gRPC Network Management Interface

gNMI - gRPC Network Management Interface

This repository contains reference Go implementations for gNMI.

Note: This is not an official Google product.

The implementations include:

  • client library implementation using gnmi.proto
  • CLI for interacting with a gNMI service
  • Caching collector that connects to multiple gNMI targets and makes the data available over a single gNMI Subscribe RPC to clients


To install the CLI, run

go get -u

Client libraries

The main entry point for using the client libraries is in

See godoc pages for documentation and usage examples.

  • How do I set the subscription mode to either

    How do I set the subscription mode to either "ON_CHANGE/STREAM" or "SAMPLE/POLL" with the "gnmi_client" command?

    I am unable to subscribe to and collect streaming telemetry data from my remote devices. Can someone help me construct the command. An example of a command that works for "ON_CHANGE" (default?) based subscription mode is below:

    -bash-4.2$ ./gnmi_cli -a -client_crt client_https_rsa40965.cert.pem -client_key client_https_rsa40965.key.pem -with_user_pass -dt s -client_types gnmi -insecure -updates_only -qt s -q /al:alarm-notification

    According to github documentation, on-line, the command takes the following form:

    gnmi_cli -address localhost:10161
    -proto "subscribe:<mode: 0, prefix:<>, subscription:<mode:0, path: <elem: <name: 'openconfig-system:system'> elem: <name: 'clock' > elem: <name: 'config'> elem: <name: 'timezone-name'>>>>"
    -timeout 5s -alsologtostderr
    -polling_interval 5s
    -client_crt certs/client1.crt -client_key certs/client1.key -ca_crt certs/onfca.crt

    So, it appears that I have to set the subscription mode (to "SAMPLE") via the -proto option. How would I do this? Every command I issued fails.

  • Need help with subscribe example: Error

    Need help with subscribe example: Error "received bogus greeting from client"


    I am having trouble running the GNMI client/sever example. I tried to trace the issue: The details are below. It seems I am missing something.

    I am looking for sample commands for client and server to go with the uploaded example-config.pb.txt

    Please see below what I have been trying, the issue I am seeing, and related debugging. Please help to share if you have any general suggestions in this regard.

    Many Thanks for your time and help! Best Regards, Nilesh

    Here are two versions of example-configs I have been trying to get working $ cat example-config.pb.txt target: "foo" client_type: GRPC_GNMI

    $ cat example-config-cred.pb.txt target: "foo" client_type: GRPC_GNMI credentials: {username: "grpc", password: "grpc"}

    I run server as follows: ./cmd --config=example-config.pb.txt --text --port=57400 ./cmd --config=example-config.pb.txt --text --port=57400 --server_key ~/z/keys/server.key --server_crt ~/z/keys/server.crt --ca_crt ~/z/keys/ca.crt [I am new to golang; I did 'go install' in directory server.go; the binary in the $GOPATH/bin is cmd.]

    I tried running client in several ways ./gnmi_cli --address localhost:57400 --query state/port[port-id=*]/statistics --with_user_pass -qt s -dt p -insecure ./gnmi_cli --address localhost:57400 --query state/port[port-id=*]/statistics --with_user_pass -qt s -dt p --ca_crt ~/z/keys/ca.crt --client_crt ~/z/keys/client.crt --client_key ~/z/keys/client.key

    For client, I tried changing query to everything: ./gnmi_cli --address localhost:57400 --query * --with_user_pass -qt s -dt p -insecure

    Here is what issue the code is running into with the above config-files, server commands, client commands: ./cmd --config=example-config.pb.txt --text --port=57400 ./gnmi_cli --address localhost:57400 --query state/port[port-id=*]/statistics --with_user_pass -qt s -dt p -insecure

    1. The client is able to connect to the server. Under wireshark I do see packets being exchanged between the client and server.

    2. I have not been able to get the verbose logs working. (a side question is how to enable verbose logs?) so I added several debug prints in the GNMI and underlying GRPC source code. I am attaching a file, if you would like to see the trace with my debug-prints. Summarizing, under GRPC, it goes inside serveHTTP2Transport() from grpc/server.go and then calls serveStreams(), and then HandleStreams() from http2_server.go In here, it closes the connection from the condition preface != clientPreface errorf("transport: http2Server.HandleStreams received bogus greeting from client: %q", preface)

    3. Under Wireshark, I see that the server is resetting the two (Guess, one connection is for GNMI based channel and other one is Openconfig based channel as mentioned in client documentation) connections.

    Next, I used the second config file with credentials as well, and there is no change in behavior.

    Next, I used certificates, the server is closing the connection ./cmd --config=example-config.pb.txt --text --port=57400 --server_key ~/z/keys/server.key --server_crt ~/z/keys/server.crt --ca_crt ~/z/keys/ca.crt ./gnmi_cli --address localhost:57400 --query state/port[port-id=*]/statistics --with_user_pass -qt s -dt p --ca_crt ~/z/keys/ca.crt --client_crt ~/z/keys/client.crt --client_key ~/z/keys/client.key

    In this case, the handleRawConn() returns with error (from the very first if condition which says Handshake failed) from grpc/server.go

    Again, I think, I may be missing something very basic and if I could get an example

    1. sample config file
    2. what parameters to pass to server
    3. what parameters to pass to client to get the GitHub code working on my local PC working, it would be great!! Really appreciate your help and time!

    Thanks, Best Regards, Nilesh


  • gnmi_cli is not framing path elem correctly for a given query in SetRequest

    gnmi_cli is not framing path elem correctly for a given query in SetRequest

    When the key is specified in an update/replace query for SetRequest, the key field is not populating the path elem of SetRequest. I am able to see key and value fields properly for the same query in case of SubscribeRequest.

    Can please point me how to get the key and value fields properly in case of SetRequest?

    Following is the SetRequest update/replace request that gnmi server received from the gnmi GO client.

    update SetRequest:

    gnmi_cli --address localhost:50051 --ca_crt=/home/ca-bundle.crt --client_crt=/home/client.crt --client_key= /home/client.key -set -update "/eqpt/shelf[shelfId='1']/type=up"

    Server Received: update { path { element: "eqpt" element: "shelfId" elem { name: "eqpt" } elem { name: "shelfId" } } value { value: ""'1']/type=up"" } val { json_val: ""'1']/type=up"" } }

    replace SetRequest:

    gnmi_cli --address localhost:50051 --ca_crt=/home/ca-bundle.crt --client_crt=/home/client.crt --client_key= /home/client.key -set -replace "/eqpt/shelf[shelfId='1']/type=up"

    Server Received: replace { path { element: "eqpt" element: "shelfId" elem { name: "eqpt" } elem { name: "shelfId" } } value { value: ""'1']/type=up"" } val { json_val: ""'1']/type=up"" } }


    gnmi_cli --address localhost:50051 --ca_crt=/home/ca-bundle.crt --client_crt=/home/client.crt --client_key= /home/client.key --q "/eqpt/shelf[shelfId='1']/type" --qt=p -pi=10s --c=1

    Server Received:

    subscribe { prefix { } subscription { path { element: "eqpt" element: "shelf[shelfId='1']" element: "type" elem { name: "eqpt" } elem { name: "shelf" key { key: "shelfId" value: "'1'" } } elem { name: "type" } } } mode: POLL }

  • Add gNMI History extension

    Add gNMI History extension

    This change adds the protobuf messages for the gNMI History extension. This extension lets clients request historical data. Note: I have not regenerated any code to incorporate these changes.

  • gnmi_cli is stripping double quotes in TypedValue

    gnmi_cli is stripping double quotes in TypedValue

    I am using the latest gnmi_cli in which Set & Get are taking proto directly. I am seeing a behavior with the json_val or json_ietf_val fields. The quotes(") are stripping by gnmi_cli and server is receiving the json values are as type str. Is there any way we can avoid removing the quotes(") specified in the gnmi_cli's SetRequest and can server receives the same with quotes? (if gnmi_cli is not sending the json val in json format instead sending as string).

    When single quote is used around the names in json_val or json_ietf_val, gnmi_cli is reporting a parsing error "unknown field name in gnmi.TypedValue"

    When the escape character is used before quotes("), gnmi_cli is sending the request as it is (")

    With Double quotes in json_val or json_ietf_val:

    For the below gnmi_cli SetRequest update,

    ./gnmi_cli --address rtxscplp124:20175 --ca_crt /home/kboyapa1/crt/ca-bundle.crt --client_crt /home/kboyapa1/crt/client.crt --client_key /home/kboyapa1/crt/client.key --d="#" --set --proto "update<path<elemname:'eqpt' elem<name:'shelf' key<key:'shelfId' value:'1'>>> val<json_ietf_val:'{"slot":[{"slotID":"FAN1","admin-status":"up"}]}'>>" --with_user_pass

    The server is receiving the SetRequest as Received SetRequest = update { path { elem { name: "eqpt" } elem { name: "shelf" key { key: "shelfId" value: "1" } } } val { json_ietf_val: "{slot:[{slotID:FAN1,admin-status:up}]}" } }

    I am expecting json_ietf_val: '{"slot":[{"slotID":"FAN1","admin-status":"up"}]}' as showed in gnmi specification.

    With Single quote in json_val or json_ietf_val:

    ./gnmi_cli --address rtxscplp124:20175 --ca_crt /home/kboyapa1/crt/ca-bundle.crt --client_crt /home/kboyapa1/crt/client.crt --client_key /home/kboyapa1/crt/client.key --d="#" --set --proto "update<path<elemname:'eqpt' elem<name:'shelf' key<key:'shelfId' value:'1'>>> val<json_ietf_val:'{'slot':[{'slotID':'FAN1','admin-status':'up'}]}'>>" --with_user_pass username: fujitsu password: E0704 01:34:14.738653 5057 gnmi_cli.go:180] unable to parse gnmi.SetRequest from "update<path<elemname:'eqpt' elem<name:'shelf' key<key:'shelfId' value:'1'>>> val<json_ietf_val:'{'slot':[{'slotID':'FAN1','admin-status':'up'}]}'>>" : line 1.100: unknown field name "slot" in gnmi.TypedValue

  • gnmi client does not build

    gnmi client does not build

    github/gnmi/cli $ go build
    go: downloading v0.0.0-20220608084003-fc78c767cd6a
    go: downloading v1.0.1
    ../../../../go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/parser/parser.go:1345:12: undefined: math.MaxInt
  • embed tunnel to gnmi collector, fake client and add a latency package

    embed tunnel to gnmi collector, fake client and add a latency package

    • Add a latency package to support latency stats for a given set of time windows. Allow to register IntValue (int64) type of metadata.
    • Add a tunnel package as a wrapper for grpc tunnel
    • embed the grpc tunnel to gnmi collector and fake client
  • TypedVal float_val only allows float32

    TypedVal float_val only allows float32

    TypedValue in gnmi.proto has a float_val member whose type is float. This translates to a 32-bit floating point in generated code, eg. a float32 in Go. The intention based on the gNMI Specification seems to have been for this to be a double which translates to a 64-bit floating point, eg. float64 in Go.

    From the gNMI Specification:

    float in the float_val field, used to store floating-point values (i.e., float32, float64).

    Unfortunately, this type can't be changed to double without breaking backwards compatibility. A new double field could be introduced in TypedValue, and possibly the float field could be deprecated. Or, it could be advised to encode float64 values as JSON.

  • gnmi_cli returns an error, when delimiter is contained in key value

    gnmi_cli returns an error, when delimiter is contained in key value


    # go run gnmi_cli.go -a pe1:57400 -with_user_pass -qt s -dt p -insecure -q state/port[port-id=1/1/1]/ethernet/statistics/out-utilization
    username: grpc
    password: ********
    E0913 20:32:05.785297   20625 gnmi_cli.go:180] cli.QueryDisplay:
            sendQueryAndDisplay(ctx, {Addrs:[pe1:57400] Target: Replica:0 Discard:false Queries:[[state port[port-id=1 1 1] ethernet statistics out-utilization]] Type:stream Timeout:30s NotificationHandler:<nil> ProtoHandler:<nil> Credentials:0xc420150440 TLS:0xb75d60 Extra:map[]}, &{PollingInterval:30s StreamingDuration:0s Count:0 countExhausted:false Delimiter:/ Display:0x7c56f0 DisplayPrefix: DisplayIndent:   DisplayType:p DisplayPeer:false Timestamp: DisplaySize:false Latency:false ClientTypes:[]}):
            client had error while displaying results:
            rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc =

    While this one is working nicely:

    # go run gnmi_cli.go -a pe1:57400 -with_user_pass -qt s -dt p -insecure -q state_port[port-id=1/1/1]_ethernet_statistics_out-utilization -d _
    username: grpc
    password: ********
    update: <
      timestamp: 1505327998773031795
      prefix: <
        element: "state"
        element: "port[port-id=1/1/1]"
        element: "ethernet"
        element: "statistics"
      update: <
        path: <
          element: "out-utilization"
        val: <
          json_val: "0"
    sync_response: true

    It would be desired, if the any slash characters "/" within square brackets "[...]" are not used as delimiter.

  • Add generated python gnmi file

    Add generated python gnmi file

    Would you mind including the file in this repo and keeping it updated with gnmi.proto changes? This would make it easier for Python projects using gnmi.

  • How to properely marshal a gNMI struct to string?

    How to properely marshal a gNMI struct to string?

    Hi, I am trying to log a gNMI proto message contents before sending it off to the target, I thought I could use the following:

    import (
    req := &gnmi.GetRequest{
    	UseModels: make([]*gnmi.ModelData, 0),
    	Path:      make([]*gnmi.Path, 0),
    	Encoding:  gnmi.Encoding(encodingVal),
    logger.Printf("sending gNMI GetRequest: '%s'", prototext.MarshalOptions{Multiline: false}.Format(req))

    but unfortunately prototext marshaller fails to recognize (?) all of the fields for this GetRequest, since the output contains only the path information:

    2020/06/11 09:08:14.938045 sending gNMI GetRequest: 'path:{elem:{name:"state"} elem:{name:"system"} elem:{name:"version"}}'
  • Publishing releases for the different gnmi versions

    Publishing releases for the different gnmi versions

    Hello there! I've recently started using gnmi protos with several vendor's routers in an ISP context. One thing that would agilize a lot my work would be to publish releases of the different proto versions, since that depending on the manufacturer, and the software version of the devices, they may support one or other.

    Currently I'm downgrading the master branch to specific commits, but for future sake I think it would benefit everyone having the gnmi releases published. Is there any reason for currently not doing this?

    PS: The same can be said about the reference repo. At the time of writing nokia and cisco support gnmi v0.7.0

    Thanks in advance 😄

  • gnmi_collector


    Hi gnmi_collector Dev and Support Team, ++ @jxx-gg @gcsl

    Query: Is gnmi_collector supports mTLS? If Yes then how to pass CA certs along with server cert and key. If No then is there any future plan to support mTLS

    Requesting to please share some references and details.

    Thanks Manish Khandelwal

  • Deprecation of alias support for gNMI 0.9.0

    Deprecation of alias support for gNMI 0.9.0

    • Deprecation of alias per
    • Regeneration of stubs

    Alias support in gNMI was removed from the specification however the .proto was never updated to reflect these changes. This PR addresses removal (deprecation) of alias support in the proto IDL for client/server implementations.


  • Add Go CI.

    Add Go CI.

    It looks like the go workflow was removed at some point, potentially due to an upstream sync issue.

    Currently, this CI fails because of a fix being required for #124 -- see upstream fixes.

  • import error of gnmi_collector.go

    import error of gnmi_collector.go

    There exist import errors for the below lines "" ""

    gnmi_collector.go:40:2: no required module provides package; to add it: go get gnmi_collector.go:43:2: no required module provides package; to add it: go get

    It should be "" ""

    There was similar fix previously, but these two offending lines were added after it.

  • Add timestamp field to Update message

    Add timestamp field to Update message

    Currently, the specification as defined attaches a timestamp field to the Notification message and a Notification message can contain one or more Update messages. The timestamp field is defined as the following:

    The time at which the data was collected by the device from the
    underlying source, or the time that the target generated the
    Notification message (in the case that the data does not reflect an
    underlying data source). This value is always represented according to
    the definition in 2.2.1.

    In various pipelines, many data sources can contribute to the data that is packed in a single Notification message however the timestamp can only represent the coalesced view. An example of this is data sources from a distributed system (e.g. linecards) where hardware timestamps can represent the true source prior to the aggregation and serialization towards the ultimate TCP/gRPC session. The true "underlying source" timestamp is then lost and/or only representative of the single packed Notification that aggretates these Update messages.

    This proposal is to add an optional timestamp field to the Update message in order to have the ability to represent the true data source timestamp. The timestamp field at the Notification message is retained for backwards compatibility, the ability for an implementation to choose to support 1 or both timestamps and in the event of supporting both, gives the ability to determine potential issues within the system pipeline by calculating deltas from the original data sources.

    If the proposal is accepted, relevant gNMI specification documents will be updated in a subsequent commit.

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