev", "date": "unknown"}
    2021-03-05T15:50:35.630+1100    INFO    cmd/root.go:98  Using config file       {"path": ".otelcol-builder.yaml"}
    2021-03-05T15:50:35.633+1100    INFO    builder/main.go:80      Sources created {"path": "/tmp/dist"}
    2021-03-05T15:50:35.666+1100    INFO    builder/main.go:94      Using go from PATH      {"Go executable": "/usr/local/go/bin/go"}
    2021-03-05T15:50:35.666+1100    INFO    builder/main.go:97      Compiling
    Error: failed to compile the OpenTelemetry Collector distribution: exit status 1. Output: "go: github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/exporter/[email protected]: missing go.sum entry; to add it:\n\tgo mod download github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/exporter/newrelicexporter\n"
      opentelemetry-collector-builder [flags]
          --config string            config file (default is $HOME/.otelcol-builder.yaml)
          --description string       A descriptive name for the OpenTelemetry Collector distribution (default "Custom OpenTelemetry Collector distribution")
          --go string                The Go binary to use during the compilation phase (default "/usr/bin/go")
      -h, --help                     help for opentelemetry-collector-builder
          --include-core             Whether the core components should be included in the distribution (default true)
          --module string            The Go module for the new distribution (default "github.com/jpkroehling/opentelemetry-collector-builder")
          --name string              The executable name for the OpenTelemetry Collector distribution (default "otelcol-custom")
          --otelcol-version string   Which version of OpenTelemetry Collector to use as base (default "0.20.0")
          --output-path string       Where to write the resulting files (default "/tmp/otelcol-distribution776575606")
          --version string           The version for the OpenTelemetry Collector distribution (default "1.0.0")
    2021-03-05T15:50:35.702+1100    ERROR   cmd/root.go:77  failed to run   {"error": "failed to compile the OpenTelemetry Collector distribution: exit status 1. Output: \"go: github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/exporter/[email protected]: missing go.sum entry; to add it:\\n\\tgo mod download github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/exporter/newrelicexporter\\n\""}
            /c/Users/User/go/pkg/mod/github.com/open-telemetry/[email protected]/cmd/root.go:77
            /c/Users/User/go/pkg/mod/github.com/open-telemetry/[email protected]/main.go:22

    From my understanding, the builder should take care of initializing the go.mod and go.sum files and user intervention is not required.

  • Backward compatibility issue

    Backward compatibility issue

    In https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-builder/commit/c9fe6966eba55a28368caccb589b9c913adba7e5 , the template file internal/scaffold/components.go has been changed to use the the new API, and hence the builder does not work for earlier versions

  • Generate custom service code for Windows

    Generate custom service code for Windows

    This pull request pulls in the latest versions of the main*.go files so that running the generated collector as a Windows service works (fixes #73). The code has been pulled from upstream tag 0.35.0; there are further minor changes in 0.36.0 that are not yet compatible with the current code base.

    All of the current unit tests pass, and the change has been checked manually with a Windows service deployment.

  • Version & Date not updated by releaser

    Version & Date not updated by releaser


    It remains dev for released versions, making the version command not very informative

  • Verify whether the latest changes to the OpenTelemetry Collector require a change to the builder

    Verify whether the latest changes to the OpenTelemetry Collector require a change to the builder

    There were a few changes to the OpenTelemetry Collector that seems like would affect the builder, such as: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/pull/3056

    Before releasing 0.26.0, we need to make sure that those changes are accounted for.

  • Failed Collector build does not exit with error code

    Failed Collector build does not exit with error code

    When running our pipeline for our opentelemetry collector build, a failure did not cause our pipeline to fail.

    I think this is due to no errors being passed backup to main. Is there a reason why errors cannot be passed back to the main package and the run of the build return non zero exit code if there was an issue.

    If not then I'll create a PR for proposal.

  • Account for go mod download in go1.17 not updating go.sum

    Account for go mod download in go1.17 not updating go.sum

    Because the behaviour of go mod download changes in go1.17 we need to account for that. For previous versions this will result in the same behaviour.

    go mod download When go mod download is invoked without arguments, it will no longer save sums for downloaded module content to go.sum. It may still make changes to go.mod and go.sum needed to load the build list. This is the same as the behavior in Go 1.15. To save sums for all modules, use go mod download all.

    ref: https://tip.golang.org/doc/go1.17

  • Download go modules before building

    Download go modules before building

    Fixes #14

    Since go 1.16 build no longer updates go.sum and so we get errors such as:

    go: github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/processor/[email protected]: missing go.sum entry; to add it:\n\tgo mod download github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/processor/routingprocessor\n"

    This change runs go mod download to update go sum before the compile

  • Build Collector binary on demond

    Build Collector binary on demond

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. The current Collector binary includes all of components, Collector-contrib includes more 3rd party receivers and exporters the binary size is over 100MB and would be larger in the future. For some resource sensitive environment like AWS Lambda, it calculates memory usage by Cache + RSS, the larger size of Collector the higher bill users may have to pay. So, it is better to provide a way to build Collector based on user's config. For example, if user want to use otlp receiver and xray exporter, he can build a small Collector with only these 2 components besides the core components.

    Describe the solution you'd like Since goLang is a compiled language, dynamically build binary is a challenge. A possible way but not safe is can we generate defaults.go by a template? The components are got from user's config.

    There is a 3rd party repo https://github.com/observatorium/opentelemetry-collector-builder, can we think about merge the logic into Collector?

    Describe alternatives you've considered Now I can manually delete the components what I don't want from defaults.go, but that is not a general solution for normal user.

  • Feature Request: Allow modules to be included based on golang build tags

    Feature Request: Allow modules to be included based on golang build tags

    For example, a journaldlogreceiver is being added to the contrib collector. This component will only have a meaningful implementation for Linux builds.

    Without this feature, such components must rely on dummy implementations. In the case of journaldreceiver, such an implementation will simply return an error stating that the receiver is not available on non-Linux distributions.

  • Admin rights for jpkrohling

    Admin rights for jpkrohling

    I would like to request admin rights for this repository. My current need is to enable a set of checks, making them required before merging, such as the successful execution of e2e tests, and I cannot do that as a maintainer only.

    cc @open-telemetry/collector-maintainers

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