cassandra web ui





  • Theme Dark
  • Table Row Prev Next Page
  • Table Row Edit
  • Table Row filter
  • Table Row Delete
  • Table Rown Find
  • Table Definition
  • Table Export
  • Table Import
  • CQL Query

Supported Cassandra Versions

2.1.x 2.2.x 3.x.x
yes yes yes



$ wget


$ tar zxvf linux.tar.gz

npm install

$ cd client && npm i && npm run build

run service

$ ./service -c config.yaml




docker pull ipushc/cassandra-web
  • HOST_PORT: ":80"
  • CASSANDRA_HOST: cassandra host



  • Unable to connect to cassandra: unable to create session: unable to discover protocol version: authentication required

    Unable to connect to cassandra: unable to create session: unable to discover protocol version: authentication required


    I have tried deploying cassandra-web to kubernetes and hook it up with bitnami-cassandra, but the app fails with the following error:

    {"time":"2020-08-20T09:08:51.771615881Z","level":"INFO","prefix":"-","file":"main.go","line":"131","message":"Cofing 設定成功"}
    {"time":"2020-08-20T09:08:51.819951735Z","level":"FATAL","prefix":"-","file":"main.go","line":"154","message":"gocql: unable to create session: unable to discover protocol version: authentication required (using \"org.apache.cassandra.auth.PasswordAuthenticator\")"}

    My deployment manifest looks like:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        app: cassandra-web
      name: cassandra-web
      namespace: pipeline
      replicas: 1
          app: cassandra-web
          maxSurge: 25%
          maxUnavailable: 25%
        type: RollingUpdate
            app: cassandra-web
          - name: cassandra-web
            image: ipushc/cassandra-web:latest
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - name: HOST_PORT
              value: ":80"
            - name: CASSANDRA_HOST
              value: cassandra.pipeline.svc.cluster.local # <- tried with cassandra-headless too
            - name: CASSANDRA_PORT
              value: "9042"
            - name: CASSANDRA_USERNAME
              value: cassandra
            - name: CASSANDRA_PASSWORD
                  key: cassandra-password
                  name: cassandra
            - containerPort: 80
              name: http
              protocol: TCP
            resources: {}
  • Can't get data

    Can't get data

    Cannot get data from a table. Constantly get a "No data" error msg.

    Cassandra version: v3.11.9 Running cassandra-web docker image: ipushc/cassandra-web:v1.0.14

    • I can see the cables
    • The table contains data but no data is returned to the UI.

    If you need any other data just let me know.

  • Support Cassandra 4.0

    Support Cassandra 4.0

    Got this on scylladb 5.0

    docker run -p 8080:9090  -e CASSANDRA_HOST= -e CASSANDRA_PORT=9042 -e CASSANDRA_USERNAME=cassandra -e CASSANDRA_PASSWORD=cassandra -e HOST_PORT=":9090" ipushc/cassandra-web
    {"time":"2022-07-13T05:07:52.167592392Z","level":"INFO","prefix":"-","file":"main.go","line":"131","message":"Cofing 設定成功"}
    {"time":"2022-07-13T05:07:52.731531951Z","level":"FATAL","prefix":"-","file":"main.go","line":"154","message":"gocql: unable to create session: unable to discover protocol version: Username and/or password are incorrect"}
  • Need to be able to configure service port and targetPort separately in helm chart.

    Need to be able to configure service port and targetPort separately in helm chart.

    Running as non-root can cause problems if you're using port 80 as the default container target port, resulting in sporadic downtime for the UI deployment. Target port should be configured through its own value, distinct from service port.

  • The describe function not work in provided helm app

    The describe function not work in provided helm app

    The /describe

    function always get 500.

    { "body": { "message": "exit status 1" }, "debug": { "original": null, "response": { "req": { "method": "GET", "url": "http:///describe?table=system.built_views", "headers": {} }, "xhr": {}, "text": "{"message":"exit status 1"}", "statusText": "Internal Server Error", "statusCode": 500, "status": 500, "statusType": 5, "info": false, "ok": false, "redirect": false, "clientError": false, "serverError": true, "error": { "status": 500, "method": "GET", "url": "http:///describe?table=system.built_views" }, "accepted": false, "noContent": false, "badRequest": false, "unauthorized": false, "notAcceptable": false, "forbidden": false, "notFound": false, "headers": { "connection": "keep-alive", "content-length": "27", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "date": "Fri, 20 Aug 2021 02:32:03 GMT" }, "header": { "connection": "keep-alive", "content-length": "27", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "date": "Fri, 20 Aug 2021 02:32:03 GMT" }, "type": "application/json", "charset": "UTF-8", "links": {}, "body": { "message": "exit status 1" } }, "status": 500 }, "status": 500, "statusText": "Internal Server Error", "text": "{"message":"exit status 1"}", "error": {} }

    I also tried tried to use curl it, but it still 500 and without error message in k8s pods log.

    my cassandra version is 3.11.11

  • Feature request: Support multiple Cassandra nodes

    Feature request: Support multiple Cassandra nodes

    In order to support the non-single point of failure feature of Cassandra, it would be great if we could pass a list of host (perhaps a string comma-separated?). I can see that NewCluster is a variadic function so I believe this shouldn't be too complicated. If you wish, I'm happy to submit a PR although my experience with Golang is close to null ;)

  • Helm 3 chart usage

    Helm 3 chart usage

    is helm chart still supported? any special repo i should add to make it work? when trying to deploy the chart as described

    helm install cassandra-web cassandra-web --namespace default -f cass-web.yml 

    i am getting

    Error: failed to download "cassandra-web" 

    Helm version

    version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.3.2", GitCommit:"e5077257b6ca106d1f65652b4ca994736d221ab1", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.14.9"}
  • Set build-server base image to golang 1.17.8 to avoid crash-loops

    Set build-server base image to golang 1.17.8 to avoid crash-loops

    Will probably want to bump this back up to 1.17.9 when it comes out later this week, but the app won't serve users using 1.18 as a base image. 1.18-alpine will run the app, but the app can't serve users with it, as it returns 500 errors trying to load /readonly, before settling into a crashloop pattern.

  • missing ingress.yaml in helm chart

    missing ingress.yaml in helm chart


    first, thank you for your work, really cool project. I think, the ingress.yaml is missing under "kubernetes/helm/cassandra-web/templates", since there is a configuration for this in values.yaml

  • Fail to build on v1.0.4 because of filure to make client.go

    Fail to build on v1.0.4 because of filure to make client.go

    as title.

    I can build it on v1.0.3 but not v1.0.4 as client.go cannot be built.

    ~/go/bin/go-bindata -o=client/client.go -pkg=client client/dist/... bindata: Failed to stat input path 'client/dist': lstat client/dist: no such file or directory

  • Questions about enable_materialized_views and enable_transient_replication

    Questions about enable_materialized_views and enable_transient_replication

    Thanks for providing this useful container.

    I have a question about two cassandra configs: enable_materialized_views and enable_transient_replication. It seems the official document says "Materialized views are considered experimental and are not recommended for production use." And the default value for these two parameters are False in the document. They say they will disable them in Cassandra 4.

    However, in the latest version of Cassandra (3.11.4), the default value for them are still True, as is the setting in your container's cassandra.yaml.

    Shall we disable them manually for now? Thanks!

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