The world’s most powerful template engine and Go embeddable interpreter.


The world’s most powerful template engine and Go embeddable interpreter.

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  • Fast, a very fast embeddable pure Go language interpreter.
  • Modern and powerful template engine with Go as scripting language.
  • Native support for Markdown in templates.
  • Secure by default. No access to packages unless explicitly enabled.
  • Easy to embed and to interop with any Go application.

Get Started with Programs

Execute a Go program embedded in your application:

package main

import ""

func main() {

    // src is the source code of the program to run.
    src := []byte(`
        package main

        func main() {
            println("Hello, World!")

    // Create a file system with the file of the program to run.
    fsys := scriggo.Files{"main.go": src}

    // Build the program.
    program, err := scriggo.Build(fsys, nil)
    if err != nil {
    // Run the program.
    err = program.Run(nil)
    if err != nil {


Get Started with Templates

Scriggo, in templates, supports inheritance, macros, partials, imports and contextual autoescaping but most of all it uses the Go language as the template scripting language.

{% for product in products %}
  • {{ product.Name }}
  • {% end %} {{ render "pagination.html" }} {{ Banner() }} {% end %} ">
    {% extends "layout.html" %}
    {% import "banners.html" %}
    {% macro Body %}
        {{ render "pagination.html" }}
        {{ Banner() }}
    {% end %}

    Scriggo template files can be written in plain text, HTML, Markdown, CSS, JavaScript and JSON.

    Execute a Scriggo template in your application

    Hello {% who := "World" %} Hello, {{ who }}! `) // Create a file system with the file of the template to run. fsys := scriggo.Files{"index.html": content} // Build the template. template, err := scriggo.BuildTemplate(fsys, "index.html", nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Run the template and print it to the standard output. err = template.Run(os.Stdout, nil, nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } } ">
    // Build and run a Scriggo template.
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        // Content of the template file to run.
        content := []byte(`
            {% who := "World" %}
            Hello, {{ who }}!
        // Create a file system with the file of the template to run.
        fsys := scriggo.Files{"index.html": content}
        // Build the template.
        template, err := scriggo.BuildTemplate(fsys, "index.html", nil)
        if err != nil {
        // Run the template and print it to the standard output.
        err = template.Run(os.Stdout, nil, nil)
        if err != nil {

    For a complete get started guide see the Scriggo site.


    Want to help contribute to Scriggo? See

    • compiler: change a struct field of a pointer value causes an invalid behavior

      compiler: change a struct field of a pointer value causes an invalid behavior

      Executing the following code, it prints "a" instead of "b"

      package main
      import "pkg"
      func main() {
      	a := &pkg.T{A: "a"}
      	a.A = "b"
    • compiler: panic emitting a func/macro that references to a parameter of an outer func/macro

      compiler: panic emitting a func/macro that references to a parameter of an outer func/macro

      This code

      {% macro Dialog(title string, content macro() html) %}
      <div class="dialog">
          <header>{{ title }}</header>
              {{ content() }}
      {% end %}
      {% macro ButtonDialog(title, buttonText string) %}
      {% macro content %}
      <div>Press the button</div>
      <button>{{ buttonText }}</button>
      {% end %}
      {{ Dialog(title, content) }}
      {% end %}
      {{ ButtonDialog("Press the button dialog", "Play") }}

      panics the emitter with BUG: not supported.

    • vm: run-time panics

      vm: run-time panics

      This issue is for tracking and discussing the run-time panics implementation as described in the Go specs.

      The test tests all the run-time panics.

    • compiler: declaration of struct types with unexported fields

      compiler: declaration of struct types with unexported fields

      I campi non esportati delle strutture definite in Scrigo portano all'errore:

      reflect.StructOf: field "f1" is unexported but missing PkgPath

      dove S è definita come

      type F1 struct { A int }
      type F2 int
      type S struct {
      	f1 F1
      	f2 F2
    • Runtime panic with IncDec statements and assignment operators involving pointers

      Runtime panic with IncDec statements and assignment operators involving pointers

      EDIT: the issue related to the source code in this comment has been moved to a separate issue, the #921. The rest of the tests on this discussion refer to a different issue (related to the emitter) that has been solved.

      Source code

      package main
      import "fmt"
      var P = new(int)
      func main() {
              *P = 32

      Scriggo output


      gc output

    • compiler/checker: panic on build when using import rename

      compiler/checker: panic on build when using import rename

      When a package is imported using the AS keyword to change the import path scriggo does not detect that the package name is not the path. This allows the script to reference the wrong package name and panic the program during the Build call.

      Scriggo command and library version: scriggo version v0.53.1 (go1.16.7)

      The Scriggofile

      SET PACKAGE main
      SET VARIABLE packages
      GOOS linux
      IMPORT as foobar

      The main.go file

      package main
      import (
      var packages native.Packages
      func main() {
              // src is the source code of the program to run.
              src := []byte(`
              package main
              import (
              func main() {
              // Create a file system with the file of the program to run.
              fsys := scriggo.Files{"main.go": src}
              // Use the importer in the packages variable.
              opts := &scriggo.BuildOptions{Packages: packages}
              // Build the program.
              program, err := scriggo.Build(fsys, opts)
              if err != nil {
              // Run the program.
              if err = program.Run(nil); err != nil {

      The panic

      panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [recovered]
              panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
      [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x8 pc=0x5582c5]
      goroutine 1 [running]:
              /home/kris/mygo/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/compiler/checker_package.go:523 +0x8d
      panic(0x6e0100, 0x8f5290)
              /opt/go/go/src/runtime/panic.go:965 +0x1b9*Identifier).Pos(0x0, 0x6edfe0)
              <autogenerated>:1 +0x5, 0x4, 0x6edfe0, 0x0, 0xc000068070, 0x64, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4, ...)
              /home/kris/mygo/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/compiler/checker.go:350 +0x1a3*typechecker).errorf(...)
              /home/kris/mygo/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/compiler/checker.go:344*typechecker).assignScope(0xc00014c000, 0x71b377, 0x4, 0xc0001517a0, 0x0, 0xc000026240)
              /home/kris/mygo/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/compiler/checker.go:264 +0x590*typechecker).checkImport(0xc00014c000, 0xc000026240, 0x0, 0x0)
              /home/kris/mygo/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/compiler/checker_statements.go:1020 +0x1b57, 0xc0000261c0, 0x71b1eb, 0x4, 0x78bb20, 0xc00007e690, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
              /home/kris/mygo/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/compiler/checker_package.go:572 +0x11eb, 0x78bb20, 0xc00007e690, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x418f7e, 0x7fbfb08ef300, ...)
              /home/kris/mygo/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/compiler/checker.go:47 +0xffa, 0xc00007e720, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x78bb20, 0xc00007e690, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8ff160, ...)
              /home/kris/mygo/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/compiler/compiler.go:140 +0x11d, 0xc00007e720, 0xc000053f38, 0x7, 0xc000126088, 0xc000000180)
              /home/kris/mygo/pkg/mod/[email protected]/programs.go:98 +0xd9


      If the script sets the package name then the program executes normally

      e.g. import foobar "foobar"

    • Runtime panic using a global within imported nested macro

      Runtime panic using a global within imported nested macro

      Given this test:

      "": {
      	sources: map[string]string{
      		"index.html":   `{% _ = render "partial.html" %}`,
      		"partial.html": `{% macro m %}{% _ = page %}{% end %}{{ m() }}`,
      	main: scriggo.MapPackage{
      		PkgName: "main",
      		Declarations: map[string]interface{}{
      			"page": &([]string{"a"})[0],
      	expectedOut: "",

      panics the runtime

      case OpGetVar:
      	v := vm.vars[decodeInt16(a, b)]  // <-- index out of range [0] with length 0
      	vm.setFromReflectValue(c, v)
    • proposal: templates: extend the show statement with the

      proposal: templates: extend the show statement with the "default" form

      I propose to extend the show statement with this form

      show m(x1, x2, ...) default e1, e2, ..., en

      where m is an identifier. If m is defined, it is the same of

      show m(x1, x2, ...)

      otherwise it is the same of

      show e1, e2, ..., en

      If m is defined but is not a function (or macro), a compile-time error occurs.

      This form can be also used between {{ and }}

      {{ m(x1, x2, ...) default e1, e2, ..., en }}

      The blank identifier can not be used as default expression, an empty string can be used to indicate that there is nothing to show. For example

      {{ Head() default "" }}


      "show" ( ExpressionList | identifier Arguments "default" ExpressionList )
      "{{" ( Expression | identifier Arguments "default" ExpressionList ) "}}"
    • compiler: cannot assign function literals to indirect variables

      compiler: cannot assign function literals to indirect variables

      Il codice

      package main
      import (
      func main() {
            A := 10
            B := 20
            f1 := func() {
                  A = 10
            f2 := func() {
                  A = B + 2
            f3 := func() {
                  fmt.Print(A + B)
                  B = A + B

      va in panic value of type *vm.callable is not assignable to type func().

      Il problema si presenta nel caso della chiamata ad f1 dentro il corpo di f2

    • proposal: allow accessing map keys like fields in templates

      proposal: allow accessing map keys like fields in templates

      Also, allow implicit cast from interface{} to map[string]interface{} or map[string]T on indexing.

      So, I want following to be possible:

      {{ }}

      Instead of:

      {{ data["foo"].(map[string]interface{})["bar"].(map[string]interface{})["key"] }}

      Full test example:

      package maps_test
      import (
      func TestMap(t *testing.T) {
      	var data map[string]interface{}
      	require.NoError(t, yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(`---
          key: "value"
          number: 1
      `), &data))
      	for _, tt := range []struct {
      		Name  string
      		Value string
      			Name:  "Explicit",
      			Value: `{{ data["foo"].(map[string]interface{})["bar"].(map[string]interface{})["key"] }}`,
      			Name:  "Implicit",
      			Value: `{{ }}`,
      	} {
      		t.Run(tt.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
      			fsys := scriggo.Files{"index.html": []byte(tt.Value)}
      			opts := &scriggo.BuildOptions{
      				Globals: native.Declarations{"data": &data},
      			template, err := scriggo.BuildTemplate(fsys, "index.html", opts)
      			require.NoError(t, err)
      			b := new(bytes.Buffer)
      			require.NoError(t, template.Run(b, nil, nil))
      index.html:1:8: undefined (type map[string]interface {} has no field or method foo)
    • compiler,runtime: panic in case of Scriggo type as map key when calling builtin 'delete'

      compiler,runtime: panic in case of Scriggo type as map key when calling builtin 'delete'

      cannot delete from a map when the key is a complex type.

      Consider the following snippet:

      package main
      type key struct {
              X int
              Y int
      func main() {
              println("starting population")
              mpbasic := map[int]int{}
              mpcomplex := map[key]int{}
              for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
                      mpbasic[i] = i * 2
                      mpcomplex[key{X: i, Y: i + 1}] = i * 2
              println("starting delete simple")
              for k := range mpbasic {
                      delete(mpbasic, k)
              println("starting delete complex")
              for k := range mpcomplex {
                      if mpcomplex[k] > 2 {
                              delete(mpcomplex, k)

      When run using the GC we get the following output (runs to completion):

      starting population
      starting delete simple
      starting delete complex

      When run using scriggo we get the following output with a panic:

      panic: reflect.Value.SetMapIndex: value of type types.emptyInterfaceProxy is not assignable to type struct { X int; Y int }
      goroutine 1 [running]:*VM).Run(0xc0000e4240, 0xc0000a5520, 0xc00009e970, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
      	/home/kris/mygo/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/runtime/vm.go:161 +0x169*Program).Run(0xc0000a1380, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc0000a1380)
      	/home/kris/mygo/pkg/mod/[email protected]/programs.go:143 +0xd6
      	/tmp/scriggo_test/main.go:19 +0x13f

      I am building off of the tip of master (commit 8c493a4aa1f8014e3f10a9e447b3ab45ab71967f)

      It appears that the range iterator on a map hands back some sort of pointer when using complex map key types, but the delete function cannot handle that pointer. Using native types for the key this completes fine.

      Complete test program

      package main
      import (
      func main() {
              // Create a file system with the file of the program to run.
              fsys := scriggo.Files{"main.go": []byte(src)}
              // Build the program.
              program, err := scriggo.Build(fsys, nil)
              if err != nil {
              // Run the program.
              err = program.Run(nil)
              if err != nil {
                      fmt.Println("RUN ERROR", err)
      const src = `
              package main
              type key struct {
                      X int
                      Y int
              func main() {
                  println("starting population")
                  mpbasic := map[int]int{}
                  mpcomplex := map[key]int{}
                  for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
                      mpbasic[i] = i*2
                      mpcomplex[key{X: i, Y: i+1}] = i*2
                  println("starting delete simple")
                  for k := range mpbasic {
                      delete(mpbasic, k)
                  println("starting delete complex")
                  for k := range mpcomplex {
                      if mpcomplex[k] > 2 {
                              delete(mpcomplex, k)
    • compiler/checker: the compiler panics instead of returning a type-checking error with invalid default statement

      compiler/checker: the compiler panics instead of returning a type-checking error with invalid default statement

      Consider this test:

      "": {
      	sources: fstest.Files{
      		"index.html": `{% var filters = filters default nil %}`,
      	main: native.Package{
      		Name: "main",
      		Declarations: native.Declarations{
      			"filters": (*[]int)(nil),

      instead of returning an error relative to the use of the untyped nil, it panics the type checker.

      Note that this code:

      "": {
      	sources: fstest.Files{
      		"index.html": `{% var filters = filters default nil %}`,
      	expectedBuildErr: "use of untyped nil",

      works as expected. The problem seems to be related to this code:

    • Runtime panic in template related to defer (needs investigation)

      Runtime panic in template related to defer (needs investigation)

      How to reproduce

      Add this test to test/misc/templates_test.go:

      "": {
      	sources: fstest.Files{
      		"index.txt": `
      			{% var f = func() []int {
      				defer func() { }()
      				return []int{}
      			} %}
      			{% for v in f() %}
      			{% end for %}
      			Some text`,
    • Some variables are reported more than once by method 'Template.UsedVars'

      Some variables are reported more than once by method 'Template.UsedVars'

      Some variables are reported more than once by method 'Template.UsedVars'. For example, a call to such method returned this:


      Investigate about this.

    • compiler/parser: invalid behaviour with struct composite literals

      compiler/parser: invalid behaviour with struct composite literals

      Consider this code:

      package main
      type T struct { A, B int}
      func main() {
      	_ =  T{
      		A: 10,
      		B: 20

      The parser should return error:

      syntax error: unexpected newline, expecting comma or }

      but, instead, it accepts the code as it is correct.

      Note that the same problem also involves the templates (add this test to test/misc/templates_test.go):

      "BUG": {
      	sources: fstest.Files{
      		"index.html": `{%%
      			_ = struct{A, B int} {
      				A: 1,
      				B: 2
    • compiler/checker: invalid convertion from 'html' to 'string' in return statement

      compiler/checker: invalid convertion from 'html' to 'string' in return statement

      If an alias of the html type is used as global in templates:

      var globals = native.Declarations{
      	"HTML": reflect.TypeOf((*native.HTML)(nil)).Elem(),

      Scriggo does not check that a typed string value cannot be converted to that type, for example this code does not fail:

      {% var s = "a" %}
      {{ HTML(s) }}
    • "reflect.Value.Slice3: slice of unaddressable array" when slicing arrays when iterating over maps

      This code:

      package main
      func main() {
      	m := map[string][3]int{}
      	m["x"] = [3]int{10, 20, 30}
      	for _, v := range m {
      		s := v[:]
      		_ = s

      should be valid, but it panics the Scriggo runtime with this error:

      reflect.Value.Slice3: slice of unaddressable array

      Note that this issue may be partially related to #376.

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