Identity - An OAuth2 identity provider that operates over gRPC

Otter Social > Identity Provider

An OAuth2 identity provider that operates over gRPC.


  • Redis instance, or cluster
  • PostgreSQL instance, or cluster

Development Setup

go generate
go run cmd/migrate_db/migrate.go init
go run cmd/service.go

Runtime Envars

  • SERVICE_ENV (Default: dev) - Environment dev or prod
  • SERVICE_HOST (Default: - Listening address
  • SERVICE_PORT (Default: 50050) - Listening port


  • POSTGRES_ADDRESS (Default: localhost:5432) - database address, or pgbouncer address
  • POSTGRES_USER - (Default: none) User to connect to the database
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD - (Default: none) Password for the database user
  • POSTGRES_DATABASE (Default: otter_identity) - Database name


  • REDIS_NODES (Default localhost:6379) - Comma delimited list of Redis nodes
  • REDIS_PASSWORD (Default: none) - Connection password
  • REDIS_DATABASE (Default: 0) - Redis DB number


Using Docker

Docker BuildKit is preferred where available.

docker build -t otter-im/identity:latest -f build/package/Dockerfile .

Using systemd

Make sure to update otter-identity.service with the environment for your Postgres and Redis configuration

sudo cp ./dist/otter-identity /usr/bin/otter-identity
sudo cp ./init/otter-identity.service /etc/systemd/system/otter-identity.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now otter-identity.service

Using Kubernetes

Coming soon.


MIT License. Copyright (c) 2022 Otter Social.

See the LICENCE file for the full terms.

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