A library for reading and writing parquet files.


Parquet generates a parquet reader and writer based on a struct. The struct can be defined by you or it can be generated by reading an existing parquet file.

We (Parsyl) will respond to pull requests and issues to the best of our abilities. However, sometimes we will have higher priorities and the response might not be immediate.

NOTE: If you generate the code based on a parquet file there are quite a few limitations. The PageType of each PageHeader must be DATA_PAGE and the Codec (defined in ColumnMetaData) must be PLAIN or SNAPPY. Also, the parquet file's schema must consist of the currently supported types. But wait, there's more! Some of the encodings, like DELTA_BINARY_PACKED, BIT_PACKED, PLAIN_DICTIONARY, and DELTA_BYTE_ARRAY are also not supported. I would guess there are other parquet options that will cause problems since there are so many possibilities.


go get -u github.com/parsyl/parquet/...

This will also install parquet's only two dependencies: thift and snappy


First define a struct for the data to be written to parquet:

type Person struct {
  	ID  int32  `parquet:"id"`
	Age *int32 `parquet:"age"`

Next, add a go:generate comment somewhere (in this example all code lives in main.go):

// go:generate parquetgen -input main.go -type Person -package main

Generate the code for the reader and writer:

$ go generate

A new file (parquet.go) has now been written that defines ParquetWriter and ParquetReader. Next, make use of the writer and reader:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var buf bytes.Buffer
    w, err := NewParquetWriter(&buf)
    if err != nil {

    w.Add(Person{ID: 1, Age: getAge(30)})
    w.Add(Person{ID: 2})

    // Each call to write creates a new parquet row group.
    if err := w.Write(); err != nil {

    // Close must be called when you are done.  It writes
    // the parquet metadata at the end of the file.
    if err := w.Close(); err != nil {

    r, err := NewParquetReader(bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes()))
    if err != nil {

    enc := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
    for r.Next() {
        var p Person

    if err := r.Error(); err != nil {

func getAge(a int32) *int32 { return &a }

NewParquetWriter has a couple of optional arguments available: MaxPageSize, Uncompressed, and Snappy. For example, the following sets the page size (number of rows in a page before a new one is created) and sets the page data compression to snappy:

w, err := NewParquetWriter(&buf, MaxPageSize(10000), Snappy)

See this for a complete example of how to generate the code based on an existing struct.

See this for a complete example of how to generate the code based on an existing parquet file.

Supported Types

The struct used to define the parquet data can have the following types:


Each of these types may be a pointer to indicate that the data is optional. The struct can also embed another struct:

type Being struct {
	ID  int32  `parquet:"id"`
	Age *int32 `parquet:"age"`

type Person struct {
	Username string `parquet:"username"`

Nested and repeated structs are supported too:

type Being struct {
	ID  int32  `parquet:"id"`
	Age *int32 `parquet:"age"`

type Person struct {
	Being    Being
	Username string `parquet:"username"`
	Friends  []Being

If you want a field to be excluded from parquet you can tag it with a dash or make it unexported like so:

type Being struct {
  	ID  int32  `parquet:"id"`
	Password string`parquet:"-"` //will not be written to parquet
	age int32                    //will not be written to parquet


Parquetgen is the command that go generate should call in order to generate the code for your custom type. It also can print the page headers and file metadata from a parquet file:

$ parquetgen --help
Usage of parquetgen:
        ignore unsupported fields in -type, otherwise log.Fatal is called when an unsupported type is encountered (default true)
  -import string
        import statement of -type if it doesn't live in -package
  -input string
        path to the go file that defines -type
        print the metadata of a parquet file (-parquet) and exit
  -output string
        name of the file that is produced, defaults to parquet.go (default "parquet.go")
  -package string
        package of the generated code
        print the page headers of a parquet file (-parquet) and exit (also prints the metadata)
  -parquet string
        path to a parquet file (if you are generating code based on an existing parquet file or printing the file metadata or page headers)
  -struct-output string
        name of the file that is produced, defaults to parquet.go (default "generated_struct.go")
  -type string
        name of the struct that will used for writing and reading
  • Reduce allocations and the footprint

    Reduce allocations and the footprint

    Hello there, here is an additional PR with memory optimisations to reduce the footprint on write.

    Both optimisations use a slice trick from standard library strconv.Append...

    • Reduce allocations in optional fields, changing the signature of the functions.
    • Fixing bitpack and it's gen, so now it has an allocation-free interface like strconv.AppendInt. RLE is also can reuse a buffer and allocate it on the stack.

    @cswank What do you think?

    benchmark               iter      time/iter      bytes alloc              allocs
    ---------               ----      ---------      -----------              ------
    // master
    BenchmarkWrite/opt-8      22   486.70 ms/op    89216541 B/op   4308470 allocs/op
    // PR
    BenchmarkWrite/opt-8      28   440.07 ms/op    69019114 B/op    133440 allocs/op
  • Performance optimizations

    Performance optimizations

    This PR contains a few self contained improvements, focused on reducing the memory usage of the parquet encoding. each single optimization is done in a dedicated commit, with a commit message that starts with OPT:, so it might make more sense to review those commit individually

    to be able to compare with the baseline performance, a parquet.go file was generated in performance/base/, before applying any optimizations. the optimized code was generated in performance/parquet.go, and during the benchmarks, both were used to compare the performance, and to make sure that the binary representation of the data wasn't changed by mistake.

    all of the optimizations (except the last one), were done in the generated code, so it didn't effect the base version. here is the comparison (without the last commit):

    benchmark               iter      time/iter      bytes alloc              allocs
    ---------               ----      ---------      -----------              ------
    BenchmarkWrite/base-8     13   865.17 ms/op   672684318 B/op   8938970 allocs/op
    BenchmarkWrite/opt-8      22   518.54 ms/op   256610628 B/op   4318254 allocs/op

    here are the results after applying the final commit as well (so there is some improvement for the base version as well):

    benchmark               iter      time/iter      bytes alloc              allocs
    ---------               ----      ---------      -----------              ------
    BenchmarkWrite/base-8     13   845.20 ms/op   619640619 B/op   8929125 allocs/op
    BenchmarkWrite/opt-8      22   505.66 ms/op   202235762 B/op   4310258 allocs/op
  • Concurrent usage

    Concurrent usage

    Hi, I have a use-case where I'm writing billions of data entries into a file. I couldn't find any information regarding this in the README, so I wanted to ask whether it's safe to use *ParquetWriter across multiple goroutines to speed up the whole process and if you have any recommendations for doing that. I'm not quite sure but maybe Add could be called concurrently and every once in a while Write should be called depending on the size of RowGroup.

  • Update go.mod to include dependency versions

    Update go.mod to include dependency versions

    This library does not support the use of the latest apache thrift library as they have broken their API by introducing new arguments into their exported functions. That event makes it impossible to install this library with go get because the older version is not defaulted to. By adding the specific required version (or by updating this library to be compatible while also still adding these versions to the go.mod) this library will become immediately usable again.

  • Nested (not repeated) generated code is invalid

    Nested (not repeated) generated code is invalid

    For now only flat parquet schemas are working correctly.

    The code that was used to generate the code for writing values to the input struct needs to be brought back for cases when a field is not repeated.

  • Import bug

    Import bug

    PR #14 has introduced a bug. after that PR, both int and float types are using the package math, but the condition to import math was that int is present in the types

    in case of a struct that contains a float but not an int, the generated file wont import math and the file wont compile

    to simplify things, I just always import math, and make sure that it is used to avoid an unused import error

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