An XMPP server written in Go (Golang).


An XMPP server written in Go.

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jackal is a free, open-source, high performance XMPP server which aims to be known for its stability, simple configuration and low resource consumption.


jackal supports the following features:

  • Customizable
  • Enforced SSL/TLS
  • Stream compression (zlib)
  • Database connectivity for storing offline messages and user settings (BadgerDB, MySQL 5.7+, MariaDB 10.2+, PostgreSQL 9.5+)
  • Cross-platform (OS X, Linux)


Getting Started

To start using jackal, install Go 1.13+ and run the following commands:

$ go get -d
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make install

This will retrieve the code and install the jackal server application into your $GOPATH/bin path.

By default the application will try to read server configuration from /etc/jackal/jackal.yml file, but alternatively you can specify a custom configuration path from command line.

$ jackal --config=$GOPATH/src/

MySQL database creation

Grant right to a dedicated 'jackal' user (replace password with your desired password).

echo "CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'jackal'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';" | mysql -h localhost -u root -p
echo "GRANT ALL ON jackal.* TO 'jackal'@'localhost';" | mysql -h localhost -u root -p

Create 'jackal' database (using previously created password).

echo "CREATE DATABASE jackal;" | mysql -h localhost -u jackal -p

Download lastest version of the MySQL schema from jackal Github repository.


Load database schema into the database.

mysql -h localhost -D jackal -u jackal -p < mysql.up.sql

Your database is now ready to connect with jackal.

Using PostgreSQL

Create a user and a database for that user:


Run the postgres script file to create database schema. In jackal's root directory run:

psql --user jackal --password -f sql/postgres.up.psql

Configure jackal to use PostgreSQL by editing the configuration file:

  type: pgsql
    user: jackal
    password: password
    database: jackal

That's it!

Push notifications

Support for XEP-0357: Push Notifications is not yet available in jackal.

However there's a chance to forward offline messages to some external service by configuring offline module as follows:

    queue_size: 2500
      type: http
      auth: a-secret-token-here

Each time a message is sent to an offline user a POST http request to the pass URL is made, using the specified Authorization header and including the message stanza into the request body.

Run jackal in Docker

Set up jackal in the cloud in under 5 minutes with zero knowledge of Golang or Linux shell using our jackal Docker image.

$ docker pull ortuman/jackal
$ docker run --name jackal -p 5222:5222 ortuman/jackal

Supported Specifications

Join and Contribute

The jackal developer community is vital to improving jackal future releases.

Contributions of all kinds are welcome: reporting issues, updating documentation, fixing bugs, improving unit tests, sharing ideas, and any other tips that may help the jackal community.

Code of Conduct

Help us keep jackal open and inclusive. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct.


jackal is licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.


If you have any suggestion or question:

Miguel Ángel Ortuño, JID: [email protected], email: [email protected]

Miguel Ángel Ortuño
Miguel Ángel Ortuño
  • Server does not send enough data per packet

    Server does not send enough data per packet

    testable on

    There seems to be a bug in the way the server sends stanzas, often it sends only small parts of a stanza

    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    [email protected]
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
    [email protected]/gajim.4JHK9BLI
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.transports        | pollin called, state == CONNECTED
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout removed for fd 700
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 55 seconds
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.idlequeue         | read timeout set for fd 700 on 120 seconds with function <bound method NonBlockingTransport.read_timeout2 of <nbxmpp.transports.NonBlockingTCP object at 0x0000000009569390>>
    16.03.2019 15:01:44 (I) nbxmpp.client            | raising event from transport: :::::DATA RECEIVED::::
  • error code 503 on sending the message

    error code 503 on sending the message

    This was spotted on Xabber client, when two buddies communicate. From certain point only one of them is able to send the messages , the other one is getting error and cannot send any more message. Subscription is both,both in the DB.


    Still cannot reproduce what possibly could cause this issue.

  • XEP-0045 - Multi-User Chat support (#58)

    XEP-0045 - Multi-User Chat support (#58)

    Specification described in XEP-0045 Implementation notes:

    • no support for the legacy groupchat 1.0 protocol
    • no chat logging or chat history available on the server side
    • no explicit room nickname reservation or registering with a room (any occupant with affiliation is automatically registered and the nickname is reserved)
    • no timer for the instant room creation (client has to either explicitly create an instant room or create a reserved room)
    • no support for adding admins and owners through the room configuration form (it is messy and error prone)
  • Why Jackal? Why a new XMPP Server

    Why Jackal? Why a new XMPP Server

    Hello everyone, I am searching for a xmpp server for my new project. And I just want to know the reason why you decide to create a new XMPP server even if there are already good existing one. I am just starting with xmpp so I am not an expert.

    What is the advantage of Jackal in comparison to the others like ejabberd or openfire?

    Thanks in advance.

  • s2s lookup error

    s2s lookup error

    jackal can't find a server, even though dig shows it resolves correctly.

    2019-03-11 23:51:42 💥 [ERR] s2s/server:94 - lookup on no such host
    # dig
    ; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4-Debian <<>>
    ;; global options: +cmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 59702
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
    ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
    ;			IN	A
    ;; ANSWER SECTION:		3586	IN	A
    ;; Query time: 0 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Mon Mar 11 23:52:57 UTC 2019
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 56

    The error is consistent, I can't get any kind of connection to that server at all.

    This isn't a global issue, I can successfully connect to other servers and send messages to users on them. According to, the remote server is running Prosody 0.11.

    Then when I was checking logs for more errors, I found that a server I can successfully communicate on is also returning the same error occasionally (2019-03-12 01:54:52 💥 [ERR] s2s/server:94 - lookup on no such host). The remote server with the intermittent error is running ejabberd 18.12.1-2~bpo9+1.

    Maybe it's something I can tweak in the config? s2s section of jackal.yml is the same as in the example:

        dial_timeout: 15
        dialback_secret: s3cr3tf0rd14lb4ck
        max_stanza_size: 131072
          port: 5269
          keep_alive: 600
  • Failing build due to changed dependency

    Failing build due to changed dependency

    The build is currently failing due to a checksum mismatch:

    verifying[email protected]: checksum mismatch
            downloaded: h1:xhx6XS5VLqgMQec0qp0yQE53+9dttsL7SjQKBXnJmcQ=
            go.sum:     h1:zwcW3PwR6uF9h52myAPNQt5YmbyuIpDvyDStUobclOc=
  • Please add SCRAM-SHA-512(-PLUS) again and there is the SCRAM-SHA3-512(-PLUS)

    Please add SCRAM-SHA-512(-PLUS) again and there is the SCRAM-SHA3-512(-PLUS)

    Following the removal of SCRAM-SHA-512(-PLUS), I request you the addition and there is SCRAM-SHA3-512(-PLUS) in the same time.




  • Support for PostgreSQL

    Support for PostgreSQL

    This makes jackal work with PostgreSQL, but it's far from perfect. It's a bunch of switch statements in places where database-specific queries are needed. While this should be ok-ish for now, I see a need for a bigger overhaul of the storage code to better support multiple database engines. I'd be happy to discuss and work on this some more.

  • Update the logo

    Update the logo

    I have seen a beautiful logo but the XMPP logo has been updated last year, can you update it too?


  • how to manage users from an external script ?

    how to manage users from an external script ?

    I would like to use an external server to provide authentication. Is there builtin support in jackal for any of these protocols? If not, has this been attempted before?

    If managing authentication externally is not feasible I was thinking of creating a php script exposing an HTTP API on the jackal server for the other server to manage users (create/disable/enable/set password).

    What is the best way to tackle this without heavy modifications to both systems?


  • Track dependencies with dep

    Track dependencies with dep

    Makes it easier for developers to get started, plus makes sure we're all working with the same version of every dependency.

    Simply use dep ensure when you pull in a change of Gopkg.lock.

  • Add development section to README

    Add development section to README

    • [x] documentation is changed or added

    Description of change

    Improved README adding a development section.

    The idea is to use this section to present knowledge helping user to contribute to the codebase.

  • Docker-compose doesn't work

    Docker-compose doesn't work

    • Version: 0.62.3
    • Platform: Ubuntu 20.04
    • Docker Version: 20.10.19
    • Docker-compose Version: 1.29.1

    docker-compose doesn't work out of the box.

    Running the command sudo docker-compose -f dockerfiles/docker-compose.yml up the jackal service fails to start with this log message

    jackal_1  | exec ./ exec format error
  • Digging into logger configuration

    Digging into logger configuration

    • Version: 0.63.2

    The file config/example.config.yaml presents a section about logger

    #  level: "debug"
    #  output_path: "jackal.log"

    Looking the source code output_path configuration is not present.

    In the code the part about logger configuration is here

    In detail this struct

    type LoggerConfig struct {
    	Level  string `fig:"level" default:"debug"`
    	Format string `fig:"format"`

    and it defines a format field never used.

    Is this situation a typo? What the code should do ?

  • VoIP


    A VoIP feature would be very useful.

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I am looking for a XMPP server in Go which has both instant messaging and VoIP feature to create a full scale communication app.

    Describe the solution you'd like A VoIP feature would be great. This would enable voice chatting on Jackal as well.

    Describe alternatives you've considered We could potentially try using SIP to handle all data transfer. And also add voice/video chat as well.

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Nov 9, 2022
Simple Golang Product API Server

Simple Golang Product API Server Layanan API untuk menambah, merubah informasi, mengambil data dan menghapus produk. Implementasi kode terinspirasi ol

Nov 20, 2022
RBTI Golang Server uses PostgreSQL and for its main database and uses Elasticsearch

RBTI Golang Server This server is used for my thesis project, it uses PostgreSQL and for its main database and uses Elasticsearch for faster query spe

Jan 17, 2022
A very simple Golang server handling basic GET and POST requests

GOLANG SERVER INTRO As a true Blockchain enthusiast, I had to learn Solidity and Golang to participate to several projects. This repository consists o

Nov 17, 2021
Backend for Workery application server implemented in Golang

workery-server Backend for Workery application server implemented in Golang. This is a rewrite of the workery-django project. Development Goals: Rewri

Dec 14, 2022
A basic server built using golang.
A basic server built using golang.

Go Server A genral purpose server built using golang Go Server is a genral purpose server meant to be simple to use and begginner friendly. Currently

Dec 19, 2021